n 4 IS 3 A * 1 A t THE F1.ESHERTON ADV4^'CB Wednesday, May 7th. 1947 #♦♦♦#»»»»»'>»»♦» » »»»»»»<»»» » »»»»♦♦»»»»»»»♦»»»< . CREAMERY HOURS To safeguard against confusion â€" our creamery will be operated on Daylight Sav- ing time to coincide with your shopping hours. And for your convenience the creamery will oonmience "open evenings" for business until 10 o'clock, beginning Wednesday, May 7th, and Saturday, May 10th, until further notice. Flesherton Creamery CEYLON STEPHEN'S CORNERS Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario ROCK MILLS Rock Mills School A few of the farmers have com- menced to plow, but that is all the work that has been done on the land at time otf writiiig. Mrs. Dick Clank has been very ill and confined to her bed the past 'ew days. Dr. Par*k orf Flesherton has been in attendance. We hope to hear o(f some improvement in her condi- tion very soon. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Wiley of Berkeley and MIrs. Clara Wiley of Tooonto visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phillips and Rodney. Mass Shiriey MfcMullen of Kim- berley spent the week end with Miss Helen Betts. Mrs. Willis Oobum of Markdale is carin? .for her mother, Mrs. Dick Claiik, fo(r a few days. Mi8. S. McMullen, east backline, is spending a week with her daughter, Mre. Frank Betts. Quite a number from here attend- ed the auction sale o^ the household effects of the late Mrs. J. P. Ottewell In Flesherton on Saturday. Mr. Fred Hai-grave visited one day last week with the Humphrey broth- ers at Ceylon. Grade 8 â€" Mfarie White 93, Robt. Betts 83, Goldie -Atkinson 63, Shirley Partridge 54. Grade 7 â€" Redge Dobson 78, Clay- ton Porteous 65, Leslie Porteous 51. Grade 6 â€" Jeanette Dobson 82, Murray Betts 76, Florence Wilkinson 73, Lois Hehnkay 71 Ken Smith 65, Ethel Betts. 62, Eldon Turner absent. Grade 4 â€" Bruce Benson 78, Ivan Betts 68. Grade 3 â€" Patricia Dofeson 72, Dorothy Wilkinson 70, Bemice Wea- therall 52, Harvey Weatherall 42. Grade 1 â€" Louise Betts 75, Alice Weatherall 71, >^onnan Weatherall 60, Elmer Weatherall 40. Primer â€" Ronald Whdte, Joan McMaster, Sheila Dohson, Haiiel Weatherall. Nimibers are percentages; nunibet on roll 28: average attendance 23. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. Mrs. E. C. Mitchell visited Monday with friends in Toronto. Miss Janet McMaster and Mr. Joh^ Burrows of Kincardine spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. B. Mc^Iaster. Mr. S. P. Hunt spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Himt returnied on Sunday, acco«npained by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt and little daugthter, Linda, of Toronto. The many friends of Mr. Allan MJcDonald are sorry to learn of his recerct illness, and hope he may soon be in good health. Miss Agnes iMkicphail 3x>ent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Chas. McWilliam of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home bere.j Miss I. Sadlemyer, Reg.N., retaim- «d to Hamilton on Sunday, after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McWilham. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel enter- tained the young needle to a pleas- ant social hour last Friday evening, when 14 young folk were present. The Ladies' Aid held their May meeting' at the home of Mrs. Roy] Piper last Wednesday afternoon. Kindly remember s^jecial service ne.xt Sunday, Mother's Day, at 8 p. m.. Daylight Saiving Time, in Ceylon United Church. Rev. Gandier gives a very interesting message and spec- ial music is expected by the young oepple. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosih of Gran Valley visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R. C. Oliver, also with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Miss Miarie Meads of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home. "How many pounds of fish was it you caught on Saturday. Harry?" Husband: "Ten, darling." Wife: "I thought so. That fish shop has made a mistake again. They've charged us for 14." f^^S^ CRAY COACH LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. (Daylig'ht Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toroato Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $f0.8i xSt. Louis X â€" Via jTor*nto $15.85 $31 4t Tickets and Infarmation at the B.-A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON Phone 63 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Londry viaited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Londry and family at Glen WLliams. Mr. and Mfs. Lawson WrTiite of Flesherton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Miss Laura .A.llison of Glen Will- iams Sipent a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and ilrs. Tela. Alkison. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Capell of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Londry and Jim Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hawton- and 'amily of Stayner visited with Mrs Hawton's parents, Mr. and Mrs Chris. Loogrheed. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visitec on Wednesday witii Mr. and Mrs brothers at Washington. Little Anna May Htvwtoa of Stay- ner spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lougheed. ilr. and Mrs. John Hawton of Stayner visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brownridige. MAXWELL John McLean, Feversham. Mr. Wildon Loug'heed returned to spend a few days with his sisiters there, before leaving to visit his GET YOUR FLATS FIXED CAR GREASED BATTERY CHARGED, OIL CHANTSED, Etc. at the B.-A. STATION Phone 63 Flesherton VICTORIA CORNERS 7»'t. and Mrs. Wi.s Dever are re- lieving i.i the hDine of Mr. ani Mrs. 1 .â- 'OS. ^"hrte, San? •" i J:t., while Mrs. Cf»€r's sister, Mr-.. White, is a pa- tient in Markdale hospital. ilr. and Mrs. Jas. Barnion and son. Tommy, and Miss Doris Bannon, all of Toronto, were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Bannon. The auction sale of Allan Mont- gomery's estate was held Tuesday afternoon and was quite successful. The Y.P.U. meeting was held iti the home of Jos. Copeland Friday evening, .A.pril 25. The next meeting will be held this Friday night in the home of Gordon Batchelor. Mis^ Marjorie Stevens is having an unique experience these days in her teaching duties, when two little Engliali children were added to the school roll, in the pei"sons of Graham and Patricia Sliepstone. aged 10 and 7 respectively. These children are the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Browm, who have recently moved to the fann of Merritt Xic^.- olls. These children entered tiheir first Canadian school Monday morn- ing, when they attended class in S. S. No. 4. School lessons in London, England, are much different to school lessons here and Marjorie has the experience of ranking them and mak- ing them accustomed to our ways. Good luck, teacher and pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Coipeland visited Jlr. and Mrs. Hugh Copeland at Meadowvale on Sunday. We are sorry to repwrt Hugh in very poor health. KIMBERLEY Mrs. Parker is the guest of Mrs. Bruce Carruthers for a few days. Mr. Dalton Ferguson spent the week end with his mother here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander of CoUingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi-s. D. L. Weber. Mr. and M'rs. Gonlon Patterson have taken up residence in Toronto, after spending part of the winter WTth'Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber, while waiting to secure a home. Mr. and Mrs. Hai-old Fawcett vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Semple. FEVERSHAM Mi-s. Ei-n Hawton and son, Carl, visited relatives and friends here over the week end. Mis® Norma Heitinan of the Bell Telephone statf. Markdale, visited at her home here over the week end. The fishing season is iww open, but with not much su(S:eS8, as the waters in the rivers are still too high in Oprey Township. Many outside visitors were present on May 1st to start the fishing off rigiht. A meetinig was held in the «!ihool Friday evening, when it was decided by the ratepayers that we w#uld have d:«yiight saving time. It was also decided that lights would be installeil in the school. (Intended for Last Week; We extend dee|)est sympathy to -Mr. Fred Beatty in the loas of hja wife and infant baby daughter, who pa&sed away in Markdale hospital Friday morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James White and Miss White, also Mr. and Mrs. Sher- wood White, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mat Conron of Wareham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blakey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison spent ths week end in Toronto. Miss Marina Acheson of Wareham spent the week end with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Doctor: ''How is the boy who swal- lowed the half dollar?" Nurse: "No change yet, doctor," ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, ED. Paator Worship service on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11th, at 3 pjn. Sub- ject: "Pix)blems of Motherhood." Text: II Kin«3 22:1. Church Scho«« at 2 pjn. every Sunday. Prayer and Praise service Thursday evening, May 8th, at 8:30 o'clock. Come and wor^p with as. We are a friendly folk and you will be welcome. Health practise, like charity, oa- ght to begin at home, in the opinion 0^ Canada's healuh as<4*)ritiee. Rig"ht in the home, they suggest tlie devlopment of habits of personal hygiene, safe sanitation, good nut- rition, and sane recreation. SPffiELLA F0UND.A.TION GARMENTS A ^iiella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, resigned in- dividually and made from measare* metrta taken by experienced cowet iere. Demonstration no <d)ligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BELLAMY. , r^^^^^gfflg^/ Give your car NBWUFewith Tlre$totie ^tUAUTO $ffPPU£S The punishing winter driving monthi take a heavy loll of spark plugs, radiator hose, fan belts, oil filters and other automotiie parts. So fee sure and let us check your car over today for winter casualties. Sow is the time to tune it up for the long spring and summer driving months ahead. Ttresfone l>£ LUXi CHAMPION TIRES Firestones h«v« gvgfything to ajsuf* long low-cost, trouble-free mileaje. It's Canada's No. 1 Tire for Safety, Mileage, Performance and Value. Get more miles for your tire dollar by lettinj us equip your car now with Firestones. TIRES (600-16> 521.55 TUBES (600-16) $4.35 Avoid motor Jieating Made with gum-dipped cob!e cord, and a heat re-. iistont protective cooHng of ruW>er. Long I'fe. v%ifh minimum stretch. From $1iOo There's rainy weather ahead WINDSHIELD WIPER EQUIPMENT Play s<lf«! Initoll Trico Complete Windshield Wiper eqi'ipment Bl.-Tlics. Arflls, Tyb'ng â€" for all Cors. Blades each 45c Arms each $1.00 IAal<e night-driving a pleasure! f i re $f tt e SEALED BEAM ADAPTER KIT Efficient, economical method of converting old tvpe head- light? to provide maximum intense light. Easy to install. From $8.45 â- - â€" â€"â€"â€"-- â€" â€" â€" â€" -T â€" â€" â€" â€" - â€" â€" Your car is as safe as yotir bra Ices I Pirty plugS Can WaSte BRAKE LININGS Perfectly bol- anced for long weor, smooth, positive action. ^J0% of your gas! Instafl POLONIUM SPARK PLUGS S5.35 Matched Set From Assure foster, easier __ starting end smoother, | OC more econcmicol motor performance. Each Avoid costly repair bills OIL FILTERS Dirty oil wrecks motorsi Insfall a Firestone Oil Filter Complete Installation S3>c0 vvVVVkl Protect the cooling system Ttr«$ton« (liiduiioA. RUST RESISTOR Prevents rust, corrosion and sludge. Should be used ^Dring and fall, before add- ing onii-freeie and after its 16oz. tin f UC Twie y0iir e^r ufi fpf SprMf atnl Summer ^rMnf Nf/Mrire$ione iMir^ Mne ADTO SUPPLIES BOYD BROTHERS Ford, K ercury Flesherton, Ont.