Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1946, p. 8

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\Vednesday, August 14, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads LADY BANK FOR SALE â€" Quebec heater with oven- Apply at this office. FOR SALE Upright piano, good as new. â€" Harold Best. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€"Young calf a few days old. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. lOcl FOR SALE â€" 2-ye<ir-old cattle.â€" Fred Duckett, R.R. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Young Yorfehije pigs. â€" Ken Stewart, phone 32r4. Ilp2 FOR SALE â€" Young pig^, 6 weeks old. â€" John Wickens, Kimberley. FOR SALE â€" 20 pigs 6 weeks old.â€" John Dow, phone 21r5 Flesherton. FOR SALE-Two good cows, six years eld, freshened in spring. Apply to C. Martin, Eugenia- FOR SALE â€" Seed fall wheat, Daw- eon Golden Chaffâ€" J. W. R. Lever, Flesherton. 10c2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of 2x10x24 hemlock lumber. â€" Angus Avis. Flesherton. lOpS WANTEJ) â€" Anun»Ia v^ttJbU foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eu£«nim, phoa« Fe v e nh r-n 6r£5 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of fertilizer on hand at old prices. â€" Frank Taylor. Phone 10. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 5 pigs, six weeks old. â€" R. M. Canii>bell, Lot 12, Con. 14. Proton, phone Dundalk 72rl3. LOST â€" White face Angus yearling, t«g on left ear, from S- McNevin's farm. â€" Ward Harrison, phone 41r4. WANTED â€" Young cattle for pas- ture on Lot 3S Con. 8, Artemesia, running water- Apply to Percy Magee, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" $26 buys a new 2- wheel trailer, complete with 1946 license. Apply to James Allen or Cliff Allen, phone 46r21. Ilc2 WANTED TO BUY â€" Small, bright home, good structure but needing decorating, outside toilet, bargain for cabh. Write giving full par- ticulars to Box 250 The Advance. A much-needed rainfail came on Friday night and Saturday in this district- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seniple and two children, Beverley and Bobbie and Miss Dorife Lawrence of Weston, and Miss Eleanor Wellwood of Islington spent the week end holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Semple and Mr- and Mrs. Percy Semple- Miss Sayers and lister of Islington are spending a few holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mr. Wilson- Mr- Waltc^r Wilson's mother, Jlrs- M. Wil'son, of Stratford is a guest of her son here and other members of the family at Ravenna, Clarks- burg and Collingwood- We are pleased 'to hear that Mrs- Elizabeth Dobson, who suffered a slight stroke, is able to be up and around again. Mrs- Dobson celebrat- ed her 84th birthday at Sunset Point on August 3rd. Congratulations to you. Mrs- Dobson. Mioses Vea-na and Fern MoConnell. Kimberley spent a few holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs- W'm. Semple- Miss Elaine McMuUen of East Mountain spent the week end with Marilyn Goodfellow and Mrs- Percy Semple. Local aod i^ersoucu ADDITIONAL LOCALS A patriotic M.P., during a heated discussion in the British House of Commons, became very excited and shouted: "The British lion, whether it is roaming the deteerts of India on- climbing the forests of Canada, wiP. not draw in its horns or retire into its shell-" DEMONSTRATION OF WEED KILLING IN GREY COUNTY CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises on or about July 20th, a-year-old heifer- Owner prove property and pay eotipenses. â€" W- A- Beaton, R. R- 1, Ceylon. llpl LOST â€" In Flesherton on Saturday night, Aug. 3, tire lftx5.50, moun- ted on wire wheel- Finder please notify Mervin McFadden, Flesher- ton, phone 65J. 10p2 FOR SALE â€" Buffet cupboard, grey with green trim, in excellent condition, and a number of u.se- ful dishesâ€" Mrs. A- E. Bell Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" Oak diningroom .suite good condition, 9 picce.s $70; 1 V2 hpM.iH. gas motor f46; fur -sale or trade 1©.^ halif ton ChevioU-t delivery panel truck, jufet over- haule<i, new tires, or exchange on car with cash. â€" W- R. Dionne, R.R. S Proton Sta., corner O-D.R. High- way 10. llpl A brush killing demon'stration will be conducted on the farm of Mrs. R. C. Robinson starting at 9:30 D.S.T. the forenoon of Aug- Ifi, 1946 with the use of Atlacide, a chemical weed killer- On the afternoon of Aug 15, a weed killing demonstration will be conducted at the Priceville Cemet- ery on the highway. On the forenoon of Aug. 16 a bine weed erradication demonstration will be held on the farm of Mr- James McLoughry, R.R. 4, Markdalc. The demonstration will be put on by Mr- K. Murphy of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, of the De- partment of Agriculture sponsored by Grey County Crop Imiprovement Assoc. Farmers are urged to attend- R. C. Robinson, T. S. Cooper President SecreUry BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton FARM FOR SAI,K 50 acre*, Lot 156, Con. a, NE., ArtemeBia, with building.s, well wat- ered, land nearly all cleared; IVji miles from Flesherton. Apply to Chak. McOermid, R-R. 3. Flesherton, or Ijorne Sharp, Guoliph. C. J. BELLAMY Vi:,LACE CLERK A Commissioner for talcins AITidaTits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL'.S, Etc. Off Ire: Toronto Street. Fleslierton FARM FOR SALE Comprising East iH<ilf I.,(it« 141 and 142, 2 N.E., Arlemesla: HO aci<'«. Gofxi buildings. About 2V4 miles from FlcHherton- Apply to Henry Brown Sr., R. R. No- 2, Flesvherton. GENERAL TRUCKING My truck in availnhlo for General -'icking Will too anywhere for ". iiv kind of load nt reaVionabIc â- "('II. Your patronage solicited and sat- isfaction frunranteed. EIJ)RIUGB ROYCB Plione 74r21 EnKenia, Ont- 47p« HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m- WM. KMTTING M C K N S E I) A II C T I O N E E I for the County ot Grey Farm and Stock sales our »p altj Termii: reasonable. Satisfaction \> ,fuar8nte"id. Dates arranged »t Tk' Advance office or phon* ♦w- LIGHTN*NG AND FIRB "ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE. FIRE, BURQUARY PLATE GLASS AND OENBRAL 'VSURANCE ConfederaUon Life Iiumr«ne« NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE DomMtie and Commercial. Split â€" Two and Three Phaae. High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Worltmanahip GuarantMd. Prompt rewinding service on *lectrlc motors of all klnda â€" J. MIDDLETON 75> • Ind Avft. K. OWBN SOUND Phone 781 Mrs- G- E. Henry spend a couple days in Toronto this week. Miss Marjorie Brackenbury of To- ronto spent the week end at her par- ental home. Mrs. R- G. Holland returned last week after holidaying for a month in Muskoka- Mrs- Eric Henderson of Toronto wai tiie guest of Mrs. R. H- Hender- son over the week end. Mr. and Mrs- Clifford Blakeley of St- Thomas are spending a few days w'ith relatives in town. Miss Allison Grant of Toronto was the guest of her friend, Miss Flor- ence Welton, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs- Ken Goheen and two sons are visiting the former's par- ental home at Peterboro- 3Iisses Ethel and Arlene Taylor of Toronto were week end visitors at their parental home. Mr. and Mi^. Art Teale of St Cath- erinas spent a few days last week with Ma: and Mrs- S- W. Sloan. Mrs. L. Brown and son, Keith, of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with her mother, Mrs. M. Thitetlethwaite- Mr- and Mrte. Mei-vin Crane of Durham are spending a couple of weeks with the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. Mr. and Mr's- Dick Stewart and little daughter of Dundalk spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr- and Sirs- John Stewart. Mrs- J- B. O'Brien and two child- ren of Oakville spent a couple of days last week with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. G. A. McTavish. Mr- and Mtfs. John Beecroft, Owen Sound, visited with Mr- and Mrs. Ehnerson Wickens on Sunday, and at- tended the Consecration Service. Mr; K- K- Kimmerly of Toronto and Maurice, also Miss Pauline and Patricia, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan. Mrfe. John Nuhn and Miss Mary Jane McTavish have returned home after spending ten days visiting at Kingsville and Harrow- Mr. F- H- W. Hickling returned on Tuesday from the Owen Sound hos- pital, where he undei-went an opera- tion two weeks ago- iMr- R. J. Noble of Winnipeg was a pleasant caller on the editor on Friday. He and his (brother. Rev. S. G- Noble of Pittsburg. Pa-, had been attending the Dimdalk reunion. Dr- A. TurnebuU, Mrs. Turnbull and son, David, of London are visit- ing this week at the home of Geo. Buchanan, Meaford Road, and are renewing old friendships in town. Mr- and Mrs. Kenzie Campbell and family of iSt. Catharines and Misfe Jessie Kerr and Mr. Bud Campbell of Alliston spent the week end with Mt. and Mrs. Angus Avis. Mr, and Mrs- Bill Wilson and son, Ben, of Windsor are spending a few days with Mr- and Mrs. C. J. Bell- amy and will then spend a week or so holidaying at Gravenhurst- Mr. and Mrs- John Wesley and feon, Paul, of Willowdale, Ont-. are spend- ing two weeks with Mrs- Wesley** pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. J- H. .Aa-.m- fetrong. at their cottage in town- Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mr- and Mrs- Hugh iMoort', Colleen and Gairry. and Mr- and Mi^- Harry Mertens of De- ti-oit returned home Saturday after spending the past week at the home of Mr. Jim Hairisoai, ISpringhill. Dr. and Mrs. Rdbert Morton and two sons of Pittsburg, Pa., spent a couple oif days last week with the farmer's nwrentls, Mr- «nd Mrs. W- A. Morton, while em'oute to Port Carling on their vacation. Mr. and Mrs- J. H. Armstrong, who are sipending the summer hert\ motored' to Toronto on Civile Holiday. When they aetuined \Vo<lne.-<day night, they wore «ccompanied by their son, Edward, who remained until the end of the week- Mr. and Mrs, Geo- Bellamy of Win- nipeg arc s\pendinK a few days in •heir old home town- We were very pleased to see our good friendS* en- joying good health- They have also been visiting relatives at Mont Clair, N J., and their two sons, Harold and Wi-sley in Toronto. Miss Florence Richanlaon of Los Angcle.s. Calif., and Mi^. J- l.«timer of Toronto, also Mrs, Rose Dyer of Los Angeles, visited with the form- ers' brother. Mr. C. N. Richardson, for a couple of days the fli^t of the week. It has been 21 years since Miss Richardson last visited the old home town. IUm- friends were very pleased to see her again. Mr- and Mfs. \Vm. Horner anil DtMeen, Miss D, Baker and Mrs, F. Uoyntoii of Richmond Hill were S>in- dfty visitor^ with Miss Gertrude Lev- .Mr. and Mrs- Ciiff Blakeley of Si- Thomas are holidaying in town with relatives this week. -ui- and Mrs. Ad- Hurpeii oi 10- ronto are visiting friends in town this week. Mrs- May Norris of We'stakiwin, Alta-, and Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Hales of Brighton spent a couple of day's in town this week visiting old friends. Mr. and Mrs- C. N. Jordison of Estevan, Sask., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs- Jos- Duncan and Mr. Fred Nicholson. Mr- and Mrs- Perry of Rocklyn, Mrt. B. Clark and Evelyn of Levan, Sask-, Mir. Warren Perry of Rocklyn and Mrs. Elwood Hewgill and two children of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs- B- Field. *" BOWL PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs- Harry Pedlar, Tor- onto spent the week end w^ith friends here- Mrs. Pedlar remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Oluf Kiristensen returned to her home at Dixonville, Alta-, after visiting her father, Mr. D. Hincks, and other members of the Hincks family- Mr- Geo. Sturrock and son, Albert, Bowmanville, visited Friday at the home of Mr. Jim Sturrock. Mr. Murray McMillan, Toronto, spent last week here- Mr. and Mrs- Tom Hincks, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston of Toronto vis- ited la'st week at A. L- Hincks. Mrs. F. McKinnon returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter at .Aurora- Mr. and Mrs- Jack Carson and Jim have moved to the old Carson home- stead. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williams vis- ited friends in Toronto lafet week. His mother .returned with them to Toronto, after visiting with them- Mrs. Archie McKechnie, Toronto, is visiting at the home of her son. Archie. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Alex MaoDonald and family who have spent the past month her, returned Wednesday to their home at Stranraer, Sask. Mr. Geo- McLellan, Niagara Falls, is spending this week at Mr. Dan Campbellfe'. iMiss Nellie McLean. Toronto, is holidaying with friends here. Mrs- Oluf Kristensen (nee Alme<ia Hinckfe) of Dixonville, Alta,. arrived last Wednesday to visit her father, and other members of the family - Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Mi-s- Kristensen spent the week end at Harriston and Atwood, and were accompanied home by Mr. C, E. Hincks and Mrs- Petrie and Bever- ley. Mr. Jack MoArthur, Toronto, is Spending two weeks at his home- Mr. D- L- MoArthur, with a party of friends, left last week on a motor trip to the West- Mr- and Mrs. Sandy Robertson and family. London, were week end visitor^ with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson- Recent visitoiis at the home of A. L. Hincks were: Mrs- Alex McDonald. Betty and Ch««-les of Sask. Jamie Baird. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Elder, Lisle, Mr- and Mrs. G. McLean Mr. and Mi's. C. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs- M- McMillan, Toronto. Mr. and Mirs. Wm- Hill, Fergus. dMHtmUL HYDM lOONOMMT Hello iHomemakers! August and it's time to get rid of those preval- ent pest's! Flies and mosquitos in par- ticuJar comlbine to make life miser- aible for not only those on holidays, but also for those who toil and sweat at home in the summer heat. Some of the informative pamph- lets issued by well-known manufact- urerfe of insecticides point out the safe use of their products. The base of these new mixtures is a chemical with a long name we glibly call D.D-T. There is a DJ)-T. bomb on the maa-ket now, a petroleum mixture in a container, which if put in a closed room for 7 seconds will kill the injects immediately. In powder form, the DJJ.T- insecti- cide is very effective too. However, it takes time to act and is generally combined with pyrethrum or some other vehicle- This mixture should be put in cracks behind cupboards and places where the cat and other pets will not eat it. The manufacturer of a paint insect killer recomimends the product for 2 or 3 months- You spray it on surfaces or brush it on ipainted walls and screens. These pefet destroyers are not in- jui'ious to use- However, for the best effect do one room at a time- Cove' any food, put the balby in another room, remove the house plants and the canary. Close the room for a min- ute after you've used the D.D.T. By the way, don't use the D.D.T- barn spray for the job in the house. It usually contains kerosene or an oiJ and may leaive spots on fabrics. Follow directions on the labels. Use an insecticide and you will enjoy more leisure hours having rid the house of pesky fliefe. Do not encourage flies- Store food in closed containers in a cool place. Keep dishes washed after using. Keep door^ closed and windows open and screened - TAKE A TIP - 1. Place stuffed peppers in a muf- fin tin while baking to keep them in shape - 2. Fresh peas stay gi-een and will not shrink if a couple of lettuc* leaves are put on top of them while cooking. 3- Meat loaf is cooked more quick- ly if you bake the mixture in a tut>e cake pan. 4. .A piece of rayon thread is befet for cutting angel food o>r sponge cake. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs- B. R- asks: Recipe for Mer- ingue shells. 2 egg whites, tg tsp. cream tartar, '2 cup sugar ',2 tsp. vanilla, daSh of salt. Beat egg whites, cream of tartar and salt until frothy but not dry. (Con- tinue beating while sugar is being added, about 1 tsp- at a time. Beat until stiff. Fold in vanilla- Drop on baking sheet, covered with heavy un- greased paper, or pretes through pas- try tube on to paper. Bake in 275 deg. electric oven 4O-6O mins. Re- move from paper at once- Makes 3 dozen small meringues. For colour variation: Before baking sepaa-ate mixture into several parts and add different vegetable colourings - Mrs- S. T. suggests : Toasted Cheese Dreams Vi lb. sharp cheese, grated, l^tbbps. melted baking cream. 1 egg, beaten, 1^ tbsps. cream. Comibine the above ingredients and mix thoroughly. Remove crusts from one loaf of bread, and slice lengUi- wise. Spread slices with the mixture, and then roll and chill in electric refrigerator. When ready to serve, silice about Vz" slices, place on rack and toaist under broiler or if desired serve plain. Cashew Cookies 3^ tbsps. shortening, Vi cup sugar. 1 egg. well beaten, 2 tbs(p6 milk, Marashina chei-ries, 1 cup lifted flour, 2 tbsps. baking pow der, V4 tsp. salt, '2 cup cooking cashews (chopped). Cream shortening, add sugar and cream until fluffy. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together- Add dry in- gredients, milk and beaten egg. Add chopped nuts to dough. Drop from teaspoon onto greased baking feheet^ top with sice of cherry and hake in 350 degrree oven l'5-20 mins. Makes three dozen. Priceville Presbyterian Note* Sunday, August l®th at St- And- rew's church. Rev. A. V. Brown will administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 11 a.m. Sunday School will meet following the Communion ^lervice- Choia- practice every Thursday at 9 o'clock pm- Mrs- Mujrgatroyd (about to at- tend a political meeting): " I'm not prejudiced «t all- I'm going with a perfectly open and unbiased mind to listen to what I'm convinced is a lot of rutobifeh- ^<^^Syou LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Time) TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to and including Tuesday. Aug- 20. 19i4«V by the undersigned fo.r the painting of the interior of U.SS. No. 16, A- & (5., and steps to be repaire<i; paint will be supplied. F<'r full information apply to Edgar Patterson. Secretary. R.R. 2 Prioiwille. Don't Gamble onjHealth PROTECT YOIR SAVINGS WITH HEALTH INSURANCE Full hoapitallzHtion plan G. D. MacARTHUR Mutual Life. File. Casualty Wind. H<i4|>italizntlon Phone 82J FLK.SHERTON I ♦«â€" To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7-40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUvS CONNECTIONS -%T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Ta.x Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 xSt. Louis Via Toronto $15.85 $31.40 X Tickets and lofnrmation at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON . Phone 63 k A. ^ V a a » a » r^

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