Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1946, p. 8

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'#, Wednesday, May 1, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE K Male calf, 6 weeks old. â€" Cecil Magee, Eugenia. 46cl MAN WANTED â€" At once to do some plowing. â€" Claude C- Akins, FOR SALE â€" Frame barn 45x50, in good condition. â€" Ralph Harbottle, Duncan. Ont. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" 90 Barred Rock year- old hens.â€" Wm. Reid, R.R. 8 Price, ville, phone 21r2. 47p2 Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSKRVAIORY OF MUSIC MiDsuMMEu i.*:..:.Ix:n-ations PraeHtal â€" June and July r/ieory â€" June Hth, 10th and 11th Aipllcadciis ^Nid fees must reach Uic Cooservaioty uoi laier lii-a MAY 15th, 1946 135 College Street, Toronto 2B „ FOR SALE â€" Stack of hay, timothy and clover mixed. â€" Ed. Ferris. R. R- 3 Flesherton. 47pl WAITED â€" Amwamla svitable fo: mink and fox ieed. â€" Bert Mcintosh Eug«nw., ^»n« Fverebt-i Br26 FOR SALE â€" 4 Bushels good clean red clover seed, cheap. â€" Clarence Chard, phone 75rl4. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Team of Clyde colts, perfectly matched, 2 and 3 years _o't i. Apply to Eldon Fisher, Flesh- erton, phone 56W. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" Few hus. of Canadian Beauty peas, medium size. â€" ^Ken- dal Hawkins, Eugenia, telephone Fevershani 9r41- 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Mantle Marconi bat- tery radio, in good condition, new batteries. â€"Andy Pallister, Max- well, phone Feversham llr4. FOR SALE â€" Set of 2,00-Ib. plat- ofrm scales, sinple wooden bed and ^rings, and odd tools. â€" Mrte. J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r4. FOR SALE â€" Ice refrigerator in 1st clas^ condition, price reasonable Mrs. Z. Randall, Flesherton, phone No. 43rll. 46c2 NOTICEâ€" The public ife hereby noti- fied that my Durham bull is not availabe for service â€" Wes Smith, iR. R. 1, Flesherton. 46p2 6TRAYED â€" From my premises 1- year-old steer, red with white markings, about April 28. â€" J. P. Stewart, phone 40r5. 4gc3 STRAWBERRY PLANTS â€" Straw- berrj- plants, new, better yielding varieties, suited to this district, Mackenzie (early) or Lavergne (late) $2.00 per 100 â€" Walter Winch, Chat.sworth, Ont. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Cream separator B3 Vega, good as new; metal churn, 12-14 quarts, butter bowl, butter print, ladel, all good as new. â€" Wal- ter Russell, Rock Mill's. 45p2 FOR SALE â€" Hand or power wash- ing machine, good condition, com- plete with •wringer; heavy farm wagon and a 2-furrow plow. Frank Eagles, R.R. 3 Proton Sta., phone 41r3 Flesherton. 4«p2 CEMENT BLOCKS â€" We mnnii- facture cement bricks and block-. supply any amount, rock facp â-  plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., power made â€" Orval MacDonaki. Box 208, Durham, Ont. 42pfi FOR SALE â€" New Prima separator good for three cows; McCormick- Deering single plow; Oak dining room suite, including china cabin- ett, table, buffet and 6 chairs. â€" Lewis Pedlar. Flesherton- 46p2 FARMS FOR SALE Lots 35 and 36, Con. 8, Artemesia containing 180 acres; brick houtee, large bank bam and drive shed; Bydro in all buildings, wat^r piped to bam, also telephone and rural mail- Lot 36 includes brick cottage and bank barn. Both lots are well watered. All buildings are in good btate of repair. â€" Mrs. Edith Cam- eron, 67 Latimer Ave., Toronto. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General "•uoking. Will po anywhere for ,Tiv kind of load at reateonable •res. Your patronage solicited and Sat- isfaction guaranteed. KLDRIUGE BOYCE Phone 74r21 Eugenia, Ont. ^ 47p8 LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Conault GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSU RANGE Confedaration Life Insurance FOR SALE BY TENDER The following property in the Vill- age of Flesherton will be offered for sale by tender, all tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned b Monday, May 6th, 1946: Lots 9, u" 11, 12, 13. 17, 30 and 31, lying on t South-East side of Durham Strc Lot 12, Block F, on which i's situated frame dwelling. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted- â€" C J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Dated April 29, 1946- TENDER WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to and including May the 10th, 1946. for the operation of a 'school bus, to the Flesherton High School, to serve the Proton, Priceville and Ceylon districts, duties to com- mence Sept. 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted- For further particulars contact Mr. Go- heen, Principal, at the school. â€"ROY W- PIPER, Sec. Ceylon, Ont. AN OPPORTUNITY EJstablished Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 65 â€" have or can "secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get esablished in a profitable business of your o-wn. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-F-I. 2177 Mafeson St., Montreal- PAINTING I exipect to move to Priceville permanently about May 20th, wlien I will be available for your painting jobs, exterior or interior, either by bmsh or spray- Orders taken now for future work. JACK CARSON 576 Sherbourne St., Toronto GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" Casualty Hospitalization â€" Weather in any of the best companies MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Flesherton SEED POTATOES Foundation A Katahdinfe Foundation A Chippewas Certified Sebagoes Also Table Potatoes ALEX. S. MUIR phone 49r41. Ceylon, Ont- BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am orepar d to give the public iirst elates ervice on their fire, accident and au- •omobile insurance policies. Consult ne before you renew. I can place ou in any of the better known com )anies, at the lowest rates obtain- «ble. C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A CommlBsioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES. WIL^-S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor. Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. .1. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton; Saturday afternoon. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domeotic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, High Speed and Low Speed Elertrir Drills. Workmanship GuaranteML Prompt rewinding Hcrvice on electric motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON 758 - 2ntf Ave. R. OWEN SOUND i*hone 782 Local and Personal Miss Hilda Crowe of Toronto was a visitor last week with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Ml-. Ted McTavish and si'ster, Jean, of Toronto spent the week end at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hopkins of Toi'bnto were week end visitors in the village. Miss Alice Heard has returned to her teaching duties at the^ Wingham high 'school. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan re- turned to town last week, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs, Bert Wattte and son, Wayne, spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hazen and daughter spent several days last week at Wiarton- Mis's Anne Akins has returned to Simcoe after spending the Easter vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of To- ronto spent Easter week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akinte, Sipringhill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and Mr. and Mrs. John Lush of Meaiord were visitors on Sudnay with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart- Mr- and Mrs. Geo. John^son and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson attended the Fischer - Lyons wedding at Brampton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs- Jas. Cau.shier and Mrs. Charlotte White of Hagers- town. Md-, are visiting; this week ;it the home of Mi's. R- Alexander- Keep th? date of May 2-3 open for the monster dance in Flesherton, sponsored by the Fle.sherton Spnvt? Club. Mr- and Mrs- J- T. P-iirkur and Mrs Joserih Blakeley spent the vvcck end in Bran-upton with Mr. and M"?. Jared Lyons and attended tho Fischer-Lyons wedding on S-riturdny. Mrs. K. G. Goheen has tendered her resignation from the staff of the Fksherton high school, to take ettect at the close of the present term. Mrs. Goheen filled in during the war when teachers were difficult to secure and ha's been teaching science and math- ematics for the past three years and ffave real satisfaction. The Board is advertising for a teacher to take her place. PRICEVILLE The Y.P.S. met Tue'sday night at the home of Grant Sayers, when 20 wcrt iiresent. The social committee ondui'tcd seveail contests and thf prizes were won by Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Jim Sturrock. Ken Hinckg and Gr'.r.; Sayers. Various game's were play- ed and a social time enjoyed- Recent visitors at the h<ime of A. L. Hincks were: Mr- and Mrs- Alf Hincks and Marilyn of Toronto. Mr- and Mrij. Clifford Hincks, Keith and Heather of IHarriston, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Elder of Li.sle, Mr- and ]^s. Joe Petrie and three ch'ldren of Atwood. Messi's- Emerson Watson, Toron- to, and Douglas Weir were visitor^ with the Sturrock boys- Mr. Wright and daughter, Velma, and Miss Betty McCullough of Shelburne spent a few days at the home of Mr. F. Wright. Mrs. Grant Stickney and Dianxie returned to Balmerston, following some time fepent with Mrs. Mc- Lachlan. Mrs. Elmer Watson and Emerson of Toronto spent a few days visiting friends here- Mr. Ed. Hartford of Detroit visit- ed at the home of A. MacCuaig and other neighibors. NT's. John Davis and sons of Aurora spent a week at the home of Mrs. F. McKinnon. Miss Kate Jamieson was a visitor with her McKechnie., Lizzie Mather in Toronto. Saulter returned to her home village, after spending the in Toronto. R. H. McConkey has been her daughter in Toronto. i Be sure and attend the Beaver Valley Junior Farmers' Variety Show Two full hours of PLAYS, MUSIC, MONOLOGUES, SONGS, AND ' FUN IN EVERY ACT. Town Hall, Flesherton WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 8:30 p.m. Daylight Time This new type of show, produced by Beaver Valley talent; was a howl of a success when presented to record crowds in Ravenna and Clarksburg. For added attraction a Dance Will Follow the Concert Admission : 35c No reserved seats. Archie Miss f 1 iends Mi^.s. in the •".•inter Mrs. visiting of Toronto sister, Mrt. is visiting FARM IMPLEMENTS Evidence of the touchy nature of the cost of fai-m implement's may be found in the fact that more tihan 36 speeches revarding the matter were made in the House of Commons between the hours of 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 11 o'clock at night in one day. This is almfest a record for expressiveness. The Govern- ment was attacked from several 'si(i'€s* Explaining the move, Finance Minister Ilsley said that the change in ceilings has been authorized with "consideraible" reluctance. Mr. Ilsley pointed out that maxi- mum production on farm machinery and equipment wag urgent for the expan'sion, or even the maintenance, of Canada's foodi-producing capacity. This maximum production of farm mahcinery coul not be effected in the face of increased cost of matei^ in Canada, and] proper increa'ses i ials and component parts prodhced in Canad or imported for assemibi.i wage rates and the increases give' to the imiplement companies are to cover thes added costs. IMr. Ilsley noted that pricete of fttirm products rose 44 percent dur^ ing the past year (including the vei_. recent increases in butter and h::' While implement price rosefe only 3 percent. Agricultural Minister Gard- ner indicated that further increases in farmers' revenue was imminent. CREIIIT AUCTION m STOCK, IMPLEMENT, ETC. GEO. FISHER will sell by public auction on LOT 9, COiN. 5, ARTBMEiSIA MONDAY. MAY 6TH, 1946 the following, namely: HORSES â€" Bay Mare, rising 9; Bay Mare, rising »; Bay Mare, rising 13 years old, CATTLE â€" Grey Cow, 6 yrs. old; Hereford Cow, 6 yeart old; 2 Here- ford Cows, 9 yrs. old; Hereford Cow, 5 years old; Red' Cow, 10 years old; Red Cow, 4 years old (above Cows milking and 'suipposed in calf) ; Here- ford Cow, 5 years old, dry; Register- ed Hereford Bull, 4 years old; 3 Hfreford Steers, rising 2; 7 Hereford Heifei-s, rising 2; 4 Hereford Steers, rising 1; 2 Hereiford Heifers, rising 1; 7 Sjpring Calves. SHBEiP, iPIGS â€" 19 Oxford Down Ewes; 2 Sows; 7 Chunks of Pigs. IMPLRMBNfPS, ETC. â€" M.- H. Binder, 7-ft. cut; M.-H. Hay Loader; Land Roller; M.-H. Cultivator; Set of Sleighs; McCormick Mower, B-ft- cut. good as new; Cookshutt Manure SIprcader, nearly new; McCormick Seed Drill; Iron Harrow 12-,bull; Set Tandem Discs, 14 and 16 Plates; AutoTrack with Durant Motor; M.-H. Walking Plow, 2-furrow, good as new Pleury Walking Plow; Cutter; Set of ?.000-llb. Scaled; Panning Mill with Bagger; Sickle Grinder; Pig Crate; 45 Gal. Drum; 12 Gal. t)Tum; M.-H. Inthrow Discs, 16-pk»te, used 1 year; Set of Skidding Tongs; Set Extra Heavy Brass-Mounted Team Harnesfe, nearly new; Quantity Timothy and Mixed Hay; Forks. Shovels. Chains, and numerous other article^. SALE AT 1 O'CI/OOK P.M. Piisitivcly no reserve, as the form is rented. TERMS â€" All sums of $10.00 and un.dcr, Cn'sh; over that amount ft months' credit will he eivpn np inint notes npnorved hy the Bank of Com- mercp. Fl^'herton, bearing interest I' prr rent. (;E0. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Robertson and family of London were Easter visit- °r-* at the home of Edgar Patterson. Mr. Gordon Nichol of London spent a few day^ at Easter at his home. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday. Two anthems were sung and a much-appreciated solo by Mrs. Miller of Durham. Mr. Mill- er assisted Mr. Halliwell in the pul- pit. Two heautiful bouquets' of flowers were teent from Toronto by Mrs. Sutherland, in memory of Rev. -Angus Sutherland. Messrs. Grant Muir and Laurie Sutherland of Toronto were holiday- visitors at the former'fe home. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and daughter of Toronto are spending this week at their, cottage and visit- ing relative^ and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McLean and Craig of Mt. Forest were recent vis- itors at the home of Phillip Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol of Ottawa, Mi^. E. Bennett of London, Mr. and JVIrs. Alex McLean and fam- ily. Jack McConkey, Innis iMoLean, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tonner and babe, and Miss Florence McPhail, all of Toronto, were Easter visitors. Mr. and' Mrs. Ralph Pedan and Betty of Fergus were holiday visitors at the home of Percy Sims. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald of To- ronto were vi'sitors at the home of F. G- Karstedt. Roofing Siding Building Supplies We now have in stock the following Rosco Corrugated Roofing Asphalt 3-in-l Shingle Roll Roofing Building Paper, varioufe styles land widths Evetrough Fittings and Supplies Beatty Barn Track, Cars, Rope, Hay Forks, Sling Ropes Sling Chains, %in. Galvanized Steel Cable Litter Carrier Buckets FOR THE HOME Lawn Mowerls, Combination Doors, Screen Doors, Oil Stoves, Hot Plates, Electric Irons, Coleman Gas Lanterns, Stores, Electric Radios (Stromberg-Carlson), Club Bagte, Ladies' Luggage, Heaters, Circulators MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY We can still supply the following 6-Poot Binders 5-foot and 6-foot .Mowers Dump Rake Single Furrow Walking Plow 2 Furrow Gang Plow Harness Harness Parts Collars We have a good stook on hand Plow Harness $30 per set up Team Breeching Harness $54 up Our desire its to serve our home community with your farm and home requh-emenits, with high puality at the most rea^nable prices DISHES 32, 66 and 96-piece setts Priced at $7-95, $19.95 and 28.95 J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEED ROOFING CEMENT Phone 4 r 22 FEED FEVERSHAM, Ont. F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited • '. SUMMER STORE HOURS CLOSED MONDAYS Open balance of the week, including Wednesday and Saturday Nights- SPECIAL Large White Flannelette Blankets Size 70x90. Pair $2.25 See Our DRESSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Rayon Prints: Floral and Geometric designs. Plain Crepes : In aP wanted shades. Printed Jerseys: Neat floral patterns. Printed Cottons: Cool and practical. Styles for Juniors, Misses, Women's Half sizes. Priced from $3.45 to $16.95 TRIMZ Ready- Pasted Wallpaper Goes on in a jiffy. Dries in 20 minutes. Ready Trimmed See these pay new patterns in our Wallpaper Department We have a large range of BEACH and EMPIRE Coal, Wood Stoves White Enamel â€" Black Enamel Trim ; ; Our stock of NORGE and QUAKER Oil Space Heaters Are Selling Rapidly Get yours while they are still ^ available Paint Up and Clean Up from ou large complete stock of Paints and Varnished ^ For Every Purpose JUST RECEIVED A New Shipment of Enamelware See Us for WIRE FENCING for Every Need ;t. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7. Markdale I I 4 p.,,..

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