Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1946, p. 1

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^ \^i <)k. L t ^ »â- â- ';-, -* ^ ;,; I I *. ^ Ik. .* .*â-  Ik. ®l)je /leslj^rtM ^^ Jtranc^^ VOL. 65; NO. 47 FLESHERTON < 'VT.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24, 1946 vV. H Thurston & Son. PuWisherf RATION COUPON DUE DAES Coupons now valid are sugar-pre- serves SI to ST, butter Rl to R6, and meat M29 to M34. Future Events DANCE AT SINGHAMPTON In Hammill's Ball. Singhampton, on Fridap night, May &d, 1946. Music by GoUin^wood orchestra with dancing 9 tol. Admission: 50c- AUCTION SALE George Fisher will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements, ert«., on Lot 8, Con. 5, Artemebia, Monday, May 6th. See list in next week's issue of The Advance. RECEPTION AT EUGENIA A reception dance will be held in the Orange HalL Eugenia, on Friday, April 26th, to welcome home War- rant Officer Jack Jamieson- Ladies please bring lunch. Silver collection- SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Enjoy yourself at the Saturdaj' night dance in Fraternal Hall. Flesh- erton to the Golden West Mountain- eers' orchestra- FEVERSHAM EUCHRE & DANCE In Robinson's Hall, Feversham on Tuesday. April 30th, under auspices of Feversham Ball Club. Grove's 5- piece orchestra for modem and old- time dancing. Euchre 8 to 10 p-m.. dancing 10.15 to 1-30. Admission: 35 cents. BAPTIST FIRESIDE "Smashing all records" describete this best-of-all Cedarside Firesides to date. A technicolor Sound film and one hundred feet of moving pictured taken in India by two young ladies who will be present for the service, form 3 double-feature night. It is expected that Dr. Dorothy Timpany, physician in charge of Pithapuram Hospital and Miss Evelyn Hawn, Supervisor of Pithapuram Nurses Training School, will be attired in native Indian saris while inter- viewed. An all-star musical program will Ibe presented. Jas. Oliver Wins Slater Trout Fishing Contest James Oliver of Flesherton was declared winner of Frank Slater's 15th annual speckled trout contest, with a trout that weighed 3 lbs.. 3 ounces, whioh he took in just before the contest closed Monday morning at 10 a.m., and won a fine Munro outboard boat, valued at |108. Mr- Oliver caught the fish at 12:20 Mon- day morning. Five minutes later he landed a 4 lb. 2 ounce Brown trout. Other winners were E- J- Taylor of Owen Sound. Joe Kropin <xE Owen Sound, Ted Banks of Flesherton and W- Vesteie of Owen Sound, in that order. Ted was winner of a fine hunting coat- It is noteworthy that four of the five winners were taken by the use' of minnows, and four of the five were caught at Eugenia. Ken Magee of lEiigenia and Don Smith of Rock Mills took third and fourth place in the juvenile section, three of the four winnerfe also being taken from the HydTo lake, and all with worm. Bob Lumley of Owen Sound won the bicycle as prize for first place- his fish also coming from Eugenia- Xever before have w« seen so many fishermen in thife district as there were over the holiday, every little river being dotted with fishing enthusiasts- The dam at Eugenia and 8th line bridge were lined with people trying to land the "big one." Besides Mr. Oliver landing the large brown trout. F. J. Thurston aho landed one 3 lbs.. 3 ounces, this making the fifth brown trout taken at Eugenia- Manv other speckled trout were taken up to two pounds, but were not entered into the com- petition- Christmas Cactus Blooms (By Vandeleur Reporter) Andy Clarke, on his broadcast on Sunday morning, made mention o!£ Christmas cactus blooming, end o(f several reforestation projects whi can be more or less duplicated in this progressive community- Mrs- Howard Graham has a Christmas cactus in full bloom for EJaster, and on the Weber and Bowles farms in the Valley can be seen two splendid examples of reforestation. W. A. Weber has Several thousand trees in all stages of development which he has been planting for several years. On the Bowles farm is a Splendid arrove of several acres. whi<5i was planted by Angus Bowles about ten years ago, many of which are now over 15 feet in height- QUADRUPLE LAMBS BORN An uncommon incident in the ani- mal kingdtom and one w^ioh is worthy of note occurred on Thursday of last week when a ewe owned by Herman Tegler of C-on. 14. Carrick, bore quadruple lambs. The four off- spring are all healthy and normal and continue to thrive. â€" ^Walkerton Herald-Times. ♦♦♦ * »♦♦♦> § H I 1 i ' t - H -' K ' f ♦ ♦â-  H"t OSPREY GIRL WINS -?100.00 SCHOLAR.SHIP Miss Joan Crawford^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford of Osiprey, was winner of a $100 scholarship at the recent Stratford Musical Festiv- al. Playing in two classes, open piano and the Bach Prelude and" Fugus classes. Adjudicator Sidney Harrison complimented her as being the only good piano player in tie class of six- Joan is 16 years of age and recently passed her history of music with honors and fe now pte- parine for her A-T-CM. We can supply Bulova, Elco, Tissot and Tavannes Watches "BLUEBIRD" and 'BRIDAL WREATH" RINGS S(ILVERW./UIE E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK, ONT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦* *♦ l»» H II>> * »t >> K < *^i * |T.<i>.Am AVE BLOOW I«l 1 I â€" CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading autO' mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL 124AvEnuERd. KI.4344 The Canadian Bank of Commerce has for many years assisted in the develop- ment of logging, lumbering and the pulp and paper in- dustry across the Dominion. Its branches, whether in old established communities or in the new town sites, serve the many banking require- ments of companies and individuals associated with these industries. "P ANKiNG IN Action is manifested in the crash â- '-^ of falling trees; in the rtish of logs, as the lumberjacks break the jam and speed the timber on its way; in the scream of saws, as busy mills convert it into planks, beams and scantlings. Logging and lumbering provide work and wages for thousands â€" in the woods, the mills, the construction industry. The stream M wealth thus flowing across Canada is an example of Banking in Action. 7UA THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. HEARD, Manager Bom TYSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home. Flesherton. on Tueteday, April 23rd. 1946. to Mr- and Mrs- Stanley Tyson of Feversham, the gift of a daughter. Pearl Eva. In the majority of cases CAN BE CURED 90th Bu-thday Thursday Mrs. Wm- Hislop of Eugenia is observing her 90th birthday Thurs- day of this week, April 25th. Mrt. Hislop is i-esiding: at the home of her daughter. Mrs- John Campbell, and is remarkably smart for her ad- vanced years- She assists with the housework, reads the newspapers with the assistance of glasfees and in her spare time she knits, sews and makes quilts- Her many friendlS wish for her many more years of continued good health and useful- ness around the home- Trout Hatchery Neeeed To Take Care of Growing Demand of Visiting Touristt I CAIRNS â€" MAGEE Ttt netttst prmshn ttit x-ray machine for trtat- micanarastt 9100,000, 1000 Canadians die of cancer every mocch. Cancer specialists are convinceJ that the majority of these lives could be saved if proper treatment were given in the early suges of the disease. That is the aim of the campaign against cancer now being organized in Ontario â€" to cut down this costly loss of life now being exacted by cancer. It is proposed to establish cancer clinics at suitable centres throughout the province where all who suspect thev may have cancer may be examined, and receive the proper treatment if necessary. Plans are also under way to pay a porttoa of the cost of treatment of cancer, as well as travelling expenses, for those needing financial help. The third objective of the campaign is an energetic program of cancer research in Ootario with the aim of discovering a specific cure for cancer, or for some means of preTciitiDg tke disease. Cancer research carried oo to date has b«tn entirelv inadequate. It is estimated that less than $KX\*.V is being spent in the whole of Canada oo cancer and related subjects- Cancer can be ctjoquered. If science is able to orginiie suHicient forces against the scourge of cancer, the solution will sooocr or later be found. Your contribution is needed â€" to c»t down the death rate from cancer iww â€" to carry on the search for a method of ridding the world of this dread disease. tliis appeal is fof on objective of $2,000,000 to provide for a three-year progrom of cancer research, trealment ond province-wide terrice. GIVE^IP TO CO^^QUEK CANCER ONTARIO CANCER FOUNDATION Tblt erganixed drive ogainal cancer Is a (oinl elhrt ef The Onfarie Cancer Trealment and R«t«areh Foundelien arid The Canadian Cancer Society. nONVTION*^ RFCKIVED .\T ANY CHARTKRKT) BANK / A quiet wedding wa's solemnized at the United Church Parsonage, Flesherton. on Monday evening. •â- Vpril Sth- when Irva .Adeline, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee, Eugenia, was united in marriage to George Douglas Cairns, only son csf Mrfe. John Cairns of Eugenia, the ceremony bein^ per- formed by Rev. Dr. A- Thomson- The bride wvls charmingly attired in powder blue crepe with brown accessories- and for travelling she wore a mustanl colored %uit and brown accessories- They were at- tendeil by Mr- and Mrs. Laurie Russell, Mrs. Rufesell also wore a powder blue crepe with black ac- cessories- The bride and groom left Tuesday morning for Xiagara Falls, where they spent a week with the groom's sister, and also rifeited in Toronto- UNITED CHURCH TO RAISE '$3,050,000 The United Church of Canada has realized for some time that the Minister's Pension Fund is not on a sound financial basiis and unless the capital of the fund is increased greatly the demands â- will ultimately absorb the capital. To prevent suc*i a state of affairs the I'nited Church of Clanada i conducting a Dominaon-wid* cam-, paign among ite meniibers and adher- ents to provide the required amount to place the Pension Fund on a sonnd actuarial basis- The campaign is sched^iled for .\pril 2p to May 12 and it is hoped that the canvassers will be well re- leived ami the objert've reached by the one effort, as this will not be a recurrine appeal, once the capital of the fund is properly established it will tiicn be self-supporting. The success of fishermen who it- erated in the Hydro lake at ETugental aarain focused attention of piscator- ial atrists throughout Ontario of the wonderful opportunities for thei> favorite sport in this area Hund- red's 01 fis^iermen from many partk â- Â«f Ontario were here for the openfov if the soeckled trout season Pridtey ':ist. -ind the two FlesJierton hoteli *->ie MunShaw House ana the PaA Hotel, were filled to capacity during' t>'" week errd and manv bad cajitns- â- Td stirivate homes at their <fispoB«l It is note^vcwrthv that seven nf tJie •'ine prizes in the Slater Fxfehinjr '^ontest paueht their wimiing- entrfe*.. •'t t-he Hvdpo lake- Many oth«J -"nllei- fish up to two pounds were 'â- A--^ri but not entered in the conest. Every vear Eueenia fs at the head 1^ rhe parade, but vet the authorl- 'â- â- <^< have not- been placine- the nom- '--r o.f small fisih in the lake that ft» â- â€¢"mort.ince reonires- This no doi^k*= 'â- â- = due to the fact that thero are aSt <^oo few s-neckled trout hatoherie»» to- ='inplv the e-H-raordinarv A>man<1 of 'lie niiWic wV,i<.>> g>op<! Tniles for ^^tr â- nort of fi^hin- The fish thcm- • oTvM: parnot =!tock the streams .ind ••t--<! hv mhtral Tirooes.'se"!. so help •>â- " fn ha trtven. â-  r.^"- Cotintv is about the best 's»ie^klo,^ tront STound<: in Ontaito on^ f>(j, ^.jj.(.p;^(. ^,^^, |.),p ]j^^ ^ '._„„ *^„f ^,„<,>,t ^^^jjj <!ituation» '->• Hio o5f-,hl,V!ini»nt o<f T fl^ K-^t^iipri- <i~ fr, He foiitift near 'T'laeVonfOn -n^,?. flli, -(vnulf] hpTu STUp- -^^. 4*o n'oiiti«-'<in<' -fcinnTi'^ for mor» 7-^«V1o,» tmuf in Grev County. A noiHon s<>nt to the wovormmpnt by • y^^oâ- <^a^aA i>«r*^ipt Tr>iop.)i+ Imiro *\^ 'oiiro'* offp/>f-, iri innnenfirx*- f.Jie X)e*> --.H-n-.or.f f^ r.Ur° a hafch<»rv here. '^Mor r<*«i'*er>^? fpro can romenAer- •v-»i<»T. A.,r ^treims were teemino' w{tV» .-«o^V!<»-^ ^M^^^^ Then cniio the »tK~ "o"<- of the niAtor or and the inrtiMk ~* tnris* fistko-mor ind eT<i<*iiaIlsr *Vr> n.iniS<>». r>f i^sll r?o<<rp'< voff afM^ â- ,-,A tnA^\- fVio «n««Hpf» front fit»-.ini^ ;«. n^a of fh«» (nvafost t-oiir'sts at- â-ºroetirns in Grey Countv. Vfotorist: "Tt couldn't pos9?blv ha^ ^'""' '"^ ^"'1+ TVe been driving for 10 vears." Pe(^>strlan: "WeTI. IVe been wilfc- in« for more than 60 years!"

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