CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED tlGHTNING ROD DEALERS V/» non hav* • cornpleta stock or all lilffhtninff Rod Uaterlals on hand and can â- upDiy l;nmedfata delivery. Why not writa and rniuire atKiut a dealerahip for your territory? Our equipment ii tha beat on the market and our pricea moat reaaon- able The B Phllllpa Co. Ltd.. :00 Uain St.. Toronto IIABV CHICKS SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR '^ SUCCESS *â- MAY delivery, bftolc your order to-day at p^ the following prices. LTnse^ed Chicks 13c: Pullets S32.00: Cox 9c: Leffhorn X Hamps, •^ nnsexed 13c; Pullets I6c; Cox Ic. Pult- y, orum-Tested Gov't. Approved Stock SI 00 Do\vn, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY â- * Box ;0«. E!ni1r«. Ont ^ COVKRNMENT APPROVED Chicks. ^^ Hatching EsB». l-*chorn. Rock Hauip* rock Hybrids. Day Old. Started. Sher;n- »». dale Farms. Woodbrirlce. Ont. »*^ ALWAYS a better buy â€" thai'a Twedlle â- ^ thicks. We ha\'e been in business f'lT 22 yars because our custonriers are well •atUfied. They ord^r TwMdie chicks y-»ar »^ after year. And most of them have learne-i ^ thai It pays to order early. An order now tK meana you will be sure to have the bri*<»d <dk. of thicks you want when you want them. "W'e also guarantee you aeninst price change â- ^•^ ... give full advantage of the lowest w^., priip whether prices rise or fall. Twed-lle chitka are all selected and approved from ^*' proven puUoruni leate-l stock. They are . ^ biff producers . . , atrons. healthy, b c mon'rv-makers. We have the followins pure *^ breed.s to choose from; While Leehorns. .^^ Black Mlnorcaa, Anconas, Brown I*es- horns. Barred Rocks. White Rocks. .\ew "â€" Hampshires. Rhode Island Reda. Wh'ta "Wyandot tea. Liffht Sussex. Black Auaira- ^^ lorps. Jersey White Giams. also 12 cross breeds. Prepare now to make this year a ^^- bis profit year for you. Write today for ^^ <our mtereatinff free catalosue. Also twa ancl three- week old starte^l chicka and S- *»v we^k up to layinff piilleia. Twedd!*^ t'h:ck Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. -- BfiST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS -â- Yea."'that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are aayine when they buy Ramhow Chicks. All breeders are 100 per cem tr*e ^ from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappnmt- ^ ed. Tom Barron Leghorns. $12 00 per 100 Pullets 124.00 Barred Rock Mixed J12 00 â- **" per 100. Pullets $21 00 White Rock Mixed .^ $13.00 per 100. Pullets $25 00 Brown Les- horn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pulleia $2i 00. ^^ Lechorn-Roclt Mixed $12.00 per 100 Pul- ^^ lets $25.00. Red-Rock Hybrid $12 00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Special prices on cock- j^ erela. Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, balance "^ CO D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. On- tario HEAVY COCKERELS $3.00 per 100. •* Hollywood leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100. Sussex and Re<l Sussex pullets $1:0 00. "^^ Barred Rock. N.H. Red and legroc and *- redroc hybrid pullets, $20,00. Big Husk? ^ Kuamnteed to live chicks from blood- ^ tested pullorum free hens. Chicks sired ^ by 250-300 effs males with high etjg ♦- records for past 10 generations. Their ^ Inherited egg laying ability added to the^r 'y extra health and vigor make them the y^ biggest chick bargain for 1947. Write ^ for pricelist or order direct from this ad. 1*. M'e can ship twice each week durmg April. Many and June. Big Rock Farm. *^ Mtlle Roches. Ont. CATCH Up on The season with some of our ^*^ well started two and three Wi?ek-o!d nop- V •ex'xi. pullet or cockerel chicks. We hava > « good choice of pure breeds and cross •» breeds to choose from. Also older pullets S •weeks to laying. Send for special pr'.n« '**' list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limiteil. ^^ Fergua, Ontario. •^. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS j^ Special Low Prices on day old and start- ed. Thousands weekly. Assorte-l heavy ^" breed cox 5c. Overhatch Assorted chicka ^ 10c. Also 2-i week old cockerels. Send lor Srecial Price List. Lakev.ew Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontario. ^ ORDCR chicka for April-May deliveryâ€" nuw. We have some for immediate de- ^' llvprv in New Hampshtres. L.S. X .^ Nil . Black Auatra'.orps. Also started cockerels, and a few started pulleis. Br;iy ^ HaKhery, John N. Hamilton. Ont. ^*_ ROCK PULLETS $20.00 per IDO. Order May chicks now. barred rock. N.H. Re^l. Suss*-x and hybrid pullets $20.00 per 100. *^ Hollywood leghorn pullets. $24.00. heavy •fc cockerels $5.00 per 100. Big Husky livable .^ chiL-Ua hatched from big eggs, aired by 250 -GuO egg males. Order from this add **â- or write for circular Big Rock Karm. > Mill** Roches. Ont. ^^ BAR»JAINS on two. three and four-week- ^ old cockerels while they last. Barred j^ Jloeke. N'ew Hampshires. New Hamps>- = X Barred Rwk. two-wcek-o'.d li) 95; 1^ sorted Heavies 10.75. Three-week-old add _ 2.00. 4-week-oM add 4.00: Large Egg Quality add 1.00. Specially Selected add ^. 2.00 pt^r hundred to above prices. .-Vlso pullets and non-sexed started chicks at *^ bargain prices. Thia advertisement must b^ accompany your order to receive these apecial prices. Top Notch Chtekeries. "^ Oueli>h. Ont ario. *^ FOR IMMEDIATE delivery. Buy Super- â- *- lor quality Extra Profit chicks. Our ^•^ chicks are pure-bred and healthy. Coming from flocks Inspected, approved or certl- *" fied blooil-teated breeders. The reproduc- ^. era are R.O.P. or descending from R.O.P. cockerels, assuring at the same time '^ healthy and vigorous chicka. well known ^^ for laying targe eggs from 24 to 32 ounces per dozen. Large White Leghorn. Barred ^»- Rocks. New Hampshire Red. Rhode Island Red. White Rocks. Laraonas, Whits Sus- sex. White Wyandottea. Australorps and Hybrids. Barred Rock X New Hampshire. White Sussex X New Hampshire Red. mixed chicks, cockerels or pullets only. 10 free chicks will be given free, with each order of 100 day-old mixed chicks. If you take Immediate delivery. To take advantage of this 10 free chicks, this ad must accompany your order. Send order. We'll ship Immediately. Wilfrid Lefebvre. 2023 Amherst St.. Montreal 24. " 100 CHICKS FREE ^ With every order ot 100 pullet chicks we give 100 tree chicks (our choice*. Barred ^ Rock Pullets $21.95. White Rock Pullets k. $25.93. White Leghorn .Pullets $24 95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95: Red-Rock ^ Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn-Rock Hybrids. ^ $25.95. All chicks sold are from blood- tested stock, backed by high pedigreed *• «tock. $1.00 books your order. Balance ^ CO.P. Guaranteed Delivery. Kent Hatch* ery. Chatham. Ontario ____, ^ 3000 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD â- < PULLETS gi^ for delivery April 1st. also 4 and « week olds for prompt delivery. All rats- ^ ed in brand new brooding plant under Ideal conditions, all floor raised. Here's your opportunity to get In on the early Abigh priced egg markets. I*akevlew Poul- ^try Farm. Exeter. Ontario. ^LL TOP NOTCH chicks are lively. *^ healthy, fast growing, fast-foatherlng. ^iS producing birds. Start your 1947 sea- Bon right for big pi-oflts. Order "top Notch •^icks now. Then you'll be sure to have the kind of chicka you w.tfit when yon jKant them. We have all the most wanted hreeila. carefully selected and culle^l. You {•t only 8li"onB. healthy. livable birds. All ••^ Hpprovi'd rhioks fr\>in pullorum tested rvtM'M!! of high prciluction and liv«- lity Whylfcake a chance on quality when costs no more to buy fn>m a long estab- ^hed hatchery of provetl reliability? For years, more and more poultry raisers hav-* •^â-ºn learning that It pays to rely on Top ^^^•h send for Informative free catn- rns^i** today. Also niarleil chicks two and (^t-e week^ old. Top Notch Chickeriea. f^ielph. tmiario. * 4, 4 & e'vVEEK OLD PULLETS flljio mixed 'hicks and cockerels. All rail* eil In brand new air conditlone*! brood>-T eUnt und.'r ideal conditions Send (o: \v>ekly Sivr al List of started chicka Vnkeview IViuliry Farm. Exeter. Ontario B.IBT CHICKS RELIABLE CHICKS Bred-to-Lay Barre-I Rocka $12.50, PlU. $:'4.00. .S.C.W. Le«hom $12.00. Pita. $24 50 White Giants $1C.S0 as hatched L X BR $12 00 New Hampa $14.00. Pita. $24 00 Immediate delivery day or -week old. Buy from a hatchery thai baa aervad tho oouliry raiser for over 25 years Satis- fied customers keep you In business. Mil- lers Chick Hatchery. Fergus. Ont. lOc HURONDALE CHICKS iTc Pure Sussex. Sussex i Hamps. Rock x Hampp, Barred Rocks and New Hampa. miKcd clicks 1 2c. pullets 24c. Leghorns. Hock x Leirhorns. Sussex x Leghorns, and Leghorn x Hamps. mixed chicks i;c, 5^;l'ets 24c. All breeders double bloodtest- ed iM'd banded Backed by pedigreed foun- dation stock. Many customers reportâ€" "Best Chicka 1 Ever Had" STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 wpeks old add 4c, 3 weeks old add lie. 4 weeks old add 15c. 5 weeks old add 30c. 6 weeks old 5f'c each for this week and next only 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 6c M-at Type New Hamps. 4c. other heavy breeds 5c. .Masoned Heavy Cockerels 4c. 2 weeks old add 4c. These bargain cock- rel prices for this weeli and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Oup choice of breed or breeds In heavy or light breeds. Here's your chance to get goml chicka cheap. 100*^ live delivery guaranteed. $1 00 per 100 deiM>a;t. Or- der from and enclose thia ad. or at^d for Price List. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices for Baby Chicks and Started Chicka wilt surprise you All Chicks from bloo-i tested stock. Carlemn Haich*^ry. Brit annia H*»t(fhta. Ont e"lectrical brooders"" MEDIUM size. Del.vere-l for only $12.35. aavlns yon $9.00. Write now for particu- lars Cordon's Poultry Equipment. Dun- dalk. Ontario. DVEINC, .4\D CI.E-AMNG HAVE vol anything need.-* dyeing or cieanms" Write in us for information W# are clad to answer your questions E>e- partment H Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Voncp Sirret. Toronto Ontario F.\RMS FOR S.\I,E FOR SALE â€" IftO acres on county road. 1 mile from Smiihville. 23 from Hamilton School on farm. 25 acres wheat. 20 plowed. 10 buah Excellent buildings. Electricity, gaa. telephone. Water on tap. All live- stock and eciuipment included. Immediate ro3ses3ioi\ Twelve Thousand. Terms. Ap- ply lo M<»lbourne Hiaeoii/ R.R. No. 2, Smithville. Ont. FOR irALE ATTENTION FAR.MERS FOR SALE â€" Tractor Tires, made of rub- tier, suitable for bolting on ateeJ wheels. $15 00 each, rear wheels; $7 50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and v.-idih or wheel National Rubber Co Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto. Ont- AMERICAN SEPARATORS and milkers H-ghest riuality at lowest pricea. Power aprayers for orchard, whtte- WMshms or paint m?. American Separator ^alea. CJoderich. Ontario. EEAL'TIFUL -Sea Shell \a»e3 for cut or growint; flowers. $1.00 postpaid. . Bring part of tlulC Mexico into your home. Se- lected corgeoua sea shel'a. for electric lamps, dolls, irays. Starr liiile business oi your own tiiakins: aht?ll novelties, cos- tume jewellery. Something new. wonder- ful. Lucky Star of Bethlehem. dant Siarfisb novelty with Christchild in man- ger attached. $2.50. Sluore Shell Co.. Ann-i Maria. Fla. EP.O.VD Itreasie-l Broaz- t-"'3te--I 8it>rk .\pril 50o, ren -e Charlebois. (,'urkery .May 45c. Law- Ont. BUTTON HOLES & DARNING Now made eaay with lO-m-l sewing ma- chine attachment. Pita any make Sews backwards, forwards, any direction. Sews on buttons, zippers, darns chiidren'a work cloiheB. stockings, etc. Illustrated In- structions, button hole gauge, hoop, ruler, sciaaors sharpener, needle threader $1.00 postpaid or C O.D. plus charges. Two in one rugmaker and hemstiicher. fits any mak<» Tjc. With complete order at $1.75 we include free, invisible mending tape for suits, dreaaea. leather goods, hot water bottles, etc. Repair parts for all makes sewing niachint^s. Humen Sewing Ma- chine Co., 12403, S7th St. Edmonton. Alta . Pert. G. CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper nalla. tacks and canvas filler. Write for prices. John Leckie Limited. 77 Wellington Street W.. Toronto. CONCRETE BLOCK Machmes. 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 45 to 100 hour. Brick machines. Batch Mtxera any aize. Motors and Gaa Engines Uadl- Bon Equipment Co.. Madison. Tenn. CANVAS COVERING Heavy White Duck waterproofed with light rubber coating one side 60 Inches widJ» $1 25 yard. Suitable for Canoe Duck. Ground Sheets. Roof or Deck Coverinj. Full rolls 100 yards special price. Supplied in Tarpaulins, sturdy, long wearing, coro- piets with tie ropes 12c square foot. Write for sample John Leckie Limited. 77 Wellington St. W.. Toronto. cheese; FACTORY and equipment » ft. 20 horse pow^er boiler. 3 inch tubea. also vats and press. Apply J. G. McEwen. R.R No. 2. Portland. Ont. DUCKLINGS. We atill have limited Quantities of whie Pekin ducklings and hatchins egga available weekly. Write for prices Bur wood Farm. Dept. W., Maple. Ont. GLADIOLI. 125 Varieties. Large at Be and up. 100 .\Iedium Good Aasortmem Prepaid $3.75. "Catalogua Free". Moore and Parker. 175 Shaw St.. Toronto. NO. 1 GALORE BARLEY. $1.50 per bushel Bags free. W. J. F. Bell. Kippen. Ont. H.\NDLES. new steel ammunition box handles ideel tor fruit boxes, bushels. trap doors, eto. lOo pair. Newson * Campbell Co . Hamilton. Ont. HEAVY Dl'TY U ' band aawa retail. $7'» Dealers write for discounts. W*e«t End Engmt-ering. corner Cannon and Hughaon Sta. . Httn\ilton. Ont. I HAVE FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL aoil pulverizer. 244 Lets roughage Mill and Little Wonder draming raactalue. all as good as new. Walter Mcpherson, Rout* 2. Dundalk. Ont. LI.MITED quantity available pedigreed Par Angora rabbits. Phillips Angora Babbitry. US Monkland Boulevard. Saint Laurvnt. Quebec. M.\KE your bicycle a motor-bike. Wh'xzer 2*1 horse power bicycle motor complete with gas tank. All fittings and controls $13$. 50 with instructions or $150.00 com- pletely Installed. Rao J. Wat.^on. 257 Wellington Street. London. Ontario. Of- ficial Motorcycle Headquarters for West- ern Ontario. PREMIER strawberry plants. Kellogg^ strain and Senator Dunlops. All sortrd plants Write for prices. James Van Meer. Coll ins wood. Ontario. RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALE Canada Red Dttveloi>eil by the late G. F. Chlpman. One of tha best varleile*. Stems dark red clear to the heart. Makes the sweetest, finest flavored, beautiful r(M sauce for dessert, plea or shortcakes Price raeh 70c. i»er 100 or over $50 each, per 1.000 or o"er $0c each plus shipping rharges. Please ndrise earliest ahipping date. I. B. GarUnd. Kl«tn UIIU. Ontarlow rOR SALE KKtllSTERED cocker spaniela. solid black Bomt>er; dam Daw of Ch. Kappa, son of male and femaU:s. Sire Ch. Buckabum Surprise, whelpetf .ilaru 1 S. 194.'. Writa for particulars to .jftsa M. McBnde. Fen- wick. Ont. REGISTERED German abort-hair Pointer pupa, from bench and field trail, win- ning strain. Wm. Taite. 369 York. Kings- ton. Cmt. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Dunlap Gien mary. Thousand $12.00 Premier. Sam- plabuater $15 00 prepaid. Order early. Cash Earl Bower, KemptvUle. Ont. SEP.VICABLE HOLSTEIN Show Bull. Sire by Emperor out of high record Pathfinder dam. Also nine months ealf. Dams Qualified. Lloyd R. Ferrler. $ Perm. Ont. TARPAULINS Sturdy bro^n sr khiir; Duck Waterproofed Covers with lie ropes, all wetgrhta Writ* f;>r 'luotations and sampies .Inhn Lecki*. 77 WelliT^rton St W.. Toronto. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good use-l trade-in t res (guaranteed to be In excellent ahape>. 600 X 16 $6.00 All orders ahipoed C.O.D £;>eCial equip- ment for i'ulcan:xing Truck and Farm Tracior Tires BEACON TIRE corner Queen and fork Si«.. H.\iI!I.TON. Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODKR.S EciLMPPED TIRE SHOP D.?aiers Wnnled TOILETS For Summer Cottage*, etc. Can be used with or withoui running irat^r. Caustic aar. Station. Ltd. Dundaa. Ont. RAIRORICSSING LE.\RN Hairdresaing the RAbertson me- thod. Informal ion on request regarding classes. Robertaon's Hairdresaing Acada- my. i:i7 Avenue Road. Toronto. HELP WANTED Man or boy for niised fami for aummer. S'.ate experience. Apply John Reder, Dur.daa Ont. WOMAN to cook at Tourist Lodge from early May to October I5ih State age. experience and wagea expected. Write A. W Niroll. Baptisie. Ontar o MEDICAL NATL'P.fS irELPâ€" Di.xons Remedy for Rri-ura.iiic Pams. Neurii:.i. Thodsanda pra i> ng it. Munro'a Drug' t^iore. 335 El- grri. r' Pi at pa -d $1.0'>. POSTS ECZEMA SALVE"^ Ban. ah the tormeni ot Ary eczema rashes and weeping skm troubles P'isr*a Ecreraa Salve will not diaappoint i-ou Itching, scaling, burning ei-zema, ache, ringworm, pimples and athlete's fool, will respond readily lo this staml^sa. ordorlesa ointment- regardless of how stubborn ot hopeless they may seem PRICE $1 0.1 PER JAR Sen: Po.««t Free on Re'-"*: -'t of Price POST»S REMEDIES nS9 Queen St. E.. ( ompr of Losan Tnronio TRLIAT YOt'P..-=ELF at home w;tb electro- magnet iam for Arthritis. Rheumatism. Insomnia. Varicoae Veins and other circu- laior.v ailments Free e.TpIanatory pamph- lets from CoopeRerafHt-ea. Vonse Street. Toronto G'-X^D r-ssoluut.n â€" Ev-^ry sufferer of Rheu- matic Pa^n-s or Neuritis should try Disor/j Heme-ly- Jrunro's Dr-ig Store. 335 Elg :i. Orui-,va. P.-alDaM Jl 'iv. MISICAL INSTROIENTS FRED A. UODDINOTON buys, sella, ex- changes musical ina: rumen :s. Ill Church. Toronto 2 OFFER TO INVE.NTOR.S AN OFFER to every inventor â€" List of inventions and full in formal 'on sent frea. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. t-3 Bank Street Oiiawa. Canada. OPPOKTIMTIES FOR WO.MEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAN.XOA'S LEADING .^rHOOL Great L>pporiun;ty Learn Hairdresaing Pleasant dignified profession, cood wages, thousands success Tul. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated ^ catalogue free. Wrte or Call MAFtVKL H.^^RDRESSING SCHOOLS 35S Eloor St W.. Toronto B."anchea 44 Kins St.. Ham.Uon A T4 R leau Street. Ottawa. * PERSONAL Key book Pickering BIBLE Beaat 66S Rev.aled! with copy Our Witness 10c. Preta. Gal:. Ontario STOP SMOKING without taking anything internally or using any will powerl Send 4c. addressed envelope for information. Pierre 4 4 2 Bi rks Bu :ld â- ng. Edmon ton 5 . .VIberta. LOOK I I $10 reward for any watch we cannot repair: best workmanship: writ- ten guarantee. .-Vtlaa Watch Repair Co.. Box 91. Station "G". Montreal PATENTS KETHERSTONAL'OH & Company Patent Solicitors. EstaMsh?-! 1S90. 14 King. West, Toronto. Bookie; of infi>rmatlcn on request- PHOHKiKAPHY REPRINTS 3c EACH SEND rS VOIR OLD NEGATIVES i E>"U\RGE-MENTS 33c 4 X 6 in Folder Mounts Any Size Roll â€" 6 or S Exposures Developed and Printed 25c Enlarsements framed 7 x 9" Gold. Silver- Walnut or Black finish 74c If picture colored 94c. W* make prints and enlargements from prints of lost negatives. DE!»T. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX ItO. POST OFFICE A. TORONTO FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed. 23c Roll ; Reprints, oc Eacii SPECIAL CO.MET folding camera, full 127 si«. guaranteed. IS. 95: with leather shoulder carrying case. $11.45; shipped poatpa'd. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 8. Postal Station P. 'I'nronto. WANTED W.VNTEDâ€" All kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept.. 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6 (We do custom grading) ISSUE 15â€"1947 THE WORLD WATCHES Eyes of the world are on this area as Congress hears charges that President Truman's proposals to aid Greece are a step toward war with Russia. Protocols of the Tehran conference just published also spotlight Turkey, revealing Anglo- Russian- American agree- ment in 1943 that Turkey's entrance into the war agamst Germany was then "desirable." Also disclosed was the three-power agree- ment that the Montreux convention giving control of the Dar- danelles to Turkey was outmoded and should be revised. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ^^ ("A Sixbit Critic") = .â- \fter one of the current Stanley Cup playdown aiiairi. a Toronto paper revived the ancient gag about there having been two entirely different games the previous even- ing â€" the one that took place on the ice, and the one that went out over the air. .\nd while it is rather hard to judge these things, unless you liave a split personalitj- and leave half of it at home, or carry one of these portable radio gadgets so tliat j'ou can both listen and watcli. it would seem highly probable that those w!;o take their hockey by ear are getting far more thrills out of these playoffs than those who actually see them in person. * * « Which is just another way of saying that the hockey hardest to gen tickets for is, as a rule, the hardest to watch. Vou have to stick in your own thrills and ex- citement whereas, taken via the ether route, the announcers do it for you. This is by no means a criticism of these microphone- maestros, whose first duty to their sponsors is to keep listeners from switching dials and tuning-in some good hot program of chamber- music: but it is a rather funny ex- perience to come home after a drapgy affair like, for instance, the opening game of the Toronto- Detroit series, and hear the folks say, "Gee. that must have been a honey of a game." * « * Of course it is by no means a new tiling for playoff hockey â€" judged solely on its merits as a game, and tossing the gold and glory involved out the window â€" to be somewhat tame. Any time you get two rival teams playing them close to their chests, and taking no unnecessary chances, the higlt- lights are liable to be few and far between. But it is even more noticeable nowadays when they play what is frankly admitted to be cntcrtainmcnt-hockcy â€" featuring speed, speed and still more speed â€" for the first six months or so of the regular season. When they suddenly try to change over to the real thing, the boys don't know how to play it, nor do the fans know how to appreciate. Perhaps it's just as well that the foot-shuff- lings, ironic hand-clappings and cries for ".\ction"' don't come over the microphone. « * * In amateur hockey circles we can't help noticing a growing re- sentment in smaller Ontario cent- ers at having to act more or less as stooges and sparring-partners for the 'big siiots'. Wc talked recently with a man who has long been a real friend to amateur hockey, and who confessed that he is getting more than a little fed-up. "A bunch of us have backed a local junior team for years." he said. "We do it because we like to watch hockey, and to give the kids of the neighbor- hood a chance to sItow what they can do. .\nd of course there's always the dream of developing a championship outfit, like in the days when Barrie, Stratford and other smaller places would come through on top." * * * Just how widespread this feeling is, or what could be done to correct such a situation, we are not prepar- ed to say. But we do know that the centering of so much of the hockey spotlight, of recent years, on just one place â€" Toronto â€" hasn't been a bit of help to the game in the Province at large. In all tlie excitement over the Grand National Sweepstakes, we have been wondering just how many of the thousands who breath- lessly waited to find out whether or not they 'drew a horse' might have spared themselves a lot of suspense and loss of sleep. Or, to put it more briefly, what percent- age of those carefully-cherished tickets were the real thing? ,A.fter talking with a gentleman who should be in a fair position to know, we have come to the conclusion tliat a great many of us have been dreaming of winning a life of ease by means of chunks of paper that never were closer to Ireland than, let us say, the citv of Montreal. For, according to our informant, the business of peddhng phoney Irish Sweep tickets is once again in full swing â€" and a nice, cosey racket it is because, as you are doing something illegal in buying one, you liave no possible come- back. "Unless you get your ticket direct from Ireland â€" and know and trust the man you get it from,'' we were told. "It's better than even money that the one you had was a fake, printed right here in Can- ada." So, having been warned, we're going to be extra careful from now on. .\nybody know where we could grab a ticket for the Dcrl)y Sweep? Crisis in Britain h International It is evident that Britain's finan- cial position is so insecure that it cannot b« resolved without sub- stantial outside financial assistance comments the Montreal Gazette. For the sake of the world economy Britain cannot be permitted to bankrupt itself. Only self-interest is involved for liritain's creditors. But it is quite certain that both Canada and the United States must make further handsome loans to bolster the pound and restore the British economic organization. Britain is now in the position acidly described by analogy by the late Lord Keynes who pointed out tliat when a man owed his bank $1,000 he was at its mercy; when he owed it $1 million, the bank was at his mercy. The collapse of the pound would so disorganize international trade and international finance that the cataciysm might well reduce the world to the barter system. It is a prospect that cannot be viewed with equanimity. It would be par- ticularly appalling for Canada, whose economy is based on export trade. Britain, sentiment aside, must be revived. It can only restore itself through superlative individual effort supported by foreign finance. Only the U.S. and Canada have the capi- tal to prevent world catastrophe. Together they must help to save Britain not in altruism but in self- defense. Lightning â€" "greased" or other- wise â€" is really fast. Its speed is 10,- 000 miies per second. SAFES Protect your noOKS nnd CA^B from FinE and THIEVKS We hare a slxe and type of Safe, or Cnbiner. for any purpoae. \'i»U iia, or Tvrlie for pricea, etc t« Depf. W. J. &â- J. TAYLOR UMiTcB TORONTO SAFE W0RK5 I4rt prom Sr. E.. Tnroalo Ratnblisbrd 18.°;.' The first balloon ascension in .\merica took place in Philadelphia in ira.T. HARNESS & COLLARS Kariners .Attention â€" Lonsuit ;oar nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harne.<r Supplies. We sell our joort? only thmuirn your local Staco I eather Goods dealer. The gooi1» »re n^ht. and so are our orit ps. We nianufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness Hor«e Col- lars, Sweat Pads. Hi>r»e bllsn- ket», and leather TraveilmR Goods. InsUt un Staco Krano Trade Marker! Goods, and v -ti SAMUEL TRE»::S CO., LTD. 42 Wellineton Si F.. forantc WRITE FOR CATAIOr.UF ^VXCV>OHXV^> A "tXVOK^ 1 \ eu,alumT<^>^ For constant Smoking Pleasure "EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco ff MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Of Course, Jeff Shoud Have Said I Seen Him! BY BUD FISHER Jk-,