Wednesday, June 12, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE >X Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Quantity of good po- tatoes. â€" Geo. Annstrong. They tell tlie pitiful story of Sally Brow;n, who lost her g'ood name. "-Tie married a fellow by the name oi Schlemplewitz. FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow due in July; make me an offer â€" S. L. Stauffer phone 57 Flesherton. LOST â€" Crosscut saw on the 12th line. Finder please notify Cecil Graham, Eugenia. 51p3 SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 3, Ospiey, first class certificte, Protes- tant, experienced preferred. Apply to Cecil Hayes, Sec.-Treas. Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Sow with 11 pigs â€" Wesley Jamieteon, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5r2. Ic2 FOR SALE â€" Half ton of potatoe fertilizer No. 4-6-10. â€" Alex. S. Uuir. Ceylon, phone 49rl4. 1<:2 WANTED â€" ADMmia n^kUbl* foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoat Enc«Ka, yhoiM F««<enii»-i 6tS6 FOR SALE â€" Green hard maple, 12 and 14 inched long. OAers m«y be left at The Adrance office- CAR WANTED â€" Good uteed car wanted, any make, in good nmn- order. â€" Wm. Hyislop, Flesherton. phone 4M Flesherton. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" For a tractor on rub- ber or steel, tractor plows and disc harrows, and separators, see George Smith. Durham. Ic4 YOUR CREAM MARKET If yon want to lose a good market for your cream and egg*, don't patronize as. We Bnppljr cans and remit promptly by money order. CITY CREAMERY 780 Qnoen St E. TOR(NirTO & TanlMo TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be reeeiTed by tke undersigned up to Jaae Ifith, 19M, for 76 tons oif stoker coal, deliTered in the bin at tiie Flesherton H^ Sckool, submitting aBalysb. â€"Roy W. Piper, Secty. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford bull, 7 monthfe old, eligible for registration. â€" James J. Ottewell, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r43. FOR SALE â€" Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut. in good running order. â€" Eldxed Mills, Feversham, tele- phone 17rl3. Ip2 NOTICE â€" Hunting, fishing and trespassing on Lot 24, Con. 7. Arte- mesia, strictly prohibited. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. Ip3 WiANTED â€" To buy or rent hot water incubator, soon as i>ossibIe; also duck eggs and collie pup for sale â€" Chas. Pocock, phone 20ra4 Feversham- 52p2 FOR SALE â€" Cast iron range, 6 ' lidfe $6; Cutting box |4; Root pul- per $2; used 1 inch lumiber; also standing hay, mostly clover- â€" F. N. Field, Ceylon. Ip2 FOR SALE â€" Building stone for walls and floor fills, cobbleston- ing, etc., $1.60 truck load; double bed and springs, excellent condi- tio $8. â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Roan dual purpose Shorthorn bull (1200 lbs-) easy to handle; cow, 6 years old, good size, no faults, springing; young coach mere, rising 3, sound. â€" Joe Radley, R-R. 3 Flesherton. 62c2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday, June 2end, 1946, for the painting of Eugenia public school, interior and exterior. The lowest or my tender not necessarily accepted- For full informaion apply to â€" Mrs. Bert Mcintosh, See. Eugenia, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate od JAMES CULLEN, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of JAMiES CULLEN. late of the Township of Axemesia, in the County o(f Grey, Batchelor. who died on or about the 15th day of April, AJ). 1©46, are herelby notified to send to the undersigned Agent for the Executor on or before the 19th day of June, 1946, full particulars of their claims, after which date the estate will ibe distributed, having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned Agent shall then have received notice. DATED at Flesherton, thiS asth day of May, AD- li94!6. â€" T- W- HENRY. Chesley, Ont. Agent for Executor â€"Francis Andrew Walker. Executor R. R. 2 Dobbinton, Ont. FOR SALE â€" New hay fork and about 150 ft-, pre-war rope used 1 year; nearly new M.-H- cream separator; 'set golden' show har- ness; racing bike; hay rake and mower.â€" Harold E. Best, phone 13 Flesherton, call at the Qhality Restaurant- itpl AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Walking District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 â€" have or can feecure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-l, 2177 MasSon St., Montreal. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General Trucking' Will go anywhere for any kind of load at reasonable •ices. Your patronage solicited and Sat- isfaction guaranteed. KLDRIDGE BOYCE Phone 74r21 Eugenia, Ont. 47ip« GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" Cahnalty Hospitalization â€" Weather in any of the best companies MUTUAL UPE INSURANCE a D. MacARTHUR Pkonc 82J Fleokerton BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A Commisaiener for taking Affidayita Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCaNG DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL\S. Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m- WM. KNITTING f. ICENSED AUCTIONEEK for the County oi Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp 'ahy Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction it gruarante»d. Dates arranged at Tb' Advance office or phor»e 4w. Local and Fersoodi Miss Jean McCracken of Toronto was home over the week end- Miss Helen TurnbuU of London is a guest at the home of Geo. Buchan- an. Meaford Road. Mr. Doug. Reid of Sudbury spent the week end with his wife and two sons in town. Mr- and Mrs H. W- Kernahan spent the week end at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Archie Stewart spent several days in Toronto and underwent a minor operation on her eye. Mr. Wm. Thompson of Newmark- et is visitihig his sister, Mrt. O. W. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. M. Manus of Dur- ham spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr- and Mrs. Levi Pallister- Mifes Lucy McDonald of Toronto spent the week end with her sister^ Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. Alex. licKeohnie of Lome Park was a pleasant visitor in town last week. Mr. Emerson Thomson has return- ed to his home after spending a couple of weeks in the North. Mr- and Mrs. Levi Pallister were recent visitors with their daughter, Pearl (Mrs. A. Heyburn) at Smith- ville, neaii Niagara. Mr- Dave White of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with his sister, Mrs Thos. Taylor, and other relatives in Markdale- Mr. Dawson Bowles of Toronto is holidaying with Mr. Allan White and hife' brother. Mr- Ekigar Bowles, at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutton of Barlochan, Muskoka, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs- Harry Patton, 4th line. Mr. W. A. Hawken returned' from Markdale hospital on Thursday last, and is recoveriing nicely from, his recent appendix operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore end little son, Robert, of Toironto and Mr. and Mite- Robt- Wiaitson of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel. The flower tag day on Saturday. Siponsored by the C.G-I-T.. realized the sum of $26.60 to be used to send the girls to camp. They wish to expreste their thanks to all those who donated- The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S- of St- John's United Church will be held Thursday even- ing, June 13th, at 8 o'clock in the basement of the ohuirch. Rev. Dr. Andrew Thomson will be the guetet speaker and will talk on China. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting- Ceylon Residents Honored By The Community (By Ceylon Reporter) The Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, was the scene oif two presentations on Tuesday, when the Ceylon com- munity honored iMt. and Mr^. Laurie Genoe and Mr. and Mrs- Jos. StaUbleis. The former received a floor lamp, occasional rocker and an electric toaster, while the latter were .presented wiith a floor lamp, and a Coxwell chaax- Mr. Bill Cairn'j read the address to (Mr- and Mrs. Genoe and Fred Chislett to Mr. and Mrs. Staubles- A pleasant evening was spent in dancing- Village Council Meeting Flesherton Village Council met for their monthly meeting Monday evening with all members of the C'uncil pie ent. Correspondence was read from: County Assessor E. V. Radbourne. in regard to the Assessors' Assoc- iation; Department of Municipal Affairs, in regard to by-law re the Legion grant; Department of Agri- culture, re weed ispeotorte. Accounts were read as follows and ordered paid; Roofers Supply Co., tile for drain fl86.30; Wilfred .ever, fuel $3; K. G. Betts, light 3ulb e6c; E. McKillop, scythe, snath and pails f5.30. It was moved and seconded that the Clerk cause a notice to be in- serted in The Advance stating that all dog taxes must be paid by June 22nd, 104«, and that an assessment notice be sent to Mr. Wallace Ham- ilton re his dogs and also that he be notified to clean up rubbish at the rear of the skating rink on Hill Street at once. The Council approved' the sale ot village lots on Durham Street to Mr. and Mrt. Frank Hancox of Toledo, Ohio, for $300. This sale makes $760 taken in by the Council by the sale of property taken in by tax sale. Chief Wm. Kaitting told the Council that about $80 has been collected from the sale oi dog tags in the village this year. The foUowng Hydro bills were ordered paid; Collector Customs and Revenue, excise $3-2^; J. D. Mc- Arthur, rebate $3; G. B. Welton, May salary as Superintendent, $20, laibor $26.66; Wm. Welton, laibor $12-60; H. Milligan, salary as Sec- •etary for May $16. EVERETTE PARKER ASSESSOR FOR GLENELG TOWNSHIP Mr. EiVerette Parker has received the appointment of assessor for Gene'lg Township, and expects to commence his duties Monday nexit. The asses-sment was commenced some time ago. but was never com- pleted. The southern half of th» towns'hip is yet to be finished. It is said that the dusky belles of the South Paciflic are wild about costume jewelry- What! With noth- ing to pin it to. M^ lOMG DiSTAMCe CAUS . TMAMIHI WARTtMi / TUST two years .go we were serving 975.000 Ulephone^ J Ttere ar« now 120,000 mor* telephones «id «» • '^^J* Lmg I>irt«'ce aJling h«. steadily i»««fj /„!«; "^^it tC war is over. ActuJly the volume of callmg 1. now rfK«t 100% higher th«. wh« the war began. _ That', wby it 5. «» helpM '^V'^.tTZtlS^ sequence. .. Aown below, in n«km« Long P^« ^ We are building new line. «id new svatchboard. but it 2\^:^. tiJ. to get them "to ns^^e r.^^ wTl appreciate your help and understandmg, e^KwaUy if your call is delayed. >• » >â- > "How are you on punctuation?" "Oh, I'm always on timte in the morning." "Dad, what do they call an emp- ty titlte?" "iMy son, an empty title is your mother's way of referring to me as the head of the house when there are visitors around-" Auction Sale STOCK, IMPLEMENTS including Cockshutt 70 Tractor, Trac- tor Implements, and Inter- national Threshing Machine WHEN YOU PLACE a Long Distanca Call nRST, give the operator the name of the distant city.. , THEN, the telephone number of your party. . , THEN, when the oper- ator aski it, your evm telephone BiuniMr. -• If you don't knou) th« distant telephone number, please mahe a note of it for future use when you hear the operator repeat it. Rememiber, Parents, Children May Be Right," says a headline- And remember, children, its just possible that once in a long time even par- ent's may be right â€" strange so that seems- LIGRTN«NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, PIRIE, BUJIGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'VSURANCB Confederation Life lamwaBea iVLL TALKING NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Demeatie and Comnerdal, Split â€" Two and Three PhM*, High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. WorkaaiMhip OaarantMd. Pronpt rewinding seryiee on olectric iBot«n of all Undi â€" J. MIDDLETON 7M At«u B. OWSN SOUND Phone TU Picture Show TOWN HALL FLESHERTON Saturday, June 15 "HAPPY LANDING" An exceedingly well produced picture ADDED ATTRACTIONS Never shown here before News Parade "THE WORLD IN ACTION" "JUNGLE JITTERS" â€" Comedy CARTOONS â€" and others All for this one admission: Adulttfe 36c Children 20c Tax included 9:00 p.m. Fast Time COME ALL PERCY A. NEFF will feell by public auction 1 mile east of SINGHAMPTON Friday, June 14 Terms. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I WELDING % I am now prepared to do I Electric-Shield Arc & Acetylene Welding s^ Expert workmanship on all types of welding IjJ Shop situated next to Hydro Sub-Station I JACK GOHEEN,iDundalk A â-ºâ™¦ M iiiiii im ii iimi , ti i Tii i ii i iiiii i mi i ii F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited OIL SPACE HEATERS Norse Heaters in two sizes $134.50 and $159.50 Quaker Heaters $114.00 NolCoal Worries NofAshes No|Dust No Coici Rooms Even Temperatures -^ftuT'diMr-sS > t » It V T > WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF SALT 100 lbs. White Salt . 75c 50 lb White Blocks . 50c 50 lb locNzed Blocks 55c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdah ' ""TtHttllllllHim i m i MMMM III IIl > â- V * > »â- <4