•â- "W^i^ \ V Wednesday, January 22, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Black Cocker spaniel. â€" Wi!f. Best, Flesherton. 33pl FOR SALE â€" 6 Chunks of pigs. - phune 40w4, Flesherton. 84j)l FOR SALE â€" 11 younigr pigs, %«ven weeks old. â€" Calvin Boyce, Ei^enia. phone 119J1 Flesherton. 33p2 FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of mixed hay, timothy and clover, in the mow.â€" J J. Meads, phone 99w3 Flesherton. WANTED â€" Aninwlji ntUJb)* fo. mink and fox leed. â€" ^Bert McIntoM FOR SALE â€" Set of heavy scleighs, gooH as new. â€" Herb Betts, R.R. 3, Flesherton, phone 42J4. 3i8c2 ^ â- .â€" ..11 , â- â- „ . ^ HAY WANTED â€" Quantity of hay, at once. â€" Write Rupert McLen- nan, R. R. 3. Flesherton, on phone 71J1, Dundalk. 33pl FOR SALE â€" Boy's tube skates and boots, size 1; boy's hockey boot size 3 wanted. Apply at Advance office. 32p2 Moscow thinks that tihe poets of democracy 'put up a poor show during ihte Second World War, but of course, the real poets were Churchill and Koosavelt, who lived out the poe*i.< ideal day by day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS BOOMS WANTED â€" Single woman wtehes to rent two unfurnished rooms in Flesherton. Apply at The Advance office. 32pl FOR SALE â€" Singer sewing mach- ine in perfect runniii â- ; order; also collie dog, excellent with cattle, aiiu .: pap.-;. â€" Frank Eaglet, p hone Fle.';herton 41J3. 34c2 In The Matter of THE OSPREY FARMERS' MILLING COMP- ANY with Head Office at the Village of Feversham in the County of Grey. All persons having claims against the OSPREY FARMERS' MILLING COMPANY, a Company incorporated by LettePB Patent in the Province od Ontario, with Head Office at the Vill- age of Feversham In the County ol Grey, a'e required and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Secretary or Solicitors for the Coon- pany, on or before Monday, the 10th day of February, 1947, full particul- ars of their said claims. Imimediately after the said 10th day of February, 1©47, the assets of the said Osprcy Farmers' Milling Company will be distributed aimongst the shareholders, having regard only to the claims of which it has then had notice. Dated at Markdale this 17th daj of January, 1947. Claims to be sent to Harvey Pedlar Feversham, Ontario, Secretary, or â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ontario ' Solicitors for the Company. FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow with 9 pigs; also number of feows farrowing from Feb. to April. â€" C. Monaghan, Maxwell, phone 4rl3, Fevershaan. 34c2 FOR S.A-LE â€" 20 White Leghorn hens laying 7Bc each, three Hamilton incubatorb 120 egg capacity. Buck- eye 600 egg capacity incubator, cheap for quick sale. â€" L. Mills, phone 17ril3 Feversham. 33c2 C. J. BELLAMY V r , L A C E C L E K K A Commissioner for taking Affidaritg Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES. WIL\S, Etc. Office; Toronto Street. Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc I'hone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m- FOR SALE â€" Empire range in goodi condition, reservoir, warming clo-| set, white enamel and nickel trim, â- pre-war, coal or wood; reasonably priced for quick sale. â€" Mrs. Francis J. Seeley Maxwell. 34p2. DR. T. D. PARK I'lll.'iU lA.N & hL-KGhU.N Oiaduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned\' Block Phone 77 Flesherton HOCKEY NEWS Flesherton defeated Markdale 6-2 in a spirited C.O.H.L. game Monday efvening, for their first win of the feeason. Markdale didn't have to "defensive" hockey any time through the game, and neither did Flesherton. Bd. Ferris came out of retirement and played his usual position of goal and with Doug. Cairns out for the first time, made a great difference for Flesherton. If these two players could have been persuaded to come out earlier m the season, Flesherton would not now be holding down the 'bottom rung in the standing. Doug fired in two goals, Fred Gorrell one On a shot from centre ice, Ken Chard and Roy Best counting the otheir two.f Flesherton had Markdale 4-0 with ten minutes to go in the last period. Flesherton goal tender received a penalty! We believe this is the first iniitance this year that such has oc- curred. Ferris came out of his net and he and Bannon combined to give Fitzsimmons for Markdale a reai "sandwich" which jarred the receiver considerably. As a goal tender can- not be placed in the penalty box one of the other players served it for him. Ed was death on close shots and had plenty of work to do all evening. Don Banks, 16 yeai^ ok! has been doing the net-aninding job in the previous games, but has not had the experience necessary to keep the score down. He should do well if he keeps at it. The Flesherton players were: goal, E. Ferris; defence, Bannon and H. Rest; wings, R. Best, D. McTav- ish,; centre H. Teeter; alternates, F- Gorrell, G. Sled, D. Cairns, G. Chard, K. Chard, F. Boyce. A. Proctor and F. Marshall. Refeiee, Bob Phillips of Flesherton. Flesherton lost out at Grand Val- ley 5-1 on Thursday night last in a well played game. Flesherton was s'hort on players, as some were ill or recovering from injuries. It v/as their firtt game on the small ice sur- face of Grand Valley rink. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat., January 25th, 1947, for supplying It cords of 16-inch maple and beecli wood for S. S. No. 17, Artemesia. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" Wes Smith, Secty. L C^ ThU Im the only nationai appeal to be made in Canada teithin the nmrt twelve month* Jar Chineae reU^f, ...the only food for him, and millions like him, in war- ravaged China This old peasaat, his farm devastated by th« Japanese, is too weak to work. His (U«t for months nas been grass and roots. Of China's people, 83 per cent, are fanntrs. Mil- lions are in urgemt need of food, dothca, medical si^>plies. UNRRA's work is cndins; voluntary ttendes must carry on. Canada most oo her shares Will YOU help? Qiina, a good neighbor and costomev, will not foflget. 'Be^e^ef^im/ China, a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU! €AIÂ¥ADIAN AID TO CHINA hUlu ehequt I>»yabl0 to CANADIAN AID TO a UNA and mail t« Prtt^dal Iltadquartert Local and t^ersonal Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. Mervyn Johnson of Pickerinji aipent the week end in town. Mr. aind Mrs. Reg. Boden attended the funeral of an uncle of Mr. Boden at Hamilton on Monday. Mr. Jacik Adams of Brantford spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mr. Vernon Stewart of Brampton called one day last week on his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. We are pleased to know that Mrs. S. Irwin is iJjuproving nicely in the 'Markdiale hospital. Mrfe. Harold Fawcett has returned home, after her operation in Mairk- daJe hospital. Mr. Eiarl Blackburn of Owen Sound spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. W. J. Blackburn. Mr. Gi€o. Johnson underwent an operation for hernia in the Markdale hospital on Friday and is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler and David of Durham spent Sunday even- ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Mrs. Douglafe Reid and children left last week to spend a couple weeks with her huaband at Sault Ste. Marie, who is with the Provincial Air Service. Mr. Thofe. Fisher returned to his home last Thursday, after several weeks in Markdale hospital. While he is improving in health, he is not yet allowed to have visitors. This Monday rain fell most of the afternoon, and Tuesday the weather turned colder and the worst blizzard of the season tied up traffic on the highways, but all roads were open this Wed'nesday morning, although the School busses had difficulty gett- ing through. The Pricefville pupils were the only ones to miss school in the morning. Thermometers regis- tered 12 below this Wednesday morning, the coldest yet. " BOWL M'^TTT'i' •!• 4"I* â-¼Vtv'M < : You Can Depend en the F. T. Hill.& Co., Limited to Keep Prices Down Price ceilings have been removed on certain lines of merchancKse, but you can coufit on Hill's to continue to sell quality goods at the lowest possible prices, as has been our prac- tice for over 80 years. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WITH EVERY PURCHASE. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale â- i CENTRAL ONTARIO LEAGUE HOCKEY MONDAY, JANUARY 27 in the Marl(dale Arena to commence at 8 :30 p.m. Shelburne vs Markdale Admission: 25c and 15c chopped figs or evaporated ap- iples, % cup ground nuts. V2 lemon. Brown the crumbs and mix them with the fat. Salt the carrots which have been grated or put throug'h the meat-grinder, and add them to the crumbs. Next add the molasses, fruit, nutS", lemon juice and grated rind. Mix all together \*^ell and stir in the baking powder- Turn into a well-greased mould and steam for four or five hours. Serve with a raisin sauce. 10a DARK FRUIT CAKE 'i oup butter, % cu,p brown sugar, % cup seeded raisins (cut), % cup currants, 'a cup citron (sliced thin), 'i cup mol- asses. "2 tsp. lemon extract, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, '2 cup milk, â- '2 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ^2 tap. allspice, '2 tsp. mace, V-j tsp. cloves. Cream butter, blend in su.car and beat in eggs. Sprinkle, fruit with 2 tbsps. of the measured flour. Add sifted flour and spic-^s alt( rnately with milk and molasses to the butter mixture. Bake in greased pans foo 1'4 hrs..in electric oven at ^25 degs. WHITE FRUIT CAKE 1 fill' butter, 2 cups sugar, 5 egg whites, 4 cups sifted cake I'loiir. 4 t.«4ps. Imkinp powdi'r. % cup orange juice, graitod rind of 1 iirniisfc. 1 oip se.'dlc.^s i-aisins, '2 c"p candied cherries, halved. â- 3 cup blanched almonds (shred- di' IV 'i cup of candied pineapple (sli redded). Cream butter and sugar until vor.v lig'ht. Beat egg whites until stiff, then add to the butter mixture. Work in the flour, sifted with bakinu: pow- der, alternately with the orana:e juice and rind. Fold in fruit and almonds. Turn into greased and line<l loaif pan 8x8x3 inches. Decorate top of cake before baking if desire<l, with candied cherries and whole almonds. Bake in an electric oven of ,360 degs. for 114 to 1% hours. BANANA WALNUT CAKE '/4 cup shortening, H^ oiips of granuated sugar, 2 epgs (well beaten), 1% cujw sifted cake or pastry flour, Mi tsp. salt, Ms tsp- «oda. % cup sour milk or butter- milk, 1 cup banana pulp (2 to 3 Ibananas). 1 tap. vanilla, 1 cup chopped walnuts, Cream shortening thoroughly. Add sugar igrradually and cream the mix- ture until light and fluffy. Add beat- en eggs and beat well. Sift together the flour, salt and soda. Add to the sugar mixture alternately with the combined sour milk, banana pulp and vanilla. Beat after each addition until smooth. Lastly add the walnuts. Pour ino a greased and lightly floured 8 x8x 2-inch loaf cake tin. Rake in an electric over of <i50 dftgs. for Bo to 60 mina. or mntil done. CARROT prnniNo IVj cupa crumbs. 1 tbsp. short- ening or '^ cup flno chopiped suot, \i t.sp, salt, H- cup grated carrot.s. t t-sp. baking po^vder. 1 cup mnlaSRes; '2 cup c'*i6ppeil pr'ineis. % cup rai.iins, 'Is cup 1 ^OH^S^ COACH IIINE\> To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON (STANDARD TIME) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. cr 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only b Sun. and Hoi. g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO • ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa M enteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 X St. Louis X â€" Via iToronto $15.8S Ticket.s an<l Information at the B.- A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON - Phone 63