Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1946, p. 3

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> .A V CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IIAI>\ LEU) lv> lli.s year â€" wilh 'I'op Nutcli 4.hli.-k». Ill ordfi- to pn^iiuii; th«- laiKeBl eaa-i ... tlie pluinpes; bird^ ... It id ii«;ceu.**:ir> t(>.>tuii wi'.li husky <-hicl;.s. Th.it '.â- * whj you il apprtrciale the Top .Nott-li .â- iyittm 01 breedirii; and .•4</lcrtinB. only thf best pure and cros^s bred elTHins. livery Top Notch breed- ei ;s pullorum tested and i!ov- ernment Approved. Only tho.'-e of knjwii livabilit;. and productivlt.v jire used. Kvery .-.hipnjent of Top Notch chirks Is carefully inspect- ro .in«l all weaklinB.s are culled. Urdei' today and take advantage of our liberal June discount.'^. I'rrmpt delivery on non-sexed, pullets, and heavy breed cocker- el.-* in all the popular pure breed.- anc hybrid ( ros.'^s. Also eight week to eighteen week old pul- lets. Free catalogue. Top -Notch I.',; -kerie.^, (.iielph. Ontario. AV.VNTED TO lTaCH.\i:i; I'LLI.ETS lj;irred 14ock.^, Neiv Hampshircs, While Leghorns any age from I Weeks up to laying. Good prico pi»id. Apply to Do.\ No. 95, 7 Acel.iide V\'., Toronto. iJi ^;;,;L;u cmcKs i-'ou \vi.NTKf: pii Auction, delivery June-July, ."hc-uld be ordered without dela> to i^et breeds or crossbred on de- livery date ytjn wish. Hra\' Hatch- t;>. IJU John .v. Hamilton.- Ont. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. J-^i-horn pullets 2U\ All Breeders dt-uble bloodtested and barked by hi^h pedigrreed foundation stock. Many Hurondale customers report best chickri 1 ever had. Walter Morion, Dryden, â€" We were well ple;i«ed with the pullets we re- >- •â-  \rd Ia.>t yii'n.r. I'ullet-^ laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. .-^Ursex X X, Hamp.. Uock x .New H.-^mp.. Harred Rucks. Pure Sussex and New Hampi-hire pullets ITe. I'urt- Sup-sex mixed 13c.. Sussex x X. Hamp.. Jiock x Hamp.. Rocks ami New Hamps. mixed 1-c. Sus- sex X L^shorn, Rock x I-^ghorn and I^s:hora x New Hamp. mixed lie. puUols 20c. Assorted puHets lo'.-.. asjiorted mixed 9o. Cockerel :trd sitarted prices on re'iuest. l>rder from and endorse this Ad. ;?! '"'M per l'»'> deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS srt;t i.vi.r/.i:i) iihki-:di.><; im.axt .'•.OOO IIICKKDISItS l^..-k .v«'ur order for June. W.th the scarcity of meat, there will be a big demand tor Poultry ar.'i llggs this Fall and Winter at attractive prices. It will pay you to rut in an extra brood or chicks this year. I'RO.MIT UKI.IVEKV â€" With a ca- p;io.ty of SU.OOO Lakeview Chicks w-jekly. we expect we can give prv-mpt deliver\" book your order ;'-•. tuce for Juno or Jul;, isK.VH UKI'OSIT â€" For quick ser- vice send deposit with your In- quiry or order, and we will book jour order at our prices which are ver> reasonable. IVe will pr niptly mail you an acknow- leugement of your order, and if it shouldn't suit you we guaran- tee to return your deposit at once. This plan will give you better service. IHH ItKVr WE y.W.K H.VU â€" Neil ;vl -Donne!. 'Joderich, Ont. Colin t.'tinipbeil. .New Richmond, Que- bec â€" Well satisfied, lost 4 out oT 104, Hope you can supply more. As high as lOli eggs from Hi Leghorn pullets. Wonderful pro- ciuc;;oii reports lieuben Kennel, :?n:.kespeare. Ontario. IIItKBDS: Larse Type White Leg- horns, f'ure Sussex, Sussex X ,\ew Hamps,, L'.. Rock X .N'ew H .nip. Rock .\ Leghorn, Sussex .\ Leghorn, Leghorn X New H.itnp.. New Hamps., and Barred LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS L'ay old staited up to 4 weeks old. L.Hkeview Leghorns are the l.irj:e type, mated wilh cockerels from I'ed. stock â€" "Real Egg .M;..hines." sK\u Koit \vi-:ekly list: â€" o- Special I'rices on day old chicks, puliets and cockerels, and start- eu chicks. »t\\. jvyv: .VNU k.ili.. h.4tcheu Ji<-ok your order for June, or Fall H.,tched Chick.s NOW. l..iKK- MP.W I'Ol l.THV rAI»>l. Wein ^â- â- '.â- > . fclxeler. Onl. Th;:r;l-:'S M.> Li.\.\lULE .vuolt i:-iii. It's SL'insT to be a poultri year. The pc^ultry industr,\ is the logical one to expand today, as birds are economical users of our short grain .'^uppl.w Canada is one of those fortunate countries that can export tuod to feed a hungry UA-rld It's going to take a long time to fill the bread basket ol the world. Working men who are rebuilding their devastated coun- tries must eat. So what are you waiting for! Fill up the brooders. It isn't too late to fill them with T\\ eddies, the husky, healthy fast ^;«.'wing Kind. I'retty soon they'll be read.v for the grass, nature's cheapest and best food. .VnU don't forget â€" J'ou can't go wron.c with chick.s with a record of 21 years of satisfaction to steadv customers. No waiting at Twed- dles for your chicks. We can give pi(.'mpt delivery on all the popu- lar pure breeds and hybrid cross- es ill non-sexed. pullets or cock- erels. Prices greatly reduced for June. Also S week to 20 week old pullets. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchcrie.-i Limited, Fer i;uv, Ontari'>. 25 FREE CHICKS OLK H.vm CHICKS ARE THE proscny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood- tested. Prices from 3c to i!jc. All gu-iranleed excellent layers. Don't de'.ay. order now. iioddard Ohlck Hiti-hcrie," r.riiaiini-i Helshls. O: t REUABLE CHICKS Si :-;ed , -hi. -Us for June delivery. IJaircd Rock, l.eghorn and Hy- brids, LouhoiMi X ISarred Rock, Hamp. .\ Itavred Hock. Light Sus- sex all three and four weeksi. It p;vys dividends to h.Hvo ft good fl.'ck of started chickfe. don't put off write now for prices and when itvailable for shipping. .-Vlso baby chicks of same breed still available. Miller's Chick Hatch- er,\-. Fergus. Ont. Rhone L't^.l-W. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c. Su-'sc-x. Sussex x llanip.. Rock x Hamp., New Hamp- and Karred Rock pullet* ITc. ISook your order NOW. Jl.ni) per lou depo.<<it. Ord»r from this .\d. Hurondale Chick H achery. London. Ontario. II tilt I Hl< K» LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders Book vour order f ,r June an,1 July, With th scarcity of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this Fall and Winter at attractive prices. It will pay you to put in an extra brood of thicks this year. I'ronipr Deliverjr â€" With a capacity of 60,000 Lakeview chicks week- ly, we expect we can give prompt delivery, but to be .safe, book your order at once for June or July. f:radr .\ â€" Large Type White Leg- horns, Sussex X Leghorn, Rock x I<eghorn. Leghorn .x New Hamp. mixed llHc. pullets 20c., cox 6c. B. Tlocks. Rock X H.amps.. .''ew Hamps., Sussex, Susse.x x Hamps. mixed J12.73, pullets $17.00. cox jn.".'). Send deposit of $1.00 per iiHi. We guarantee 100^^ live de- livery. Order from and enclose this ad. I.arKe White I.FshornN â€" Day old and started up to 4 weeks old. Liikcview I.,eghorns are the large type mated with cockerels from I'd, sti^ck â€" "Real Egg Machines." Seoil for Weekly I.i»« â€" of special prices on day old chicks, pullets, and cockerels and started chicks, Juae, July and Fall Hatched â€" Book your order for June, July or Fall Hatched chicks now. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Rxeter, Ontario. Ul SINKSS OPI'ORTf.VITIES WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? We have hundreds of buyers in Detroit and Windsor. Give all de- tails ,ind price. Write or see V. \V. D-..w;e. Maidst-jne. Ontario. nVRING AND CLEAM.NG HAVE rOU A.NTTHINO NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us tor Information. We are glad to answer your Questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limited. Ti"! Vonge Ptreeu To- ronto. HKI.I- WA.Vl'KU FOR SALE LJRFAT DANE PL'PS FOR S.\LE; very well bred: fawn wilh black mask: all males: Pam: Jaco-Lyn of L\n-Dee; Sire; Tarr of Tyedes- ley: Phone :;4I1 Barrie or write Wm. Stewart Brookdale Kennels. Ijii Elizabetli Street. Barrie, Ont. TURKEY POULTS â€" PROMPT DELIVERY V\'e can give prompt delivery on Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or tjooU for June delivery. Poults hatched from bloodtested, pullorum free breed- ers, under ideal conditions In most modern 1346 model, all electric and automatically con- trolled turkey Incubators, and hatched In separate, new turkey air conditioned Hatchery, Send for Price List and full particu- lars. No orders accepted less than 50. ACT QUICKLV â€" BOOK YOCP. ORDER WHILE THEY L.\ST L.^KEVIEW TURKEY R.ANCH. Cox 18.';, Exeter, Ont. Phone IT?. HYDRAUUC TRACTOR SEAT New -Monroe E-Z Ride Tractor Seat. Passenger car comfort, eli- minates ride fatigue on your tractor. Bursaw Tractor Co., Woodstock, Ontario. ELKCllllC MUTOKS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belti pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. -.126 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont. CHOICE PROGRESSIVE EVEP.- bearers S5 for $1.00; 5U tor $1.75: lOU tor $3.00: 100 for $5.00. Pre- paid Riverside Nursery, West River, .Nova Scotia. FOR SALEâ€" HOUSE O.VE-STOr.EY FRAME. SIZE 24x18, and "- X U, -Vppl.v Box L", Glen- cue, i,>nT, ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale; Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10. Ou each. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire .Ave., Toronto, Ontario. NEW B.VCOX COMBINATION HANU Cultivator. Hoe and Plow avail- able in almost unlimited quanti- ties for immediate shipment. Dis- tributSjd by W, F. McKenzie Co. since 1S66, Leamington. Ontario. Canada. (.'elebrating SO year.-^ business in same location and name. We ship to dealers, depart- mental, chain and seed houses. See your nearest dealer, hard- war store, or WRITE US DIRECT for IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT anywhere in Eastern Canad.i $14. S" prepaid and $i:>.So prepaid to Westerh Canada. Shipments m:ide same day order received, W. F. McKENZIE CO., LEAMiNGTON,' ONTARIO. K.IKMS FOIt SALE TWO HLNURKD ACRES FENCED eighty workable, sugar bush large bank barn, spring water, large house, water, sink, tele- phone In between Iwn lowii? Ur:iv.ier South River '150 ACRE lARM, i:;i' CNDEF. cultivation with or without stock and machiner>. .N'ed Mc- Namara, Masson. Quebec. ',•1 Al'iu; FAlt.M. ALL WORKAlM.i; land. UUl ft. barn, henhouse and other buildings, I'.rick house with new furnace, h.^dro newly in- â- ^tailed and water, near No. 2 rtighwav. 3 miles from Port Hope. Apply Earl Inch. R. R» No. 3. IVrt Hope. Out, II \iiii>iti'>*iiNn LKAIIN HAIIJDIJESSlNc: 'VHK Robertson method Infcimatlon on reques' regaidmg cla»s».' Robertson's H.iirdressing Acad einy, 1 S7 Avenue Road loronlo HEI.I" W%\Tl-:i> I WO.MEN â€" MAKE SPAKF.-TIMh: money this way: .No selling. Plea- sant work. No experience re- quired. Write for fre-- particulars. Julian r.-ich. Box TTii, Columbus. Ohio. HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permanent positions, best wagrea, comfortable home, large grouada. Twenty minutes from downtown Toronto. Two adulta one school child. Excellent opportunity for widow older daughter as maid, two sisters etc. Write Advertiser. 59 Edgewood Ave., Toronto t, Ontario. MEDICAL DON T delay; every SL'FFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the causa of 111 health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If Ihia Is â- 'your trouble. Interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write Mulveney'i Remedies Specialists, Toronto S. PROVEN REMEDY â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy'. Munro's Drug .Store, 333 Klgm. Oltaiva. I'ostpaM $1.00. IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do something about your baldness now. Hexonicin Scalp Preparation . , . the new, remarkable treatment for baldness . . . has grown hair in case after case professionally con- trolled and supervised. New hair nas definitely appeared in most cases â- (fter treatment with Hexonicin Scalp Preparation. Effective also in feminine oaldnes.s. Start this new- treatment for baldness row. Re- member, if Hexonicin Scalp Pre- paration doe-; not produce rpsult.s after following directions YOU GET Y-OtTt MONET B.\< K . . . every Jar sold is insured with a leading Cana- dian Insurance Companv. Don't postpone. .'Jend $3.00 (cheque or money order) today for trial jar to Hexonicin Canada* Limited Dep"^ O!. "^li; 0«U:ii:..:: Ave, T-.r-^nto 3. •'iiv.da. MfsrEM.ANEOrs GCNS REPAIRED. SCOPES mounted. Special twelve giiage sbeils for deer, A. Herrs-o;:. Gun- smith. Woodstock. Ont. MI'SH Al IJtSTIII'MEVT.l FKEi' ,A DiiDniMrnis bdys sells, exchances musics! Instru- mer.t.^. in Church, Torocto i. <> nil VI'IIE.S FOU tMlMRN BETTuiRURESsiR JOIN CANAPA'S LEAliNi; SCHOOL Great Opportunity Le»rn Halrdresalng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thous,-ind» successful .Marvel graduates. America's gre.nte*t sys- tem. Illustrated catnlogue fre«- Write or call MARVEL H.\l P.DKESSING SCHOOLS .158 tJloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King Sl Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. I'ATE^'T.* FETHEKSTO.NHALCh i (.'liMP.VNl Patent Solicitors. Established 18»0: 14 King West Toronto, Rook let of Information on reguesL I'ERSO-NAI. ME.MP.ERS W.V.NTEI^, ANNT'.VI. membership Two Doll.irs, Join today receive attractive member- ship book and rules governing Macnab Poetry (.'".itest. Write; Maenab Historical .Association. Foleyet. Ontario. i>M(»T«i<atArHi TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION i'our films properly developed and printed S OR 8 EXPOSCRE KULI.>i S5c REPRINTS 8 for !t6c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service yon desire by sending your films to IWI'RIIIAL fHOTll !>KIIVI«'R Station 1, Toronto. FILAls DEVELOPED 55 CTS. UUA- ranteed one day service. IVO WAITING. Kav Thoio Ser^tie N'ortti rtn.v ACME QUALITY & SERVICE ftotl devoloped and S prints '*oc., reprints 3c. each. 4*' x li" enlarije- nieius mounted in attractive fold- ers » for -5c. Work and service iiuarantecd. .\IMK I'lIOrO >ii:ilVKK stn. II. Toronto. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE .-Vll prints with deckle edge. 6 or 8 exposure rolls 25c. Reprints 3c. each. Box 1'. Station J. Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS I'KOMI'I- M.\II, »KR\ll'K -Xny Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED A.ND PRINTED :5c â- 6 MOUNTED ENL^VRGEMFNTS 25c Size 4x1^" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivorv tinted mounts; 7x9" in Gold. Silver. Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 5',k- each. If enlarge- ment coloured. 79c each. Reprints Made Frcm Your Negatives ;tc. Kaih DRIT. »• STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE H«x I'Jlt. I'rt-if t»fflce A, I'lironlo. I'r-r't \iiiie iml AJdre.-s I'l a i n I y STAMPS i;iiOD, OLD ST.V.MPS WANTED BV Collector onl,\ . Small or larger lots. Can pay more than Dealer for items I can use. .Must be good. Itest of lefrrences. tl. .*^j-mond. Kocanville, Saskatcb.cw-u;. \VANTKI> r(.)l'l,TKV FAU.M WANTED TO rent, by poultryman with 12 years experience. Hydro. State capa- cities, acreage, rent. Ceoffre.v Spindler. Horning's .MilN. Out. i:i SH FARM W.VNTEP WITH 20 acres or less cleared, tlood house and other buildings and unfail- ing water suppl.\'. .\e--ir Tourist Resort preferred. Write full par- ticul.-irs and lowest c.-xsh price. |:i>x 97 7;.' Adelaide W. Toronto. WANTED TO BUY r>c-t prices p.iid for good wal- nut â€" citlitr standing trees or logs. Telephone 4-4754 Kitchen cr or write: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Edward Stret. Kitchener, Ontario. Britain ^Quitting' India And Egypt Britain'* Present Policy It Fulfilment Of Previous Treaty Obligations Misrepresentation's of United Kingtlom policies on this continent are so frequent that it is not sur- prising to be told that the British Labor government is "qtiitting" I.'idia and Kg pt because it hopes to get more trade out of both countries that way, comments the Ottawa Citizen. ''Britain is always roughly treat- ed in these matters," said Mr. Herbert Morrison, in Ottawa rec- ently. "Either we are guilty of hard-hearted go-getting Imperial- ism, or we are guilt/ of sloppy, too-sentimental run-away p a c i f- isin." A corrective is in order both about India and Egypt. The truth is that ever since the First World War, successive British Govern- ments have made it their policy to offer setf-govcrniiiei'.t to India. For years past all parties have agreed on that. During the Second World War the coalition government be- sought the various parties and com- munities in India to agree among themselves and take self-govern- ment on a Dominion basis. Now there is actually a Cabinet mission in India which has not only offered independence to India but l^as had. in default of Indian agreement, to devise the plan by means of which it may be achieved .\.- for Egypt, the .\ttlee ijovern- ment"s policy is in direct line of the fulfilment of treaty obligations entered into by previous govern- ments. Xegotiations are now in progress for the evacuation of British troops from Egypt btit this is not because of any weakness nor .iiiy neglect of the defence of the British Comiiu>iiwealth. Its real reason is respect for the rigiits of >inall nation.s. The Egyptian Prime Minister iias already paid warm tribute to tiie fairness and reasonablenes- of the Britisli r-esotiat->">r5. EXTRA SPECIAL 4 enlarged prints for lUc â€" Send any 4 negatives of the same s'.ze (up t-> L'lj X I'll and v.e will return t • >ou immediately 4 enlarged prints on Velox paper, negatives returned with order. Send nega- tives with This ad and loc in coin today. This ad must accompany order to receive extra one prem- ium coupon. T,ONn(i\ PHOTO SERVICE r... . -â- ..:.;. Dept. W,. Londc-r. Ortarlo. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 From S«, W. â€" Toroale â- â€¢WK IICV it SELL- SAFES rrolrel juut IHIOK> au<l I .»*H froni FIIIK and IIIIF^Eit We hn>F a ilse sBd I7pe <>> )>â- (' •' Intilart. tut nm} parpu.ic Vintl u». or write for nrleo'* etc. (o Drill Vt J.6cJ.TAYLDrt UMITEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS I4.'( FroBI St 1':. luri'iiti. Knlnhlixhrri IV." HARNESS & COLLAKi Hanners Attention â€" Consult voui nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harne.«s Supplies We st>ll our eomis only throusb youi local Stacc I eathei (loods dealer. The (foods art right, and so art our prices We manufacture in our fac tories â€" Harnes.s Horse Col isrs. Sweat Pads, Horse Blan ket,'. and Leather Travellms; (Toods, Insl.'t or Staco Branr Trade Marked Goods, and yon -I'f «,iti<f:ii'tion Made rvlv bv SAMUEL TREES CO.. LTD WRITE FOR CATALOGUF 1'2 Wellinglon St F. Tfronir You can't feel your best if your kidneys aren't working normally, Clin Pills help give relief from Backache. Rheumatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggish kid- neys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills oo a sati.sfactton-or-moaey-back basis. Get a package todayâ€" »f proves their merit. R»9ular III*. 40 PflH Economy >lx*, tO Piflt {lithtL.S..i.t!ihr Cim P>ll> - UT FOR THE KIDNEYS THE FOURBILLION4$$ JOKE Riding high â€" a 1900 station wagon. Fifty years ago. when the "horseless carriage" was bom, tfaer* opened a new field for jokesters and comic canoonists. Today in its Golden Jubilee year, the automotive industry is • *4,OOO,0O0.00O business, and the "gas buggy" is a luxurioua, efficient, time-saving machine. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS â-  ("A Six Bit Critic") ,. In view of the nature of most ot the front-page headlines nowadsys, here's a very old yarn tliat might be rather timely. It's about the cloak-and-suit manufacturer who was much . harassed . by constant labor troubles, and finally con- stiltc ! I doctor about his nen-es. "•.\iid what an ignorai.'. boob that doctor turns out to be." he told some friends later. "I tell him my nerves are bad. so he says to me I should get interestci in sport to take my mind off my troubles â€" advises me I should attend some ball games. So I go to the base- bail park and what happens? Back of what they call the home-plate stands a big guy with a blue suit and a bird-cage over his tace. an-a a voice you can liear for a gooii half-mile. And about every tlire â-  seconds this big guy with tlie big voice hollers ou: 'STRIKE'â€" and every time h c hollers out 'STRIKE' I think of my business, and niy nerves jump clear .hrougl! m\ skin. A fine doctor! Horse- he should be prescribing for, or maybe goats!" » » * \\ e may be vrong. as usual, bu; sontehow we cannot help harbor- ing the sneaking, idea tliat the sport of baseball is heading straight for trouble â€" and mighty serious trouble, at tha.. Gambling in bali parks is steadily becoming more ai!i more oiwii and wide-spread, with folks betting not only on the result of the game itself, but on tlie lutconie of practically every iviil the pitcher tosses platewarj. * « « In fact it has become so flagrant that, only recently, the ganibliiii; sentry were actually openly offer- ing, over the ioud-siJcakcr system down in Montreal, cash bonuses for players making doubles, triple-, homers and the like. * * « Now it stands to reason tl'.a'. where there is one gambler ni'.i' will offer money for dohig a thing â€" for winning â€" you won't have ti.' search very hard to find another willing to pay just as much for do- ing just the opposite â€" for losing. .\nd the natura. outcome of tha: sort of Lusiness will be â€" sure as shooting â€" just the same kind of juicy scandal us the one which, not so many years back, shook baseball right down to the i!rrass-rc>ots « * « That was the time when the Chi- cago Black So;., of uiifragrani 111 c m o r y â€" a n d iKissibl:* manv others, as veil, who weni't foun<i o -t â€" got themselves so nii.xed u; with the gambling clement that only the a^.pointment of old Judge l.aiidis as absolute Tsar of the game saved baseball from a .severe l>lackout. * * • .\ lot of the magnate â- â-  w'-' i;.iu«ed â€" ai.d who still gaugeâ€" tjic Five-Day Week For U.K. Colliers? .\ five-day week for British coal miners is under consideration in discussions between union officials and Emmanuel Shinwell, Minister of Fuel and Power. Mr. Shinwell was reported prepared lo order what would be a revolutionary step in the industry if the union guaran- teed that it would not result in de- erea,«ed production. The five-day week would be in- troduced as an inducement to young men to enter ihe mines and also as a means of eliminatini,: much of the absenteeism plaguing the industry at present. success and popularity of th^ sport solely and strictly by the bo.x-office returns greatly resented the old Judge, with his dictatorial rulings, such as the o:'.e tiiat no known professional gambler should be al- lowed inside a ball park. They couldn't see why they should IiaTC to turn back casi at the wickets, merely because the one proffering tl at cash made his living by 'lay- ing the XKids'. .-Knd so. when Lan- dis finally passed on. they appoin- ted in his place « man who â€" well, who isn't above "li-itening to reason.. * « * Right uow, of course, everything is rosy. Turnstiles are clicking more merrily tha'' ever before â€" the red-ink sides of the baseball finan- cial statements are vast expanses of blank paper â€" and all is for the bc^t in the best of all possible base- ball worlds. • * * But that dotfsu'; say that base- ball is il! an ""invulnerable position by any means. Just one proven case of the old 'monkej business' â€" just one ball-player discovered listening to the siren voice of the sure-tiling gambler â€" and there'll be H â€" to pave and no cce-ment niixe;- handy. For. just let the cash customers once get an idea that baseball i; primarily a medium for bet-ma!;in<' and they're liable to see it for what it really is â€" twenty minutes or so of excitement tedium and. for gambling purposes, stirred up in an hour-and-a half of not nearly so speedy or actionful as a pair oi dice' Rocket Bomb Range Now 3,000 Miles The range of the rocket bomb has increased from 20U miles to 3.001) miles following tests by the Britisli .ocktt bomb mission in .\u.-tralia :.ccording tc nticonfirm- ed reports from Sydney. The mission is kniown to be ex- perimenting with the rocket bomb as a pc->teutial carrier of atomic bombs. The special British mission, which has been conducting a sur- vey oi vast uninhabited areas in Central .\ustralia, was reix'rted to have advised the Commonwealth government that the region would prove a satisfactory rocket testing ground. The mission, using both jeeps and planes, began its investigation a month ago. The greatest secrecy has been attached to the 0|>erations. HOLD EVERYTHING "['m warning you â€" keep your seals out of my garden T*

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