Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1946, p. 7

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w « T x ^ T t # « 4 4 » ^ V s ! y ^ r 9 â- 4 â-  » > A- S .-r I f 1 < i ft f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING UAIIV LlliCKii STAKT WITH TOT >OTCH CHICKS faed them rii;hc and treat them right at)d you will alwuya want Ton Notch chicks In the future. They are strong, fast (frowina seloctetl birds from Government Approved pullorum tested hreedera. lOveiy one is Top Notch quality in liv- abiliiy and heavy production. All the most wanted pure breeds and cross breds are available for prompt shipment. Why talce a chance or «.\periment needlessly when you cm get the best for no greater cost. Take advantage of the year round market and good prices by gfitifi; all the Top Notch chicks you can handle right away. I'ricea greatlj reduced for June. I'rompt delivery. Free catalogue also older pullets Js weeks to laying. Top Notch Chkk- erie.s. iluelph, (Jntuiio. UIIUKH CHICK.S l''HOU A KKI.I- abl'j breeder of bar-red rocks. Blood lesit-d by tube method. K.\cellenl lajiny strain, .Mixed 12c., bullets 2'Jl\. Hatching all through June. Jl.i'U books order. King's Corner I'uuitry l''Hrni, .\orthwood, Unt. Wl'l ILAVK JI .MO CHICKS AVAII.- -ablc prompt delivery, some breeds. Juij -.Vugu.st hatching to order â€" book now to avoid di.'<appointment. i;r.i.\ Hatcher). 130 John .N. Hamil- loii. Out. â- '•'I II vu'.s mom:\ i.\ thkm -rHAii gie'-n jiras.s ranges .Mister" and a flock of Tweddle chicks will gather it ui> and put it right in yrnir pock- er. I'riimpt deliver.v of .vour Twed- dic chicks now will as.-^ure biggrer prodt.s bec.iu.-e plentiful grass rant;e will do a lot to lower feed • co.-^l. -Vll popular puie breeds and hybrid cro.sse.^ in non-se.\ed, pullets oV ' orkcrel^ from (tovernnient Ap- proved pullorum tested .slock with ;i Ion;; record ot hiyh production and top fjualil)-. Tweddle .luiie price.s ari- low and will be still lower after Juiif l.'>th. Fuel costs .are lower at this .*ieason toi). And the markt'< demand for ^'i^^^ and chicken mea' i..) practically unlimited. It is good bu.'.-inesH judgment to order extra Twedtlle chick.^ now. .\o w.aiting, lironipt deliver)-. Send for Tweddle t-.'italoy-ue and i>rif-eli..it right away. Also older pullet.-* eight weeks up to layinjr. Tweddle Chick H.->tch- •fâ- r-i^s I>imited. l-'ergU.-*. Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS •n'i:(iAi.i/.i:i) i!I«i:i;i)im; i'i.ant .'..n.'in iti(i':i';i)i':ii'> l^i'ok >itur order tor June. With the &car(-ily ol meat, there .will be a big demand for f'oultry and l';;;g5 Ihi? Fall and Winter at altrai-tive price.s. It will pay you to pul in an extra brood of ' hii-k.« llii.« \ e;i r. 'â- â- IIIIMr'l l>KI.I\ i:itV â€" With a ca- p-icily or Ca.liIKi l..-ikeview Chicks weekl.v. we expert we c;in give prompt deli\er.\ book your order ai once for .lune or Jul.v-. :Si:.\l> IIF.rosIT â€" I'or quick ser vii-e send deposit with your In- quir.v or order, and we will book your (trder at our price.* which aie very rerison;i hie We will promptly mail you an acknnw- ledBcmenl ol your order, and if It shouldn t !=uit you we guaran- tee to return your deposit ai once This plan will give you better service â- THI-; i«i'>'i \\K i:\i:it had â€" .Neil .Mi-l>onnel. iJoderich. Ont. Colin lampbell, .New Itichmond. Que- b.-e â€" Well satisfied, lost 4 oul of UN Hi/pe you can supply more. As high as lia; eays from 115 Leuhorn pullets. Wonderful pro- auction reports Reuben Kennel, .-inn kespe.-ire. C>ntario. .r.liKKIlM Large 'fy pe White Leg. horn.-. I'ure t-ussex. Sussex .\ .Sew H.-mips.. I;, riock X New H.I nip. Rock X Leghorn, Sussex .\ Leghorn. Leghorn X New Hamp., New Hamps. and P.arred Kocks. LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS liay old started up to 4 weeks old. LaUeview Leghorns are the large type, mated with cockerels from PeU stock â€" "Real Egg Machines." S.|-:\l> roll WI-IKKLV I.IST: â€" c Si'ccral I'rices on day old chicks, pullets and cockerels, and start- e,i chicks. J I .MO AM) r.4l,l. HATCHKD â€" i:ouk (our order for June, or Fall Hutched Chicks M»W. l..1il\K- \IIO\V rt>l L,THV KAKM. Wein r.ros , F.xeter. Ont. RELIABLE CHICKS HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c. Su.-.sc\. Sussex X tlanit).. Kock x Hamp., .New Hamp, and Barred Uock pullets I7c. Uook your order NOW. Sl.IKi per UK) deposit. t)rder from this Ad. Hurondale I'hiiU Hatchery. London. Dnlario. 25 FREE CHICKS •tlui baby chicks are the progeny of Foundation and Itegistered Birds. All Hrceders blood-tested. Prices from 3c to ".^ic. All guaranteed ex- cellent layers. I.ion't dela.v. order now. Codd.-ird Chick Hatcheries. Ifrilimnia Heights. Untario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS .Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders Kook vour order for .lune and July. With Ih scarcity of meat. there will be n big demand foi Pourtry and Kggs this Fall and Winter at attractive prices. II will pay you to put m an extr.i br-ood of chicks this year il'ritilllil l)ell»«rr}- â€" With a capaclt.v of fill, lion Lakeview chicks week- ly, we expect we can give prompi delivery. but to he safe, book vour order ai nnr-e (or- .lane or July 4irnilr A â€" Large Type While Leg horns, Su.-'>ex x Leghorn, Hock x Leghorn, Leghorn \ New Hnmp. mixed I Hie pullets U'Uc. cox Gc. B l^ocks. flock X Hamps.. New Hamps.. Sussex. Sussex x Hamps. mixed $!:'."!), pullets SlV.uti. co.x $14.75. Send deposit of $1.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live de- livery. Order from and enclose this «d. l.arKr Whitr l^sbaran â€" Day old and started up to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns are the large type mated with cockerels from Pd. stock â€" "Real Kgg Machines." «eail for Weekly I.Ut â€" of special prices on day old chicks, pullets, and cockerels and started chlcka. >uae. July â- nil Kail Hntrhrd â€" Book your order for June, July or FaM Hatched chicks now. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., K«Her, Oatarl*. IIAIIV 4;lllCK>> LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. LeKhorn pullets 21c. All Breeders double bloodtested and backed by high pedigreed foundation stock. Many Hurondale customers report best chicks I ever had. Walter Morton, Dryden, â€" We were well pleased with the pullets we re- ceived last year. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed PulIeU 17c. Sussex X N. Hamp., Rock x New Hamp., Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 17c. Pure Sussex mixed lUc, Sussex x N. Hamp., Rock x Hamp.,«Rocks and New Hamps. mixed 12c. Sus- sex X I.,eghorn, Rock x Leghorn and I.,eghorn x New Hamp. mixed lie. pullets 20c. Assorted pullets 15c., assarted mixed 9c. Cockerel and started prices on request. Order from and enclose this Ad $1 no per 10(1 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. Ut.Sl.tllilS!* UI'I'OKTIJNITIES WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? We have hundreds of buyers In Detroit and Windsor. Give all de. tails and price. Write or sea V \V. Dowie, Maidstone, Ontario. i)ri-:iNG AM) ci.e:anin6 HAVK VOU ANVTHI.\« NBEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your nuestions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Vonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. HMIM.()V1WF.\T WA.\TED l*OI I.TIIY.MAN. MARItllOM K.\- perienced in hatchery and poultry farming. Desires steady position with going concern. State fully, liv- ing r-onditions, wages, schools, and churches near b.v in first letter. Apply Box 99, 73 .\delalde W., Tor- onto. PUR S A 1,10 ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.U(I each. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto. Orita rio. • .•.AKI'l-:.\Tll\ â€" .MOW UUUK. Complete data on fr--iming walls, stairs, roofs, Iru.sses, interior and extei-ior finish. A mine of inform- ation for those Interested in con- struction. Sent postpaid, Three dol- i.-irs. .M.-rsterprint Company, Toron- to 11. Canada. IJIHSKI. STATIO.WRV EXtilMO, Marshal .^>() 11. i*., excellent condi- tion, reason.able. Herrry Foster, Corinth, rjnt. Phone Straffordville 11 K I'l. KLKITHIC MOTOK* .\KW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Flectrio Company Ltd.. -3-11 Dufferin St.. Toronto, Ont. FILES Complete sets or r.i' reconditioned files now available: from K'» â€" 14": including flat, h:ilf round, square, round etc.: rough and smooth, tS.OU per set F.O.Ii. Montreal. REi XIKTOOLS & METALS LTD., IL'i:; Aldred Building: Montreal. FOR SALE â€" HOUSE «)?ilO-STOUIOV FKAME HOVSE near Strathroy, Ont.. size lllxlg, and I'Uxll. Write Box :;, Olencoe. Ont. 1--OK ><AI,iO AI.MK-CHALMEK.S No. 40 --ill Crop Harvester ^ith at- tachments Wilson Oughtred, Caiiis- villc, Ont. liHE.\T DANE PUPS FOK SALE: very well bred; fawn with black mask: all males: Dam; Jaco-Lyn of Lyn-Dee; Sire: Tarr of Tyedes- ley; Phone 241] Barrie or write Wra. Stewart. Brookdale Kennels. 15S Elizabeth Street, Barrie, Ont. .NEW BACON CO.MIJINATIUN HANU Cultivator, Hoe and Plow avail- able in almost unlimited quanti- ties for immediate shipment. Dis- tribufed by W. F. .McKenzie Co. since 186G, Leamington. Ontario, Canada. Celebrating 80 years business in same location and name. We ship to dealers, depart- mental, chain and seed houses. See your nearest dealer, hard war store, or WRITE US DIRECT for IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT anywhere in Eastern Canad.-i $14.80 prepaid and $15.80 prepaid to Western Canada. Shipments made same day order received W. F. McKENZIE CO., since 1866, phone 26, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. OUK SI'ECIAl.TY IttSTY STEEI, roofs and leaky asphalt shingles. Built up gravel and pitch roofs. All work guaranteed. Write for estim- ates. Peterborough iioofers, IJOi. Water St. Peterborough, Ont. OTFUER'S IIRASti MOUNTED HO- ney Combed Pad all leather saddle in A-1 condition. Send Money Order. $15,011 takes it. Wm. Pogue, 86 A MacDonnell Ave., Toronto. I'KIIKECTION ".MILK - MASTER" Milker will oper.ate on any line pipe installation. Single unit with 50 lb. capacity, stainless steel pail, $1111.113. Immediate delivery units and vacuum pumps. Box 113. Ter- minal Station ".V", Toronto. •M ITIteilREU, KILLV ACCREU- Ited. young vaccinated. CJuernsey cows, t( fresh, rest freshening from .July lit December, and ii few breil purebred heifers, yearlings and calves also vaccina led. Ad.-im Cald- "•r. R :i. Olanford. TURKEY POULTS â€" PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad Rreasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or hook for June delivery. Poults hatched from bloodtested. pullorum free breed- ers, under Ideal condition.^ '" most modern 19ll> model, all electric and automatically con- trolled turkey Incubator*. and hatched in separate, new lurkey air conditioned Hatchery. Send for Pric* List and full particu- lars. No orders accepted less than 50. ACT QL'IOKLY â€" BOOK YOUR ORDER WHILE THEY LAST LAKEVIEW TURKEY R.4N'CH. Hox 18:t. Exeter, Ont. Phone ITU. FAnM<t I'OII NAI.E RANCH-FARM â€" 200 ACRES $5,500, 100 acres cleared. 30 In grain. Balance timber. Oood buildings, slock. Implements. J. McCaule.v. Rosseau, Ont I'AIIM^ FOIt SALE THEIR MAJESTIES AT VICTORY PARADE X Nl MIIEK Of GUUK lOO-ACRtJ fai ms wrlh hyUr-o, good buildmifa and also bush on these farms; a number of 5')-acre farms $:i,OOU and up. a number of 100-:tcra farms i'i.DilO and up, a number of 15U and 20Uacre farm» $4,U00 and up; these farms have all grot good buildings and also some with bush and hydro. These are all good value that sliould be pieked up at once. J. C. Long, l;e-il-l-:^tale Rroker, Brussels, Ont. «10,U04>. â€" l.'iO ACRE FARM, KX- eelleiu locatloii on County Koad, one half mile from Charleston IjLka which is noted for fishing and Sum- mer resorts. One hundred acres till- able, balance pasture and wood lot including six hundred trees, maple sugar bush and sugar house, two wells: wire fences; level field for cultivating with tractor; one hund- red foot cattle barn with large feed storage. Iron roofed wih lightning rods; seventy five foot urlsinai i-attle barn and shed; tool shed; large machine shed; two hen houses; brooder house; garage and dwelling for hired help. Principal residence, frame construction irith hardwood floors throughout. Good basement, hot air furnace, large cistern piped for hot and cold ruik- ning water. First floor; hail, large living room with fire-place, dining room, butler's pantry, large sum- mer and winter kitchens; second floor: three bedrooms, bath room. Hydro Installed In dwelling and out buildings. Grounds Include a small orchard, grove of evergreen trees, rose bushes, and gravelled drive- way. Cuthbertson R^l-E5«tate. Brockville, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING I.F..\RN H.\IRDRESSI.\fl THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Halrdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. VOL' CAN NOW GIVE YOURSELF a genuine creme cold wave perman- ent at home. Results guaranteed for lovely soft natural waves in 1! to 3 hours. A Chic Deluxe Creme Cold Wave kit contains Identical ingre- dients used by many beauty salons for costly creme cold waves. It gives the results you want, deep long-lasting waves and curls, so lustrous, soft and natural-looking. Easy as putting your hair In curl- ers. Complete kit with full instruc- tions, 51.35. It not obtainable at your local drug or cosmetic counter, send postal note to Canadian Beauty Craft Co.. 631 Dundas St. E., Toronto, and the complete kit will be m.-(ile(l to .\-ou. HEI.I' WANTRO W.AN TKU: EVPERIEMEIJ SINGLE dairy bant assistant, flood wages, board & working conditions. Apply r-)on Head Farms, Richmond Hill, Ontario iphone Maple 55W). MEUICAL GOOD UESI I.T.«!^ â€" E\ ERV SUF- ferer from .Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Stoi'e, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. STO.MAt II AND THIIK.AU WORM!* often are the cause of ill health in humans, all ages. Nu one immunel Wh.v not find out if this is your trouble, interesting particulars â€" i''rec: VVr-ite Mulvene.\'s Remedies Spciulists, Toronto 3. ARTHIII'!? EtZEM.t OI\"l'«ENT. Tri" it. it works. Arthur's Eczema Ointment, one of the most effective ointments know'n for the relief of eczema: 50c.. 90c. and $1.75. For ia- formatlon write Charles Arthur, ii Spruce H;II Rd., Toronto, Ont. â- |lt\ ir: EVERY SLFFERER OF Rheumatic trains or .Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. .Munro's Drug Store, 333 Eli^iri, Oti-twa. Postpaid $1.00. nl SKI.ANS NOTICE: MISHIANS NOTICE: IMtOFES- sionals, .\mateur3, Students. Any instrument. Memorize ituickly, sure- I.v, improve technique. The book "Practical Music Memorizing" shows j-ou how. Sent for $1.00 R. Townsend, 2155 El Ser-eno. Altadena, Calif. MISIC.^I. INSTUIMENTS FREM .4. BODDINGTON ItlJÂ¥!« sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPI'Oni'l .CITIES Foil WOMEN BH A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or c.-ill MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W.. Toronto. Branches: 14 King St. Hamilton & 71 Rtde.au Street, Ottawa. I'ATE.VrS FETHERSTO>'HAl>GH A COMrAlVV Patent Solicitors. Established 1S90; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. i'HOTOGIl.tPHY FILItIS UEVKLOPEU :.'.-. CTS. GUA- r.inteed one day service. IVO WAIT- liVG. Bay Photo Service. .North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour fi!^l^» properly lioveloped and printed G OR S EXPOSURE HULLS 25c. REPKINTS 8 for l'5c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICF:. i'ou may not get all the films jrou w'jnt this year, but you nn get all tht» qunlity und servlcp you desire hv .sendintf j'our films to IMI*FRIA1. PHOTO SFRVICK Slation 1, Toronto. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Anv Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. !';EVELOrKP AND PRINTED »5c 3 MOUNTED ENI.ARriEMENTS ?Sr Size Ixfi" in Beaullful Easel Mount" Enlargements 4x8" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x!>" In Gold. Sliver. Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Rhon.^ finish frames. 69c each. If enlsrge- ment coloured. 79c each. Reprints Made From Tout Negatives He. Each IJEIT. IM STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE R»x lat. I'm! orrire A. T*r*Bt* Print Name and Address PUInly WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with deckle edge, S <»r » exposure rolls !5e. Heprlnt* tc. each. Uox 2, Station J, Toronto. Arriving in the state landau at the reviewing stand in The Mall, London, as representatives from the four comers of the world parade to celebrate victory. King George and Queen Elizabeth were greeted with cheers. All along the route of the parade, whch was headed by the Kiiig and Queen until ther reached the reviewing stand, thousands roared and tossed their hats into the air. On reaching the stand their Majesties took their places and the parade passed in review before them. 25,000 More Men Needed For Harvest Almost 25,000 additional men will be required on Ontario farms to harvest the bumper crop ex- pected this year, Ontario Agricul- tural Minister T. L. Kei.iie'ly said recently. He said 2,500 farmers from Western Canada will help with the Ontario harvest during .\ugust. They will be paid a minim uni of $70 a month with board. The Ontario Department of .\grlculture Is trying to hire 1,200 tobacco curers from Soutliern United States to assist gvov/eTS and more than 1,000 German war prisoners are working on Ontario sugar beet fanii.^. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1171 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 Front SI. W. â€" Turoalo "WK ni'V .f SKI. I," WITH and other Weeds in Lawns W eednoM dm THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER Oae spraying will kill dande. lions, plantains, ragweed, bindweed, poison ivy and other broad-leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but uill not harm grass. Non-poisonous to humans or animals and wilt not stain hands or clothing. r " * A-ftC!^ "GREEN CROSS" V* ,_j AT YOUR DEALER "Gin Pills Helped my Sore Bask** says Montreal man. "/ bad rheumatic aches and stiff backâ€" could hardly straighten up after bending. A friend advised Gin Pills . . . now I'm ever so much better".â€" l.t,, Montreal. For more than 40 years _Gin Pillj baTC broushc relief to victim.^ of Rheumacic Pain, Backache, Sciatica, Lumbago. ^ Get a pjckajce today. Use proves their merit. Rtgular siu, UPilU Eccnemy size, 10 Pills LLS FOR THE KIDNEYS (tanu U.$.«.aililor GlntPfllt) National Drug i. Chemical Company of Canada . Limlttd I'lio'i 111,11 veil > J ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Roll developed .md 8 prints :iSc.. reprints 3c. emh. 4" x ti " enlarge- uient.i mounted in altr:*ctive fold- ers i; for 2'tc, Work -.ind aervlce guaranteed. ACMK l>ll<t'l'll SKItVICB .Mm. H, Torot^to. ,>»'i .*ni's> (HlOl.i. ()L,U til'A.Mr.-^ \\ A.STliL) Bi Collector onl>. Small or larger lots. Call pa\ more than Dealer Cor Items I can use. .Must ne i$ood. Best o( t eferencts. K. i>>mond. Rocanvilie. SasUa telle war;. TKAt'HHR!* WA>'rKII TWO m .AI.IKItU TK.VlHtll* wanted for S. S. No. ti village of Quadeville and Kxteii.sion Bruce- ton, (-'ounty of Uenfrew. Duties to i-ommence .Sept. 3, 194(i. Salar.v $1.2011. Appl.v to Mack (vennell.i. (Quadeville. f»ntario. WANTKD W.VNTKO T(.> I'L P.t'H.VbK I'Ll.l.lfiT^ Barred Rorlis. New Hampshln".".. White i.eghorns an.v age from : weel«s up to la.vlnar. C;noi1 pricf paid. Appl.v to Rot No. 95, T .\del.'»'rte W . Tonmto. >»•»>â- â€¢ I -â-  » s s a a a ISSUE 25â€"1946 SPOTS OF SPORTS ♦»••••' h»» » • • m By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") . . ., i»«»««»a> Race tracks trout around Kew York report tliat tlic "lay iu tlie muiueU has been doppiiia; oft cuii- siderably. Reasons r- en for iliis slirinkage are the shelving oi the Daily Double, also tlie reappear- ance or. the seen of big booU- niakers who takeâ€" while the law is lookiny; elsewliere â€" a lot of ths play from gamblers who 'lo not like to put heir money througii tlie machines. * t » Soiiioliow or other everybody seems to have overlooked what is pr )bably tlie r al cause of the 'lro|) in licttingâ€" tlie fact that a lot of the bi>yi are getting a bit short o' cash. What with vr.rious form* ot ta.xatioii. to ^ay nothing of tlio "bite" put on by the tracks, every time a dollar .i;oes into one of those nniluel machines, only jround eiglity cent or less comes out. -And with most folks betting u,. least four races to an fternoo.i. it doesn't take much of a knowledijc of higher 'latl ematics to sec that racing:'s chiefest nee'- is bankroll:., ratlier than horses, that Tiotse-i^ ureit stayinij-power * * So old Jack Joiin.ioi' has passed out of the picture â€" for tur money the gieatest heavyweight who ever scuffed his feet in a resin- Jti't l.otv good lie was, iijbody will ever know â€" as he never went into action without at leist two st ikes or. him. Highly as we rate Joe Louis, we don't believe le could have laid a ijlove on Jack â€" and we have an idea that Jack, had be over rrall; cut oo.se. cot.' ' hit evn harder than Louis. * ♦ • We knew Jack Joli'isou â€" or at le.ist were ac(|uaiiited with him â€" both when he was rolling tlieiii high, wide and handsome, a.id when he didn" nave •.• feather to f!;- with. .And while he 'waj bv n'> iiieiuis a Sunday Scho< ; Library hero at any time, we've Rot to kiv;- liir at least this much; in tlie flush of prosperity he acted j KOo;t deal better tlian a lo. f f white foIk< we have watched in sitni'.ar cir- cumstances: when he was brok-.-. an I given the cold shoulder by Inindreds l.c'd befrie.i ed, be took it with .a cheerfulness and iinrom- plaiiiiiig fortitude t' we o-i'y wish a lot of us could malcti. "Born forty years tor soon'" wouldn't be too bad an epitaph to cave on i tombstone â€" and with all liis faults we count having iin-t hill., and liaving ^-cen him in action a really worth-while page in the book of memory. * * ♦ Somet' in^ which happened in ;i recent Ontario soccer game brings up, ciicc again, the old question "Jus. what is good sportsmanship?" â€" a r|uestion tha has been argued over counties, times, and is no nearer settlement now than in thc hcginning. .'\nd w iicb, we niigh idd, will doubtless be not a bit closer to a dcision aftci wc .-.tick in our t'>v. cents' worth. Still. don't think .nat's int to ^lop u> .\iiyway, in this ,>articular gtiur, a penalty ;bot was awarded against o\\^ >..i the te.nis. The Captain ot il.i opposin , chil) oidn't hapi>cn t' . .igrec with tlu re.'erce's docisior. so instructed the player taking the ' petialty-sbo. to ain- delilicr.itcl> vide of till. net. Aiid tlic news- pa.ier comnieiU was that "the Cap tain showcO fine sportsmansbii ' . â-  words to that effect. * • * Now. was that actuallv goi'il siortsmansi'lp? Or was it somc- tliing else- say a bit of swaiik: Well, like a lot of -ther things. ^..rh as feminine bathing costume!", ,1 whole lot depend.- on what angle you're looking from. M'^ny of thosr lu^llt up in •' Old School Tie, ericketiiig, or play the gaii'.c at all cos b' traditior are nuch given t • â-  leplciring the crude baseball cu-. toni of ban ling-out the I'nipiv. Tl ey would doubtless say that .In- soccer Captain did the fine, noble and sporting thing. But to our na doubt cockeyed way of thinking, he offered jus', as great an insult t<» th- referee as if he'd started in by calling that official i Mind burglar an I worked up from there, * * * The point of the matter is this â€" once you accept tlie services of aa official you're just as '.ound to ac- cept his decisions in yt ur favor aa tlosc agains' you. And refusing to accept a penalty â€" if doi.e in such a way that nobody can mistake your intention â€" is nly a slightly more subtle manner of expressing the same tbing that ball-players do by holilir.i; their no^es. .\ certain type of lawn-tenuis player used to be greatly g'ven to such exhibitions of 'sportsmanship'. If one of t' em thought a decision had been given â€" wrongly â€" in his Tivor, he would deliberately toss off the following point; alwys, you may !. i sure, dcing so in a very marked nii.nti'r But the practise was greatly curbed by a referee who once, after a player had served a 'double fault' in such a manner, got dowr off his stool, socked said player in the eys, aiid departed with the remark, "If you think you can referee this game and r'sy 't at '!'<; same time â€" go ahead and do it." ♦ * Which should be plenty for just now â€" be seeii.g you next week. Control Emotions And Live Longer Some Good Advice On Best Way To Avoid Accidents Calm down and live! That's the advice offered during the national accident-reduction campaign by Herbert J. Stack, Ph. D., director of New York Universi- ty's Safety Education Centre, to inotori...ts whose chances of remain- ing alive and unhurt during the last half of 1946. he says, will be the worst in history. In an article in the July issue of the .\merican Magazine the pro- fessor states that "nine out of ten smasli-ups would be prevented if we could wipe out tlieir underlying psy etiological causes ' which he lists as anxiety, anger. day-dreaming, impatience, tmidity. bravado and the ckiscly related habit of taking risks. Dr. Stack urges motorists to "correct your di'viiig habits; im- prove your driving attitudes; and mount guard over your emotion." Safe Driving Formula He offers this formula for safe driving: 1. Don t let impatience get the better of your common sense. 2. Don't I't daydreaming, worry, or resentment trap you into fool- ish tricks. .1 Don't let bociri.sli drivers get your goat. 4. Remember that use of the highway is a co operative, not a competitive, activity. 5. Make courtesy, as well as safe- ty, your goal and give the pedes- trian considcraticm. One of the best ways to correct faulty driving habits. says Dr. Stack, is to get an experienced mo- torist to sit beside you and criti- cize your every action. In his arti- cle he cites specific cases to show how various psychological cause* led to fatal crashes which might have been avoided bad the motorisl controlled his emotions. Life Rafts The V. S. Coast Guard recendf completed a year of intensive (•• search on -'ifferent typ? of Uli rafts, says Forest and Outdoont After exhaustive tests it hu bMB show n- that plywood rafts have the greatest life-saving value.

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