Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1947, p. 8

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'-4 Wednesday, January 29, 1947 THE FL£SHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 26 chunks of pigs. â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, phon« 40J4. FOR SALE â€" 6 Chunk.s of pigs. - phone 40w4, Flesherton. 34p] POR SALE â€" 11 young pigs, ^ven â- weeks old- â€" Calvin Boyce, Eugenia, phone 119J1 Flesherton. 33p2 FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of mixed hay, timothy and clover, in the mow. â€" J J. Meads, phone 9t>w3 Flesherton. WANTEf) â€" ADa»»'iii raitabW foi mink and fox ieed. â€" Bert Mcfaitoat Eug«ndA, phMM Fe*«nh»-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Set <jf heavy scleighs, good as new. â€" Herb Betts, RR. 3, Flesherton. phone 42J4. 36c2 PULLETS WANTED â€" Number of pullets wanted at once. Write to Rupert McLennan, R.R. 3, Flesh- erton, phone Dundalk 71J1. FOR SALE â€" Singer sewing mach- ine i" perfect running order; also collie dog, excellent with cattle, and 2 pups. â€" Frank Eaglete, p hone Flesherton 41J3. 34c2 HOCKEY NEWS Dundalk defeated Grand Valley on .Monday night 7-4. The ice was cov- ered with water and even the ref- eree, Bob Phillipb, had his trousers pulled up to his kneeb to escape hav- ing them wet, but every time a play- er shot the puok there was a shower of water. It was an easy game to handle, very few penalties being giv- en by FhilliiMS. Mairkdale defeated Shelbume in a Surprise victory Friday night last 7-5 which brings Markdale tied with Grand Valley for third place, and still two games in hand. Flesherton is out orf the play-offs as they have only won one game, with a game to be played with Shelbume at Markdale this Friday ni«rht. ShelbuTne ik currently leading the League, despite two successive losses. Next in the standing are Dundalk, Grand Valley and Markdale, with the local team last with only two points. Fleteherton plays their last game with Dundalk Friday night and Shel- bume plays in Markdale Saturday night. This promises to be a real game, as Shelbume will not want to be displayed as League leaders. FOR SALE â€" Small size Quebec heater in good condition. â€" Cha's. | Brodie, Maxwell, phone llr2 Fev- j ersham. 35p2 ' FOR SALE â€" Case binder, 6 ft. cut, in KOOil condition, either sell or trade on live stock. â€" Jas. Harri- son, phone 41w^ Flesherton. Sorrow which is never Spoken is the heaviest load to bear. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow with pigs; also number of Sows farrowing from Feb. to April. â€" C. Monagban, Maxwell, phone 4rl3, Feversham. 34c2 PULLER BRUSHES rise in price on Feb. 1st. Only a few days left to take advantage of old prices. Act at once! Limited ktock" on hand. â€" S. L 9tauff«r, phone 67 Fleaherton. FOR SALE â€" Empire range in good condition, reservoir, warming clo- set, white enamel and nickel trim, pre-war, coal ox* wood; reasonably priced for quick sale. â€" Mrs. Francis J. Seeley Maxwell. 34p2 FOR SALE â€" A few choice purebred Yorkshire iowa, some bred; also low wagon and Cockshutt out-throw disc with fore-carriage, both in good condition. â€" Ross Stevens, R, R. 3, Proton, phone Flesherton 32J2 FOR SALE â€" Several young cowe due to freshen soon; also sows due one Feb. 12, one Feb. 20, and one March 28, all 2nd littei^; 6 sheep and ram; good dsiving mare and several work horses. -â€" Dick Car- son. PriceviUe, phone 2w2. 35p2 FOR SALE â€" Road Cart, Grindstone Wheel Barrow, Scythe, Bucksaw, Weifi Scales, Horse Sleigh, Hand Sleigh, few feet of Rope, 2 Swede Saws, Com Cutter, Barley Fork, Cros.trcut Saiw, Post-hole Spoon, Axe, 2 pitch-forks, 2 Shovels. â€" Chas. Stafford, Flesherton. ;i5p2 In The Matter of THE OSPREY FARMERS' MILLING COMP- ANY with Head Office at the Village of Feversham in the County of Grey. All persons having claims against the OSPREY FARMERS' MILLING COMPANY, a Company incorporated by Letters Patent in the Province ol Ontario, with Head Office at the Vill- age of Feversham in the County oi Grey, a'e required and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Secretary or Solicitors for the Com- pany, on or before Monday, the 10th day of February, 1947, full particul- ars of their said claims. Immediately ttfler the said 10th day of February, 1047, the assets of the said Osprey Farmers' Milling Company will 'be dite^tributed amongst the shareholders, having regard only to the claims of which it has then had notice. Dated at Markdale this 17th daj of January, 1947. Claims to ibe sent to Harvey Pedlar Feversham, Ontario, Secretary, or â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ontario Solicitors for the Comipany. WM. K4ITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEEH for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sj\ 'ahy. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction 1* Bj.irai.le-d. Dates arranged at Tlie Ad;7ance office or phoM 4w. • C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LAGE CLERK A Commlsaioner for taking AffidaTits iMoer of Marriage Licenaea CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL\S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton Review Of Grey County Farm Forum Reports The weather and im,paabible roads are still taking their toll otf the at- tendance of Grey Farm Forums- Out of a total of 110 registered Forums 78 met January 13, and up to tim.e of writing 27 reports have come to hand. With vei'y bad roads and weather, it is still encouraginig to gee that a^ high aS 30 attended one Forum to discuss the questions. By the repoi-ts one can read be- tween the lines that the subject "Commodity Agreements and Cart- els", came in for very intensive study. iMk)st Forums weire ready to admit that they are of similar purpose. Blue Mountain puts it thus "Both are de- signed to try to keep a proper price level and prohibit the dumping of products on the market.' But most r oruiiic, Jvvjv.i'i-^u U'.^u i,]»uL Wiiiii.. (;>. signed to the same purpose, they worked entirely different. Oirange Valley said "That Commodity Agi-ee- ments were designed to keep a steady volume with a fair return to the pro- ducer, while Cartels were a manufac turers' union with the sole object in view of making money." They niighi have added that Cartels are a union to create .scarcities of essential pro ducts by restricting the production or withholding it from the mark-iL for gain for themselves. All Forums agreed that th'j IJIG Wheat Agreem-jnt was a good thing, ur that they were in accov i with the principle of same, as it cr'jited n stability in our markets, which is de- sirable if we are to have any form of prosperity. We notice that many Forums are still studying the Grey County Co- operative Medical Services. We hope that enough applications have been sent in to warrant *-he m-iuguration of this at once. .Ms J many FOi-um.s have some other project on haii i. Vandeleur Fo'rum is stu'iying Crodii Unions, and have started a fund to buy a piano lor their hall. Twelve Forums in the vicinity ol Hanover are working hard to help form a Producers' Co-operative td buy out a Dairy, Creamery, Eg^'. Grading and Cold Storage busines.'^ in the town of Hanover. Rural Ontario's great need is siill "More aiid more Farm Forums, .vlin.. people meet to discuss and plan way:- and means of improving iheir lot." Your secretary had the privilage oi meeting with the Agrieulttual Com mittee of Grey County Council and one of the itenife discus ieJ was how to find ways and means to brii.f; electricity to the pso^.!'. of Rural Grey. Why not have your Forum study this problem also? ; L ocal and Personal HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ete Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. I>«nlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oiaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Fleskerton You Can Depend on the F. T. Hill & Co., Limited to Keep Prices Down Price ceilings have been removed on certain lines of merchandise, but you can count on HiU's to continue to sell quality goods at the lowest possible prices, as has been our prac- tice for over 80 jtera. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WITH _ EVERY PURCHASE. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. \ Phone 7 Markdale I • h Ill i n I Master Boibbie Stoddart is spend- ing this' week in Owen Sound. Mr. Jim Thurtton oi Pickering wa.« was home over the week end. Misses Jean Proctor and Jean Mc- Cracken spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Ml-, and Mrs. Claude Akins spent a couple of days in Dundalk last week. Mr. Richard Fawcett of Hamilton visited the first of the week with his son, Mr. Harold Fiwcett. Miss MarjO'rie Brackenhury of To- ronto was home over the week end with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Braakenbury. The Wemen's' Institute will meet at the home of Mrs- Hiokling Wed., February 5th, at 2:30 p.m. Roll call "A sterling quality of the woman to your right." Everybody welcome. Mi's. Lorne Fawcett and little son returned to her home at Aldershot with her husband on Tuesday, after spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar. Mr- Sam Phillips of Rock Mills has purchased the former Pedlar resi- dence in the village from Clarence Adlam- They expect to anove to their new home shortly. Mrs. Wm. McMillan spent the week end at Sudbury and wa's met there by her hu.sband, ' who was returning to his home from Prince George, B.C., where he has been since last July. They visited their son, Donald, -while at Sudbury. The monthly meeting of St. John's Young People's Club was held at the home of Mr. and MA. Mack Duncan on Janupary 2l6t. New members are always welcome. A skating party will be held in Mark- dale rink on Feb. 4th. For particu- lars see Mack Duncan or Jean Mc- Cracken. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Holroyd of 'Macrorie, Sask., are spending the winter with the latter's sifeter, Mrs. Richard Allen, and family. It has been 20 years since Mr. and Mrs. Holroyd last visited his district and many thei. friends were pleased to see them again. They intend to re- turn West in the Spring. Burnet - MacArthur A quiet put pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, Jan. 25th, at the home of M-rs. A. B. MacArthur, PriceviUe, -when her only daughter, Margaret, was united in marriage by Rev. Mclnnis of Durham, to Dr. Robert Royden Burnet, ^n of Robert Boir^iet and the late Mrs. Burnet of Durham. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by fier brother. Jack MacAr- thur, looked chanming in a powder blue( sheer dress, with a corsage of roses, and wejiring a lovely atring of pearls, the gift of the groom. The bride's mother was -gowned in a mauve crepe dress, with a corsage ot baby 'mume. Following the ceremony and con- gratulations, dinner was served to the imimediate friendfe of the bride and groom. The table was decorated in a color scheme of pink and white. The three-tiered wedding cake cent- red the bride's taible, ornamented with sflver leaves ' and pink trimmings, and toipcped with a vase of baby 'mums. Rev. Mdnnife proposed a toast to' the bride, which was re- Kponded to by the groom and UX' Robt. Burnet proposed a toast to-fh« bride and groom. il' The happy couple left amid sbowen of confetti and betet wishes for Ham- ilton, London, Detroit and Windsor, the ibride travelling in a ST'ey crepe dress with brown accessories. On their return they will reside at Durham, Ont. • Skidding On Ice Very few drivertt seem to kmw what to do when a car starts skidd- ing on ice, snow or wet pavement. The Ontario Highways Department wants to remind you oof what every experienced driver does instinctively, in siuch Situations. When your car sikids do as follows:- First, turn the front wheels in direction in iwihicb the rear end is slipping; second, take your foot off the accelerator but leave the clutch engaged; third, pump the brake pedal down and up gently. Above all, don't loke your head' and jam on the brakes. Small Advertisements bring quick â- esults. Jufet as soon as we get around to controlling the atom bomb we can tr\ it on ourselves. Gossipers are tale-bearei^ that set on fire all houses they enter. Ef misfortune comes she brings along the bravest virtues. You have to make allowances for college students â€" by mail. Whether you drive, walk or ride a bicycle, use courtesy, alertnefss and common .sense caution. Your local co-operative presents the 1946 RECORD of consolidotion and prograss of Ontario's co-operatlva wholasola Th« United Fanners Co-operative Co., Ltd. Ovar $200,000 potronag* raturns for offiiiolaa and farmar potront I. 4. 5. 7. a 10. H. IB. LaroMt vojums In the Company's history with on IhlfVise of ovtr two million dollars. lominas of over three hundred thousond dollors, eNcseoing those of ony previous yeor. Jobstontlol improvement In «a|h posiMon; bonk loons censlderobly reduced, paM (^ copltol end surplus occounts fncreosed. Lounehed r>ew petroleum progrom. Storted hardware department and extended electric- al department. Istoblished co-operotlve polky as a central market- Ina cooperotlve and eonioildlit«d poultry ond (biry prdducts departments to ossfst ftewlng export trod*. Purchosed buliding to oeeemmedate Co-op Universol Milker. CemmerMed eonnina fnjit and veoetablec. further ewtsns t ew af FremlM Peed Ptont. iMebllshed emptayee retirement annuity pton. of Agrlciritun[j&-opei«Hve iMon ond^PdM RadiS Forum. Reached a total of 105 affiliation ogreemehts with Intorpofoted eo-op«rativ»j In all areas of Ontorlo except the far nerth-wcat. CENTRAL ONTARIO LEAGUE HOCKEY in the Markdale Arena FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 DUNDALK VS FLESHERTON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1 SHELBURNE VS MARKDALE to commence at 8:30 p.m. Admission: 25c and 15c ^ou^St/ou GKAY COACH To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON (STANDARD TIME) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. Vi 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only t \ "9 â- i. b Sun. and Hoi, g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA . MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO â-  ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Ta^sc Included $ S.3S X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 X St. Leuia X â€" Via jToronto V X Tickets and Information at the B.-A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Bodan FLESHERTON - Phone 13

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