Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1946, p. 8

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â- Â«A Wednesday, April '3, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^r Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Horse, can be seen at Earl Croff^, R.R. 1 M«xwell. WANTED â€" Anun.li »iri table fc mink and fox feed.â€" Bert Mclntcwf Eu«<eni», phon« Fevergh»-i 6r2£ FOR SALE â€" About 400 bu. Oata. excellent quality for seed â€" Eldred Mills, Feversham, phone 17rl3. FOR SALE â€" Quantity Miiall .seed peas. â€" Walter Lawler, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9il4. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Stack of mixed hay, about i6 tons; Ajax oats, good for seed â€" Fred Russell, R. R.2 Fleteherton. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Lots 1, 2 and 3, Con. 10, Osprey. For particulars apply to Dannie Cameron, Collingwood, Ont. 4ap3 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of seed oaU and barley, extra good quality â€" Leslie Hawton, ohone 23r3 Fev- ersham. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 pure bred Angus bulls, 1 yr. old and 10 months old. â€" Stephen Dennett, Markdale, RJl. 6 42.p2 • . i n ,, ._.. FOR SALE â€" Reg. Durham Bull, 22 months old; Polled Angus Bull, grade. 18 moTith's old- â€" Stanley Campbell, R.R.4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Spring wheat â€" B- McKenzie, phone 22r6 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of oat chop. â€" A. S. Muir. phone 49rl4. 44 Fi)ii SALE â€" 10 pig.s ready to wcan .John Shoitiecd, R.R. 1 Priceville. PRICEVILLE KOR SALE â€" Ayr.shirc Cow, just fri'-shened â€" Geo- Buchanan, phone 73r3 Flesherton. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" DeLaval Cream Sep- arator, good as new. â€" Mr.s. R. Bentham, phone 51r22. 43p2 MEN WANTED â€" Two truck driv- ers, wanted immediately â€" rNorth- ern Transport, Owen Sound. FOR SALE â€" Outfs, and mixed bar- ley and oats, good for seed. â€" Roy McMullen, Maxwell. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" Vanguard seed oats, power cleaned; also quantity of hay. alfalfa and timothy mixed W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" About 700 bu. mixed grain- Suitable for seed- â€" George Thompson, R.R. 1, Singhampton, phone Feversham lr31. 42p2 FOR sale:â€" No-Barb barley grown from registered seed. â€" Clinton Magee, R.R.I Flesherton. 44pl FOR SALE â€" Vanguard oats, good for seed; also quantity of alfalfa and timothy hay mixed. â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, phone 32rl'2. FOR SALE â€" Heavy farm wagon, sow due to farrow in April, about 12 acre^ of crop land to let on shares, also some hay ground. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41r3- HOUSE FOR SALE â€" 6-room brick house in village of Flesherton, on main street, double lot and small bam, will sell cheap. â€" Francis Genoe, Eugenia, phone 74rl2. 41c4 NOTICE â€" Trapping, hunting or tretepassing on Lots 31 and 2, Cons- 9 and 10, Artemesia, strictly pro- hibited. â€" John McDonald, Eugen- ia. CEMENT BLOCKS â€" We manu- facture cement bricks and block? supply any amount, rock face plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., power made â€" Orval MacDoneld- Box 208, Durham, Ont. 42pe SEED FOR SALE â€" OA.C No. 21 Barley |1.25 bu.; Ajax Oats $118 per bu.. Cartier Oats $1.10 bu.; . Alaska Oats $1.10 bu.; all Gov. Grade No- 1 â€" Alex. S- Muir, phone 49rl4 Flesherton. 40c4 FOR SALE â€" Diningroom teuite, as good as new, piano and bench, bed- stead and dresser, writing desk, mattress, round table, couch, high chair and rocking chair. â€" R- J. Brackenbury, Fleshetron. 42p3 HOUSE FOR SALEâ€" 7-room frame house in Fleiiherton. good water, 20x30 barn, about 1 1-5 acres of ground- Make offer- â€" Albert Colgan, Strathroy, Ont- NOTICE â€" My thoroughbrwl bull will not be for service any more ofter this date, March 20th. 1946, and will all those owing me back accounts please call and settle them at once. â€" Chas- Newell, Flesherton R.R. 1. 42p3 FOR SALE â€" Ajax seed Ofatfe, gov. grade no. 1, germination at 10 days 100%, grown from reg. seed; also 2 young Boar Pigs from sows scor- ing 93 in advanced register â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Station, phone; Flesherton 32r31. 40c4 â€" iâ€" II ' I FOR SALE â€" Large number young pitrs, some ready to go at $8 (good ones); also young Rock and Leg- horn roosters $2 each; al^o tidy blocky, short-coupled mare rising C 'easonable. â€" Jos. Radley, R-R. 8, Flesherton. 42p3 FOR SALE â€" Kitchen range in good condition; also 14 in. wood $3 per cord delivered in town Arthur McDonald, phone 60. 43c2 NOTICE â€" Trapping, hunting or trespassing on Lot 6, Con- 8, Os- prey Strictly prohibited. â€" Ken- dal Hawkins, Eugenia. 43p3 FOR SALE â€" Number oif young cows, some with calves at foot, othei's due to freshen- â€" Richard Allen, phone 45i'21 Flesherton- FOR SALE â€" Dining room suite, quarter-cut oak, china cabinet, table, buffet and 6 chairs, or will sell Ice's china cabinet. â€" Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stickney and bahe of I'almerston spent the week end with Mrs. McLachlan. Mr- Hector MlLtan has been in Toronto the pa's! week and expected to undergo an operation on hi^ eye i.his .Monday in a Toronto hospital. ViY. David Hiiicks, Mr. Cecil Wil- son of Egremont and Mr- and Mrs- John Calder of Holstein vifeited on Sunday at the home of A- L- Hincks. M,r. and Mrs- Archie MacCuaig visited Sunday at the home of WVn- McLeod- All were glad to see Mrs. MacCuaig at church again, after her recent operation. Mi'sses Alice and Selena Ferris of Dundalk spent the week end at the home of Elmer Harrison. Miss Eileen Harrison spent the week .end at Dundalk. MA. Kate Runciman returned to her home last week, after spending the winter months in Toronto. Mr- Archie Sturrock returned home Friday, after receiving his discharge from the Army- He abo vilsited with friends at Brampton and Georgetown. Miss Margaret McArthur pent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mi^. Neil Shortreed and son of Pickering were recent guest.s with his the former's mother. Mr- John McArthur, Owen Sound, vrak a recent visitor at his home. Mr. Clarence McArthur of Lachine Que-, visited at his home recently Mr- C- A. McLean returned home, after spending the winter in Toronto and was accompanied by his son. Inni's. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher of To- ronto visited liere over the week end- We are sori-y to report Mr. Sam Phillip's very ill with pnumonia, bui liope to hear of his improveiment soon- iMrs- Chas. Newell accoimpanieu Mr- and Mrs. Levi Duckett to Owen Sound on Saturday, where they visited with Mrs. Alfred Genoe and son, Sam- Mrs. Robt. Clark of Collingwood is visiting at the home of her son, â- - Dick Clark. Quite an amount of deeding has ')een done in this vicinity. CREDIT AUCTION SAU HORSES, SHORTHORN OATTLE, SHEEP, IMPLEMENTS, FURN- ITURE, ETC. FOR SALE â€" Cream separator, B2 Vega, good as new; metal churn, 1:2-14 gal's-; butter bowl and label, all good as new- â€" Walter Russell, Rock Mills. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" M-H- out-throw Disc 12 20-inch plates; 18 tooth Culti- vator; single furrow riding plow- â€" Edgar Patterson, Priceville, phone Flesherton 22r41. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Mare, 9 years old; Mare, 4 years old; 2 young calves 2 weeks old; disc drill, cultivator, cream sapai*atc(r, kltichien rang;e for summer kitchen.â€" Ceo. John- son, phone 4lr22- 43p2 FARMS FOR SALE Lots 35 and 36, Con. 8, Artemesia containing 180 acres; brick hou^e, large bank barn and drive shed; 'Hydro in all buildings, water piped to bam, also telephone and rural mail. Lot 36 includes brick cottage and bank barn. Both lots are well watered- All buildings are in good ^tate of repair. â€" Mrs- Edith Cam- eron, 67 Latimer Ave., Toronto. BUSINESS CARDS DR. T.D.PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr, Wni. Myers and am prcpar d to give the public first clafes • ervice on their fire, accident and au- •omobile insurance policies. Consult me before you renew. I can place •ou in any of the better known com- oanici, at the lowest rates obtein- ible. C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WILLS, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic «nd Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phaae, High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drilln. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON TIS - tad At* & OWEN SOUND Phone 781 AUCTION SAIE FAR)M iSTOOIC. iIMPLEMENTa FURNITURE, ETC JAS. C. CONN JR y;\\\ sell bv public auction on LOT 31, CON- 11. OSPREY l'/2 Mile's East of Feversham MONDAY. APRIiL «. 1946 the following, namely; HORSESâ€" Gray Percheron Horse 8 years old; Bay Clyde Mare, g yrs. old; (Bay '^•'â- neral 'Purpos 'Horse, good worker, real driver, uip-+. OATTLE â€" Reg. Hereford Cow, "Lady Rose" No. 1496174, 4 years old, calf at foot; Hereford Cow, 7 yrs. old, calf at foot; Hereford-Jer- sey Cow, 3 years old, calf at foot; Durham Cow, 7 yrs. old, can be registered; Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old, due to freshen time of sale; 2 Black Cowfe, 6 and 9 years old; Re^l Cow, 10 yrs. old; (dates of cows supposed to freshen given at sale); 5 Fat 2- year-olds; 8 Good Yearlingfe- PIGS, SHiBEP, MiENS-^Sow with litter 3 weeks old; 2 Hogs over 100 lbs. weight; 5 Ewes, 3 with lambs, other two about time "f sale; 65 Rock-Httmp. Hens, year-olds, laying. HAY. GRAIN, KTC. â€" l-^ Ton? good Hay; iStraw; 250 Bus. good Mixed Grain; 100 bufe- last year's oats, cleaned for seed; 75 bus. Seed Barley; Quantity of Potatoes. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" N"- Casr Tractor No. S; "Spring-tooth Tractoi Harrow, new; Tractor Plow 3-fin- row, now; Cockshutt 13-Disc Drill; good as new McCormick '^'-wer, h foot cut, good a^ new; Iron Harrow- IG-bull; Hog Crate; New Cockshutt Binder, 3 foot cut, complete; M.^H- Manure Spreader; New Pump Jack, Oil Bath; Belt a2-foo*- M-H- Hay Rakci, lOnfeet; Land Roller, 3-sec.; Root Scuffler; Gang Plow 2-furrow; Wagon Box; Fleury Plow No. 21; Stonelboat; Chatham Fanning Mill; Rain Barrel; Chatham Scales 2000- libs-; Heavy Bain Wagon; Set of Heavy Bunk Sleighs; Wheelban-ow; New Barn Hay Fork; New Turnip Pulper; Democrat-'Box Cutter; Set of Heavy Team Harness; 4 Short Rope (Slings, new; Set of Doulble Driving Harness; 6 Horse Collars, Grain iSacks; 3 Hor^e Blankets; 25 Cotton Graja Bags; 2 Steel Water Tmks; Defl^-al Cream Separator; good as new; Colony House. Stove and Pipes; 2 Sugar Kettles Bucket^ and S"iles; Half^barrel 2% in. iNails Shingle Nails 2 Rolls Barbed Wire; S'wcde Saw; 2 Rolls Poultry Wire; Cro'sacut Saw; Quantity 2-\n. Elm Planking; Hemlock 1-in- Lumber; Fork's, Chain.s, Whiffletrees, numer ous other articles. FURNITUREâ€" Large Box Stove, with hot air pipes; Findlav Steel' Range, nearly new, coal or wood- Diningroom Suite, round table with 4 boawls; Singer Sewing Machine, o-ood as new; 6 lenthcr-tbottom Chairs; China Calbinet; 2 Square Extension Table, with boards; 3 Iron Bed- steadis, Springs and Mattressefe; 2 Dres'sors; 2 Comimodes; Commode Seat; Large Bureau; Couch; Glass Cupbonwl; Leather Rocking Chair- Arm Chair; .S Diningroom <ind 3 Kitchen Chairs; Marconi Battery T^'k'-o 'iiiH Standi; Grafonoln with Records; 5-octavo Organ: S-Day Clock: Small Corner Cut)bonrd: ne^v Wnshing Machine with Wrintrer; I/inoleum {)x14 new: Lin-oleum 10x0; Linoleum for Kitchen Floor I2v1fi: Window Shades: Window Curtain^; Coleman .Gas Lamp; Colemnn G<»s Iron- SVreen Door«' Window Screens Ofi-Picce Dinner Set: Other Dishes; new iftOlb. Flour Can: Coal Oil Lnmn^, Pots. Pans- Crocks, and nu- merous other articles- SAT K AT 12:30 PM. Pncitivolv no reserve, as Twn"r is trivinf nn fHrniin"" TV A"? . 'Pnivl. TT'iv Ovnin <i"'' -n .„„i'.,- nf Sin. on and under, cnsb. -. i-^i.it ro*-p<i nnr^-pnvo^l \w '^" P'»,^l- f ToKnnt" li'nvovsl'""''*! hp^vinc fi nor poi't intfrpot: Tmlrf nnvpVnco •iv!,..- of fr*>Cf'^V fr, lip noil rinv r\^ 0«lp. WM ITATTTTVG \.."«!""n'" over ♦^".t nmoi>"* " months* credit LESLIE CHARD LOT 30, CON. 5, AR/TBMBSIA (IV4 Miles south of Rock Mills) THURSDAY, APRIL 4TH, 1946 GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. FURNITURE, Etc. G. H. CAIRNS will sell by Public Auction on LOT 136. 8 S-W., ARTEMESIA FRIDAY, APRIL 5th, 1946 â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS VERN McMULLEN LOTS 1-2, CON. 3 .OSPREY â-  (IVi Miles east of Portlaw) will sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL lOTH, 1946 at 1:30 p.m-, the following: HORSES â€" Brown Mare, 8 years old; General Purpose Mare, 8 years old; Team of Geldings, rising 3. CATTLE â€" 5 Fresh iCows, calves at foot; Black Cow, in calf; Red Cow, in catf; 3 two-year-old Cattle; 4 Yearling .Cattle; Bull, 2 years old. SfHiEEP, PIGS â€" & Bwes; 1 Ram; Brood Sow, supposed in pig; 8 chunks of pigs- IMPLEMEiNTS, Ttc- â€" Fordlson Tractor; M.-H. 17 Spring Tooth Chjl- tivQtor; Set Tractor Double Discs; Some other Tractor Repairs; 2 Ford^- son Tractor Heads; Wagon; Hay Rack; Wheelbarrow; Set Drag Har- rows; lO-ft. Horse Rake; Sawing Frame with 44-in- Saw; BO-rod Roll of Birbed Wire; Whitewash Sprayer; 2 Ga? Barrels; Renfrew Scaled 2000 lbs.; Melotte Cream Separator; Pig Crate; Scuffler; Turnip Pulper; Set '1*' .cjlinp- Ropes: Single Furrow Plow; Orandstone: Stoneboat; I'A- h.p- Oasolinp Engine;: 6-foot Mower; V'lmbpr of Sin Buckets; Harness; ^^Mio- Hitch: Colonv House 10x12; •^"RnHtv of Hav: Ouiantitv of Bar- 1p'>: Quantity of Mixed Grain; num- erous other articles. TT?T?MiSâ€" .Hay. Grain and all feirms of SI 5. no and' under, cash; over that "mount 4 months' credit will be Eriven bv furnishing joint notes satisfactory to the Bank of Commerce. Dundnlk, hparin<r interest at 6 per cent per ~n:y<\. K. DUNOAN- Auctioneer CREDIT AUCTION SALL STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. GRAIN, HAY, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Etc. M. L. DOBSON will sell by public auction on LOT 6, CON- 13, OSPREY 5 Miles North,-West of Maxwell FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1946 the following, namely; HORSES â€" Gray Horse, 8 years old; Black Mare, 12 year^ old; Chest- nut Mare, Aged-" CATTLE â€" Registered Hereford Bull, 2 years old "Master Royal P-anama" No. 172660; Grey Cow, 8 years old; Black Cow, 8 years old; Grey Cow, 6 years old; 2 Black Cows, 6 yeai^ old; Part Swiss Cow, 8 yrs. old; White Face Cow, 5 years old; Red- White Cow, 6 years old; Brindle Cow, 8 years old; 2 Heifers. 2 years old; 2 iSteers, 2 years old; 10 Year- ling- Cattle, heifei^ and steers; 2 Spring Calves; (due dates of cows given day of sale). PIGS, HENS â€" 2 Brood Sows; 3 Pigs, ween-ed; 12 Hens. LMIPLEIVIENTS â€" Set of good 14 plate Di^c Harrows; MtCoiimiok- Seed Drill, 13-discs; Hay Rake; Set of logging Sleighs, almost new; Set of Harrows. 4-section; Wagon; Set of Renfrew Scales, 2000 lbs; Good Wagon; Walking Plow; Chatham Panning iMill; Renfrew Separator; Democrat; Cutter; Grindstone; Set Good Team Harness; Set Driving Harness; 3 Horse Collars; Double- trees, Fork^. Canthooks, steel Log- ging Chains; many other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Good Sideboard; Round Extension Table; Square Extension TaiMe; Gasoline Lamp; Child's Cominode Chair; 3 Smoothing Ironb and Handles. HAY GiRAlN â€" Some Good Hav, 100 Bus. Good Barlev and Oats- SALE AT \-M PM. Absniuelv no reserve. , TERMS â€" Hay. Grain and sums of 10.00 and \inder. cash; over th'it amount 6 'month's' credit civeii on Joint notes approved fcy' Bank (>f 'Tonrnto, Feversham. bearing 6 nor ci-nt intp''"''* â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer L Keep *em Rolling Keep your trucks rolling efficiently anl economi- cally â€" by seeing us regularly for "Preventive Maintenance." Our technicians are specially trained and equipped to provide Prompt/ Efficient Service on All Makes of Trucks We have modem tools and equipment . . . expert technicians . . . and a repu- tation for satisfactory results. Drive in today ! D. McTavish & Sons Flesherton, Ont. r ;~:~:~x..:«.:.M4~;..:..XK~><">«KK~x~K~:~X"K"><«<~x~:"K~:~^^ 5 F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Easter Ready-to-Wear ^^ FOR Mother and Daughter DRESSES HATS COATS and COAT SETS | FOR CHILDREN DRESSES COATS MILLINERY BLOUSES FOR WOMEN ALL NEW STYLES, COLORS and TRIMS I HARDWARE HIGHLIGHTS! JUST ARRIVED A complete New Range of Colorful Sunworthy Wallpaper Matched or Single Travelling Bags for Men Pressure Cookers for Fast Economical Service ELECTRIC HEATERS HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS I SMALL RADIOS A FULL LINE OF ENAMEL WARE Paints for Every Purpose, BRICK SIDING 1, 2 and 3 -Ply Roofing A large group of EMPIRE COAL and WOOD HEATERS All White Enamel Steel Tops ATTENTION We will be closed MONDAYS during th« SuMiner Months, startini; APRIL 22nd. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights as usual. F. T.Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ♦♦^♦♦♦<">-M'<~:'<K»^<><'<«<"X"X"M'^«'<«<«*<»<»<><^«><»^«>#\^<M><Hy.>^^

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