Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1946, p. 5

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7 w -< \ '^rnum THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. April 3, 1946 •» i A. >• BUCKINGHAM Pte. Huffhie Adair of London kpent the week end with friends in this community- Mr. and Mi^. Evan Holmes of Newton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs- Bruce MuUin, Collingrwood, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. MuUin. Mrs. Lome Tupling received word on Saturday of the death of her uncle, Mr. George Cooper, the fun- eral being held Monday, with inter- ment in Bethel Cemetery. Mr- Cooper wa's in his 87th year and. with the excejiition of a few years spent in Feversham, was a resident of the 12th Line, Osprey, all hils life- Mr. Cooper was of a cheerfu. kindly dispos-ition and sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Tupling and other relatives in his passing. Mr. Walliace Bewell visited last week with his moither and brothers here and friends in the community, who took the opportunity of pre- senting him with a purse of money in Robinson's hall on Friday even- ing' and with a wrist watch on be- half of Osprey Township by mem'- bers of the Council in recognition of his services overseas. Mr- and Mi^. Alf Hawton attend- ed the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, Mr. Walter Bristow, at Nottawa on Monday. Mr- Bris- tow was a former resident of the Rob Roy community. Mrs- Herb Blakey spent lafet week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, at Wareham. STEPHENS CORNERS Congratulations and befet wishes to Mr. Johnie Blakey and Miss Ann-a Lougheed, who were married on Saturday- Mr- John Lougheed of Brownie*, Sask., visited recently with Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Winter^'- Mr. and Mrs- Herb Blakey of Fev- ersham attended the wedding recep- tion on Saturday for Mr- and Mrs â- Johnie Blakey and visited friends. Mr- and Mrfe. Lloyd Stephens and Mary of Feversham visited recently with Mr- and Mrs- Joe Porteous. Miss Mable Fenwick, Reg.N-, of Markdale Spent the week end at her home here. Mr- and Mrs. Jas- Stewart and family of Flesherton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Tels- Alli'son and family- A large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Chris Lough- eed Saturday night and held a chari- vari for the newly-weds. Mr- and Mrs. Johnie Blakey. The bride and groom Served wedding cake to the srathering- A shower is being held in Portlaw school this Tuesday eivening. EUGENIA Sntall Advertisements bring quick results. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins Dis- trict available. If you are aiggres- •ive, and between the ages of 26 and 56, have or can secure travelling out- fit, this is your opportunity to get establiahed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R- Watkins Coniipany, Dept. 0-F-l. 2177 Ma^son St,. Montreal, Que. HAPPY RESULTS ImpoGbible accomplished On March 3rd, 1946, a client wrote us â€" "Cheque received- You are wonders. I mad-e every effort to collect this but failed. and concluded it was impossible. Thanks." This Same effective service is availabe to you. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, Ont. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs- Wilbert Poole of Colling\\'ood and James Ketton of Falconbridge spent a day the patet week with Mr- and Mrs-i Harold Fenwick- Mr. and Mrs. James J- Ottewell and Mr- and Mrs- Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barker, New Lowell. Mrs- P- J. Somers of Mildmay spent the week end at her home. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Littlejohns and daughter of Orange Valley tepent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs- Wm- Stephens and Helen- Sincere sympathy fe extended to the bereaved families of the late Mrs. J- J. Thompson of Flesherton and the late Geo. Cooper- Mr- D. Stephens and son. John, visited on Sunday with Mr. Malcolm and Mi^ Marc«ret Gillies of Pretty River Valley- Messrs- Kendal Hawkins. Bryce Hanley and Tom Stephens are at- tending a farm convention in To- ronto thfe Monday- TENDERS WANTEn TendeA will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon. April 11th, for naintinsr the outside and new ceilings in class rooms of the Flesherton H'^h School, two coats; Board to 'supply painting ma- terials. Contact Mr. Goheen. Prin- cipal, during school hours. Low -t or any tender not necessarilv accepted. â€"ROY W. PIPER- Secretarv- Ceylon. Ont. PRODUCE More Cream IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE A GREATER PRODUCTION OF CREAM, THE GOVERN- MENT HAS ALLOWED A 4c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTER, WHICH RESULTS IN A 5c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUiTTERFAT TO THE PRODUCER. THIS WE ARE NOW PAYING. No doubt many produces will further increase their herd, or through extra feeding benefit Considerably by this boost in price OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For your convenience the Creamery will be open Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creamery Mr- Jake Williams has returned home from 'Toronto, after a couple I weeks with his daughter there. Mr- and Mr^. Ross Lehman and son, Hedley, accompanied him home and spent the week end here. 'Mr. and Mrs- Glen Pedlar of Niagara Falls sipent the week end at their parental homes here. Mrs. Allan MacGregor has re- turned home from Gait, after visit- ? friends there for the past month- Her husiband. who has been on active service in Jamaica, is expect- ed home on Saturday- Mr- and Mr%. Reginald Fawcett of Kimberley were visitors at the Fawcett home on Sunday. Mir. T*. Stewart and 'son-in-law, 'tr- Russell Johnson of Sarnia, and Mr. Gordon Stewart of Wingham ere home over the week end- Mr- Ted Campbell and Mr- C "•ocock are working at Homings 'illfe for a couple of weeks- Mrs- Chalmers Weatherall spent a week with friendte at Dunedin. Her daughter, who has been there for some time, returned home with her. Mrs. Hass and daughter, Janette, of Flesherton Spent the week end at the Pinkerton home- Mr- Cecil Graham has been busy cutting logs at his mill the past week- Mr- Eldridge Boyce bafe purchased a truck and is being kept busy- Mr. Jim Ross of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr- Fred Duckett. iWe are pleased to report that Mi's- Fred Duckett is horme from the Markdale hospital, where she spent the past three months. Two weeks ago 'she underwent an operation and is progressing favonably- progresisng favorably. Misfe Dorothy Genoe of Toronto visited her father, Mr- Dave Genoe, over the week end- A number from here attended a dance in Ravenna hall Friday even- ing in honor of Mr- and Mrs- Bemell Hutchison, newly married. They hired the Flesherton high school buls, under the capable management of its owner. Mr- Frank Taylor, to take them to and from Ravenna- Among the gifts presented to the bride and groom was a beautiful cabinet of Silverware, and a silver tea service- The Eugenia Red Cross will hold a business meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Cairris on the evening of Wed-, April 10th- Matters of intei- est to all members will be discussed, as the unit is being disbanded- A full attendance is dequested- Me?srs- Mcrvin and Ellwood Genoe and Mr- .Almond of Meaford, Mr- and Mi'^. Ken Teeter of the Meaford Road and Mr. Jim Russell and son, Earl, of Rock Mills visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-' Francife Genoe- VICTORIA CORNERS Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario A number from here attended the funeral Service for the late Mr- John McMillan last Tuesday afternoon in Dundalk United Church- Recent week end guests of Mr- and Mrs. Rusfeell Linton and family were: Mr. Archie McMillan, Miss Elnora Fenwick, Mrs- Edith Hell and Don- na of Owen Sounds Mrs. Wm- Ludlow vifeited a few days the latter part of the week with her granddaughter and family, Mr- and Mrs. Fred Linton, Maple Grove- Mr- Ward Harrison, who purchas- ed the barn ..-ind land from Mr. Chas- Belst. ha.s been busy the past week re-roofing the barn. Another land sale this spring was that of Elwin Moore selling his farm on the "Side- road'' to Mr. Elwood Stevens of Flesherton- During the past week Mr- Stevens ha's moved some of his effects to the farmi, but he and' his family do not plan to take immediate possession- Mr. and Mrs- Wes Dever have purchased a 7-room brick dwell- ing at 1068. 4th .\venue West in Owen Sound- Mrs. Wefe Dever entertained a few of the neighbor ladies at a quilting on Friday afternoon- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Oldfleld. Cm- betton- were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- E- .-V. Stin'son and family. Mr- Jack Bannon and friend. Mr. Les- Cation, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Milton Bannon md Fre<l. Mr. and Mrs. We^ Dever were week end sruests of Mr. and Mi-s. Lome Hod..E:in.«, Owen Sound- Mr Wni. Talbot and L'^urene vis- ited on Sunday with Mr- Sam Talbot' md George. VANDELEUR The final meeting of the Farm Forum winter Series was held Mon- day evening. March 25th, and was fittingly observed when Vandeleur, Orange Valley and Riverdale Forums met in ioint meeting in Vandeleur Community Hall, with about 150 in attendanoe. Following the broad- cast the Forums filled in the ques- tionnaire and expressed their opin- ions with regard to the series and made suggestions for next year- Tin's was followed by a good pro- gram, consisting of community sing- ing led by Eoward McGee, who also gave a recitation- Readings were given by Misis Maxine Connell and Miss Harvey, music by the Ormsby and Hill orchestrals; solo by Stanley Wethenall, music by Morris Lepani and Fred Cooper- and an address by Mr. .Ashton, a'ssistant agricultural representative- Howard Graham, secretary of Vandeleur Forum, pre- sided, and Geo- Littejohns. secretary of Orange Valley Forum, and Mr. Garvie, secretary of Riverdale, as- sisted as discussion leaders- Lunch wa's served, after which the young people enjoyed a short period of daneing- The series just completed was the fifth in the history of the Vandeleur Forum and the secretary reports that he has not missed a meeting in five years, and there were only three occasion^ when a meeting was not held, due to lack of attendance from bad weather- The Fonim leaders would like to thank all those who loyally supported the Forum during the five years- The Forum hafe spon- sored such projects as Dental School Clinics. Prevention by Goitre Treat- ment for School Children, Warble Fly Treatment, Planting of Treeb, and educational films. A moving picture program will be held in the Community Hall Friday evening. April 5th. under the aus- pices of the Farm Forum. Mr- and Mrs- Barney Fields of Flesherton were week end vfeitors with Mr. and Mrs- F. R- Boland. Mr- Chas- Boland of Walkerton spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs. Earl Morrison. Mr- Dane McGee of this commun- ity know's how to produce A-grade hogs, according to First Co-operative Packers. Barrie. In the past month sold 26 hog's. 22 being selects lid 4 Bl. His government bonus for the two top grades above market irice was $98-00. which makes the â- effort well worth while- The WI. held their March meeting in the school Thursday afternoon. March 21st, with a good attendance- Mrs- Lundy .Johnston- citizenship convener, was in charge of the pro- aram. Under the direction of the ti'acher. Misfs Connell. the pupils conducted a splendid debate resolved, "that county life is more entertain- iiiir than town life." Donald Brodie Lind Lorna Bowles upheld the affirni- â- itive and Glenora McGee and Gerald W>'Tille the negative, the affirmative winning- Misses Glenora McGee and Joan Cargoe. and Misses Leona Bowles and Roberta Simpson sang duets and Ruth Grnham a solo- Sev- eral chorusefe by the pupils were well rendered, with Mrs. Geo- Buchanan as pianist. A l>azaar of miscellaneous items w^as quickly sold. Priceville Presbyterian Notes The Children's Hour will be con- ducted by the minister at 4:1-5 p-m- oni Friday, .\ipril Bth- Illustrated ^:^lk on the life of Christ and a visit to Africa- Service of worship at St. And- rew's Church at 11 a.m. on Sunday. .â- \.pril 7th- Mr- Halliwell will preach the fifth of a series of sermons "The Purpose's of Calvary." The Sun-day School will meet at the close of the morning service- Rev. P- W- Maclnnes, minister of Durham Presbyterian church- will cnnHiict the 'service at 11 am. on Sunday- Ap-ril Uth. Easter service on Sunday. April 21?t. at 11 a.m- Rev- E- .\- Thomson, general sec- retary of the Sabbath Schools and VounT PeoploV Societies of the Presbyterian Church, will bo the fup't preacher on Sunday, .Xpril 28. at 11 a-m- Tlio service will be con- 'hioted by the mn'i-stT. Total number of registered iceencrs in B-C- is now 4.386- hee- ARE FUR STORAGE Store your fur?!- etc-- in cur cold storage plant. Rates reasonable. F. a. KARSTEDT. rric»>v:lle. I LIGHTN4NG AND FIRE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent K r G E N I \ \UTOMOBILE. FIRE. BURGLARY. PLATE GL.VSS AND GRNKRAL 'VSURANCE Confederation Life Inf>iirance TDUCIIERS! STILL THE GREATEST TREAD EVER ENGINEERED The Goodyear All-Weother truck tire, with Goodyeor's exclusive Diamond Tread, is Canada's first choice truck tire. For greater trac- tion . . . all-round satisfaction . . . this great truck tire is in a class by itself. COMPLETE GOOD#YEAR TIRE SERVICE RENEWAL or UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS M^ To All Employers I All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1946, must be exchanged for new books. Kindly communicate immediately with your nearest National Employment Service Office if j-ou have not already exchanged your employees' books. jC \. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance contributionsfor your insured employees and for failure to renetv the Insurance Books as required. To All Employees: If you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION J Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun- and Hoi. To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p-m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 Gray Coach Lines

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