I THE Fj,5:SHERT0N ADV^r.-CK W'edftesday, March 19. 1947 4 C 4 4- X. » We Have Them BABY CHICKS BROODERS FEEDERS FOUNTS OIL BROODERS, 350 capacity $24.50 500 capacity $29.50 These Brooders are designed for safety and efficiency New Coal Brooder, large $19.50 Good used Coal Brooder $10.00 Warner Electric, 500 capacity $42.50. You will find these one of the safest and most dependable felectric brooders on the market, which will do just as good a job in March as in May. BARN AND STABLE EQUIPMENT Pedlar Manure Carrier outfits, complete, in stock Beatty and Pedlar Barn Track, Carriers, Hay Rope, Pulleys % in. Cable 10 '/j cents per foot for Bam Rope or various bush use». Beatty and Otaco Water Bowls Pump Jacks Pumps Beatty Pressure Systems Pump Cylinders and repairs, Motars Air Cooled Engines I'/j H.P. GALVANIZED SAP PAILS 29c SYRUP CANS 22c HARNESS COLLARS HARNESS PARTS We have a good stock of LONG STRAW and SHORT STRAW COLLARS Plow Harness $33.50 set Breeching Harness $65.00 set FARM MACHINERY MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM SEPARATOR â€" Canada's outsUnding value in a high quality machine, 600 lb. capacity, electric $118.50 RITE VV AY MILKERS â€" Now is the time to get your Milking Machine. Labor is scarce and cream high in price. Save 65% of your milking time and labor. Milk cows the right way: Sucti>n and Massage 3-Section Spring-tooth Harrows 21 Single-furrow Walking Plows Drag Harrows No. 251 2-furTOw eavy Gang Plow 2-furrow Tractor Plow J. M. STAFFORD Hardware Roofing Cement Feed Farm Machinery Ph«ne 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM. ONT. \ PRICEVILLE CEYLON iMonday, .March 17th. "The top o' the morning to you-" This road is really open for traffic from Ceylon to Durham, and the aun is shining as it can in the March ^vBy. even if there still are huge drifts of snow. But when we complain of this awful snow, how about remem- bering the lovely sunshine we had last fall, when some of our western provinces were having cold and rainy weather with very little, sunshine. Miss Marian Collinson of Guelph spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Miss M. McDonald of Orange Val- ley spent the week end with Mrs. M- T. Hogart^. Miss Agnes Maophail returned to her home last week end, after visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. Reany of Palmerston. The many friends of Mrs. Reany are glad to know thai she is making satisfactory pros^rasf •following her recent illness and was moved from hospital to her home. The young people were entertaincc to a pleasant social our at the homt of Mr. Dave Adams Friday evening when 17 youBg folk were present. The Ladies' Md vvill hold their March meeting at the home of Mrs Will Gibson on Wednesday, March 26 at 2 p.m. Kindly keep this date in mind. iMlr. Percy Stoneouse of Durham and two nieces, Jessie and Jean Stoneouse of Priceville, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stauble. PORTLAW We are pleased to report Mr. Jas. Pedlar and Mt. Cecil Meldrum im prcving. Mr. Pedlar had been bed fast with the 'flu and Mr. Meldrum had a severe nose bleed. Mr. Bob Meldrum is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. Stanley Patton lost a v-ery horse last week, finding him dead in the stable. Mr. and Mi-s. Norman Jackson of Hamilton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee at the.-vreek end. Miss Evelyn Pisher an^ girl friend Miss Edna Majury. of Owen Sound spent the week end with Evelyn's parents. Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Fisher Mr. Wildon Lougheed is visiting with friends in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts spent a few days with their family in To ronto last week. Herb was lucky tr have won for himself 100 baby chicks on the '"Lucky ListeuinG:' prourram. The W.l. was held at the home of .Mrs. Joe Harrison on Thursday when -6 ladies were present, and Mrs. Stewart Boice presided. Con- siderable business was dealt with- Mrs. fc. Kin-snian read the scripture, the roll call was answered by an Irish joke. A poem was made up by the members on the kind of flour they used, where it was made and the dealer from whom it was purchased, and were read at the meeting. It wil, be judged later and a prize given to the winner. .VIvs- Robt. McConkey had charge of the Irish program- Mrs. J. C. Harrison and Mrs. Joe. McKee rendered two duets, Mrs. Campbell gave a splendid paper on "Sense and Nonsense," while Mrs. Boice and Miss Anna Shortreed con- ducted cowtests. Mrs. R. H. Mc- (-o.'VKey (rave a much-appreciated paper on Ireland. Mrs. Art Idle was asked to come forward and Miss .\Tina Shortreed presented her with two lovely cups and saucers from the Institute. Mrs. Idle thanked the ladies for the gift. She has gone to reside in Durham. The meeting clos- ed by singing The Mlaple Leaf For- ever, with Mrs- Donald Reilley at the piano. Mr^ Jack Carson spent the week end at Eugenia with his father, who is not very well. Friday night a euchre narty was held at the home of Mr. Jas. Stur- rock, when eight tables were in play Mr. Brady Irwin and Mrs. .\. L Hincks won te prizes. Pi-oceeds arc for the Holdfast Club. All are glad to know that the high way between Priceville and Ceylor is again open for motor traffic, aftei being closed for so long. It was difficult for high school students going to and fro. Mr. John Nichol Snr., as not been very well and is confined to bed- His many friends hope that he will soor be feeling better. The Y.P.S. met Friday night at the hame of Mr. Wra. Meads, when an enjoyable time was spent. The Holdfast Club meeting was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs- Brady Irwin, with Mps. Jas. Stur rock presiding. Mrs. Wm. Beaton gave an excellent naper on Stephen Foster, which was greatly enjoyed Considerable ousinesi was dealt with andit was decided th, t a ciuiltins would be held soon. .A euchre party was held on Wed- nesday ni^ht at the home of Joe Gibson, when nine tables were in play. Bert -Aussum and Mrs. Frank Wright received the prizes. The week previous a euchre party was held at the home of Glari.'.vyr, Wiley, when Mv. Angus McVicar ami Miss L. Whittaker won the prize--;. Mrs. .\rt Idle and baby and Clare of Durham spent a couple of days with her sisters in town. EUGENIA Make your appointment n«w for your Easter wave. Have you tried our Breck treatment.'! 7 If not. try them now. My place of business will be closed from Mun., March 24. tu Thurs.. March 27. while I attend the Hairdressers' Convention (o be held in the Royal York Hotel. Toronto. MRS. KAY HAWKINS Phone 4fiw Flesherton, Ont. •:"K"X->»>«>«>«X~>«KXfr4<>*<' {cream ^ At all times â€" the foremost thought in our minds I is to give our customers the best possible deal. \ Whether the cream is delivered by yourself or X sent in by truck, you can be assured you will re- 'l ceive square treatment. We are niost anxious that you receive the best possible grade for your eggs, so that you will re- ceive more money for them. In order to obtain a higher grade, your co-operation is necessary. Esss •> t X t I I X ♦ I t ♦ t I 5^ I 1. Eggs must be spotlessly clean. 2. Eggs must be kept cool â€" around 40 de- F. (possibly keep in basement). 3. Particular care must be given to the feed of laying hens. Too many roots causes dark yolks, hence B Grade. 4. Market eggs regularly â€" twice a week if possible. Most of the eggs are now being exported. In order to hold this market me MUST supply good eggs. Try the above suggestions for "more egg money." Creamery closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Aagus Avis, Manager Phone 66 t FLESHERTON. Ontario | Caller: "These flowers are for the "h""e gills.'' Boss: 'T!;a::k you. sir. Wn com- pliment our service." f':i!'fr: 'â- r.:i''i!iirt»r+ noth'ng! I thought they were all dead-" Mr. Will Magee received the sad news of the death of his cousin, John Magee of Parry Sound,, who passed away at his home on Feb. 15th. The funeral was held on Feb. 18th from the Logan Funeral Home and inter- ment was made in HiUcrest Ceme- tery, Parry Sound. He is survivec by one brother, David, of Broadbent We extend o-ur sympathy to the rel- atives o>f the deceased. Mr. and Mrs. (j. Magee visited the Mage« brothers last fall. We also extend ou<: sincere sym- pathy to the wife and family of thf late George Lawler, in their sac bereavement- They are well knowr in this comimunity, as the familj resided on the Sth Line for many years. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith on the arrival of a little daughter on March 11th. to join their family circle. Miss .A.nnie Tudor is assisting with the household duties at the home of Robt. Ward, near Kimberley. Litn;le Miss Donalda MacDonald. daughter of Mr- and Mrs. John Mac- Donald was taken suddenly ill In school on Thursday aftei-noon last with an attack of .appendicitis- Ws hoipe that she will soon be able to return to school. â- MKss Jean Lyons of Portlaw and Mr . Delbert Magee of Kitchener were week end visitors at the latter's home here. Mr. Gordon Stewart, who has beer working in the lumber camps at Regan. Ont., returned home Mondaj. He was pleased to again meet h|- brother, George, who returned fron; overseas a few weeks ago. Mrs. Thos. Stewart spent a few days in Toronto last week- Her little grandson. Dannie Carson, accompan- ied her home for a visit. Mr.. Jack Heeney of Toronto spent the week end with the Proctor and Burton families. Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. MacDonald of Midurst visited with the Cairns fam- ilies one day last week. Mrs. Mary Proctor of Owen Sound is visiting with her son. Ernie, gnd family and with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton. Messi-s. Cecil Magee and Bates Faw-cett of the H.E.P_.C.. Islington, visited recently at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs Clinton Magee and Garnet of Maxwell were Sunday vis- itors with MV. and Mrs. G. Magee. FEVERSHAM ^OH^S^ LEAVE FLESHERTON Miss Pincombe sPent the week end at her home near London. Mr. Howard McKee and Jim snent the week r-nd at their home here. Mis? Dinsniore visited over the week end at Thorrvbury. Mi-s- Elwcod Hewson and Allan visited -nie nf her sister ;n Toronto and were accompanied home by Elwood. We are sor'-y to hear that Jim Ot- tewel! .)r. wa; t:Aken to the hospit:il "\ro:u!:lv. To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7-40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi (STAND.\RD TIME) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. e 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g^ daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And ali U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit X $17.55 $20.80 â€" Via X Chicago X St. Louis Toranto $15.85 $3L4« Tickets and Ih formation at the B.-A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON - Phone 63 1 Jlr. Frank Hannah, who lias beer I doc:o-"s orders. Mr. Hannah is tha oiifined to his home for the past t^vo manager cf the local branch of th« 'eeks will still remain there under! Bank of Toronto- FOfi i947'' <s^H4f^^:r- sryic//y& The 1947 Oldsmobile comes fo you in brighf new colors with smoofhiy flowing lines and taste- fully tailored interiors! «5W5<>er" oi^y^//^^ Ail new Oldsmobiles otfer GM Hydra-Matic Drive* â€" proved, perfected, now at its peak! iS^^i^r Buy Tliere are three full lines of 1947 OldsmobHes â€" General Motafs qualily carj in dvery wayl •Idsmablle Sarlas "98" 4-0<>ar Sedan Smart is the word for Oldsmobile's 1947 styling . . . the long, rakiiih lines . . . the attractive new colors . . . the over-all impression of quality and gt)od taste. And smart is the way you'Wfivl . . . once you drive a new Oldsniobile of vour own. \ou'll enjoy the adinirins glances that follow you do>vn the street. \ou'll revel in the comfort and luxury of Ojdsmoliile's coil-cushioned ride. And almye all. you'll tiii<l a new kind of deep- douii satisfaction in the OM.-inoliilc way of driving . . . without shiftiii;; gears . - . without pii^hiiis a clutch . . . thanks to (;M l(\dra-Malic Drive.* This is the/(///v- proiril. fiillv-diitimialic drive . . . the driNc that does all the gear sliifting lor vixi. from first through a s|M-cial economy fourth speed . . . the drive that take:, the clutch pedal right out of the car! Three complete lin«-s of cars to chinwe from . . . every one a (General Motors value . . . and everv one a smart choicv for 1947! 1947 OLDSMOBILE OFFERING •OPnONAL AT EXTHA COW 0-147* D. MacTAVISH A SONS, FLESHERTON ^^^2S^..