J^ / \S .** -< -f 2»- ®()je /ksljtrlM ^^dtwma* . VOL. 66; NO. 46 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Give Your Name At Accident For refusing to give his name to the other party following a motoi car accident, a Montreal man had to pay a $25 fine. The case should be a warning to motorist». Do not forget that, if you figrure in a collision with another car, the law demands that you give your naant and address in writing, tf the other paity to the accident demands it. Failure to do so carries with it a penalty. You have nothing to fear fron this. If you were not in the wrong in the accident, giving full particu- lars as to your identity virill usually aid in clearing you from blaane. Your refusal to supply the information win not only make it incoavenient for you, but it may also weigh heav ily in the eyes of a court should a suit ensure. Juries quite often will take this as an indication of guilt. Do not forget, also, that you havt the right to demand the name and addreS'! of J:^:â- ;l:raan who tangles witl: you. â€" Chatham Daily News. Card of Thanks •. We wish to express our apprecia- Trout Season Open May 1 ^)€ckled trout fishing season opens On Thursday, May 1st, with interest centred locally in the Slater fishing derby which closes Saturday morn- ing, May 3rd, at 10 a.m. However, xhe weather has been so cold lately that many fisherman may not attend the opening of their favorite sport. As yet the ice has not left the local p<md at the Co-operative mill and there is plenty of ice on the Eugenia lake, so conditions will not be any too satisfactory for fishing. District hotels have their quota of rooms re served for those coming from a distance. The district streams are all open, although the water is high and running fast. Travelled By Boat, Train, Car To Musical Festival An interesting item appeared in the daily papei-s last week, reporting the e.xperience of four students and their teacher who travelled the swift waters of the Severn River for five miiles in order to reach Midland anc take part in the musical festival One of the students was GeorginB White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tion and thanks to our friends and i Wesley White of Severn Park, and neighbors for visits, treats, cards ' granddaughter of Mr. Geo. ^Miite of and messages to Catherine while Springhill. Georgina received first die was in hosp'ital. â€" Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haley. Card of Thanks I would like to take this opportun- ity to thank my friends and neigh- bors for their treats, calls and kind enquiries during my recent illness while in Markdale hospital. â€" Doris Waller. Card of Thankf We wish to express our deep ap- preciation for the many acts of kind« ness and for the expression of sym- pathy tendered on the passing of a dear wife and mother. prize in her musical class. The trip up river was commenced at 2 ajn. and after an eight-miles train ride and 22 miles by car, reached Mid- land at 5 a.m. Plenty Of Synip On Market Best Season In Years This has 'been one of the best season's for the niaking of maple syrup that has been experienced for some years. For almost two weeks there has been a steady run of sap. Considerable syrup has been placed on the market, some of it being offer- ed last week at $4.00 per gallon, while others are asking $&.0O. It looks at the present time that there A. 1^ «l ^â€" John Fenwdck and Family, w^ill be plenty for everybody. Change in Store Hours I OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS; CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY On and after May Ist, 1947, the retail stores in Flesherton will be open Wednesday Nights and closed all day Thursday, to remain in effect until further notide. K. G. BETTS, Reeve : Shortage Of Farm Labor Brings Out JStudenta The provincial educational author ities have announced that high schooi pupils would again this year be al- lowed to leave school early in the term and be granted their examina- tion standing following several wedcs work on farms during the summer. Plenty has been said about the shortage of farm labor, and the pro- blem of he farmer during seed timt and hanves^. The situation is no better now than it was last autumn and no great effort has been made to find relief. It is true that a few hun(Jred Polish soldiers have been allowed to enter Canada, but other than that little has been done. It is reported that go\'ernment officials ere at the moment touring Europe in a survey for possible immigrants, ut it -"s unlikely that any will reach Canada in time for this year's hai-v- est. In the meantime, industries are drawing more men off the land with "he allurement of better wages, fhorter hours and improved working conditions. The chief obstacle, however, ,is wagesL Farmers have never been able to compete with industry ip this regard, because farm incomes are not sufficiently large enough The only solution it would seem then, is that farmers must be al- lowed to raise prices sufficiently tc enable them to pay wage scales com- parable to those received by indus- trial workers. Canadian agriculture ought to be encouraged. Every effort should bt made to enable increased acreage and greater production, but instead, farm requiresnents are being neglect- ed. Surely something is wrong with cur system when luxury industries are able to flourish, while agricul- ture suffers, especially in light of millions of hungry people through- out the world. Somebody will certainly pay for the system of the past few years, when school pupils are devoting val- uable time to agriculture, rather than to preparation for their own futures. St John's W.M.S. Holds Easter ThankofFering i Guests were present from Cedar- I aide and Rock Mills Baptist Churchet i for the annual Easter Thankoffering [ meeting of St. John's W.M.S. Friday ! afternoon last. There were 40 ia attendance, and the president, MisB . Kate ilacmillan presided. i The secretary read a letter fpotn I Korea, e.xpressing thanks for H^ I clothing sent to them in March. "Hie j president explained a letter received j from W31.S. headquarters, which â- stated That additional supplies are : being asked for this year, because ol : the need of clotihing and hospital supplies in China. Miss MacmillM I offered her home for a tea on Wed- I nesday afternoon, when articles for the Presbyterial bale would be on display. Mrs. 0. W. Phillips was r«- ported a« being ill in the Markdale , hospital at present. Mrs. HendeiBon T ..„ J 1. 1^ , • , â- ^ . i ^'^^ ^rs. Blackburn favored with a In a stand built and equipped ii to tram men for these and othei | vocal duet "Peace. position, the C.X.I.B. is appealing to Peace." Canadian National Institute For The Blind News Stand the most modern raaTiner. Hugh Da\ has an active job as a Stand 3Ian- Peace. Sw«et the people of this disti-ict for finan- ager for the Canadian National In- eial support, stitute for the Blind. The opei-atio«i You can help other blind men to of such stands in large office build- â- wards the independence of full em- ings, has proven a most satisfactoi-j' j ployment, when you give to the tas form of emploj-roent for many blind j day on M!ay 3rd, or you may mail men. giving an opportunity for init- j your conti-ibution to the HonoraiT iative. independence and good busin- Ti-easuer. Mr. W. M. Trelford, Grev ess ability. To expand and perpetu- & Bruce Trust & Savings Co., Ower^ ate such eniployment projects, ana Sound. Please be generous. • > • > â- • ♦♦♦♦> #♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»»♦»*»>»♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * ♦ ♦ I ' t -i-'fr :! A A. A L Commencing Sunday, April 27th GREY COACH LINES DAILY BUS SERVICE wfll be operated on Daylight Saving present schedules will remain unchanged GREY COACH LINES United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpl.jrson, B..A.. Minister iHours of service Sunday, .A.pril 27. Flesherton 11 a.m.. Dayligiit Saving Time; Inistioge, 3 p.m. Standard Time; Eugenia 7 pjn. Standard Time. Sermon theme: "What Is Your Scale of Values?" Tert; Matt. 6:33. Tuxis and Trail Rangers meet on \Ved-. Aipril 23, at 7 p.m. in chur.-h basement, 'â- <> comtinue First AU course. All members are ui-ged t be present. St. Joihn's junior choir pi-actice. Friday afternoon, Apinl 25, at p.m. in church basement. Senior choir pi-actices same evening at Silf in the same place. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be obsei-\-ed at Eugenia or Sunday evening. May 4. New mem j bers please see Rev. A. G. Macpher son at the earliest opportunity. The Clothes for Britaiji campaig is wxn-thy of the best suppoit we cr give it. Britain did much to sav the world- Let us help her save herself. Daylight Saving Time Commences On Sunday Daylight saving for Flesherton conies into effect this coming Sunday morning, .A.pril 27th. Churches will meet on Daylight Saving Time, so b sure and set your clock ahead an hour when you go to bed Saturday night Radio will observe the fast time, as will the Gray Coah Lines. but the railways will operate on Standard Time. Most of tjhe cities, towns and vill ages in Ontario are observing I>ay- light Saving Time this year, and Flesherton did not decide on the summer time change until other nearby towns had decided to make the change. Our opinion is that the goverranent should declare the sum- mer time in force all over the couii tty and have all provinces observe it as was done during the w-ar. It leads to too much confusion otherwise. 91 Years Old Friday Scared Team Runs Away Clothing prices have been rising for the past 12 months, which sug- gests that there is not much neeri now to put wallet pockets in men's suits. GET YOUR FLATS FIXED CAR GREASED B.\TTERY CHARGED. OIL CHANGED. Etc. at ijie B.-A. STATION Phone 63 F1e.-ih«rljn Ctansiderable excitement was arous^ ed in town for a few moments Fri- day afternoon, when a team ownet by Mr. Porter Beard of Springhill, ran away from the Co operalnve store, along the lane beside the curl- ing rink, across Sydenham Street and over Mr. HiekQing's lawn. In their run over the lawn the wagon to which they were hitched, struck a trellis over the siidewalk and took half ^of it away. The team then went on to the b€ick street aiui then turned norrih toward the Ba^jtist Church, when the wagon slewed anc struck Rev. White's car parked be side the property and smashed in one cf the fenders. The team finally parted with the wagon when they ' ttempted to go ai-ound a post. The ctnly damage done to the wagon was a broken tongue and a sanall amount to the harness. It was a short, but jnappy, run. j Hearty congralulatio.is arj extend ' ed to Mrs. Wni. Hislop of Eugenia, who win celebrate her :>lst birthday on Friday of this week \piil 25th. Mi-s. Hislop's health is very good, she assists with the housework, does sewing and is very interested in current events of the day. Her many friends 'wish her many more years of hearth and enjoyment with her family. Alex. M. Gibson Appointed Regional Postal Director Many in Flesherto*i and district will be interested to learn of the re- cent appointment of Alex. M. Gibson of Toronto ag regional director of ppstal services for Ontario. Alex, was bom in Flesherton and has serv- ed w-ith the Post Office Department for many years. For a number ol years he has been district director of postal ser\-ices in Toronto, and had supervision over this discrict. The position of district director is now being abolished and a new office of regional director, covering all oi Ontario has been established. He has been with the Department for 41 years. He will take over his new post immediately. Mrs. W. A. White, as guest speak- er, gave a very inspiring message, when she took as her text Acts 26^: 13 - 19, in which Paul, when defend- ing himself before King Agrip|», said he was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision. Mrs. W. I. Henry moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Whitt on behalf of the WJSl.S., which was seconded by Mi's. Macpherson. A social time followed the meeting and refreshments were served. New Province For Canada? It appears that a delegation â- scheduled to go to Ottawa in June in order to discuss terms, in an ex- ploratory manner, of a possible creation of a tenth province, if New- foundlaroi decides to join Canada, though it is significant that this del- egation will go to Ottawa only after discussions in London. Of course, rt is an important thing to note that, when this was announced in Ottaira, it was received in an enthusiastic Pet Coon Wa-Tdered Away manner on all sides, even if out- wardly there was a ressrved tone. It seems that, for strategic reasons of defense and trans-Atlantic aix senice and for a multitude of others, Newfoundland would be a worthy member of this confederation, but at the same time, it must not be over- looked that this old colony has had many financial pi-oblenis in recent years, with a Governor in Conwnis- sion in charge since 1934, when the island's- finances showed signs of needing reconstniction. Bom H"iT>E â€" At Peel Memorial Hos- pital, Bianipton, Monday, .-Vpril 14. 1947, to Mr. and Mrs- Edward Hyde (Elda Paul> of Bolton, a daughter. THURSTON â€" Mr, md Mrs- Gor- don Thurstom, l25 Rocham-pton .^ve., Toronto, wish to announce the birth of a daughter at Toixwito General Hosipital. Pi-ivate Patients' Paviliion, on Monday, .^pril 21st. Mother and daughter doing well. WILSON â€" In Toronto General i CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessiblt by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL !24AvcnucRd KI.4344 CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. K. White. ED. Pastor .Ser\Mce next Lord's Day, .-Vpril 27. at 11 am. Subject: "The Outsti-«tch- od Hands of Je~us." Text Luke 24 - -iO. Church School meets at noon every Sunday. You are welcome to all our 8«rv. ces. We w^il! m.Tke you feel at home- T*-o annual busines: meeting of "ed -sid» B ptist Chuivh will held i" he chruch Wednesday evening, .\pril "\ ;â- .: S o'clock. .•'.:: •>.-. ia th'; r.crt!-3 i'- Dylight • : ; â- â- ^•-re. John Milligran of town has had tht pleasure of owning a pet coon foi the past six months and it has been an interesting object around his home. During the winter time it did not wish to hibernate, but kept fullv awake and was out each day , wandering ai-ound the house and j Hospital. qn Monday, April 14. 194 .ard. On Sunday, though. Spring ^o Mr. and Mts. Clinton Wilson (n« fever entered into the innermost h^''""'*^^! McMullen) a son. being of the animal and the wander- 1 lust got him, so off he went and' made good his escape. John made an atteni'pt to capture him by putt ing Steve Sutton's hound on the scent, but the dog was not able to \ ti-ack tJie coon to a successful ca^- j DANCE AT EUGENIA tui-e, John had a lot of fun with Dance at the Eugenia Hall Friday the coon, as it would follow him May 2nd, in aid of Wesley Jamieson, FuturejEvents arouiul just like a dog and was alst. clean around the house, .\fter it has. had its fling in the outside worid the coon might return to has old haunts and human friends. sponsored by S-th Line Farm Forum. Good music- Lunch, .\dmission: 64>e. Card of Thanks 1 wish to thank my ftiende and neighbors for flowers, cards, letters and boxes of treat which 1 received during my .«tay in Markdale hospital, aho for calls and enquiries since my Likely To Lose Leg In Motor Cycle Accidmt Pte. Norman lonson, stationed at Qe^mp Borden, received injuries to leift leg to such an extent that it may have to be antpirtated. Tlte ac- cident occured while loneon was rid ing on the pillion seait of a motor cyxle, whrich timied off the half paved road, east of Stayner, the motor cycle skiidding on the greasy road. lonaon and the driver were both taken t<j Oollingwood hospital. T^ey were on their w.-iy to their hojiies in CoUing- woo»l when the accident occurred. D.\NCE AT SINGH.^MPTON Dajtce in Hamniiirs Hall. Sing- hao^pton, Friday night, .\pril 2Ctik. M>usdc by Grove's 5-Piece Orchertra. Dancing 9-1. Adurission: 50c. CLEARING AUCTION SALB (Farm stock, implements. Friday, l&ay 2nd, at pre>inises of E3mer Arn- old, '-a mile west of Mclntyre. No reserve as farm is sold. â€" Geo. Don- can. .Auctioneer. DANCE IN MAXWELL Reserve FWday, May J3rd for tl>e dance in Maxwell, ^>onsored by ttw W.I. Watch for further particulaaa. D.ANCE .\T KIMBBRLET Dance in Kimberley C-ommuivity Pte. lonson is a brother- im law <i\\^\\ on Friday. April 25th. Mwic return home. All were very much ; Mrs. Ohas. Hanley and Mrs. Thos ^.^ Hartley's Orche.-<tra. Refre«hm«nt appreciated. Thank you. •Fred Batchelor. Stewart of E^ugenia and W- J- Maater of Flesherton. *^<'" booth. Sponsored by the W(^m«n's Institute, .Admission: 40c.