Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1947, p. 7

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* X- > * > >â-  > > 4 « A •4 > A A * A < A > » A A * A â- < A <« ^ A r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING B0«IXB8g OFPOBTDNITT AttkntION: Touriat ReiiorU. Souvenir Slinvs. Drus Slorei. I hav* a practical two tone combinalloR ash tray and ciibbace board. Liberal comrataaion. For particular* wnt« Jtudolph Carlaon. Kipling. Ont. SKI.Ti GLADIOLI fluwerg. bic demand, amalf ln\'eatment. quick returna. Bulba tlO.OO to «30.0I> per l.OOO. B. Uarlln, Bux IS2. "Windham Centre. Ont. B.VBV THICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices f.'<r Baby Chfcka and started Chicks Wilt surprise rou. All Chicks from blood, tested stock. Carleton Eiatchery, Britannia Heisbta. Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS at grenlly reduce<l prices for J[ay anJ June. Hatches we»»kly. Prompt delivery. Eeg prices •re exjiected to be high next Fall with price teiUne^ removed. BREEDER HATCHERY of 50'io Breeders. AU double bloodtested. banded and culled for body type and hiffb production Hatched under ld<»al conditions. •'B'*st Chirks We Ever Had. ' ' pullets are laying swpII. cockerels good size, report* Lincoln Luedke, Kden Grove. Ont. Never had such good luck with pullets, reports Em^at G. Earnhardt, Hawkeatone, Ont. Send for free Poultry Guide and Price List, also full particulars on day old and started chicks and heavy breed cockerels. Lakeview Poulli/ Farm Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. HEAVY BREED cockcre'a. started â€" available for prompt shipmenr. Catch the early markets with these, quick turnover with mini- mum of labor and coat. We've also chicks, aome immediate shipment. Australorpa. New Hampshires. L,S. x N.H. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton. Onr. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS U-\T delivery, book your order tod.ar at the foilowins prices. Cnaes-^d Chicka 112.00 per 100. PuUeta »;:.00; Coi 9c; Leghorn .\ Hampa un.'jexed. J12.00 per 100; PuUeta 26c; CoJt 8c Pullonim-Teated Gov't Approved Stock n 00 Down, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK BATCHERT Box 256. Elmlra, Ont. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also mixed chicks and cockerels. All raised In brand new air-conditioned brooder plant under Ideal conditions. Send for Weekly Spei'ial List of started chicka. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter. Oniario. «c HURONDALE CHICKS lie Sussex X New Hamps.. Rock X Hamps.. Barred Rocks. N'ew Hampg.. Rock X Leg- horns. Sussex X Leghorns. New Hamp. X Leghorns and Pure Leghorns lie. Pure Sus- aer 1 2c. Assorted Mixed Chicks 9c. HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed puUets 19c. after June 1st 17c. Medium Breeda and Leghorns Clc. Aa- jiorted Pullets 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerels â€" Send for Special Prices. 3000 BKEEDER.S All double bloodtested. banded and culled by Inspectors, backed by high pedigreed founda- tion stock. Many customers report wonder- ful success. "Best Chicka I Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 3 WEEKS TO a WEEKS OLD. 2 weeks add 4c, 3 weeks add 19c. 4 weeks add l.'lc. 5 weeks add 2flo. 6 weeks old pul- lets 50c. 100% live delivery guaranteed. 11.00 per 100 deposit on day olds. lO'T. on started orders. Order from and ENCLOSE this ad. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Hamps 6c. all other heavy breeds 6 4 c. Assorted heavy Cox SVsc. Rix'k X Lcshoin Sussex X Leghorns S'-jc. P.iy old Cox only Hurondale Chick Hatchery. LOMWX, ONT. DVEING AXU CLEANING •H.WE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- Ine"* Write to us for Information. We are .glad to answer your Questions. Dep.irtmeni H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge :Slreet. Toronto. Ontario FOR SALE ATTENTION FAR.MER!^ â- FOR PALEâ€" Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $15 00 each, rear wheels: $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. i Wllt- j«hire Ave. Toronto, Ont. "lU^TTERFlELD" ahlnglo mill with saw. trimmer and packer. 24 inch "Little • Ginni" waterwheel with division plate. Also wood pulleys and shafting. Mervyn Caldwell. }>alIytTOV. Ont. CANVAS COVERING Heavy White Duck waterproof with Ught rubber coaling one aide. 80 Inches wide, 11.25 yard. Suit.ible for Canoe Duck. Ground Sheets. Roof or Deck Covering. Full mils 10(* yards special price. Supplied In Tar- paulins, sturdy, long wearing, complete with tie ropv»3 12c square foot. Write for sample John Leckie Limited. 77 Wellington St. W.. â- Toronto. Ft'R SALE â€" Victory ct«>k books. SOO iccipes, l»oatpald. 50c. Mrs. Andrew AloOaln. Flor- ©nreville. N.B. DAHIilA ROOTS, choice, named, labelled. all colors; Cactus, Decorative. Formal. In- formal. Miniature. Poms. Twenty-five cants each, ten for two dollars. Mrs. Stewart Mitchell. Wool<»r. Ontario CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper nails. tacks and canvas filler Write for prices .John Leckle Limited, 77 Wellington Street TV.. Toronto. FOni ROOM HOUSE with an acre of land, huus? with bMsenient and water Inside. In :good repair. Situated 1 Vi miles from Strath- burn off No. 2 Highway. Nice place for gardens or chickens. Price $1,200. Mrs. Violet Nick. R.R. 2. Dutton. Oot. FARM WAGON FOUR WHEEL FARM WAGON CHASSIS â-  eatiipiied with 600 x 16 tires. Hugged all-steel weldetl construction with adjuatable reach. This wagon Is new. the tires are used but very serviceable. Special low price $153.00. Victoria Motors Limited. Niagara Falls. Ont. Ft>R SALE, bread mixer. Fletcher, four-bag mixer. ihoroughly reconditioned. Keffer Ma^'hino Shoi». Brusaels. Ontario. "FRUIT TREES â-  Good BtocV nx rfH!..»iK»M.- rrk'os. tVAch. pear. |l>ple tro.'!.. II. KiUins. It 2. Welland. ixrlc- JJPP â- Onuxr Indian Hill Turkey Ranch Wi> guarantee tho genutno broad-breasted brttnre turkey i>oults. Our flocks are tube te&ttM and wero headed by Kopeta Toms direct fiitni Orofjun. Wrli« for fr>L»e circular to Indian Hill Turkey Ranch. Box 203. Stayner. Ontario. MUSICIANS STRINGSâ€"Vionn. Steel (wound) Set (U) .50c. (W> II 25. (X» |l.8.>. Pro- fessloniil Set (X> $2,30. Hawaiian Oultnr â€" :8ilver P wound 6 strings .75c. Hawaiian Gui- Xmrâ€"Miomti wound 8 strings 11.50. Spanish â€" {iflv^r- P wound « strings .SO". Ttronte 8 .at rings $ 1 ttO. Mandolin Set $1.80: Banjo . Set 1115: Vkelcle Set . 50c Postage paid. Fully guitrnntetHl. Send Money Order to: AKttLIAV M.vx lU. Station 'D*. West Tor- • onto. On w â-  ".MODERN GUN~SHOP ANTKII K \M> >I(>I>KRN .\R.tl!l IIOCI.IIT. .SOI.It, K.M II.XNOKU i:\1'Ki:t i:Kf>iKs li* ;;; I hih .â- Â»vm''.i1i!» n!H»!i reMUeat. .-Il-na lUM'OKTH WK.. TORONTO. Nl' 1 HOMK I : R< AV .N or<-h:ird~ in. aa a.-eS S... 11.1 .No r. S3c lb. T. W. (U.v.-nluik. .<MI *., Cr.-aae^. "T"-.'* Inatvt'e^J.-^ Rleclrii f. n,-« t .»iii',>r*»H. H'viR- a'>d H;»n INInl .Ri 'I «'o4ii'.i«^. PI. r*';i'*ia wrtnled Win* â- Wairu Ur.iai; * i» i l.ii â- 4. Taronl*. rOB BAI.K PERMANENT Paaturs Mix, 112.00 per Acr«: S11.S6 Fiva acrea or mora delivered, four typea to ault your aoll and climate. When orderlnc atate aoll typa, dralnaca and fertllltr. Stittavllle Feed Store. Stlttaville. Ont. PUMPING New Stock of Sump Pumps. Shallow Well Pressure Systems. Deep Well Hand Pumps. Pump Jacks. Rotary Gear Pumps, Cistern and Cellar Drainers. Complete stork of 80 and 25-cycle. Motors. Three Phase or Single Phase. Pull stock of Woodworking Machinery. Factory Distributors Logan Metal Cutting La then. We ship anywhere. Your Imu'rlea are tnvlte'I. Milgrom Electric Limited 7U King .Street We«t Hamilton. Ontario. RFiaiSTEKED Welsh Terriers for sale. Puppies, show, breeding stock. Excellent pedigrees. Tom Fitzpa trick. Windsor, Nova Scotia REGISTERED SPRINGERS, also cockers, by champions. Talbotcrnft, Reg'd., Rockwood. Ontario RTDGEWAY Strawberry Plants. One of the beat plants I've dug In years. 50 â€" $1.50. 100 â€" $2.00. Harvest King 100 â€" $1.25, prompt delivery, prepaid. D.ivfd Bauder. Harring- ton. Ont. SAVE YOUR LEAKY ROOF! Old leaky roots made like new again with liQuId asbestos Blast ik Roof Kote. Easy to apply. Saves you money. Full information free. Dominion Cement Paint Company, Dept. S, 454 King West, Toronto, 'our G8th. yea r. > TWO CLYDESDALE stallions, roan. 7 ye^rs. dark bay 11. Premium A. excellent nu-^lity. Cheap for quick aalo. Thos. Colson. Byth. Ontario. TARPAULINS Sturdy brown or khaki Duck Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, all weights. Write for quotations and samples John Leckl^. 77 Wei- TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In ex- cellent shape) 600 X 16 â€" $5.00 AD orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Ti res. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and fork Sts.. Hamilton. Ont. O.VTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted TWO CLYDESDALE stallions, roan 7 years. dark bay 11 Premium A. excellent quality. Cheap for qui< k sale. Thoa. Colson. Blyth. Ontario TRACTORS & BELTS 12-24 Han Parr & Fordson cheap for quick aa!e. Goodyear belts in all standard lengths American Separators A Milkers. American Separator Sales. Godericb. Ont. TYPEWRITERS standard and portable, re- built, guaranteed A-1 condition. Write Capitol Supply 254 Bank St.. Ottawa. Ont VEGETABLE MARSHLANDS AT BRADFORD r.E.VDT TO PL.VNT â€" IRRIG.VTED FOR .S.VLE. RENT OR SH.\RECROP COLBAR MARSH GARDENS I.TU. .VPPI.Y B. B. COI.I.INfiS. BK.VUFOKD. ONT-\RIO. TELEPHON EB. QUICK S.4I.E SEED Cleaninir, erindine anil feed plant In eood fitrmiTis diairi'-t. located at Thonioa- burff. on No 37 Htffhway. Buildinffs â€" ?- storey feed plant, 50 x 30. frame: Bti>ra4;e buildinff. 4"l X 15. frame: cement block hou.-w. 40 X 30. Machinery, buildinsa (8000.00 Mill powered by 70 h.p. Dieael motor. Send In- quiriea to C. E. Richardson. Thom.isbunr, Ont. F.\iUl!> FOR S.VI.E :00-ACRE dairy farm, situated on Klns's Hiffhway. nine miles west of Cornwall Farm in excellent condition, carrying 70 head of cattle at present. Buildlnss consist of two houses, laree bam. large henhouse and pic pen. all in excellent repair: also sugar huah. .Modern equipment In houses and barn .\pply to R. C. Hnrtle, PC. Box 1075. Corn- w.all. Ont. II.VIRDRESSING LE.\RN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on reuuest regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave- nue Road. TorontO- HELP W.\NTED EXPERIENt^BD HOUSEMAID for new country home near t?>shawa. Private roitm. washroom, radio, liberal time off. Cond bus connections. Apply Box 140. 73 Adelaide W . Toronto. FARM H.\ND â€" Protestant, married preferred . â€" house and milk supplied. State experi- ence and wagres. Percy McFadden. Xavan, Ont. 4 t.:R.\DV.\TE Nurses. General Duty. Wanted for a 3.*> be<l Municipal Hospital. In a thriving town, population 2.000. Recreation facilltiea good. Salary $110.00 with full maintenance Increased to $120.00 per month after six months service. 6 day week. S hour day. 3 weeks holiday with pay after one year service. Taber Municipal Hospital. Box 580. Taber. .Alberta. MEDICAL SATISFY TOLRSBLFâ€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drus Store, 333 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid JI.OO. TREAT rOL'RSELF at home with electro magnetism for Arthritis. Rheumatism, In- aomnia. Varlcoae Veins and other circulatory ailments. Frea explanatory pamphleta from CoopeBemedles. Tonga Street, Toronto. TIRED. ACHING FBET! New aid to foot sufferers. Stops embarassinff perspiration. It haa helped thousands. Send 25c with name and address to S. J. Meno, 15C Donlea Dr.. Toronto 12. IT'S PROVEN â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltia should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store, 313 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid Jl.OO. Ml'SIICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINOTON buys, sella, ex- changes musical Instruments. til Church. Toronto 2 OFFEK TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" List of Inven- tions and full Information aent free. The Ramaay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneya. 473 Bank Street, Ottawa. OrPORTCNITIBS FOR WO.MEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LE.\D1.\C. SCHOOL Great Opiwrtunity Learn Halrdresalng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. thouaands succeaaful. Marvel graduatea Amerlca'a greateat ayatem. Illuatrated cata- loKue fre«. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCHOOLS J5J Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St . Hamilton A 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa PATENTS FKTHKKSTO.NAl'GH « Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1390. 14 King West. Toronto ttcoklet of Information on request ^ PERSONAL ttTOP SMOKINO without taking anythinR Internally or ualng any will powerl Send 4c addreaatd envelope for Information Pierre. 442 KIrka Building. Rdmonton t. Alberta LONESOME, join a Society which ui>eratea from Chtiattan princlplea. Sontewhera a futur* sweetheart seeks yi»ur acgualntance. Splendiil Twaltlons. means. Information frtn. Canndiiin Krlcndah'" Society, Itox US. Dur- h.-^'n. On ASTROior'T- A tree Solar Reading Helptui advir, :»•..» K'l drince Men.t h'tlh da'e slsmt*e4l nl,!. i'.H!t'sl envcliipe THh: I'STl'Ht' srccKSS I.NRTITrTK (M »>. 92! Fedeia Building, Klrbmond Stmt Waat, !<>»>â- Â«â€¢ PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, 3c Each SPECIAL COMET loldinc camera, full 127 aize, guar- anteed, t8.9&; with leather ahoulder carry- ing case. til. 45: ablpped postpaid. We have Anaco Films in slock. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 8, Postal Station D. Toronto PHOTOr.R.\PHV GET BETTER PICTURES frr.m this bic. reliable atud'O AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your films. Send them t« Stat Snapshot Service. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or S Exposures DEVELOPED and IMCINTEO SOe Reprints from your negatives 4c. 1 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 25c. En- largements framed 7 x 3" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74c. If picture* colored 94c. Prints and enlargements ma>le from prints of lost negatives. I>eD(, .M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX l-;9. POST OFFICE A. TORONTO ST.A.MPS GRAH.^1 BELL on paper showing postmark wanted. Collectors to join New Zealand Exchange Club. World Wide .'rrreapondenta. Jl.OO year membership. A. E. Whitfield, tt Glen Road, Toronto TE.\CHERS WANTED Prevent Floods L'litil forests have been planted on the watersheds â€" sometimes lOO miles or more from the areas which are damaged by floods at present^ the floods will continue. While they do, reports will continue to de- scribe the disturbances each spring. Some people flee to higher land while others, like tTiose reported from Chatham, pray as the waters continue to rise. Neither course fully meets the demands of the sit- uation. Why not try tntelligent re- forestation ? â€" Peterborougn E.\ara- iner. Stops Bad Checks For the third time in five months Florence Engers, Chicago cur- rency exchange expert, was re- sponsible for arrest of a sus- pected bogus check artist. Here she shows you how she held the last one, a husky brunette wom- an, at bay while police were called. New Mold Checks Undulant Fever Dr. Grace \. Beal (University of Chicago) reports to the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine that she has dis- covered an antibiotic which may be a remedy for undulant fever, a disease which farmhaiuls may con- tract from infected cattle and pigs. The new antibiotic conios from a mold. It probably belongs to the aspergillus group, which was found in the soil of an enclosure in which there were cattle that were infected with undulant fever germs. FOVR (JfALlFtED Public School Teacbem for School Area No. 2 Montea«Ie and Herschel. Salary J1500. per Tear. Dutlea to commence September 2nd. Apply atatloc qualifications to Earl Musclow. Sec. Treaa, Musclow. Ont. W.\NTED HARDWARE BUSINESS wanted for cash, town or villase. Box 143. Room 421, 7f .Adelaide W.. Toronto. TYPEWRITERS wanted, stale make and model, write 5 37 Besserer St.. Ottawa. Ont. WANTED, Farm on good road, near school. hydro. Going concern preferred. Stats price. Ernest Mace, 177 Floyd Ave., Toronto, GE. 3103. WANTEDâ€" .^11 kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. .loaeph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth -Ave.. Toronto S. IWa do custom grading*. .\TTENTlO.N FARMERS and Property Own- ers. I am prepared to purchase In this district for cash if priced right, parcela of land, large or amall with fair buildinga. Writs giving full particulara of lot number, con- cession number, township to H. Pragnell Realty, 1553 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. READY, AIM, FIREâ€" NO HARM DONE Testing bullet-proof vest he recently perfected, Bernard Sp.?'jner takes aim and fires at Leo Krause, employe of the Spooner Com- pany, in a recent demonstration for Philadelphia. Pa,, police. Bullets dented, but did not pierce, armored plate. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS =â-  ("A Sijcbit Critic") = Our new Ontario Athletic Com- missioner is to be Sylvanus .\pps; and it is extremely doubtful if any appointment Premier Drew could have made to that too-long vacant post would have met with more widespread approval. The general feeling seems to be that it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy â€" the only voices of dissent we have heard coming from a few citizens who were personally craving the job, * * * There was a time when it was widely held that, in order to be tough athletically, you also had to be personally tough, Syl .\pps is shining proof of the fact that those days are passing, and that a decent . code of morals and manners does not by any means automatically brand the possessor of same as a sissy. His example, in the past eight or ten years, has probably done more real good to the youth of our fair Province than several tons of sermons, inspirational talks or, for that matter, newspaper columns. « • » Just what sort of a Job .\pps will do must depend, to a large extent, on the nature of the powers the Government sees fit to confer upon him â€" on whether they make him a real boss, or just a decorative figurehead. We remember one pro- motor who used to say that the body .'Vpps succeeds should be call- ed the Ontario .\thletic "Percent- age" â€" ratlier than Commission â€" on the grounds that all it ever did was to collect its cut of the receipts; and there was more than a grain of truth in his claim. « * « Commissioner -Vpps might be well advised to note that he is going to be dealing with a lot of citizens whose ethical codes arc considerably different 'rom his own â€" that he is about to dabble in circles where trying to outsmart the other fellow is both first and second nature, ami wliere the double-cross is not only common- place, but expected. .\s an illustra- tion of the type of mentality we refer to, we cite the authentic case of a bo.xing manager we'll call Heinie • • « One afternoon, down in the pad- dock of a race track not more than forty miles from Toronto, Heinie could be heard loudly and fluently cursing Jimmy Soandso, owner of a horse that had just won the pre- ceding race. .-Ksked just how So- andso had wronged him, Heinie proceeded to tell a most harrowing tale. * * * . "I know this Soandso pretty good," he said, "So just before the last race I go to him and ask him is he gong to bet on hs horse .'Vnd Soandso says to me. Sure, he's got a nice bet on this horse and expects him to win easy. So of course, when he talks like that, I naturally figure that he hasn't got a thin dime bet, and the horse won't be trying a lick So what happens? So this happens. It turns out that the dirty (ioublecrosser is telling me the truth. So the horse steps out and wins in a common canter â€" and I'm left with a hundred-buck ticket on the thing that finishes third!" » • • So in congratulating Syl .\pps on getting the position â€" also the posi- tion on getting a man like .A.pps â€" we take the liberty of extending a friendly warning to him to walk warily, and protect himself at all times â€" especially in the clinches. Mentalities like that of the afore- said Heinie are all to common in many of the realms of sport he wil! have to deal with: and flie ways of the Heathen Chinee, immortalized by Bret Harte, are simple and forthright compared to those of many connected with the profes- sions of promotion and manage- ment. Labor in Norway Norway has had no major labor dispute for IS years. More tha* half the labor force of the country is unionized, as compared with only a quarter in the United States, but it shares with management a con- ciliatory attitude towards industriml problems. Unions, moreover, *r« liable to damages should they ham an employer's industry in vioIatuM of contract, and are open for dam- ages should they breach a con- tract. SAFES Protect your BO<»KS and CASH from FIRB aad THIEVES. ir« bare a atie aad t^pa ot Safe. «« Cabinet, for anj parpose. V1«tt lu, or vrrlte for price*, etc^ tm Dept. W. J. 6c J .TAYLOR UMITCO TORONTO SAFE WORKS 143 Front !>(. f... Toroata Ratabllahrd ISS5 HARNESS & COLLARS i'dnners .'Vtteation â€" Consait yuar neareit Harness Shop about Staco HameM SappUas. We sell our goods only througli your local Staco Leathar Gooda dealer. The goodM are nrht, and ao arc our pricea. 'We manufacture in oar fae- toriea â€" Hamesa. Horse Col- Ian, Sweat Pads. Horse Blan- kets, aed LeatJier Travellinr Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and yia jol snt'lsfs -''.11 M.ii'c or!v hv SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Weilington St. f... raroato WRITE FOR CATALOGUE The white-tailed deer can run at a speed of ,10 miles an hour for short distances. XlC-lK^ CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre-War QualHy Thm onty Ggaretts f aper MADE IN FRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVER PURE WMTE Fr«« Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLUNG usm a ZIG-ZAG 9Sf CIGARETTE ROLLER ISSUE 19 â€" 1947 QM Standakd &^ •^ CufoMem Tobacco ^w constant Si»„i,- MUTT AND JEFF-Thafs Why They Have Bands In Parades. Takes Y LISTEN, W6 CANY ALL Be V. BI3 SHcrrs.' soMBoDvs eor T: DO THIS KIND OF WORK. our Mind Off The Work By BUD FISHER ^- . .

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