Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1946, p. 4

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Wednesday, May 1, 1946 THE PtaSHEIMPON ADVANCE f -« :) ) I THE Fleshertoii Advance l*wbtub«J on CoUinff-voMl St« Flesherton, \ 'adoeiday of Mck woek. Circul»t:iD cT«r MOOt Price in Cana'ia $2.00 per yaar, wb«n paid ia mdvr.r |1JM); li U. S. A. 92.50 per year, wlwa ' •Id in Kdvanee «2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Mr. *nd Mrs. Win. Campbell of To- ronto were holiday visitors at their residence here. Mr. Th<*. Ste-w'art and son-in-law, Ruaaell Johnson, of Samia aijd Ruth Stewart of Kitchener spent the week end at his home here. Miaa Dorothy Genoe of Toronto Spent the week end with her father, Mr. Ikave Genoe. Miss Garmelle Martin of Toronto was home over the week end. WO. Jack Jamieson, R.C.A.F., re- cently returned from overseas, and lii* wife and little daughter of Alex- lAdria are spending the Easter vaca- tion with his mother and brother. Hia sister, Dorothy (Mrs. Jack Pat- terson), of Toronto ife also a visitor at her home. Mr. Gordon Stewart of Wingham Is spending a few davs at his home. Mi»8 Murie! Carrutheife of Toronto spent the week end with her uncle, ."r. Ben Carnrthers, and her sister, Mrs. C. D. Park, and Gwen. Miks June Purvis of Toronto visit- ed her friend. Mis^s Margaret Martin Mr. Robt. Smith of Flesherton is trending awhile with Mr. Sam Paul. Mrs- Jack Cairns and Mr. and MA. Jack Cairns visited with friends in rieaford on Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Edwin Purvis and famUy of Toronto fepent the week ed at their cottage near the lake. MiTB. Baker «nd little daughter of Toronto are visitors at the Paul home- MioB Jean Tudor was home from Kinifcerley over the week end. MiA Craig is spending her Easter vacation at her home in Allenford. Mrs. Burton returned home from Owen Sound, accompanied by her daoghter, Marjorie (Mrs. W- Thomp- â- on), and little daughter, Bonnie. Marjorie has been quite ill and will recfiperate at the Burton home. We wish her a complete and speedy re- covery. Her Sister, Betty (Mrs. Heeoey), of Toronto is also with her at present. Mr. and Mrs- Glen Magee ^f Nia- Z^m Palla spent the week end with tlie Pedar and Magee families. Mr. Delbert Magee of Port Col- bome was a week end vfeitor with U* (Mirents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mms Lillian Magee of Toronto, Mr. an* Mn- Joe Little and Donna of DawMk. also Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Pftrteooa of Maxwell and Shirley .Aunrw were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and sonfe. Fte. Allan McGregor, recently re- turned, U visiting with his wife and liMle sons at the home of J. Fawcett Mn. C. D. Park has taken a posi- tien in the Co-operative store in Pleaherton. . .,, « Mr. Dave Genoe visited with Mr- a^ Mrs. Geo. Lawler, near Fever- lAiaiB. recently. Patfly Stewart is spending a few days with her friend, Ruth Hook, in TeronW). Miss Mary Stafford is on the sick Hat. We wish her a speedy recovery. air to Buffalo. Laurena bpent her ohildhoor on the farm now owned and operated by Milton Bannon. Best wishes of this community «ire extend- e<l to Laurena and her husband as tliey settle in their home near ThiStletown. Mr. and Mrs. Was Dever visited the former's sister, Mrs. Crawford, at JNhirkdale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrte. Jack Linton of Gait were Rister visitors in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Lin- ton, sister and bother-in-law, Mr, and -Mrs. Ernie Stewart. Mrs. Biggar. Whitby, was a caller with her sister, Mrs. Rttesell Linton, when enroute to her parental home in Owen Sound. BROS. BUCKINGHAM VICTORIA CORNERS (Intended for Last Week) How ditferent is this peace-time Eiastcr of the past few years. 1946 folds mo<it of our boys and girls, ser-. â-¼icemen and women of the preceding year, home with ug again. Mias Marjory Jackson was home from Toronto for £aster week end- Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, Joan, Una and baby Barbara Anne, motor- ed from Fort Erie Friday, to be with §^ former^ father and sisters, W. . Talbot, Muriel and Laurene, for tlie festive week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot, Portlaw, joined them on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor, W«yiie and Maureen, and Mr- Leslie itchelor, Preston, were h<ype for Blaster week end. Mrs. McGregor and children remained for a few dayt. Two movings occurred at the week end: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bouring, lit. Dennis, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley, Etobicoke, Misses Ruth and Viotta Richard'son, Mt. Dennis, m- aUted their mother, Mrs. J. H. Rich- Srd^^n, in moving her ^oufehold effects to Ceylon, where she will ^^e part of tie house of her sister- in^aw Mrs. Jane Knox- We regret I'^rmuch losing Mrs Richardson from our community, after 13 years of residence here. Our best wishes follow her in her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hwaes, Mary and Kenneth of Bright, Mr. and Mrs Bill Coon, Billy and Bobby, of Acton spent F>«ster week end with their mother, Mrs- Albert Stin.son, and as- sisted in moving her household effects to the small house on the former I.est farm now owne<l by her son, Mr. t. A. Stiiwon. While we will very much miss Mrs. Stinson "at home in her usual house, yet we are ghxl that she did not move from our oommunity- Mi^s Doris Bannon of Sarnia. and Mr and Mrs. Jas. Bonnon and little wn. Tommv, of ToronU) were Kiujter B^"st3 of their parents, Mr. and Mrt- Kn Bannon. They al • as well as Jack, attended the wedding on Sat.. JlVn 20th. in Thistleto^.â- n. United Churh. nf their niece and cousin Mi^j Malthv of Woodbridge. After the ilalth> 01 " ^ the reception E^'SCtS^w^Tn. trip vi. FEVERSH AM Mr. A. E. Burke of Anchorage, Alaska, who visited two weeks dur- ing the winter with his brother, Geo. Burke, and Mi^. Burke, returned a week ago Wednesday, after visiting for over two months with relatives in Toronto, Pickering, Sault Ste. Marie and Buffalo. Mr. Bill Burke of Owen Sound spent the Easter week end with his parents, and hi^ uncle, A. E. Burke, returned with him Monday evening to spend a few <'.iys in Owen Sound at the home of hfe nephew, Harry Burke, and Mrs. 1\Iisa Isabel Torrie of the Bank of Toronto stoff here is enjoying three weeks holidays. Mr. D. Butchart of the Meaford branch is relieving. Mrs. Tom Rice and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson, Alex- and Paul, were Easter week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mrs. Bill Kerton, Joan and Betty I^u of Bourlamaque, Que., visited on Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ^ m7 aid Mrs. Herb Eby and Steph- en of Barrie spent E^er Sum^y ^^-ith Mr. and Mi%. G. Ehy and Mar- ion Mrs. G. Eby returned with them â- o spfnd a few'daya in Barrie and Master Stephen remained to spend the Easter vacation here. Miss Carole Montgomery of Dun da" spent part of the Easter holiday with her gmndparents, Mr. and iftiB. ied her to Toronto <». ^Pf^j L^^ MA. F. W. Hannah «>»<*. jJ'*Ja^ .penVth; Easter vacation with rela- ''^^rVj^A and M. M^^ %^s^ Vy Whlt^k, Toronto ^ an lister week end .visitor w^th to. and Mrs. Jes. Davidson and ether ''Mt.'Em Hawton and^Carl, oiTc^ Mkr-SMr^-^S^'e-^- ^tr^^'alTd'Mrfl^rne McQuay and t^-o children of ^^^^"^L"^^ ^sitors Easter week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Heitman- . Mr and Mrs. Torrance WiHtamb. Wita'ana Ji«. .fJ^-^-'t/Si^' Easter Sunday with Mr- »"<! M«. Fred Tyler. Mrs. Williams and Jim remained for a few days and Wil^ spent a few days later with her grandparents. „ ^ u =,â„¢ Mr Wm. Conn, Toronto. waS an Easte'r week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. R- Conn. . . ^ Easter week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson of Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Parker of Rich- vale, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and Francis of Toronto. The latter two .emained to spend part of t/he w^. Mr. Howard McKee of Hamilton spent Easter week end at hh home here. Visitors at the McKee and Alexander homes on Good Friday were: Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Pen»oe and Mary Kay of Malton, Mrs. AJb. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. E. Fteher and Sandra, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander and two sons of Creemore, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith and Ina of Toronto and Mr H. Perigoe, also of Toronto, who remained for a few days, also visit- ed at the Alexander home. Mr. and Mrs. Rozell Conn spent last Friday and Saturday in Toronto. Major C. Knaak of Orillia wa^ a visitor last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stafford. Mr and Mrs. G. Eby and Marion visited on Sunday with Mrs. Black •:it .Mlenford. Mrs. Donaldson, who spent two months with Mrs. Black. returned with them. Mr. and Mr<!. Wm. Heitman snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mclntyre at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie, Wayne. Larry and Beverley, of Atwood were visitors last Sunday \vith Mr- and Mrs. R. Conn. Mrs. Edgar Spursreon and son. TToracp. Toronto, were eupst? last Monk r^f Mr. and Mr*=. Goo. Burke. Afr. Hales is the student minister f'T thf> Presbyterian Church here for "'" summer months. SonMoe will b" iinlH evory Snndnv pvenine. and. VARIETY ^"ENTERTAINERS TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON FRIDAY, MAY 10th 8:15 p.m. Admission: 30c and 20c, plus tax Miss Sheila Armstrong and Mas- ter Stephen Eby of Barrie were with their grandparents. Mr. and Mt^- J- T. Davidson, for Easter holidays. Miss Doris Smith of Toronto re- turned Monday after being at her home here for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron of Toronto were Easter week visitors with the former's mother and broth- ers here. Mr. Allan Tupling spent a recent week end with his parents, Mr. end S^rs. Lome Tupling. Mifes Edna Smith returned to her teaching duties at Hillsdale, after Spending the holiday at her home at Rob Roy. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith (i Mae McGregor) who were married April 18th at Brantford, and Miaa Coreen McGregor visited kaat waal( with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bn>wi)q0(« at Rob Roy. Mrs. N. Plummer, who was in To- I ronto during the winter, is with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson and otber relative^ here- We understand that Mr. and _Mr». Melville Hopkins are both patienti in Collingwood Hospital and hop* that they may soon be improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Blakey visltad recently with Mr." and Mrs. Robt Hill at Wareham. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Miss Shirley Cairns of Eugenia spent the Eafeter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous. The Stephen's Corners War Work- ers met recently at the home of Mrs. Wm Seeley at Maxwell to complete some unfinished busings. It was de- cided bo divide evenly the money on hand between the United and Angli- can churches and the Orange Lodge of Maicwell. A meeting will be held on May 22nd, at the home of Mr^. Jim Winters, when it will be decided either to disband or organize as a new group. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Blakey of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. ind Mrs. Chrfe Loug-heed. Master Ken Loueheed returned to Toronto with them for a visit. Miss 'Rthel Fenwick. Reg.N., and friend. Miss Turner of Toronto, and Miss Mable Fenwick. Reg.N.. of MnrVdale visited durino- the wepTc end •T-i'ii ^T. Roy Fenwick, George nnd T-Tirel. Mr. an»^ Mt<!. .Toe Porteonr w?c?*od â€" C'lTirl^iT- wifh Mr. and Mr=. Bert fJrt+e^r\AoA for T.ocf WppV^ Wr, ari»^ Mrs. rTnToTfco WintpV^ Feversham Public School GRADE 8 â€" Beth Courvoisier 85. Yvfinne Davidson 77. Chas. Pedlar 76 Grade 6 â€" Marion Fenwick 87. Wairen Hannah 85, Joan Davidson (56, Ronald Davidson 38. Crad" 5 â€" Merle McMullen 5«, Norris Moore 56, Paul Hudson &5, Sadie Stewart 40, Kenneth Teeter 32, Gmde 4 â€" Dorothy Fenwick 77, Stanley Wright 65. Melville Wright 62. Gerald Teeter 34. Grwle 3 â€" Shirley Wright 77. John Pedlar 72. Grade 2 â€" Evelyn Pedlar 76, Vel- (la Teeter 45. Edward Smith 34. Grade 1 â€" Shirley Sammons 99, Cheryl Lieht 96, Jo«n Parker 96, .lolin .Sle<l 77, RoV>ert Jackso;i 73, Irwin Stewart 72, Gene McMuUen r>5, llarvie Sammons 40. • â€" N. CX>NN, Teacher accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seeley of Maxwell to Toronto on Saturday and attended the wedding reception in honor of Mrs. Seeley's sister, Mrs. Elsie Watson, who was married to Mr. Robt. Forbes, Sault Ste. Marie Mrs. Alice Stephen has returned to her home here, after Spending the past few months with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stephen, Perron, Que. Mr. Prank Hammill of Toronto spent the week end with his wife and son here, and also visited hia parents at Singhampton. Visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs- Joe Porteous over the week end were; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee and son of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and Donna of Dundalk and Miss Lillian Magee and friend of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mclnnis and sons of Owen Sound and Mr. and MA. Walter Lawler of Feversham visited recently with Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mr. J. A. Lougheed ha^ rented the 'Ard' farm and has taken possess- sion. His wife and teon, who are in Scotland, are expected to arrive here shortly. A 9tyle ex!pert hays a man can be well dressed witii 14 raits. Hnrrahl Most of US are within about IS of it WANTED Any qnantity (green or dry) 1 inch, lYt inche and 2 inch Plna; 1 inch and 2 incli Spmee, Hemlock, and WalMwi, ei^ther aepanto or mixed; also 1 inch Poplar. The Knight Mfg. and Lumber Co., Limited Pbone 73 MBAFOBD, ONT. Men's'Reody-to-Weor CLOTHING Our selection of Men's Suits has been further in- creased by the arrival of new lines this season. The assortment is exceptionally good in these days of scarce merchandise. Sizes from 36 to 44. Prices $25.95 $27.50 and $32.50 No priority certificates necessary for these lines. Men's Ordered Clothmg Returned service men can obtain Made-to-Measure Suits and Top Coats in three or four weeks on pro- duction of Priority Clothing Certificates. Come in and let us take your measure, and satisfaction guaranteed. Fit MEN'S WORK BOOTS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS MEN'S WORK CLOTHING MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S SPRING NECKWEAR F. H. W.[Hi(kling FLESHERTON, ObL General Merchant â- * I 8- < I 4 4 1 * 4 * * « * « « * 'A f .1 4 4 /' : f^ THE PROVINCE OF PROMISE... 0P]\T^%.RM^9 in a geographical sense only, may be said to be sharply divided ... a natural division into north country and south country that emphasises the province's variety of ditnate â€" of industry â€" of character. Northward, Ontario extends to the semi-arctic region of Hudson Bay . . . Southunrd, to the semi -tropic fruit belt of the Niagara Peninsula . . . "The Garden of Canada" ... a blossom land overflowing with nature's gifts, where peaches, plums, pears, grapes and cherries come richly in their seasons. Fruit farming is but one of the untold opportunities offered by the four hundred thousand square miles, and more, that are Ontario ... a veritable empire of resources. I'ublished by TUJi BRKWliNG l.NULalRY (OOTARiO) A CORNER ©.\' FRMT 90% of the acreage devoted to the culti- vation of PEACHES . GRAPES » PEARS PLIMS and CHERRIES in Ibc I'roviuce of Ontario centres In tlie rich Niagara district which pro<luces •)!% of the province's total yield. When the Ontario fruit belt's two milliou peach trees, seven million grape vines and hundreds of thou- sauds of other fniit trees bear their abundance, arni^i-g of workers are on luinj to gather it. M k .............. >........«

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