Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1946, p. 4

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« iVednesday, May 8, 1946 THE PLaSHEHrON ADVANCE THE flesherton Advance f>vbligh«d on CoUinff-vood St, Flesherton, V •<inM<l*y of Mck woek. Circulatioa otv ',100i Price in Canada $2.00 per yaar. when paid in advr.r" %\]!n% i» U. S. A. $2.60 per year, wk i^aid in advance 12.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor CEYLON FEVERSHAM As we write our correspondence this week, we are thinking of a year ago. How tense our world was, wait- ing to hear that peace had been de- clared' Let Us hope that as time goes on. the present unrest will gradually di's appear, and let us ever remember, how thankful we, in Can- ada, should be. Mr- and Mrs. Ernie MacRae and â- on, Donnie, of Toronto were week and visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. p. Hunt. Mrs. Plester is spending a week with friends in Toronto. The many friendfe of Mrs- G. Campbell are glad to know that she has made such a good recovery from her accident. Mrs. Campbell is at present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingwall. Mr. Jack Adams of Barrie was a week end visitor at hi^ home. Mrs. Robt. Phillips and sons of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stafford of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips of Owen Sound were visitors the pa^t week at Wm. Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gillespie of Hopeivilie wcri- recent visitors with Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. T. W- Matison of Toronto •nd Mrs. Ellen \Vhyte, Priceville, were recent visitors with Mrs. Wm. Burnett and Mrs. M. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cairns, Colleen and Howard, visited on Sunday with the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Howard Conn ell, Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid and son, Melville, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDermid and daughters, Joanne and Downie, visited last Sunday with friends in Glenelg. Dr. Reid and Mrs. Reid of Vegre- â-¼ille, AlU., visited the paist week with Mrs. Douglas Reid and two sons. Mrs. E. Smellie of Toronto was a week end visitor with Mrs. John MrS. Will Maycock, Hanover, spent the week end with her cousin, Mrs- C- Archibald. Mr. Douglas Reid of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Reid and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Black and. Don- na, Gravenhurst, vi"sited a couple of days last week at the home of Mrs. C. Archibald. We are pleased to report that Mr. Wm. David^son is improving nicely, after suffering a severe heart attack on Thursday of last week. Dr. R. W. Lindsay was called and rendered medical aid and Nurse Smith was in attendance for a few days. Mr. Albert E. Burke returned to Toronto kist Thursday, after visiting two weeks .with Mr. and Mrs. George Burke. Miss Helen Whiteoak of Colling- wood spent a week recently with her friend. Miss Marion Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eiby, Ann and Elaine of Owen Sound vi'sited Saturday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Eiby. Miss Almeda Tyler was a visitor for a few days with her cousin. Miss Wilma Williams, in Flesherton. Miss Dorfs Smith, Toronto, and Miss Pearl Smith, Rob Roy, were recent visitors with their aunt, Miss Maud Smith- Mr. Howard McKee of Hamiltpn spent the week end at his home here. Gnr. Jim McKee, who has been feta- lioned at Winnipeg, Man-, spent Sun- day and Monday at the home of his parents, returning to Toronto on Monday evening- Mrs. R. Alexander of Flesherton, .Mrs. Earl Alexander and three children of CoUingwood were recent visitors at the McKee and Alexander homes. Mi'ss Mary Mills of CoUingwood visited two days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mills. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Rozell Conn were: Mr. and Mrs. Gax-field McLeod of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. E. Morriteon and Jim of CoUingwood. and VARIETY ^^ENTERTAINERS TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON FRIDAY, MAY 10th 8:15 p.m. Admission: 30c and 20c, plus tax FISH LOAF 2 cups cooked flaked fish, 1 cup bread crumbs, % tsp. salt, 14 tsip. paprika, Vi tsp- grated onion, 1 tsp- lemon juice, 2 eggs, Vi cup milk, 1 tb'sp- chopped parslel- Mix all together (more milk, if fish is dry). Turn into greased mould; cover- Cook in electric oven, or steam until firm in centre- â€" about 30 mins- POACHED EGGS Break eggs into boiling aalted water in a shallow pan. Have the water deep enough to come over top of the egg. Remove the pan from the heat a^ soon as the water com- mences te simmei again.. Cover, and let stand for about 5 mins., or are as finn M F09 egg^ carefully *xA Pour a little melttd Add salt and p«pp«ff until the eggs want them. Remove the serve on toast, fat ov them- to tasite. Poached eggs are also good ^ on a bed oif flaky, cooked rfce, OV 'spinach or oher greens. ^ . . Note: A zinc jar top placed u>^M pan of water will shape the egsf 1st* a circle. SPANISH TOAST 2 eggs, beaten slightly, % V09 tomato juice, 1 tsp. sugar (op- tional), Va. tsp. salt, pepper, o-« islices bread, 3 tbsips. fat. onifln juice. Blend beaten eggs, tomato jnlce, sugar and seasonings. Dip both sidefe of each slice of bre.*d into Hm mixture. Brow5i on both sides in hot frying pan. *" BOWL 8TH LINE OSPREY HYDRO EOONOMBT Miss Joan Crawford, accompanied by her uncle, Mr. Wm. Bla'schky, of Preston spent Ea'ster week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J- Craw- ford. Billy Crawford returned with them for a few holidays. Mrs. Peter Somers, Helen and Naomi, of Mildmay spent Easter hol- idays at their home. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and family of Colling. wood, and Mrs- Frances Foster of Vandeleur. Mrs. Mark Murphy and Elizabeth are with the former's sister at Glen- elg Centre, who i's quite ill. Little Mary Stephens entertained her grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, Mrs. Frances Foster of Vandeleur, Mr D. Stephens and Mas- ter LaVerne Wickenfe to dinner Fri- day evening, on the occasion of her fiirst birthday. iHello Homemakers! Let"^ give our family that refreshment and relaxat- ion so deserved when the day's routine is over, by serving plea.sant, interest- ing supper di'shes. All of us know that fisJi, eggs, wholegrain cereals, and cheese are basic ingredients of the main lenten supper dish, but few of us take time to figure out how we can prepare them reasonably and at- tractively. It's fun to plan a dish with just a small note of surprise in either shape texture or garnish- A homemaker who prepares good food can erafee many trials and tributations without actu- ally raising the budget a few cents. OATMEAL VEGETABLE SOUP 2 lbs. soup bone (%bone, % meat), 2 tbsps. fat, 2 quarlfe water, 4 tsps- salt, % tsp. pepper. 2 cupfe cooked tomatoes, 1 cup diced carrots, % cup chopped cel- ery, % cup oatmeal. Remove part of meat from cracked soup bone, cut meat into cubes and brown lightly in hot fat. Place meat, coup bone, water, salt and pepper in soup kettle; cover and simmer 2 hrs. Cool, Strain, and chill sufficiently so that excess fat may be skimmed off. Return stock to kettle and add vege- tables Bring to a boil, then slowly add rolled oats or oatmeal. Cover and simmer 30 min. until vegetables are tender. Soup meat used in leak- ing the stock may be cut in small pieces and added. Serve with finely chopped parsley sprinkled on top, if desired. Yield 8 large servings. BERMUDA PIE 4 cups sliced mild onion's, IVa cups milk. 6 strips side rindless bacon, 3 eggs, salt, cayenne, unbaked cheese pastry shell. Parboil the onions in small amount of water- Drain off the liquid. Beat eggs and add to onions. Add the milk, salt and cayenne to tafete. Pour into unbaked cheese pas.try shell. Sprinkle chopped bacon over the top_ Bake in electric oven it 425 degs. for 15 mins. then lower to 350 degs- for 20 mins- Serve hot with garnish of paprika or chopped par'sley. Accom- pany with crisip salad- GEORGETTE SCRAMBLED EGGS 4 medium potatoes, 4 eggs, 4 tbsps- cream, salt and pepper, 5 or 6 sardines, par'sley. Bake potatoes; slice off the top and take out th inside which may be kept hot in a double boiler to serve at side- Scramble eggs with ci-eam and season. Add chopped sardines and parsley. Fill the po- tato shell with egg and sardine mixture and 'serve immmediately Men's Ready-to-Wear " CLOTHING Our selection of Men's Suits has been further in- creased by the arrival of new lines this season. The assortment is exceptionally good in these days of scarce merchandise. Sizes from 36 to 44. Prices $25.95 $27.50 and $32.50 No priority certificates necessary for these lines. Men^s Ordered Clothing Returned service men can obtain Made-to-Measure Suits and Top Coats in three or four weeks on pro- duction of Priority Clothing Certificates. Come in and let us take your measure. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. MEN'S WORK BOOTS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS MEN'S WORK CLOTHING MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S SPRING NECKWEAR F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Onl. ^TwmmM They offer a chance for IMMEDIATE JOBS â€" STEADY JOBS too. They also offer jobs for experienced farm workers â€" for mechanically trained workers â€" and any others able to help seasonally. Then, there is the challenge to fight off star- vation threatening many nations. • JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER • JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT Apply today for work on the farnn to either â€" YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Oft PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA AUn/sfcr of Labour OBp\i\'f MiM/'tfer 'A * ; * â- t Happy Cherry Piokera So desperate is Europe's need for food . . . and so urgonf our farmers' need for labour that thousands of helpers are needed this spring. Attractive Community Camps ore waiting. Work It guaranteed under skilled, pleasant supervision. Here's the opportunity for youth to pitch in and halp a vital, worthwhile cause. Te«n-agartl Sign up for the Form Service Force today. ' I ' -* m " DOMINION • PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AOaiGULTUIII Your help U needed en all types of farms â€" nowl You can b« accommodated in Inspected Farm Homes or in 'Y' Supervised Camps.* If you are a high school student, check with your teacher regarding the neces- sary permission to leave school early . . . then fill in attached couponi • Tlili •ummw, (hs %ah»rt timpion Co. lid. wilt httnt to OFsr CamiH a Mrl9« of Farm Frolict â€" feoturlng name bandt ond anlortaiiwft I lAtOUl IDUCATION MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE I Onlorl* Form Swvic* Pon*. 112 Cslbg* SI., Teronlo. I wont t. "U„d . Hand". I>Im» i.ml m. <. rxUmtlM torn mrf oil nocoiiorv InlormoNon oboul Iho Ontario rmUnitmrtnT (plooM print) Tol. will bo available from. accemmodot(.ff ini A"^ would lllw fa W An tnapadod Form Horns r~\ Supnrvl!i»d Comp H « o « â- 4 * A A â- â™¦ f

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