i V > CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED LICHjn'NING ROD DEALERS .W* now bav« a completa stock of all Xtlsbtnlnv Rod Materials on hand and can •upply Immediate delivery. Why not wrlta and enquire about a dealerihip for your territory? Our eiulpment Ii the best on the mnrket and oar prices most reason- mM The B. Phlllipa Co. Ltl. 200 Uala Be..' Toronto, BABV CHICKii SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS UA? delivery, book your order to-day at the followins prices. Unaexed Chicks 13c: Pullets S22.00: Cox 9c; Lechorn X Hamps. unaexed I3c; Pullets 28c: Cox 3c. Pull- Orum-Teated Gov't. Approved Stock J 1.00 Down, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 238. Elmira, Ont. GOVERNMENT APPROVED C h 1 cTai Hatchins Gsss. Leghorn, Rock Ha mp- rock Hybrids. Day Old, Started. Sberin- dale Farms. Woodbridce, Ont. BETTER CHICKS for bisser profits. Now la the time to order biff ees and meat producers from Tweddle Chick Hat- cheries. Order now so that you will ffet away to a ffood start with the kind of chicks you choose, delivered on the dale you choose. An early start means that you will b** ready in time for the highest prices. Tweddle chicks are real money- makers. Our 23 years of success in the buaioeaa la your assurance of top quality. All Tweddle ch icks are approved from puUorum tested stock. A variety of fine breeds ani cross breds to choose from. Tou get 100 9o live delivery of vigorous healthy chicks. Write now for free caia- logue. Also two and three week old started chicks non-sexed. pullets and cock- erels for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chicfc Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ont. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Tes. that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 per cent free from pullorum. Order your chicUa now direct from this ad and not be disappoint- ed, Tom Barron Leghorns, J12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00 Barred Rock Mixed J12.00 per 100. Pullets Jlil.OO. White Rock Mixed JiS.OO per 100. Pullets $1:3.00. Brown Leg- horn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pulleta $25 00. Legborn-Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pul- leta $25.00. Red-Rock Hybrid J12.00 per 100. PuUeta $21.Qji. Special prices on cock- (frela! Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to !T>ur station. $1.00 down, balance CO D, Rainbow Hatchery. Chaihara. On- tario HEAVY COCKERELS $3.00 per 100. Hollywood leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100. Sussex and Red Sussex pullets $-0.00. Barred Rock. N.H. Red and legroc and redrcc hybrid pullets. $20.00. Big Husky guaranteed to live chicks from blood- tested pullorum free hens. Ch icks s: red by :J0-30'J egg males' with high egg records for past 10 generations. Their inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them the biggest chick bargain for 1347. Write for pricelist or order direct from this ad. "We can ship twice each week during 'April. Many and June. Bis Rock Farm. Blille Roches, Ont. CATCH UP on the season with some of our well started two and three week ©M non-sexed. pullet and cockerel chicks. Immediate delivery. Send for pricelist. Tweddle Chirk Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus. Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Special Low Prices on day old and start- ed. Thousands weekly. Assorted heavy breed cox 5c. Overhaich Assorted chicks 10c. Also 2-S week old cockerels. Send for Special Price List. Lakeview Poultry Fa:::i. Exeter. Ontario. BABT CHICKS Government banded and bloot tested. Barron strains. S. C. â- Whit;. Leghorn and B. P Rocks. Actoo Poultry Farm. Box 373. Acton, Ont. CHICKS Immediate delivery. Also place your order for April. Various breeds aivailablo now including Black Australorps, Ti. S. X N.H. Cockerwls. pullets, non-sex- ed. Also some started. Let us know yojr r.eeds. Bray Hatchery. 130 John X.. Ha:v.iion. Ont. ROCIC PULLETS $20,00 per 100. Order Muy chicks now. barred rock, N.H. Re<1, Sussex and hybrid pullets $20.00 per 100. Hollywood leghorn pullets. ' $24.00, heavy cockerels $5.00 per lOt). Big Husky livable chi' ka hatched from big eggs, sired by 250-3*.'^ egg males. Order from this add or write for circular Big Rock Farm, MillH Roches. Ont. FOR IMMEDIATE delivery. Buy Super- i<u* uualily Extra Profit chicks. Our chicks ate pure-bred and healthy. Coming from flocks inspected, approved or certi- fied blood-t-'PL^^i breeders. The reproduc- ers are R.O I', or descending from R.O.P. cockerels, assuring at the same time healthy and vigorous chicks, well known for hiymg large eggs from 24 to 33 ounces per dosen. I-arge White Leghorn. Barred Rooks. New Hampshire Red, Rhode Island Ked. White Rocks. Lamonas. White Sus- â- ex. White W*yandotle3. Australorps and Hybrids. Barred Rock X New Hampshire. While Sussex X New Hampshire Red. mixed chicks, cockerels or pullets only. 10 (tee chiefs will be given free, w-lth each order of 100 day-old mixed chicks. If you take immediate delivery. To take advantage of this 10 free chicks, this ad must a.--_-oinpany your order. Send order. Wt *11 ship imraetliately. Wilfrid I.efohvre. 20:* Amherst St.. Montreal 24. 100 CHICKS FREE "With every cnlor of 100 pullet chicks we give l')'l tree chicks (our choice). Barred Kook Full^!^ $21,93. Whits Rock Pullets »23 95, Wiiiitf Leghorn .l*ullets $2* 93, Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Red-Rock Hybrids, $:i.y3. Leghorn-Rock Hybrids. 923.93. vVtl chicks sold are from blood- tested stotk. backed by high pedigreed atork. $1.00 books your order. Balance C.O.D. Ousraruced Delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chai!i:iin, Ontario. 3OO0 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for detivt>vy April 1st. also 4 and 9 week ulds W'V i»rompt delivery. All rais- ed in hra'id new brooding plant under Ideal condii:ons. alt floor raised. Here's your oppoi iiniiiy to get In on the early high priced e^g markets. Lakeview Poul- try Farm. Kx-'ter. Ontario. HATCHERY Approved Baby Chicks from blood- tesit'd Government Inspected Breeders. S.ti 'sf act ion guaranteed. Pure Breeds, Bur:t,>l Rock. White Leghorns & Rhod tIsIaTil Il.'ds. Hi Bred Red x Rock. Red X LIsht S'.:s80X & Leghorn x Barred Rock, MlxM 1 â- ->.'. heavy pullets 22c. Leg- ' horn pulltfta 24 c. Cockerels 4c. AH high production sirmis. Available now. day old and Btarte*!. Enclose ad and Ic per chick deposit. baliTce COD. Blenheim Hntch- ery A Poultry Breeding Farm. Blenheim. Ont^ BARt.;AlNS on two, three and four week old cocke{i*l.'4. while they last. Barred Rocks. New Httmpshires. New Hampshire X Barred Kocka. two week old $10 93. ^saortetl hp.Tvu»a $10.75. 3 week old add $2 00. 4 Wt'vk old add $4.00. Large Egg «ual!ty add $1 00. Specially Selected add ^2.0t> i>er hiiMdred to above prices. Also I^uUeis and non-sexed chicks at bargain prices. Thii advertisement must accom- pany j-our order to receive these special ? rices. Top Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, intsrlo. FAST Feaili'Ming Barred Rock approved chicks. Alt of our chicks are hatched fron» • our own selected breeding sttn-K ^-hkh ts Coveritment pullorum tested and |>Anded. SexM chicks are guarnnteetl 90 percent SvC'.iiwte. Quality and satisfaction maranteeJ Write for price list and pnr- tioulars I.. lI<>Ulcrn and Sons, Hunta- â-¼llle. Ont. B.\BT CHIC&S 5!AKE YOL'R laying flock a paying flook ' In 1347. Order Top Notch chicks now for delivery when you say. Aa early order means that you get the lowest price, whether prices rise or fall. Top Notch chicks have a long record of profitable production for folks who come back to us with repeat orders year after year, that is how we keep in busmess. All the best breeds and some fine cross-breds to choose from. Every chick is approved, raised from Pullorum tested atock of high pro- duct;pn and livability. Sexed or straight run. >ou get no weaklings. We select only healthy, lively chicks for shipment and guarantee 100=^ live delivery. Writs t'>-day for free Top Notch catalogue and prepare for a really profitable seaaon. Also two and three week old started chicks for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries Guelph, Ontario. 2, 4 & 6 WEEK OLD PULLETS Also mixed chicks and cockerels. All rala- ed in brand new aip conditioned brooder plant under Ideal conditions. Send for Weekly Special List of started chlcka. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontario. RELIABLE CHICKS Brert-to-Lay Barred Rocks $12.50. Pits. $24.00. S.C.W. Leghorn $12.00. Pita. $24.50 White Giants $16.50 as hatched. L X BR $12.00. New Hamps $14.00. Pita. $24.00. Immediate delivery day or week old. Buy from a hatchery that has ^er^*ed the poultry raiser for over 25 years. Satla- fied customers keep you in business. Mil- lers Chick Hatchery. Fergus. Ont. lOc HURONDALE CHICKS 12c Pure Sussex. S',i3sex x Hamps. Rock z Hamps. Barred Rocks and New Hampa. mixed chicks 1 2c, pullets 24c. Leghoma, Rock x Leghorns. Sussex i Leghorns, and Leghorn x Hamps. mixed chicks 12c, pullets 24c. All breeders double bloodtest- ed and baaded. Backed by pedigreed foun- dation stock. Many c::stomera reportâ€" ••Bost Chicks I Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 W"t-k3 o'.d aid 4c. 3 weeks old add 10c, 4 we^ks old add 13c. 5 weeks old add 20c. 8 weeks old 50c each for this week and next only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 5c Meat Type New Hamps. 4c. other heavy breeds 5c. Assorted Hea\'>' Cockerels 4c. 2 weeks old add 4c. These bargain cock- rel pr:c'_-3 tor th-s week and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Our choice of breed or breeds in heavy or light bree-ia. Here's your chance to get good chicks cheap. 100% live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 deposit. Or- dor from and encloss this ad. or send for Price List. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices for Baby Chicks and Started Chicks w-ilt surprise you. All Chicks from blood tested stock. Carle ton Hatchery. Britannia Heights. Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE rou anything needs dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. D^ partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. ELECTRIC.AX EQLIP.MENT FR'.'M stock new: a.c. â€" dc. C.O.E. Weld- ers, Welding rods, accessories: A.C. or D-C motors, all sizes, 25 or 60 cycles. Electric hoists *3 to 6 Ton Spot welders 5 to 250 K.V.A. Gas engine generator plants, also WIND CHARGERS. 6-12-31 Volt. Airceoled gas engines. Worm r»- ducing gears. Gas driven pumps also complete electric pumping Systems-Shallow Well or Deep Weil 100 to 500 Gal. per min. also Transformers. Alliance Elec- tric Works Ltd.. 1079 Beaver Hall Hill. Montreal, or write nearest office Halifax Rouyii â€" Tori^nto â€" Winnipeg â€" Vaa- couvt*r. FARMS FOR SALE LARGE REVENUE C I Q nnn â€" close to StreetsvlUa, ^10,UUU Cooksvilto and Port Credit- near Toronto. Overlooks Credit River, with lovely river flats and pasture land. 96 acres sandy loam. 60 acres workable and some bush. 300-400 fruit trees. 3 acres strawberries, 4 acres raspberries, (this farm noted for early raspberies and pota- toes.V Buildings consist of 6 room clap- board cottage with all conveniences: new steel barn 60 x 36: driving house 60 x 20: 3 hen houses: and separate 4 room cottage for help- Can be bought fully equipped. Don't delay as price may be increased. Immed!.-*!** possession. RE.VL EST.VTE and BVSINESS BROKEK G. ALBERT WALSH PORT CREDIT. ONT. PHONE 250« AUCTION SALE at Fern Clen. Ont.. K miles west of No. 11 Highway and Scotia on Saturday. April 12ih. 12 o'clock noon. F^rm of Charles SchoUoert. 4 grade milking cows Just freshened. % registered Ayrshire heifers due to freshen, 1 registered .\yrshire yearling buM. S Yorkshire bred brood sows. 1 registeret!, 1 young boar registered. 20 Yorkshire pigs 8 and 4 months old. Full line of farm equipment I Featty Pressure System like new Electric washmg machine, etc. Terms cash. FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALEâ€" Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, ^$15,00 each, rear wheels: $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state dianieier and width of wbeel. Nation.Tl Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto. Ont. 15TH. ANNUAL Horse Sale will be held in Regina. Sask.. April S. 9 and 10. 1947. 1200 head of well fitted saddle and draft horses. J. O. Hamilton, Sale Manager, 700 College Ave.. Rcgina. Sask. BUTTON HOLES & DARNING Now made e.isy with I<t-in- 1 sowttii; ma- chine attachment. Fita any malic Sews backwards, forwards, any direction. Sews on buttons, xippers. darns chihlren's work clothes, stockings, etc. Illustraiod in- structions, button hole gauge, hoop, ruler, scissors shariH-ner. needle threader $1 00 postpaid or C O.D. plus charges. Two in one rugmaker and hemsliicher. fits any mak« Tic, With comi>Iete order at $1 TS we include free, invisible mending tape for suits. dres.s«s. leather giwOs. hot water N>tile.i. etc. Rt'pair parts for all m.iiccs sewing machines. Humen Sewing Ma- chine Co . 12409. STlh St., Edmonton. Alta . Dept. G. CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper nails. taoJts and cnnvas filler. Write for prices. John Lcckte Limited, 77 Wellington Street W.. Toronto. C0NCI:ETE BLOCK Machines. 500 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 45 to 100 hour. Brick machines. Batch Mixers any siie. Motors and Gas Engines. Madi- son Gauipment Co., Madison. Tenn. CANVAS COVERING Heavy White Duck waterproofed with light rubber coating one side 60 Inch^ wid.» $t 25 yard. Suitable for Canoe Puck. Ground Sheets. RiK)f or Deck Covering. Full rolls 100 yards special price. Supplied In Tarpaulins, sturdy, long wearing, com- plete with tie ropea ISc square foot. Writa for sampla John Leckie Limited. 7T Wellington St. W.. Toronto. CHOKE H'ftford Bui! (S*»rv'ce ngc) by "R ii«i.-«>.>d Mixer Tone." 4 go«wl K»- mal**.t. .1 Yorkahlra Sows (Regfsteretl^ dua April Dundas Hereford Farms, R 1, Dundaa. Ont. FOR SALE CHEESE PACTORT and enutpment • ft. 20 horse power boiler. I Inch tubes, also vats and press. Apply J. O. McEwen. R R. No. 2. Portland. Ont. DUTCH SET ONIONS. Approximately 1200 lbs. Ebenezer sets. Will sell In lots not less than 10 lbs.. Lie lb. Ex- cellimt auaUty. R. Horsley, 79 Hillsdais West. Toronto. DUCKLINGS. We stiu have limited quantities of whie Pekin ducklings and hatching eggs available weekly. ^Vrita for prices. Burwood Farm, Dept. W., Maple. Ont. GLADIOLI. 125 Varieties. Large at So and up. 100 Med.um Good Assortment Prepaid $2.75. "Catalogue Free". Moora and Parker. 175 .Shaw St. , Toronto. NO i GALORE BARLEY. $1.20 per bushel. Bags free. W. J. F. Bell. Klppen. Ont. HANDLES, new steel aramuntcion bog handles ideal for fruU boxes, bushels. trap doors, etc. lOo pair. Newson * Ca mpbell Co.. Hamilton. Ont. Sensational New Rat Poison NEW rat poison containing 25 ^ Antu, four ounce can $1.35. makes 12 lbs. bait, capable of killing 13.000 rats, 1 ounce can .45c, Write for free bulletia on chemicals for farm use. Samla Chemical Company, 404 Front Street. • Samia. Ontario. M.VKE your bicycle a motor-bike. Whiwer 2^3 horse power bicycle motor complete with gas tank. All fittings and controls $13S.50 with Instructions or $150.00 com- pletely installed. Rae J. Watson. 257 Wellineton Street, London. Ontario. Of- ficial Motorcycle Headquarters for West- em Ontario. OUTBOARD MOTORSâ€" 1947 Xeptunes. Immediate Delivery. Reasonable Prices. Complete atock Neptune Parts a'.l models. Citizens SunpTy Co., P.O. Box 12 41-A. Muncie. Indiana, PREMIER strawberry plants. Kelloggs strain and Senator Dtinlops. All sorted plants. Write for prices. James Van Meer. Collingwood, Ontario. PORTABLE Arc We'.der. gas driven. 400 amps. .\-l condition for rent or taks erection welding. Advertiser, Box 625, Fort Er?*». Phone 2';2R. PAINTING! SAVE TIME. H.VRD WORK. AT LOW COSTâ€" USE A \VEB.'*TER P.MNT SPRAYER Ord'-T a unit now to brighten up your hon:e inside and outside, only $27.50 less motor, and includes Compressor, spray gun. 25 ft. hose. Iwlt and V-pulIey. Send your money order to-day for this sprayer. Larger units for hea\-ier work priced from $54.50 to $:0O.0O. Woo»Iworking Machin- ery of every type. Factory" Distributors for Logan Metal Working Lathes. Motors 23 and 60 Cycle. We sh'p anywhere Tour inquiries .ir» promptly answered. MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 KlNt; -sTKF.ET WEST HVMILTON. ONTARIO. RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALE Canada Re-i. Developed by the late G. F. Chipman. On^ of the best varieties. Stems dark red clear to the heart. Makes the sweetest, finest flavored, beautiful red sauce for dessert, pies or shortcakes. Price each 70c. per 100 or over 65c each, per 1.000 or over S'>e each plus shipping charges. Please ad vis* earliest shipping date. J. E. Garland. Elgin Mills, Ontario. SENWTOR DUNLAP strawberry plants $1 '5 per hundred. $15 OO per thousand. Order earl.v. Harvey Beaton. Mansfield, Ontario. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Dunlap Glen- mary. Thousand $12.00 Premier, Sam- plebuster $15-1.) prepaM. Order early. Cash E.arl Bower. Kemptville. Ont. SERVICABLE HOLSTEIN Show Bull. Sire by Emperor out of high record Pathfinder dam. Also nine months calf. Dams Qoalified. Lloyd R, Ferrier, t Perth. Onf. TIRES We are overstocke^l at the present of good used trade-in tires {guaranteed to be la excellent shaT>el. 600 X 16 $5.00 All order* shipped COD. Special equip- ment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE comer Queen and York Sts.. HAMILTON. Ont ONT.VRIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP D»»alers Wanted TWO BEAUTIFUL male springer spaniels, liver and white. Ship anywhere. In- formation on request. Lake Gale Kennels, R No. S. Merlin. Ont. TARPAULINS sturdy brown or khaki Duck W.Tterprnofed Covers with tie mpes. all weights. Write for quotations and samnles, John Leckle. 77 Wellinjrton St W . Toronto. WHITE and Mafk foxhnund. Walker and Bluetick. 3'i y*»ars. $S0. Owner: Isl- dor*» Strauss. >Mdmay. Ont. HAIRDRESSING LE.XRN Hairdressing the Robertson me- thod. Information on request regarding classes Rohert son's Hairdressing Acade* my. 117 Avf>nne Rosd. Toronto. HELP WANTED WOMAN to cook at Tourist Lodse from early May to October 15th St;u» age. experienc* and waK**8 expe<''ted. Write A. W Ni«-oll. I*nri-'fte. Ontsrio. F.\R.MER. exp*^r!'ni'ed. mnrriei. separate ht^use. fuel. m'l^. ganlen; h^^t cntrle fed. good horseman reqirred. Give par- ticulars first lotter. Pr»x S. H'ckaon. Ont. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMKPT â€" Fop Neurit's and Kheumat ic r^i'ns. Thoiis:inds snt^sfieil. Munro's Dfinr S;ore. 32 5 Elp-n. Ottawa. Poatna'd $1 0(1 2 FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years ai;ain obtainable by mail. NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS a^lect^d for backache, rheir" a sm. headache, drowsi- ness. iH>3t!>aid $1 J^'). GASTRONOX scicniific stom.T^h powder, aids tndiK**stion. gits sourness, destroys bnot'Tia. postp;i'd $1.00. SAVbl Cjc send th-s advert 'semen t with your or\!er. Deduct 25c fi-om tha prices listed fthovf*. NOX LABORATORIES Pont w r . Vorv^e T.» i>.'IO. READ THISâ€" Every suffert^r of Rli.iim- atic Pa'ns or NeuritiB should try Dix- on's Remedy. Munro's Drue Store. $.15 Elgin. Octnwa. Postpaid $1.00. TRKAT YOUR.^ELK at home with ele«trt>- magnetism fur .\rt belt's. Rhfiimatiam. Insiimnia. \'nr\o!u* Veins and other circu- latory ailments. Free explanatory pnmph- l-ns from CoojpeRcmcdics, Yi'nge Street, Toronto. TANK EVACUATES FLOOD VICTIMS Pressed into rescue service, an Arir-.y tank evacuates people stranded in Windsor, England, by flood waters four feet deep. Heavy rains and thawing sn ow swelled waterways throughout southern England. Electric Iron Dries And Then Presses August Purpura, of Chicago, has patented an electric iron w'liich can be used to dry and press materials too wet for an ordinary flatiron, claims the Christian Science Monitor, Mr, Pupura's iron has its face grooved with a number of small channels radiating from a common point of origin. Through holes in a nipple located at this center point, steam from the fabric, generated by contact with tiie hot face of the iron, is sucked up by a partial vacuum created by a special electric pump inside the iron. The accel- erated removal of the water vapor from the surface of the fabric grreatly speeds the drying process and the goods are soon in tlie proper state to take a good pressing with the iron. The element which h.eats the iron is on the same electrical circuit as the vacuum pump, so only one cord and plug connecting the iron with the house «irrent is necessary. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the toraient of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling', burning eczema, ache. ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot. w:Il respond readily to this stainless, ordorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn oi hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER J.VR Sent Post Free on Receipt of Pries POST'S REMEDIES S89 Queen St. E.. Comer of Logan Toronto .HVSICAL tNSTRC5IE>TS rflED A. BODDfNGTON buys, sells."?!- changes musical insirunienta. Ill Church. Toronto 2. OFFER TO INVENTOR? AN OFFER tj every i:iv.,>n:or â€" List of Inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. - 7 3 Bank S treet . Ottawa, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WO.nEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAD:NG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Lea.~:i Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated catalogue free. Wr:?e or Call M.VRVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 35S Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches 4 4 King St.. Hamilton i 'i Rideau Street. Ottawa. PERSONAL BIBLE Beast 66 S Revealed! Key book with copy Our Witness l*)c. Pickering Press. Gait, Ontario. STOP SMOKING without taking anyihmg internally or using any will power! Send 4c. addressed envelope for in forma I ion. Pierre 442 Birks Building. Edmonton 5, Alberta. LOOK! I $li) reward for any watch we cannot repair: best workmanship; writ- ten guanintee. AtUts Watch Repair Co., Box 91. Station "G". M'^ntreal. PATENTS FETHKRSTO.VAVGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Establ:sh.-d 1S30. 14 K;:ig. West. Toronto. Booiilet of information on re<]uest PHonx.KAPIIV 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 X 6 IN rOI.UKK MOl'NTS EnlariC^m-Mits franicrl 7 x 9" Gold, Silver. Walnut or Black fii.sh T4c. if picture REPRINTS 4c E.VCH St'Ril it!* Yf-'ur Old Negat"v»»g Any s •.? R-iIl â€" 6 or S Exposures Pevelope*! and Printed SOc Wa mal<-* prims auii enl.Hi-sements from r:ij;:s of '.•^s^. illegal. vos. DEPT. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX nn. POVP iiFFUK A. TORONTO FILMS DEVELOPED ami ri'irr.cti. :?jc Roil : Rcpri:it<. .:c Kach SPECIAL Ct^M ET folding camera, full 1 ?7 size. guarjnieiHl. J5_9.>: with leather shoulder crtr'-vnc iv»<ii», $11 4'.: Rh;;>!»t'^l ini.iipa'd. COMET PHOTO SERVICE BoT «, I'.'.ril .< a: ." P. r..i,,ivv W.VNTEP WA.NTEO â€" \U k'.nJa ot dress«l poultry. Top prices for top bit-Js. Joaeph Coop.r Llmite*!. Voiiltr.v n»*pt , 2154 Pa^'forth Ave . Toronto ti. (U*d Jo cusUMii s:adlusX ISSUE 14â€"1947 SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS == ("A Six Bit Critic") = To the unbiased onlooker it is interesting to note the air of puz- zled bewilderment currently being worn Uy various prominent sports figures, such as Messrs, Leo Du- rocher, Larry McPhail and others too numerous to mention in detail. These gentlemen just cannot seem to realize and accept one of the saddest facts of lite â€" namely, that the very same stuff which got you a heap of acclaim and applause only yesterday doesn't necessarLIj' rate iucii a big stand today, « « « T;;eir plight somehow reminds us of an incident that came under our obser^-ation many years ago and has stuck in the bog of memory ever since. Xext door to us a little boy, two years old or so, was just beginning to talk fairly flu- ently: and his proud grandfather was laughingly encouraging the tiny lad to shout rude and impertin- ent things not only to himself, the .granddad, but at passers-by. The kid's mother noticed what was go- ing on. "Don't forget, grandpa," slie quietly remarked, "that in an- other year you'll be expecting me to spank Willie, and wash his mouth with soap, for just the same things you find so funny now." * * * For years past some of our big sports heroes have been getting away with modified murder, and not so greatly modified at that, aid- ed and abetted b.v a lot of folks who should have known better. In boxing. Mike Jacobs and his co- horts have been running the sort of racket which, if it had occurred in an.v otiicr line of business, would probably have landed them for a lengthy stretch on the inside look- ing out. Yet when they drew million-dollar gates with bouts which, on the face of t!iem, would make any self-respecting skunk hold its nose, the general reaction from press and public was that it added up to might.v smart promo- tion, * « * Folks like Leo Durocher took pride in raising rowdiness and dis- respect for rules to a fine art. They publicly gloried, not in the skill, but in tlie toughness and scrappi- ness of their teams, and made tlieir strongest appeal to the lowest in- stincts of t!!e customers. Vet their bawlin.g and umpire-baiting won them, instead of well-merited cen- sure, reams of priceless publicity in the press, countless radio appear- ances, to say nothing of acres of pictures in the slick-paper maga- zines. * « * Sports reporters and "special writers" have, of course, a lot to answer for. Naturally, t'lcy follow the lines of least resistance; and w'-op. von liave to knock off a couple of columns about a dnft l-.ockey game, a manager who chases a referee all over the ice U far more help than the same maa- ager sitting quietly in his pew and minding his own business. If yom are writing three or four thousand words about some sports figure, what is known as 'color' is a real aid. Babe Ruth, with his likmg for tiie brew and dislike of discii>- line, makes far more readable 'copy* :::an a decent-living citizen such as Lou Gehrig; and a Babe Pratt is much easier to make interesting than, let's say, a Syl .\pps. We know, because we've tried it botb ways, * « • So then, human nature being what it is, possibly it's no more t!ian natural that such widely-pnl>" licized gentry should get the notioa tiiat tliey are outside and beyond the rules applying to us ordinary, run-of-the-mine citizens and â€" whca public taste changes and folks be- come fed-up with antics once found so entertaining â€" for them to won- der just what sort of a bomb has hit them. Still the Best Britian no longer can hope t» have the largest navy in tlie world, but can have the best-equipped and is certain to have the best-manned, John Dugale, financial secretary to the .\dmiralty, told the House of Commons, Dugale presented an estimate for an expenditure of £l9l'.T0n,00O (,$TS6,S0O.0OO) for 1947- !.«. He disclosed that the British and Dominion navies had accounted for 4.600 mines during 1940, but had suffered no casualt'e?. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed Permanently â€" $2.00 i•"ro.^l idc^. nr:i:3. legs w /.h Fl;ish Ha r Remox'^r. Alter 2 or 3 Jipi'l >-at .oiis hair will not prow hnck. H.irinlt'ssâ€" It'aws skm soft and stipo; k Pn^t S J ^') posipn d. Kapex Products Dept. 15 Bo\ Station B. MoutrfHi. Qur. for faster r' PAIN RELIBH Neuritis â- " - Neuralgia Inslantine /y TABIETS J£^ All '• ONLY **^~ DtuCSTC Bt57 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES VitTH CIGARETTE TOBACCO MUTT AND JEFF The War Being Overâ€" Why Worry About Going Further in Hock Bv BUD FISHER ADOU.AR? /that's A LOT OF MONEY FOR A Boy.' [WHAT 00 Yoo WANT , A DOLLAR POR? WANNA Put A DOWN PAYMENT ON A DIAMOND EN<?ASEM€NT| Ring.' MILLIE AND WE WANNA (SET married; MV Bov; DON'T VOUTHlNKTrtAT VOO AND MILUE ARE AWT TOO Young vti To Be THlNKlNS OF MARRIAGE? f MAYBE - 'BUT 1 DONtB£LieVE IN DOIN' THINGS AT THE LACT MINUTE.' YOU'RE STILUPAYIN y roR monV s Ring.' y KEEP ON PUAYIN' WiTrt YPilR DaLSMlLJ-iE.' HLSAIDNO/H