Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1946, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 5, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Number young pigs. â€" B. McKenzie, Ceylon, phone 22r6. FOR SALE â€" 100 Leghorn yearling hens. â€" Lloyd Talbot, Fleaherton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOST â€" Crosscut saw on the 12th line. Finder please notify Cecil Graham, Eugenia. 51p3 FOR SALE â€" Sow with 11 pigs â€" Wesley Jamie^on, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5r2. Ic2 FOR RENT â€" Garden lot next to Nuhn warehouse â€" Mifes A Howard 44 Ascot Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE â€" Half ton of potatoe fertilizer No- 4-8-10- â€" Alex. S- Muir. Ceylon, phone 4yrl4. Ic2 WAJITED â€" AnuDsla auitable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoat . Eu8«im, phoiM Fereraii*-! 6r2e FOR SALE â€" Green hard maple, 12 and 14 inches long. Orders may be left at The Advance oflfice. FOR SALE â€" For a tractor on rub- ber or steeL tractor plows and disc harrows, and separators, see George Smith. Durham. Ic4 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford bull, 7 monthfe old, eligible for registration. â€" James J. Ottewell, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r43. FOR SALE â€" Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut. in good running order. â€" Eldred Mills, Feversham, tele- phone 17rl3. Ip2 L\ THE -MATTER of the Estate ol JAMES CULLEN, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES CULLEN. late of the Township of Aremesia, in the County of Grey, Batchclor. who died on or about the lUth day of April, A.D. 1&46, are hereiby notified to send to the undersigned Agent for the Executor on or before the lUth day of June, 1946, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned Agent shall then have received notice. DATED at Flesherton, thife 29th day of May, A.D. 1(946. â€" T. W. HENRY, Chesley, Ont. Agent for Executor â€" Francis Andrew Walker, Executor R. R. 2 Dobbinton, Ont. GIRL WANTED â€" Girl or woman to assist with housework- Good wages â€" Mrs. J. Robb, PO. Box 270, Durham, Ont. 61p2 NOTICE â€" Hunting, fishing and tresspassing on Lot 24, Con. 7, Arte- mesia, strictly prohibited- â€" Harry Genoc, Flesherton- lp3 WANTED â€" To buy or rent hot water incubator, soon as possible; also duck eggs and collie pup for sale â€" Cbas. Pocock, phone 20r34 Feversham- 52p2 FOR SALE â€" Cast iron range, 6 lids |6; Cutting box $4; Root pul- per $2; used 1 inch lumber; also standing hay, mostly clover. â€" F. N. Field, Ceylon- lp2 FOR SALE â€" Building stone for walls and floor fills, cobbleston- ing, etc.. $1.50 truck load; double bed and springs, excellent condi- tio $8. â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General .ucking- Will go anywhere for V kind of load at reasonable ices. Your patronage solicited and Sat- isfaction guaranteed. KLDRIUGE BOYCE Phone 74r21 Eugenia, Ont- 47p8 BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VII.LACE CLERK A CommiB8ioner for takinK AffidaTita IsBoer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in G. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. FOR S.ALE â€" Roan dual purpose Shorthorn bull (1200 lbs.) easy to handle; cow, B years old, good size, no faultfe, springing; young coach mare, rising 3, sound. â€" Joe Radley, R-R. 3 Flesherton. 52c2 WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEEB for the County orf Grey Farm and Stock aales our sp 'altj. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction ia guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tlw -Advance office or phono 4w- LIGHTN«NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA VUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSURANCE Confederation Life Inanranee NORT'!ERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON 76S - 2nd Ave. B. OWEN SOUND Phone 781 'H! THIS LITTLE PIC WENT TO MARKET' 'm kti rr^ i»i ft«i ^«^^ iit*i COOP MIX pre smRTEft N« BMltor bow good your pigt may b« Ikeir wheU future dapead* Iwf elf oa the iteH YOU give them. The eafe, nir* way to prepare vour pigi for future market is to (tart them on tcienlifically balanced CO-OP MIX i'lG STARTER, containing animal and vegetable protein, eatential mioeralt and vitamins. "BUIIT UP TO niidi ITV HOT nOWN TO PRICE" Your local "COOP MIX" mill Local and i'ersoQd) Mrs- Albert Stewart was u visitor witli Mrs- Jas- McFadden, Gibraltar. Mr. iven Kennedy of Brantford spent the week end with his family. Mr. Robt. Smith moved to Ceylon on Monday- • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Code of Han- over visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigoe and Mary Kay of Malton are Spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ah. Stewart. Mrs- J- Cargoe has returned to her home, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. Frank Bunt of Toronto was the guetet of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc- Tavish over the week end. Mr. Don Porter of Toronto tepent the week end with his wife and two children. (Messrs. Q. B. Wei ton and Frank Duncan motored to Boafcview Friday and returned home Monday. Miss Jean Duncan was successful in passing her tHird year in Arts at Toronto University. Master Arthpn Menzies of Fevei^ sham spent the week end with his grondparentis, Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell of Caledonia spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. J- B. O'Brien and two child- ren of Oakville and Miss Jean Mc- Tavish of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Wes White a/id little daughter of Severn Park spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. "Geo. White, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Thamesville sipent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. George Hutchinson. Mr. Michael Duxter of Windsor spent the past week with his broth- er, Mr. M. Duxter, at the Park Hotel. Mi'ss Maud Richardson of Toronto and Mrs- G- C. McDonald of Isling- ton are spending a few days in town siketching some of the district scenes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Herbert of To- ronto spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Cargoe. Mrt. Hei4>ert remained for this week. A number of the memiberrs of Prince Arthur Lodlge, .A,F.&A^M., attended the dedication of Dundalk Lodge rooms on Monday efvening. Mr- and Mrs. Frank Hancox and Mrs. C. Currie of Toledo. Ohio, are spending this weelk with Mrs. Jos. Blakeley. Dr- MacKay Thomson and Mrs. Thomson and son of Sud/bury visited this past week with the former's parents, Rev- Dr. Andrew and Mrte. Thomson. Messrs. Tom, Guy, Vern and Harry Pallister of Toronto spent the weelk end with t^e latter's wife in town and with their father, Mr. Andrew Pallister, Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas- Rawe, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and two children of Buffalo were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams for several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs- Jos. Armstrong of Toronto are spending a couple of months at their cottage in town. They were aocomipanied up by their son, Kenneth. The editor of The Advance had the pleasure of a call from Mr. H. E. Rice of the Huntsville Forester on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs- Rice had attended the Wraggett gol- den wedding at Dundalk. Mrs- W. G. Trelford, Toronto, vis- ited for a few day^ the ipast week with her sister, Mrs. C- N. Richard- son, who returned with her Satur- day. Mir Richardison went down for her on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hutchin'son, Tena and Milton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Thamesville, attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr- and Mrs. Richard Wraggett at Duiulalk on Saturday. TO MARK 90TH I'.1RTHDAY It is our privilege and pleasure this week to extend to our esteemed neighbor, rs. Isabell Hill, our con- frr:i+u!ations and best of birthday wi'shes. Mi-s. Hill will be ninety on Sunday, June 2nd. Born at Pickering, she came with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs- Coutts, to Lot 17. Range 3, N„ Os- prey Tw^p- ' Upon her marriage to James Hill she re'sided on Lot 10 of the same range. For three years she has been living in MarSvell, but a few weeks ago retuned to this com* munity, where, with her daughter, Mrte. Geo. Young, and Mr. ' Young, she now resides on Lot 16, almost across the road fr««n her girlhood home. Thus for more than four score yearb she has lived in theae homes within a mile of each other, beloved and respected by all who have known her. â€" Wareham Corr. in Dundalk Herald. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. I GREY COUNTY FARMERS' SONS ^ are invited to attend the I JUDGING COMPETITIONS % to be held at MARKDALE ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 9:00 AJM., D..S.T. 1. All rural contestants under 26 years 0(f age eligible 2. An entry fee of 25c admitis all to enter competition. 3. Judging will include grain, potatoes, horses, dairy and beef cattle, sheep and swine. 4. Registration of boys at the Department of Agrcultujre, Markdale, starts at 9:00 a.m., D.S.T., and judging at 9:30 D.S.T. 5. In event of Ontario boys being permitted to attend the annual Chicago Conference of he 4H Club membeife and International Lave Stock Show. ^-00 will be given to assist in defraying the expenses for one boy who has shown leadership in- Jtinior Fanner work and judging. 6. Five Grey County boys will be given a free two day trip to the Royal Winter Fair in Novemiber as prizefe. W. NEWTON ASHTON, Asst. Agricultural Rep. Grey County. T. STEWART OOOPEiR, Agricultural RejpresentatiTe, Grey County. Mrs. Alice Coulthard will sell by public auction at FEVERSHAM TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1946 the following, namely: Occasional Chair, Writing Desk and Bookcase, Davenport and 2 Chairs to match. Centre Tables, Cook Stove (Clare Jewel), Heating Stove, Table and 5 Chaii^, Extension Table, 2 Rocking Chaii-s, Kitchen Cupboard, 8-Day Clock in good condition. New Water Tank, Washing Machine, Tubs and Boiler, Chemical Toilet, 2 Beds and Dresser, Clothes Line and Pul- leys, Wash Stands, Floor Covering, Window B'lindk, Dishes, Pots, Pans and Cooking Utensils, Quantity of Dry Maple Wood, numerous other articles. SALb AT 2:30 P.M. TERMS: Cash HOUSE FOR SALE House and Lot will be offered for siale at same time, subject to a re- .serve bid- â€" WM. KAITTINiG, Auctioneer Auction Sale STOCK, IMPLEMENTS including Cockshutt 70 Tractor, Trac- tor Implements, and Inter- national Threshing Machine ♦♦♦♦♦««>>**<~>««««><~>4><««<»K^~:~x~:~>«««**«**<K«<~>*^ • Farmer* drive cars leM llian ek/ people and get low rate* from niot. But fwmen do drive â€" one nnin- •ared accident coold wipe ont jonr home or your â- avinss. Bny the fall protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing l!J»mi.'Lill!M.'» We write insnraaee to Pko p ei tj Rosier, Bniiafy, SEND IN YOUR RBNBWAL. AN OPPORTUNITY Kstalilished Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 â€" have or can Seicurc travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own- For full particulars write today to The J R- Watkins Company, Dept. 0-F-l, 2177 Masfeon St., Montreal. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" CalauaUy Hospitalization â€" Weather in any of the best cosupanies MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCR G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Flesherton PERCY A. NEFF will feell by public auction 1 mile east of Friday, June 14 Terms. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I WELDING 2 I am now prepared to do I Electric-Shield Arc & Acetylene Welding X Expert workmanship on all types of welding \ Shop situated next to Hydro Sub-Station JACK GOHEEN, Dundalk I < • F. T. HILL & CO., Limited SEE OUR HOME APPLIANCE Island IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT showing ths items: MANTEL RADIOS AIR CONDrTIONERS ELECTRIC HEATERS MOFFATT ELECTRIC STOVES ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS TWO BURNER COAL OIL STOVES EMPIRE COAL OR WOOD STOVES NORGE AND QUAKER OIL HEATERS ONE AND TWO BURNER ELECTRIC HOT PLATES F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale " i ll"***' ' *»»**** ->***^** * *a«'***^******** ***'>'*« « » i â- â- â-  1 . . ... .. . ...^a. ^ 1 1 n 11 III n ni^;

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