J*- A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A<.i:.\'rs WANi'i:!) A(;i;.\ IS A X It s'r<)i<i:ivi':i<:iM':us to write lur uui list of fii.->t .selling bows on combs, tjurteis. nail clip- pcis, plastic lamp sh.ide.s, rayon scarfs, trininiings, etc. (..awrence Lace Fabrics Co.. I'.lCl Queen St. E., Toronto HAKV CIllCIvS â- ^ \ Ik. <. ^ 4 A 4 A A' 4 1 «. X 4t. J A. I'LM.I-.TS !â- ; I «J H 'I \V 10 IS i( !i to la.viiig tor Immediate delivery. Also two and three week old start- ed chicl<3. Free eatalofjiie. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. Limited Fergus. Ontario. ORDKR !<l':i'TF.HItl';it ANU OCTO- ber Bi-.iy (.'hii-k.^i â€" now. Immediate delivery on broUer.s â€" ,M. H. .x \V L. Some started pullet.s. Cray Hatch- ery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario. MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY, FERGUS, ONT. iiARiti:u uocKs ki»i;d to lay 8 & 10 weeks Hamp. x BK. Leghorn X Bit. 4 & (i week.s. Flock of Leg- horn pullets of 160 at 12 weeks. Immediate shipmeirt can be made. I ._l.'Uia.i;T(^ RIGHT WIOKKS (o lay- ing. Free catalogue and prlcellat. Top Notch C'hlcUeries. fluelph, On- tario. Ill SI.MJSK OIM'OUTI NITIK.S <;.l>r YOli IJRAWf 2 YKAR coui-.se-.Vrt in advertising starts Sept. Kith Rooms available. Ask for catalogue. Terry School Of Art, Miami, 35 Pla. MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING A new and modern method of over- coming all your bookeeping and accounting problem.") Subscribers to Mall Contact Ac- counting simply place all their aalea detnil slips, cash vouchers, paid invoices, payroll particulars «tc., in our self-addrcs.'sed envelope and mail periodically to our office. Once a month we send you a sum- mary of your business transactions. Once a year, or on request, we fur- nish you with a complete statement Of your affairs, with complete in- come tax service. Neat. efficient and confidential service, to all business men whose annual turnover does not require the services of a full-time account- ant. O.arages, Grocery, Drug, Dry- goods. Hardware. Plumbing, Doc- tors, Dentists, etc. You can safely hand over your accounting head- aches to MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING gommonwealth BIdg. 21 King St. E.. Toronto. Write for information and low monthly fees. UVRIXG AJfD CLRAIVING BAVB VUU AlVYTHIIVG NBEDS dyelns or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonge Street. Toronto, Ontario. KAIIinS I'OU SAI.I'I KI.KCTniCAL. KaiJIl'MElVT NEW "CYCLOHM" LIGHTIIVG plants .powered by Brigga & Strat- ton Ra:j engines. A. C. or D. C. 360 to 2.500 watt. British gas and Diesel engines from 1% to 200 h. p. sta- tionary or marine type. Air, tank, radiator or hopper cooled. Large stocic of three phase motors. From stock A.C. or D.C Welding mach- ines, electrodes and accessories. New gas engine driven portable selt-prlming centrifugal pumps 700O gals, per hour. Total weight 90 lb.«. Operates 5 hours one gallon J185.00. Farmers, lumber and fish- ing industry â€" in most cases â€" tax and fluty exempt. Write for -prlceB to Alliance Electric Worica Limited, Kontreal â€" Toronto â€" - Halifax â€" Roux-n â€" WinnipoK'. POR >LS A COXSTA.\T SUPPLY OF PISH bait. Quarter brings booklet on earthworm propogatlon. Complete details, assuring a greater supply year .-ifter year. Soilmaster System, Sox 22.1. Winnipeg, Manitoba. BURGLAR PROOF' KEY RETAIN- or prevents removing icey from out- side. Postpaid 25c. Atomic Enter- prises. Long Branch, Ontario. CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE Eas.v la huild, low cost. Sell bloelcs, build iiouse, barn, etc., economical- ly. Free details. Mastcrprint Co., Toronto 14, Ontario. 12 1>1FFKIIE1VT. niVE IRISES, postpaid, .?1.IJ0. Also Peony, Tulip, Daffodil, price li.st. Ferncliffe Gar- den.". Hatzic, British Columbia. EI.HfTUH; MOTORS NEW, USED bouglit, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2;i26 Dufferln St., Toronto, Ont. FISHIXU TACKLE IIO.XES â€" Wholesale Price. Heavy Alumi- num, streamlined, green outside, grey Inside, completely rust-proof, two sizes $4.25 and $3.25 postpaid. Walter Dean Canoe and Boat Co., 2050 Dundns Street West. Toronto, Onl.nrio. NEHTIJVI'; OViTROAHD MOT;»RS â€" Authorized part.s service: ship any- where Neptune Outboard Motors overh.auled: workmanship Gu.aran- teed. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ot- tawa. Ontario. â€" 6,000 PULLETS â€" 6000 Ready-to-Lay Pullets, also â- several thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most Ideal conditions. Send for Price List and full particulars. â€" OIL BURNERS â€" New pot type oil brooder.'), new pot type range burners and heaters. Prompt delivery or book for later. L.\KE;V1I3W POULTRY FARM, WKIN BRO!<., F.xeter. Ontario. TIRES We arj overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guaran- teed to be In excellent shape) 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special eaulpment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. SB.\CON TIRE, corn. Queen & York Sta. HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN KaiilPPED TIRE SHOP â- 'ARMS KOII SALE lOU ACHK, 80 ACRES CLEAR, 4 miles from Cardinal. Solid brick house. Barn In excellent condition. All equipped with Hydro. Milking machine Installed. Young orchard, prilled well. Spring in pasture. Oood fences. Good hen house and brooder house. Silo. Will sell with Or writhout stork .Tnd machinery. PossesBlon anytime. Box 107, 73 Adelaide W„ Toronto. IltU ACUKS Al.l, CLIOAII E.XCIOL- lent land with good B.ink llarn, i^arge Frame hou.'^e situulcd on county road. Lot 1!), Con 4, West Oarafraxa. Hydro soon to be avail- able, ',<; mile from School. Apply to Mrs. Ethel Louttlt. R. R. No 1, Belwood. Ontario. 200 ACRES m NORTHIJMRER- hiiid district. HO .'icres suitable for mixed farming. 00 acres bush and pasture. Brick hou.se and frame barn. 42 St. P.'uil St. West, St. Cath- arines, Ontario. 100 ACRES LOCATED IN I.AMB- ton County one halt mile from Oak- dale on a main country road close to store, school and church. On the farm Is situated a good 9-rooni frame house with Hydro and run- ning water, screened In porch, 1 barn 30 x 50, 1 Barn 28 x 50 stabling for eight cows and some young cat- tle and four horses. 1 good hog pen and double deck hen house and granary. The soil is of Clay Loam and In a high state of cultivation with 13 acres of young bush. Price J7.000. Phone or write for appoint- ment to George H. Cross. Sfi Myrtle St St Thomas. HAinORESSING LEARN HAIRORFSSINr. THE Robertson melhod Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's HalrdresPlng Acndemy. I.T) Avenue Road, Toronto iii:i.i' WANTi';!> W.4!VTI0n â€" HEAVY TYPE LAll- ourera to woi'k in Tanner>'. Good wages, steady worlc. Apply The C. S. Hyman I'.imp.iny Limited, Lon- don, Ontario. WANTED IM.MEDIATELY â€" MAR- ried couple, no children to manage 50 acre farm in City Limits with bus service. Must thoroughly un- derstand and like handling of high grade Jersey cattle and R.O.P. test- ing. Modern barn, milking machine and tractor kept, and furnished living quarters electrically equip- ped. Splendid opportunity for right man. Applv stating experience and references to Box 07, Kitchener, Ontario. MARRIED COrPLR PROTESTANT, experienced no children, live In. Woman to do housework only, man for general farm work near Tor- onto, year round employment. $100 per month with board and lodging. Geo. C. .Tackson, Downsvlew, OnL MEDICAL DON'T WAIT â€" EVERY SITEER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remed.v. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED â€" KV- ary sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A UODDINGTUN BUYS sells, exchanges musical Inrtru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto H. OPPORTLNI'l'lES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S tJHADlNU SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dlgt.ltled prolesalon, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Writs or call MARVEL HAIHDRESSiNQ SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 RIdeau Street Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH * COMPAMY Patent Solicitors. Established lltSU; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet oJ Information on request. PERSONAL FREE HOME BIBLE COURSE. 28 Interesting lessons answering many puzzling questions as Armageddon, Millennium, Heaven, Death, and Salvation. Write Bible Seminar, Madison College, Tennessee. MORTAL POWER BY H. STANLEY Lis. More than a book! Banishes human problems. Analyzes fear, worry, an.\iety. Guide to successful living! 50c. Humanity Studies, 164 Cedar Grove, New Bedford, Mass. I'KArllKRS W.ANTED PHO'I'OGRAl'HY FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CENTS. Guaranteed one day service, No waiting. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed B OR 8 EXPOSUKE HULLS «Bc. REPRINTS « tor 25c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE, ifou may not get all the Jllms you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CANT BE TAKEN AGAIN Any Size Roll â€" or 8 Exposures. DEVEI.X)PED AND PRINTED 25c, i MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c. Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x0'' on ivory tinted mount.s: 7xS" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 5!)c each. If enlarge- ment coloured, 79c each. Reprints Made From Your .Negatives 3c. Each OEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box V2». l-unt ortife A. Torimto. Print Name and Address i'lalnly. I'EAI'HERS WANTED WANTED â€" PUBLIC SCHOOL teacher for .S.S. No. 2. Hodglns and Deroche. Duties to commence Sept 3, 1!I4C .State salary wanted. Ap- ply to E. D. Ross, Searchmont, OnL TEACHEK FOR S.S. 7 Rndclifrc Public School Combermere, Ontario. $1300 per year. Somali school. Good equipment. State qualifications and apply to S. F .Snowdon, Tren.«urer. Combermere. Ont. SAVANT LAKE S.S. NO. I RE- qulres experienced teacher, grades 1 to 8, salary $1200â€" $1400 If quali- fication.'? warrant. Duties to com- mence Fall term. Apply to .1 B Ntelanson. Secretary Tre.isurer. Sa- vant Lake. Ont PROTESTANT TEACHKn, ni'AI.I- ried, for S.S. No. 2 Duramer. Term to commence Sept. S. Salary $1,^00 per year. Apply Walter Sloan. Sec- Treas., Norwood, Ont FIRST CL.ISS PH(>TI':ST.\.\T tcachci-, experienced, preferred for S. S.. No. 1 Cl.'irence. Salary $1,200. Good bus service. 25 miles from Ot- taw.i on Highway 17. A. E. Wilson, <'larencc, Ontario. MULMI R TWP. TE.\CHER WANT- eil for S. S. .No. 15 Mulmur Twp., Dufferln Co.: comfortable boarding liouse close to school: roads kept open for Winter car driving, duties to commence Sept. 1. Write slating iiu.ilifications. salary wanted to A. E. I'aimer (Sec.) Terra Nova, Ont. CHESTERTOWN WINS $50,000 HAMBLETONIAN MIDI. \\l). TEACHER FOR S. S. 10 Tav, S:i ar\ • $1200 Scbool bos de hlghw av \\ itll llU.«i service M rs. lOdmiind Jones, Midi and, Ont a no. KASHAIJOWIE â€" PROTESTANT teacher with permanent first or se(M>nd class certificate and several years experience wanted for S. S. No. 1 ICiishabnwie: salary $1,350.00 per "innum; enrolment 10. Apply to A. Hollnshcad, Sec. S. S. .NTo. 1. Ka- sb.-ilinwlc Ontario WANTED WANTI'JD TO PUi^CHASiO PUI.I.ETS Barred Hocl;s, New Hampshlres. White Leghorns any age from f weeks up to laying. Good price paid. Apply to Box No. 95. 7: Adcl.-iUle W,. Toronto. U. S. Living Cost Takes Big Jump Tlic Buroati of Labor Statistics said that the 13.8 percent rise in retail food prices in the United States from June IS to July 15 was the greatest monthly change it ever recorded. The largest prior increase wa-*! nine percent, from Marcii to Ap- ril, 1917. This July's food prices averaged 77 percent, above Aug- ust, 1939, and almost 18 percent above August, 1945, At the time of the July survey, B. L. S, noted, subsidies liad been removed and no price controls were in effecL, It said food pri- ces have declined sHghtly since OPA controls were re-establised. In mid-July retail meat prices had increased 30 percent., dairy products 21 percent., and other foods 3.7 percent., B, L, S, said, ^.^?!?^M>*- 5^«».W^^'-'^*' Chesterton, No. 8, on the outside, trails Victory Song, No. 4, at the finish of the openmg one-mile heat of the $50,000 Hambletonian at Goshen, N.Y. But the fleet bay colt roared back to take the second and third heats to win harness racing's Kentucky Derby. Under The Wheels And Behind Them Dr. Morris Fishbein wisociacUcd to a Milwaukee audience that "in .Vnlerica there is one automobile for every four and a half people â€" you can find the half on any road it you get there ahead of the am- bulance," says The Milwaukee Journal. He could have gone on to say that the "half persons" un- der the wheels, poor souls, were the victims of the half-wits behind the wheels. But the murderous motorist is really no subject for humor, especially when he hits close to home. MAKINGS OF GOOD FISH STORY First Tuna landed by an amateur fisherman at Lunenburg, N.S., this season is this 680 -pounder displayed by R. Adams, Toronto. It battled for one hour and 45 minutes. Hay Fever Known Almost 400 Years Oddly enough, wlien one con- siders the name and cause of hay fever, fanners who work in haying, who move amid ragweed in potato patches and cornfields are rarely victims of a malady which finds so many sufferers in asphalt fields. Hay fever, under one name or anolhci-, has been known for al- most -100 years. And ragweed, of course, is a lot older than that. It remains to be seen if 2-4D can re- verse the long-established trend of cause and effect. SOCIETY OUllNS orSClWBWOMiH Rich oi Door alilte- - liiis fine mc<liciiio is t;cry effccliuc to relievo pain and ner- vous, tired, irrilal)lo feelinna, of corUiii days"â€" when duo to female tnnclionol monthly disturbances. VEGETABLC COMPOUNP IWIAUmHAM'S LIFE can Beqin AinrER4a#/. Around 40 our energy leuens. But, ex< perience has tiught u> to do our work with leu effort. The year« ahead should yield the jrealett accompllahmentti, the most enjoyment â- nd happiness. They can, too, if we avoid tha kidney and bladder disorders such at Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40, For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills hare been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, tar Iha sake of your health and a happier falure use Dodd's Kidnc/ PitU today I I2S Hitler Yacht Sold As Pleasure Boat Adolf Hitler's 2,560-ton lu.xury yacht Grille has been sold by the British Admiralty for £76,000 for conversion into a pleasure ship. The purchaser is going to install a movie and television theatre seat- ing 500 and a dance floor and take her on holiday cruises from British seaside resorts. The Grille lias "a considerable number of cabins, also conference and dimiig rooms, and would ap- pear to be suitable craft for con- version to a pleasure cruiser." When Hitler accepted the Grille in 1934 he was still "a man of the people," simple and austere. The accommodations of the vessel were arranged accordingly. Later the Grille was smartened up, in keeping with the luxury standards established at the Fueh- rer's Bcrchtesgaden retreat. Hit- ler's own cabin was done out in a liiinct-cgg blue. Hitler used the vessel for visits to Iceland and Pottngal â€" but he was not aboard when the Grille took part in Britain's coronation review at Spithead in 1937. In 1939 the Grille's white paint was covered with wartime gray. Mine-laying rails were bolted to holes Ihonghtfully provided when she was built. The yacht got down to real work, mining the water around Wilhelnishavcn and a fvw weeks later she became a com. mercc raider. Ill 1942 the Grille entered on the last phase of her career under tier- man rule as an operation base ship for U-boats in northern waters. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HAKRIS ... ("A Six Bit Critic") , "Times certainly fliange * whole lot," muses Eighth-posl Eddie, the eninent Turf Advisor. "It used to be that when you saw a guy around the track using a 25^2-inch nail in place of a button on his britches, you figured he was either broke or had just had a fight with his bitter half, who wouldn't do any more mending for him. But now they tell mu that if this shortage keeps up tili the Fall meet, the Big Shots on the Woodbine clubhouse lawn are liable to be wearing nails instead of diamonds as a sign of wealth." » • » In tlu: interests of sanitation our Departments of Health issue, from time to time, warnings as to the dangers of the common house-fly, telling how these little winged visitors carry germs, bac- t«ria and all sorts of unalluring things in their travels. Other es- tieemed Agencies, equally intent on our moral sanitation are wont to give warning about those pit- falls known as poolrooms, giving instances of the grave perils which threaten young fellows who mis- spend too much of their leisure ar ound such places. * * » Always eager to help along any good cause, let alone two of them, and especially with the least pos- sible amount of exertion, we think we'll make this one a double- header, and dig up from the back- alleys of sports history a tragic incident which clearly illustrates iVve dangers inherent in BOTH the poolroom and the house-fly. And if you've heard it before it's much too late to vry and stop us. * * * So anyway, one day two very expert billiard players were deep- ly engaged in a contest for the world's championship. And as they ncared the finish one oS them, a gentleman named Fox, was so far in front that the back- ers of his opponent were about ready to pay off. But as Mr. Fo;! stepped up to the table and chalk- ed his cue for what might well have been the winning inning, a common house-fly hai'pcned to light on his cue-ball. ft i^ 4^ Time after time Mr. Fox tried to shoo the little pest away â€" but always it insisted on coining back and perching on the ivory sphere. (Maybe the fly thought it was an egg and v/as trying to hatch it, but this is only guess-work as his- tory is silent on the point.) And finally Mr. Fox got so hot and bothered that when he went to make his shot he miscued; where- upon his opponent promptly ran cut his siring and took the title. * * * At this Mr. Fox, who must have been a very excitable type indeed, rushed out of the place, jumped into a river, and was drowned. And if you are thinking this is nothing but a figment of the itn- aginaiicM, we may inform you that it took place at Washington Hall, in the fair city of Rochester, N.Y. and that the two genlleincn in- volved were Louis I'ox and John Deery. * * * And the fact that it was so long ago as Sept. 7th., 1865, that it occurred has nothing to do with the perils and dangers we started out to illustrate. The point thai puzzles us is just what mora! would be most fitting to tack on to this highly edifying taleâ€" SWAT THE POOLROOMS or DON'T HANG AROUND HOUSE-FLIFS. * • * It may be that we have, ia times past, already made mention of a friend of ours â€" Joe Grimes, a gentleman most decidedly worth knowing. Joe has a fondness for setter dogs, horseshoe pitching, smokeless tobacco, trotting races, and other homely things. He al- so possesses something rather un- usual nowadays â€" an outlook on life that is strictly individual and his own. * * I- At all events we rather relished an incident we recently heard re, garding him, and thought pos- sibly you might do so too. Not so long ago a lady from the city came to visit in Joe's neighbor- hood, bringing along with her a daughter of the mature age of ele- ven or thereabouts. But this was by no means any common or gar den variety of daughter. She was one of these Child Prodigies, with an I.Q. higher than a cafs hack, knownig all the answers to all the questionsâ€" -the same sort you read about in these fatten- your-niind magazines or hear on the radio, Heaven forbid. * » * And this mother was more thau a little proud of her juvenile won- der, nor by any means backward â- tout Iftting folks know how much she out-classed ordinary kids. More than once during her rural visit she had made compari- sons between the mentality of her own pride and joy, and that of Joe's granddaughter, Nellie, who is much of the same age. But somehow or other we don't im- agine she'll ever do so again. "But of course, Mr. Grimes." she was finishing up her latest panegyric, "it is hardly fair for me to compare my Minerva with Net- lie, as all the child psychologists aud '..nivcrsity professors who have examined Minerva tell me tliat lUc little darling, although she's QiiW eleven, actually has slie's pnW eleven, the mentality o( a P5 ty or more." a pSrsfifi of twglT- Joe took a chaw of eating to- bacco, solemnly spat, and then spoke. "Well now," he said, "I've always noticed that a wormy ap- ple is liable to ripen a whole lot quicker than a sound one." And that was that! Moral: Discretion Is Better Pay-Off A well known St. Catharines man made a recent trip by motOr to .larvis, relates the St. Catharines Standard. On his way, he picked n|> a hitch-hiker. In the course of conversation, the young man told the motorist, he had just finished serving 18 months. His offense was hitting a motorist who had given him a ride, and taking $400 from him. Then the hitchhiker asked the motorist what he did. Our man was a fast thinker, right in the pinches. He said he was a prize fighter and had just had a bout at Toronto. In fact, he had the size to be one in the heavier class. Nothing happened after that. Nevertheless, he was relieved to get rid of his passenger In Jarvis and promptly reported the incid- ent to the police. The moral of the story Is: One never knows what a risk there it in picking up the unknown on the highway. Discretion is far the bet- ter pay-off.