THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 15, 1946 « » 3 * ' * » * 4 4 * « 4 t « * KIMBERLEY A pleasant social evening was held in the Community Memorial hall on ' Fridiay evening, under the auspices otf the hall board. " The W-A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrt. John iWickens on Tuesday. Mrs. Gladiwin Wiley of Priceville and Mrs. Jos. Gibson of Thornbury were recent visitors with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J<ohn Wickens. Mr. and Mrs- Lee Weber of Loree, Mr. and Mrs- Art Wardman and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mrs. Geo- Proctor has returned to her home here, after visiting at Eugenia. Mr. and Mi^. Clarence Soul of Port Eiope spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T- Soul. Mrs- B. A. Carruthers has retum- «d home, after a ten days' visit with her son and family at Burlington. There is great cau^e for rejoicing in two homes here, that of Elmer UUis, upon the arrival of their son, Mervyn. from overseas on the Isle de France, and that of Mrs. Chas. Shilvock and family upon the arirval <xf her husband, who has been gone since the beginning of the war. Mr. Bruce Hodgkinson has bought the land formerly owned by Mr. W. G. Hammond of Toronto. Mr. Wm. Haines is a patient in Markdale hospital, having under- Crone a goitre operation. Mr. and Mrs- Jack Graham of Singhampton and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips of Flefeherton visited their parents here on Sunday- ROCK MILLS Special Mother's Day service was held in the chiu"ch here Sunday, with a good attendance. •Mr. Sam Smith of Toronto was a visitor the past week at the home of his nephew, Mr. Wes Smith. Visitors over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell and Elva were- Mr- and Mrs. Redge Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weatherall of Thistletown. Miss Eunice Dobson, who hab been employed for some time at Orange- viile, has returned to her home. Many logs are still being trucked into the mill yard here. The Rock v>IiUs softball team opened the Reason with a win from Feversbam on the local diamond by a large score- The Rock Mills team is comiposed of the following: Laurie Russell. Leslie Seeley, George Akitt, Fred Boyce, Bob Clark, Thoa- Bem- rose, Lloyd Partridge, Mel Sled. Bill Stephen, with alternates: Art Betts, Burton Campbell- Geo, Bemrose. Some of our local sportsmen have been catching some fine trout lately. Willard Bemrose caught one Satur- day weighing two pounds. Mrs- Robt. McMuUen, Mr. and Mi*i- Cecil Betts and family spent Mother's Day with Mr- and Mrs. .Andrew Fawcett at Vandeleur. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Jim Pedlar is improving some after her long illness with a seriouS heart condition. FEVERSHAM As dockers refused to work, 60 Norwegian women in Oslo refused to see food wasted and unloaded a cargo of Spanish tomatoeb from the Canary Islands. PAINTING I expect to move to Priearille permanently about May 20tli, wliai I win be available for your paintln|r jobs, exterior or interior, ettiicr by brush or spray- Orden takcm now for future work. JACK CARSON 576 Sherboorne St., Toronto HAPPY RESULTS Impoelsible accomplished On March Srd, 1946, a client wrote us â€" "Cheque received- You are wonders. I made every effort to collect this but failed, and concluded it was impossible. Thanks-" This Same effectivt service is availabe to you- KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, Ont. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Miss Mable Fenwick, Reg-N., of Markdale hospital ^taff is spending awhile at her home here. Mr. Jim Pedlar of Toronto visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters and sons- Mr- and Mrs. C. J. Kennedy of Fles'herton visited with Mr. and Mi^. Joe Porteous. Mrs. Johnnie Blakey of Toronto spent the past week with her par- ents, Mr- and Mr^. Chris Lougheed. On Tuesday 'she underwent a tonsil operation in Markdale hospital, re- turning on Wednesday to her par- ental home. Mr- and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. Leslie Lougheed accompanied Mr- and Mt^- Johnnie Blakey to To- ronto on Monday and will spend a few days there. Detective: "Didn't you feel the pick-pocket's hand in your pocket?" Absent-minded :"Yes. but I thought it was mv own hand." TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until Monday, May 20th, 1946- at 6 o'clock p.m. for the purchase of the east half of the Ma.Twell United Church shed. The highest or any tender not necessar- ily aecepted- â€" GEO. MORRISON, Secty. PRODUCE More Cream IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE A GREATEk PRODUCTION OF CREAM, THE GOVERN- MENT HAS ALLOWED A 4c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTER, WHICH RESULTS IN A 5c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTERFAT TO THE PRODUCER. THIS WE ARE NOW PAYING. No doubt many produces will further increase , their herd, or through extra feeing benefit oonsiderably by this boost in price OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For your convenience the Creamery will be open Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Live and Dressed Poultry A HENS 5 lU. andovvr 25c, Live Dreaaed 30c Flesherton Creamery AagMt Avis, MMMfir FLESHIRTON, Ontario Squadron Leader C- S. Walter of Toronto, recently returned from overseas, visited Monday of last week with Mr. Chris Thomson- He was with the Financial Branch of the R. C.A-F. and wa^ in the service over five years, three of which were spent overseas. Squadron Leader Walter is a son of Mr- Wm- Walter and the late Mrs. Walter, Toronto. He is wedl known in this vicinity, having spent many Summers here during the past 30 years with his uncle, Mr. Chris Thomson- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Thombury and Mrs- Mervin Otte- well and daughter. Remecca, were visitor^ last Tuesday with Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell, and also called on Mrs. H- McKee. Mr- Sheldon Mills left last week to work for Mr- Wesley Reid, a farmer near Heathcote, where he had been employed prior to enlisting in the Army- Gnr. Jim McKee, son of Mr. and Mr^. Howard McKee, returned on Thursday from Toronto, where he received his discharge from the Army- Mr. and Mrs. Edg«r Hills, Moore- field, were callers Thursday of last week at the home of Mr- and Mrs- G. Elby. Mr- and Mrs. Herb Eby and Stephen of Barrie were Sunday vis- itors with them. Miss Marion Elby spent the week end with Miss Eileen Forsythe at Owen Sound. Messrs- Wra- Heitman and Harold Fenwick ^pent Thursday and Friday at Commanda. Mr- Bill Burke of the Bank of To- ronto staff, Owen Sound, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. Visitors at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Wm- Heitman on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Lome McQuay and two children of CoUingwood, Mr- and Mrs. Harold Ofeborne and Marie of Dundalk, and Mr- and Mrs. Ray Mc- Keown and Paul of Duncan. Miss Norma Heitman, who spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. McKeown, re- turned to her home here. Miss Isabel Torrie returned to her duties at the Bank of Toronto Mon- day- after a three weeks' holiday at her home in Markdale and with her brothers and families in Detroit- Mr. Wm. Kaitting of Flesherton spent the week end with his daugh- ter. Mrs- Stan Menzies. and called on his cousin, Mr- Wm. Davidson, who is seriously ill. He also called on his sister. Mrs- G. Burke, and Mr- Burke. Col. A- and Mrs. LajTnan, Mr- and Mi^. Canupbell of Toronto, Major C- and Mrs- Knapp and Capt. Trunks of Orillia were guests of Mr. and Mrs- J. M- Stafford on Sunday- Col, and Mrs. Layman, assisted by Major and Mrs. Knapp, conducted two services last Sunday afternoon and evening in the Salvation Army hall, with large crowds attending both services- Col- Layman was stationed in Feversham 42 years ago, and since then has seen service in many parts of the Dominion and the United States. He grodually rose in the ranks and is now second in com- inand of all Salvation .\rmy work in Canada, Newfoundland and Be-rmuda. I 8TH LINE OSPFJIY Mrs- McDonald and daughter. Mrs- Miller, and two children of Sing- hampton and Mr. Mark Wilson and Mrs. .-Vrt Lawler and two children of Durham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ge- Lawler recently- Mr- and Mrs. Jas- Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephen's and Mary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Joe .\rmstrong at Thombury. Mr- and Mrs. Bill Stephens and Helen spent Sunday with friends in CoUingwood. Mr. and MrS-* Walter Poole and Givice of CoUingwood spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Lawler- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Flesherton visited with Mr- and Mrs- George Lawler. Priceville Presbyterian Nates Communion service will be held in St Andrew's Churches at Priceville and SMyinton Park on Sunday- May Idth, at 11 a.m. and 3 p-m. At Priceville the Sunday School will meet at the cloise of the mominjr service - Special Bnvpire Day service will be held on Sunday, May aCth. The choir will meet for practice in the church ait 8:30 each Thursday- Sunday. June 2nd, wiM be oJ>s«r»ed as. Advance Sunday. The Rev. W. F. Butcher of Toronto will preach ami the serrjces will b« conducted by t*« minister- Don't put your sboukier to the whe«l until ]r«« 1>*^ * Pxx^ P^*^ ^ *tea<l oa. Wtu^ w» dont kiww kboai â€" Russia, Iran, Bnl^rja, Greece, llAll- churia, India and Palestine â€" may decide the lives of our children- VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs- Speers, Toronto, ia a gruest this week in the home of Mr- and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mr. Les Batchelor spent Mother's Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor- Les is employed with Canada Steel in the erection of barns. This Monday he was report- ing for duties at St. Thomas. Mr. Kingsley Gallagher, Toronto, was a week end visitor witih his parents, Mr- and Mrs- W. Gallagher. The ladies of Inistioge United Church "Keld their May meeting at the church Wednesday afternoon. May 8th. An invitation was accepted from the Fleteherton W-M.S. to at- tend a special meeting at their church on Friday afternoon. May 17, to hear the guest speaker, Mrs. Godfrey Gale, daughter of Rev. Dr. Andrew and Mrs- Thomson, who re- cently returned to her parental home, following a period of intern- ment in the hands of the Japanese. .\11 ladies are urged to attend. Residents here listened with inteis est to the program over CFOS, Owen Sound, on Sunday afternoon. May 5, when, on the Church of the Air, Dr. Thomson gave %n exceptionaOy fine address, supported by the joint choirs of Flesherton, Eugenia, Pro- ton and Inistioge churches, under the direction of Mr^. Milne. Flesherton. Sunday, May 12th, found a large congregation present at Inistioge church to take part in the Mother's Day service- The church was at- tractive with many spring flowers, including a beautiful basket of cut flowers, dedicated by Mr. Wm- Talbot and family in memory of Mrte. Wm. Talbot, who passed away in Aug- ust, 1945. Mrs. Milton Bannon had the pleas- ure Sunday evening of receiving Mother's Day greetings by telephone from her daughter. Doris, Samia. Miss Florence Batchelor ha^ ac- cepted a position in Miller's store at Dundalk and commenced her duties on Monday, May 6th. Mr- Ivan Copeland. Toronto, was a week end visitor with his parents. Mr- and Mrs. Jos. Copeland. AUCTION SALE PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE 13 MALES and 18 FEMALES THE SECOND ANNUAL SALE AND SHOW under the auspices of GREY AND BRUCE HEREFORD BREEDERS will be held in the ^.^ SKATING RINK. MARKDALE TUESDAY, MAY 28TH, 1946 Show at 12:30 pm. Daylight Saving Time Sale 1:30 p.m. CATALOGUES ON REQUEST Boyd Porteous. President, R. R. 3, Owen Sound T. Stewart Cooper, Secretary, Markdale 3BND IN YOUR RENEWAL. B ATES FOR COTS DUNDALK Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b. 7.40 p.m. To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4-05 p-m. g 8.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 Gray Coach Lines "THAT'S A lOAD OFF MY MIND!" Mrs. Mason's husband gets his pay in cash. Since he's working all day, his wife banks ft for him, and she says she's always jittery til sha gets it safely there. And her brother, who runs a store, says he worries too about, the money from the cosh register! Safeguarding your money is one of the prime services reiK- dered by your bank. WhOt fl relict it is when you have deposited your money in the bank! No more worry lest it should be lost or stolen! You need only keep a little ready cash in your pocket or in the house; Bills can be paid by cheque and your cancelled cheque is joat receipt. When the teller hands you your pass book, you glance M the balance and know to a cent how much money you harei Yon are so accustomed to your bank's accxiracy that you seldom bother to check the figures. The very fact that youâ€" and some 5,000,000 othersâ€" take all diesc conveniences as a matter of course is a daily demonstratioa ol your confidence in the dependability and effideacy of jout buJtu This A</v«rfis«m«nf la Sponsored by yovr Batir