&' Wednesday, August 21, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE Upright piano, good as n«w. â€" HarolU Best. Flesherton. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA FOR SALE â€"Young calf a few days oldâ€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. lOcl FOR SALE â€" Sow, due to farrow Sept. 1. â€" Jim Stewart, phone 33rn FOR SALE â€" 6 2-ye«r-old cattle.â€" Fred Duckett, R.R. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Young Yorkshire piRs. â€" Ken Stewart, phone 32r4. Ilp2 FOR SALE â€" Young pigs, 6 week: old. â€" John Wickens. Kimberley. FOR SALE â€" 30 pig.s 6 weeks old.â€" John Dow. phone 31r5 Flesherton. FOR SALE-Two good cows, six years old, freshened in spring. Apply to C. Martin, Eugenia- FOR SALE â€" Seed fall wheat, Daw- son Golden Chaff â€" J. W. R. Lever, Flesherton. 10c2 FOR SALE â€" 4 litters, come and get them, I need the money. â€" Joseph Radlcy, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Anun«l« suitable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoat Eug^nt*, phon« PeT«ralif--i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of fertilizer on hand at old prices. â€" Frank Taylor. Phone 10. Flesherton. LOST â€" White face Angus yearling, tag on left ear, from S. McNevin's farmâ€" Ward Harrison, phone 41r4, FOR SALE â€" Number of year-old White Leghorn hens. â€" Harold Richardson, phone 33rl3. I2cl FOR SALE â€" 6 weeks old pullet's, Leghorn-White Rock crossâ€" Chas. Pocock, phone Fever.'iham 20r.34. FOR SALE â€" 13 chunks of pigis, 2 large kitchen tables, ice refriger- ator, pop cooler, set light double harness. â€" A. McVicar, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Sow with 8 pijrs 3 weeks old; sow due about Sept. 5; purebred Yorkshire sow due in- Oct â€" Dick Carson, Priceville phone 2ir6 WANTED â€" Young cattle for pas- ture on Lot 35 Con. 8, Artemesia, running water. Apply to Percy Magee, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Brick house, 6 rooms and woodshed, good barn, with 3 lots. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Miller, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" $25 buys a new 2- wheel trailer, complete with 1046 license. Apply to James Allen or Cliff Allen, phone 45r21. iic2 LOST â€" Topaz pendant in Flesher- ton on or about Aug. 2 or 3. Find- er please leave at The Advance office. ,2c' TTie first sittings of the Court of Revision on the 1046 Assessment Rol! will be held in the Town Hall at Flesherton on Friday. August 30th, 1»46. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. until 1 o'clock noon. All parties hav ing busines's before the Court an notified to attend. â€"A. B. CHARD, Clerk CREDIT AUCTION 8AU STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Norman Monaghan LOT 2y, CON. 6, OSPREY CollingWood Gravel Road (2 ',2 Miles West of Singhampton) Monday, September 2, 1946 the following, namely: HORSES â€" Bay Horse, 7 yrs. old, 1300 lbs.; Brown Mare, 7 yrs. old. 1400 lbs. CATTLE â€" Blue Cow, 4 year.s old: Ayrshire Cow, 4 years old; Red Cow, 4 years old; Spotted Cow, 4 years old; Red-White Cow, 4 years old; Black Cow, 4 years old; Brindle Cow, 7 years old; Black Cow, 4 yeai-S- old; Red Cow, 6 years old; Hereford Cow, 6 years old. All Cows have salves at foot and are bred and supposed to be in calf. 17 Head of Yearling^. SOWS â€" 2 Berks.hire Sows, due to farrow. POULTRY â€" 175 Barred Rock yearling Hens; 75 Rock-Leghorn cross Hens; 100 Barred Rock Roost- ers, 5 months old; 100 Barred Rock Pullets, 5 months old. IMPLEMENTS â€" Brooder House. 10x12; Brooder Stove. 1000-oapacity; M.-H- Separator, nearly new, 900 - 1000 Ws. capacity; Farm Wagon; M- H. Mower, 5 foot cut; Set Dra.-? Har- rows, 4 sections; Set of sleighs; Set Double Work Harness; Cockshutt Binder, 8 foot cut, with tractor hitch, cut 1 crop; Windmill Wheel SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK P.M. Terms: Poultry and all sums oi $10 and under ca'sh; over that am- ount 6 months' credit will be given 1 joint notes acceptable to the Bank of Toronto, Feversham, bearing inter, est at 6 percent â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctoneer '. N. Long, Clerk. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres. Lot 156. Con. 3, NE., Artemesia, with buildings, well wat- ered, land nearly all cleared; 1% miles from Flesherton. Apply to Chafe. McDermid, R-R. 3, Flesherton, or Lome Sharp, Guelph. BUSINESS CARDS LOSTâ€" In Flesherton, Sat., Aug. 17, large black fehort haired dog. white feet, answers to name of "Nigger" Finder -please notify Melburne Phillips, Flesherton R.R. 4. I2p2 CAMf7aSTRAY - To my "i^i^^i.-es last week in July, a number of feheep. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" Wtn. Cuirn.s Cey. Ion. Phone ]2r» DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton FX)R SAi>E _ Brown Percheon mar.. 6 yeart? old. Weighs between I«00 and 1700 hundred.- Jas Ot tewell, Eugenia. Ph. !>r43. Fever- sham. CAME ASTRAY rv ' ~. rtomtAK â€" To my premises on or about July 20th, 2-year-old he.fer. Owner prove property and pay e^enses. - W. A. Beaton, r. R 1. Ceylon. ,,p, about August 15. ] heifer. Owner prove property and p«y e,rpenS.es, --^'"- D'on ne^^RJ^J{IWn Sta, ^1lS,r/" P'esherton on Saturday "^^ht, Aug. 3, tire 18x6.50, moun- ted on wire wheel. Finder please notify Mervin McFadden, Flesher. ton, phone 66J. j^. g C. J. BELLAMY V I, LACE CLERK A Comi»<8sioner for taking ACFidavitg Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^.S, Etc. Off ire: Toronto Street, Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m- WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEEH for the County ot Grey Farm and Stock scales our sp 'alt;^ Terms: reasonable. 9atiif«ction It guaranteed. Dates arran^red at TIh Advance office or phone 4w. local and Fersoudi Mr. und Mrs- Carl Teeter spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thuiston are in Toronto for a few days. Miss Tena Henderson spent the past week in Toronto. iMi'ss Jean McCracken of Toronto was hon>s over the week end. Mr. and Mi^. Jim Kennedy of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrington Jr. of Sarnia renewed old acqnaintances in town during the past week. Mr. and Mirs. J. T. David'son ot Feversham spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr Wm. Kaitting. Mvss Helen Durrant. Rtg.N., of Toi-onto spent the week end as guest of her aunt. Miss D. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McTavilsh and daughter of Toronto spent the week end in town- Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McFadden spent the week end with friends in Meaford. Miss Alice Duxter hafe returned home after spending her summer vacation at Windsor. MiSs Hattie McRae of Windsor was a visitor with her mother here dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright and son. Bill, of Port Credit spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs. R. Bentham and called on old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bentham of Dunkirk, N.Y-, are spending thii^ ;\veeki with ,M!)s. R. Bentham and ,other relatives and friends- Mrs. John Jones of Toronto and Jean Welsh of Clarkson are visiting this week with the former's mother, Mrs. W. S. Ink'ster. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McLaughlin of Hamilton were the guests of Mr- and Mrs. Bob Phillips over the week end, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V- Gaudin and Mr and Mrs. Fred Daniels of Toronto called on the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Thui'ston on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore and son, Robert, of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dargavel. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Emer- son Wickente on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot of Portlaw, and Mrs. Russell Purdy of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John- son, motored to Detroit on Friday and spent the week end there and at Capac, Mich-, returning home Mon- day evening- Mr- and Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina, accompanied by Mi-fe- Bill Gamble, Billy and Cleo, of Sudbury, visited friends at Damascus on Sun- day. Mrs. Gamble and Cleo remain- ed for a longer visit- Pte- Chas. Jones of Lethbridge. is visiting his sister, Mrs- J- J. Lyness, at the home of Mr. John Patterson, SpringhilL , Charlie has been with the Veterans' Guard of Canada for the pafet four and a half years. Mr- and Mrs. Murray CaiT and children of Stratford visited last week with their grandmother. Mrs. Catherine McLeod- Mrs. C- Bowes returned with them after Spending two months with her mother, who is recovering from her stroke. Mrs. MoLeod will now reside with her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Wellwood, at Dundalk. Altar spending the past two years in hospital, Mr. Norman Tackaberry has recovered his health sufficiently to enable him to again take up his woirk of canvassing for magazine subscriptions. He is again repre. senting the Farmer.s' Advocate and the Farmers' Magazine- His many friends will be pleased to see him on his route again. •^ BOWL HYDRO Hello Homemaker! Sweet music to many a housewife's ear is a .sug- gestion for dessert. There's a prob- lem the majority of us find difficult to solve, for pudding and pies dig deep into sugar and butter reserves- Use an abundance of fie.^^h fiuic and serve with flavored cream rather than fruit sugai-. Learn to judge fruit by its fragrance and appear- ance. Chill thoroughly before pre- paring for the table. Never put ice in melons or soft fruit, as it destroys the flavor. Here art a few ideas: Steamed apples; baked pears stuffed with raisin^; fruit snow; macedoine of fruit; fruit custard; fruit jelly; fruit sponge; fruit shortcakes; fruit bread pudding; scalloped fruit; fruit sherl)€t; fruit ice cream. MACEDOINE OF FRUIT 3 peaches, .3 pears. Vicup slic- ed ^orange. '/4 cup diced water- melon, 1 cup raspberries. Pare and slice peaches and pear.= - cut orange and melon in small pieces, chill for one hour. Seive in glasses. addTng one taJbleapoon whipped cream to each glass just before serving. BASIC FRUIT JELLY 1 ounce (2tbaps.) gelatine, 3 cups fruit juice, M, cup sugar, Vz cup cold water. % cup boiling water, 1 cup cubed fruit. Soak gelatme in cold water until soft- Add to boITing water and stir over hot water until thoroughly dis- solved- Add sugar and fetir until dis- solved. Remove from heat. Add remaining liquids or fruit pulp and mix thoroughly. Pour into mouJds that have been dipped into cold water. Chill in electric refrigerator. When partially set. add cubed fruit- BASIC FRUIT WHIP Use recipe for basic jelJy but leavt the mixture in the bowl in whicla- it wa's mixed until it begins to congeal. Then whip until it becomes light and frothy- Tuim into moulds and chill in electric refrigerator Top with ffesTii fruit. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. T. C asks: Why does a choc- olate eake develop a dark streak near, the bottom ? Answer: This heavy dark streak may be caused by a difference in the chocolate u'sed â€" some chocolate i.-^ richer in fat than others. The tem- perature used for baking may be the cause or type of flour used may have altered the texture â€" a change from all-purpose to pastry flower would make a difference- You use 2 tbsps. per cup less all-purpose flour. Mi's. B. iM. asks; |Have you tried bean gravy? 2 tbsps- shortening, 2 tbsps- flour and 1 cup hot bean stock. Stir in a few drops of gravy coloring- Mrs. J. R. asks: What makes one batch of applefeauce white and an- other dark, using the same kind of aptpJes ? Answer: Peeled apples darken in tarnished kettles and from exposure to air. To keep clear color, dii-op pieces m water with lemon juice in it as they are being prepared- Cook in small amount of water and mafeh with steel or wooden masher- Mrs. R- C. asks: What malies egg- plant taste bitter? Answer: The slices have not been sprinkled with fealt and weighted Sown long enough. Press down for one half an hour. THIS LITTLE PIC WENT TO MARKET ..«»-^„, «•! to » KR*^ ^n iHt COOPMIX No matter how good yoar pigi may be their whole future depends largely on the itart YOU give them. The safe, sure way to prepare your pigs for future market s te alart them od scientifically balanced CO-OP MIX "IG STARTER, containing animal and vegetable protein, essential mioerali and vitamins. ""•JILT HP rn mmn hut nowN to price" Your local "CO-OP MIX" mill LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSU RANGE Confederation Life Iiunrsnce NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domc«tlc «nd Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phtee. High Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmnnahlp Guaraateed. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all kinds â€" J. MIDDLETON 7SS -i Ars. B. OWEN SOUND Phone 782 Tractor Accident While working with his tractor on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Harold J- Corley met with a painful and un- usual accident when In unscirewing the radi«tor cap it suddenly shot into the air and he was Viprayed with the boiling water. The lower part of his face, neck, and chest and his left arm weio sciil(le<l, also several spots on his back. Although he completed his day's work and after receiving med- ical attention helped take in the har- vest the followinig day, he has since been confined to bed. His many friends wisy, him a speedy recovery. â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. Tunnel For Dairy Cows The Australian News reports thaV one of the itemte in the set-up of a newly completed modem dairy at Whyalla, South -Austrolia, is a tunnel in which fans are installed to create a 50 mile-an-hour wfnd- The cows are trained to go through this tunnel and go straight to the milking mach- ines in a concrete milking shed. All flies are blown off tht cows in the tunnel ^o that milking proceeds in comfort. PAINTING & DECORATING Expert painting and decorating; estinv.itof iriven- CLARENCE DEVERAUX Phone 4i4 Feversham, Ont- \ Don't Gamble on[Heaith I PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS I WITH HEALTH 1NSURAN( E I Full hospitalization plan I G. D. MacARTHUR I Mutual Life, Fiio, Casuahy I Wind, H(ii<<pltnli7ati(»n ! Phone 82J FLESHERTON STEPHEN'S CORNERS We welcome Mrs- J. A- Laugheed and son, John, who arrived on Sun- day at their new home from Glasgow. Scotia nd- Miss Ethel Fenwick. R.N., left on Tuesday of last week for Peterbor- ough where tehe has accepted a pos- ition as instructress at the hospital there. We wi^h her the best of luck ai '.er new duties. Misfe Edith Lougheed has returned to Brampton after holidaying at the home of her brother, Mr. J- k.- Loug- leed- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parsons, Don- Id and Marian, of Euienia visited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs- Joe- Port- eous. We are pleased to report Mrs- Telfe Allison who has been a patient in Markdale hospital is showing con- dderable improvement these past few- days and came on Sunday to the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Fish- r- Mr. and Mife- Frank Deane, Dou.^if and Irma, of Brampton visited re- cently with Mr. Roy Fenwick an^ family - Mr. J. A. Loughttd, Maxwell, went to Toronto on Thursday to meet his wife and two year old son John who arrived in Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Lougheed and son sailed on -Aug. 6tb on the Letitia from Liverpool. Mrs- Lougheed i!s from Glasgow. Scotland, and is the first war-bride to arrive I in ou:- community. Canada's forests yield a perpetual harvest of wealth, until destroyed by fire- Helping to prevent forest fires is a duty of every Canadian. You have to work hard if you want to make a living, but if you want to get rich you have to attack the problem from an entirely differ- ent angle. Joe was poor, and Annie was ara- ! bitious. She told him she wouldn't I marry him until he had a thousand i dollars- The following day Annie's old maid aunt arrived for a visit. "Dear," said Joe, when next ha called, "I've saved thirty-five dol- lars." "Well," replied Annie, blushing prettily, "I guess that's near en- ough." 4» |>1 -♦ 'â- m 4' 'f. > 4 To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g: 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only b Sun. and Hoi. g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA . MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip -â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 xSt. Louis X â€" Via (Toronto $15.85 $3L40 Tickets and lofnrmatio'h at W. TURNEY FLESHERTON - Phone 63 *, 4» <» & ^ ^ 1*. J H P '-1 1. ri h %â- 'I 'J* Jk* \ A K 1 .4 1 A. •' 4 .4 .4 *1