Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1946, p. 8

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v^r^'^mmmmm^g^mmm^^WBL:^^^ Wednesday, Jinje 19, 1946 THE FL£SHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Quantity of good po- tatoes. â€" Geo, Armstrong- FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow due in July; make me an ofTer- â€" S. L- Stauffer phone 57 Flesherton. Flesherton W. I. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hererford bull calf, 2 months old. â€" D". W. Adams, phone 88rl3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Number of Yorkshire pigs, 6 -weeks old. â€" Milton IHut- chioson, phone 4lrl2 Fleeherton. FOR SALE â€" Helf ton of poUtoe fertilizer No. 4-e-lO. â€" Alex. & Muir. Ceylon, phone 49rl4. Ic2 WANTfiD â€" Anil II ««iUble (o mink and fox feed Bert Mclntoat Sng«a», fboa» Pc««n)>»-i 6r26 Flesherton VV. I- met at the home of Mrs. O. W. Phillips on Wednebday last with 20 ladies answering the roll call by giving a pickle recipe. Mrs. .•Vbeniein was fn charge of a splen- did progiwm. Mrs. Black, Mrs. Mc- Kechnie and Mrs. Pinkerton gave readinffs, which were much enjoyed, and ended with community singing. The Institute donated |16 to Mark- dale hospital and $10 to the Owen Sound hospital fund. Mrs. Rolbt- Alexander again returned a large ix\rcel of kniltting to be feent to the Salvation Army. The July meeting will be held at the home erf Mrs. W. Pinkerton, 8th line. What a pity human beings can't exchange problems. Everyone knows exactly how to solve the other fellow's. NOTICE 1X>ST â€" |20 bUl at Kimberley Fri., , June 14. Reward.â€" Wallace Meads, 3C2 phone Flesherton 21rl4. FOR SALE â€" Barn rn Al condition 60 feet square. 22 ft. post«. For particulars apply to Dannie Cam- eron, 242 Pine St., Collingwood. FOR SALE â€" For a tractor on rub- ber or steel, tractor plows and disc harrows, and separators, see George Smith, Durliam. Ic4 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford bull, 7 monthte old, eligible foi registration. â€" James J. Ottewell, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r43. FOR SALE â€" Set of long slings used one season, also Chatham fanning mOl with bagger attachment. Ap- ply at The Advance office. 3p2 NOTICE â€" Hunting, fishing and trespassing on Lot 24, Con. 7. Arte- mesia, strictly prohibited. â€" Harry Genoe, Flesherton. Ip8 FOR SALE â€" Choice young Yorkshire hog, rea3y for service. â€" John McDonald, Eugenia, phone Fever- sham 5r41.' 3pl NOTICE â€" Trespassing on Lots 33 and 34, Con. 12, Artemesia, strictly prohU>ited; oflFenders will be pros- ecuted. â€" Bert Magee, Euenia. ap6 FOR SALE â€" Building stone for •walls and floor fills, cobbleston- ing, etc., $1.50 truck load; double bed and springs, excellent condi- tio $8. â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Small, bright home, good iitructure but needing decor- ating, outside toilet, bargain for cash. Write to Box 260 The Ad- vance. Flesherton. 3c3 The Flesherton and Artemesia Branch of the Red Cross has dis- banded, and in order that the boola he closed at the earliert ppssible date, it has been asked that all who have accounts against this Branch present same for paymemt not later than Saturday, June 29. After that date the same cannot be collected. There is a quantity of good service yarn on hand which is being sold at 30c a skein, as long as- the supply lasts, and may be seen at the home of Mrs. J. W. Cook. â€" Wesley Littlejohns, Treas. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 3, Osprey, first class certificte, Protes- tant, experienced preferred. Apply to Cecil Hayes, Sec.-Treas, Maxwell. YOUR CREAM MARKET If yon want to lose a good market for your cream and eggs, don't patronize vm. We supply cans and remit promptly by money order. CITY CREAMERY 780 Queen St. E. TORONTO & Yankoo TENDERS WANTED STRAYED â€" From premises of the undersigned, June 6th, purebred Polled Angus bulL, Information gratefully received by Cecil Young Maxwell. 3p2 Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday, June 22nd> 1946, for the painting of Eugenia public school, interior and exterior. The lowest or '.ny tender not neocBearily accepted- For full informaion apply to â€" Mrs. Bert Mcintosh, See. Eugenia, Ont. FOR SALE â€" New hay fork and about 150 ft-, pre-war rope used 1 year; nearly new M.-H. cream separator; ^et golden sho^v har- ness; racing bike; hay rake and mower. â€" Harold E. Best, phone 13 Flesherton, call at the Qhality Restaurant. 2pl HORSE FOR SERVICE Woodslea Elegant, Brown Clyde, about 2000 lbs., white face and legs. Fee 17.00 at the barn- â€" Philip A. Harrison, 2',Sj miles north of Price- ville. 3p4 AN OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VI :, LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Aifidavita Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^iS, Etc. Offire: Toronto Street. Flesherton Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 â€" have or can Secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full p<irticulars write today to The J R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-1, 2177 Mas%on St., Montreal. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck is available for General â- "-licking. Will go anywhere for uny kind of load at reasonable â- fee*. â-  - Your patronarai solicited and sat- isfaction irnaranlced. HLDRIDGK BOTCE PlwBe 74r21 Encenla, Ont. 4TpC HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTlONEEl for the County oif Grey Farm and Stock sales our »i' alty Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction It ifuarante«d. Dates arranged at Hi- Advance office or phone 4w. Local and t^ersoudi Mr. W. E. Betts is in Toronto this vvei'k consulting a heart sipecialist. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Field of Bramp- ton weie visitors in town Saturday. ."Miss Annie HaiTow of Owen Sound .spent the wee'k end as grue^t of Miss Kate Jkicmillan. Miss .M.'urie'l Thomson of Toronto was with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Thomson, over the week end. Miss Aleda Mitchell of Toronto is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McTavish. Mrs. Mary Callander of Toronto spent a few days with her cousins dr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts. Mr. Ken Henry left last week to take a position with the T. H. & B. railAvay at Hamilton. Mr. Bob Banks of the Customs staff, Fort EJrie, is spertding a few days at his parental ho<me. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vernon and family of Englehart were guests at "Cedarside" parsonage this week. Mr§- D, MciL«od is seriously ill a*' her home in town. Her d»ughtftr«, Mrs. Wellwood, of Dundalk and Mrs. Bowes, Stratford, are attend. ng her. Mr. and Mrs^ Ed. Graham, Thorn- bury, were callers in town Friday on their way to visit the former's broth- er, Fred Graham, Walkerton. Mr. Geo. Jamieteon of Timmins and Mrs. (Honer of South Porcupine sipent the week end with their mother, Mrs. M. Jam'ieson. Miss Ollie McDonald and Bob i Reilley of Toronto and Jack McDon- ald and Biai Turvey, with the H.E.P. C. at Burlitigton, spcnt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John MoDonald. iMr. and Mr^. Rosg Brown. Sharon and Dorothy, of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Benson and Gwen of Kings- cote were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. Eva Fisher and Mrs. W- Gibson, past Matrons of Grey Chap- ter No. 170. O.E.S., attended the district annual meeting of the 0-E.S. at Drayton. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Teeter of Guelph spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Jas. Pedlar. J. D. .recently received hils discharge after four years with the Air Force. W. O. 1 T. W. Hunted of Camp Borden, Mrs. Hunter (Betty Murray) and Anne of Wasaga Beach were re- cent guests of Mr- and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mr. F. B. Keys attended the con- vention of Ontario and Quelbec Baip- tist Churches held last week in Pet- erboro. Mrs. Keys viisited her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Sinclair, at Markham during the convention. Priceville Women's Institute LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGBNIA lUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BU&OLARY PLATE GLASS AfiD GHWBRAL -VSUtLAMCR CoaMcraUon Life Immtsbm The regular monthly meeting of the Priceville branch of the W. I. was held at the home of Mirs. Wm. Meads with 21 ladies present. After the usual opening exercisesi, the roll call was taken, the ladies answering by giving theiir favorite hymn and author. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. J. D. Campbell for the shower of used and new household effects, flO was donated to the Owen Sound hospital building fund. The district annual meeting at Dun- dalik was discussed and Mrs. T. Currie and Mrs. Wm. Meads offered to take their cars and ate many as possibe gO. •M- .VlacitrtHur was appointed district delegate. Evei-yone was agreeable to request the district annual to be held at Priceiville next year. Needle" craft was chosen for a short course, with frozen foo<ls as second choice. Mrs. J. Whyte. Mrs. Boice, M. Mac- Arthur, Mrs. Harrison and A. Short- reed were appointed afe a booth com- mittee for the coming dances spon- sored by the Institute. The Institute decided to" drop their picnic for Civic Holiday in favor of the Citizens' Comimittee. whiteh is planning a re- union for that diay. Mrs. T. Curri© gave a reading "The Story of Our Hymns," Jean Mather rendered a solo and a quizz contest was conducted by Miss E. Oliver. Mrs. M. MacLean conducted a contest on foods. The collection waVi taken and the meeting was clo«. e<l with the Mizpah heneddction, after which lunch was served. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domeatie and Commercial, Split â€" Two amd Ihreo Phaas, Hifk Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmaiiahip GuarantMd. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all ktnda â€" J. MIDDLETON 7U ' Slid A««. B. OWEN SOUND Phone 7M GEO. DUNCAN'S AUCTION SALE LIST Thursday, June 20 â€" F. J. SteflTler, Kitchener. Monday, June 22 â€" Water Acheaon, Proton Station P.O. Tuesday. June 26 â€" W. Benson, near Corbetton- Wed>neaday, June 26 â€" Neil McLean, Priceville, Thursday, June 27 â€" F. J. Steffler, Kitchener. Friday, June 28 â€" Bert Francis, Corhetton. Saturday, July 6 â€" Mrs. Livermore, Dundalk. St. John's W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting o* the W.MS- was held Thursday even- ing in the basement of the church \.;.!i a gouj atl.;iiJancii ^f minvbtr'o and visitors, there being a fine repre- sentation present from Cedarside and Kock Mills Baptist Churches. Mrs. Sled read the Ccripture, followed with prayer by Dr. Thomson. Misses Jean Duncan and Agnes MacMillan rendered a lovely duet, and Erma Aberdein and Norma Kennedy of the C.GI.T. took the offering. Rev. Dr. Andrew Thomson, as 'special srpeaker, spoke on his work as missionary in China. He told of the opposition bo send of missionar- ies to a. foreign 100 to 150 years ago, and yet in that time, every country in the world has learned' isomethnhg of Christianity. He gave an account of general living conditions which are much the same as in Canada, and ako told of the different methodb of going about the misaion work. So well has the work progressed that in the late .1920's all denominations uncted to form the "Church of Christ ip. China." _ The president. Miss Kate Mac- millan extended thanks to Dr. Thom- son on behalf of the meeting for a very interesting and educative ad- dresb. The meeting was closed with the benediction. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire â€" Casualty Hospitalization â€" Weather in any of the best companies MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE G. D. MacARTHUR Phone 82J Flesherton Engagement * The erTgagement is announced of EUen Josephine, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. W. L. Taylor, Singhamp- ton, and the late Mrs. Taylor, to Mr. Paul Morriison Gadnvay, son of Mrs. Gladway of Creemore, and the late 'Mr. Malcolm Gadway, the marriage 'to taike place at four o'clock on Sat. June 29th, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Singhampton. Ontario. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar-pre- serves SI to S16, butter Bl to B12 and meat M29 to M(42. Butter Rl to Rd and Meat M29 to M39 expire on June 30th. (Eer: "Don'* you think a man has more sens* aifter he's married?" Him: "Yes, but it's too late then." Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS WALTER ACHESON NO. 10 HIGHWAY V2 mile west of Inistioge Church MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1946 at 1 o'clock p.m. Everything must be sold owing to ill health of the owner. Terms. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS BERT FRANCIS NO. 10 HIGHWAY 2 miles south of Dundalk corner FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 at 1 o'clock p.m. Included in the impHements are the following: Allis-Chalmerb "B" Trac- tor, new; 2 Setts Tractor Discs, new; 2 Hay Loaders, good as neW; Tractor Cultivator, new. Terms. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer "Did you ever do any public speak- ing?" asked th lawyer, eyeing his country cousin, who had dropped into town' for a visit "Well," replied the latter, hitch- ing up his trousers, "I proposed to my girl back home over the party Hne." United Church Notes Next Sundiay, June 23rd, annirer* sary services will be held in St> John's both morning and evening. Tht guest speaker will be Re<v. Oliver W. Holmes of Maxwell, who is well and favorably known by nvany persona in and around Flesherton. Special music by the choir. Hours of servic* are 11 am. and 8 p.m., fast time. The choir will meet for practic* Thursday evening, in place of FridAyw at 8:16 p.m. The last of the mid-weeik meeting* for prayer and Bible study will b« held at the home of Mr. John tfao* millan Thursday at 8 p.m. Attention ite drawn to the notice of an entertainment in the town haB which appears in another column. Baptist Church Notes I Mi^s Inez Nickles, Markdale, will present a special object talk at th* Sunday School session at Rock MiOsM this Sunday. This will foe the last opportunity to hear Miss Nicldfli^ who leaves to teach at iSt. Marys. Plans for the picnic for the Bap* tist Sunday ^Schools will be dieKuaa> ed this Sunday. / THE STORY ^^1^ BEHINI^TKI WOffsp The feature "It's Alloyed" is the secret of B-A Peerless Motor Oil time-tested superi- ority. It's the process that transforms a top-quality oil into the finest lubricant â-  obtainable. B-A Peerless Motor Oil is first refined far beyond ordinary standards. Then, "It's Alloyed"â€" an exclusive B-A process that ;; gives this great oil its ability to stand up better in service â€" to withstand conditions tiiat would cause ordinary oils to quiddy break down into sludge and varnish. It 'Will pay yoo to insist on B-A Peerless Motor Oil t>ecaus« it makes any car or truck last longer â€" run smoother. Change to B-A Peerless â€" the tough oil. It is a change for the bener. B-A Peerless Motor Oil is matched only l>y the friendly, courteous service of your B-Ai THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED ******* *** ***^* *i"l"h*i ' * - t* * * ^<t********************** * * * - >* *** ** ****** * **** ** < t* ***** F. T. HILL & CO., Limited OIL SPACE HEATERS â-  I Norge Heaters in two^sizes $134.50 and $159.50 Quaker Heaters|$1 1 4.00 No|Coal Worries No Ashes No Dust No Cold Rooms Even Temperatures WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF SALT 100 lbs. White Salt . 75c 50 lb White Blocks . SOc 50 lb Iodized Blocks . SSc i F. T. Hill & Co, Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale â- r I ^1 -^ r > i 4 1 â- Â¥********t****************** * **************** * * * ***** H t l Hi ***tt m *tt f ^***{

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