Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1947, p. 8

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iiicsday, May 7th, 1947 TliE FL]i:SHERTON ADVANCK Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Cow and calf. â€" Grant flefantoy, R.R. 1 Flesfeerton. FQR SALE â€" Thomas 6-octave or- C«n, will sell very ciieep. â€" Mrs. Francis Genoe. phone 94w. PIGS WAKTBD â€" 60 young pi«rs, ready to wean. â€" Donald Gillies, Prieeville, phone 49wl. 46p2 .VA.NTED â€" AUBsis siirit«l)le Ioj tnink and fox feed. â€" ^Bert McIatoAt Eug<eniii, pho<M Kev«nh»-i 6i26 FOR SALE â€" Chunks of pigs, 75 to 126 Ibe. â€" G. W. Littlejohns, F<hone 33ti5 Markdale. 46p2 FOR SALEâ€" 100 bushels quick lime. Efuri Fenwick, piione Fevershain 23r43, or Percy Smith 23r43. FOR SALE â€" 115 Rook and Hamip. yearling hens. â€" J. P. Stewart, phone Flesherbon 32w4. 47pl FOR SALE â€" Man's bicycle 28 in.^ ipractically new. â€" Geo. Boyce, R. R. 1, Flesherton. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Baby's pram, bone colored, in good condition. â€" M'rs. Earl Foster, phone 41wl. 48c2 WANTED â€" Bxizz saw in good con- dition; also 14-plate intbrow discs. Please nortify Alex. Ounican, R. R. 1 Ceylon, phone 40J4. 4»pl FOR SALE â€" Seed peas, Chanceler (early) and Canadian Beauty. â€" CJhas. Haw, Lot 18, Con. 18, Proton, phone Dundalk 56J3. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 (brood sows, Tam- worth due, and Yorkshire due the middle of June 2nd and 3rd litters. â€" Geo. W. Ross Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" 3 summer dresses size 14, one black crepe sequin-ti-im size 16, half pric«. Can be seen at The Advance office. 47p2 PX>R SALE â€" Coal brooder in good Condition; also 8 young pigs â€" Mrs. F. Jamieson, Eugenia, phone 5r24 Feversham. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Set Off National scales 2,OO0-lbs. ; good work horse, lO yrs. old. â€" Hugh Fenwick, Maxwell, .phone 4r21 P'everaham. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" Table carrots and parsnips, good quality, 76c bu. Oome and get ttiem â€" F. Field, Ceylon. 48p2 FOR iSALE â€" Outboard motors, brand new, l h.p. $78.50, invmed- iate delivery. Transportation pre- paid. â€" Cbristifln's Electric and Hardware, Osftiawa, Ont. 48c3 FOR SALE â€" Seed Slpring wheat, Durham, also seed peas, botti ex- cellent quality and good yielders. â€" Neilburt McKenzie, RR. i Cey- lon, phone Flesherton 104Jli. LOST â€" Wallet on Sat., April 19, between D. W. Adams and the Co- operative store. Finder please leave at The Advance or notify Frances Adams, pbone 102w4. f^R SALE â€" Matched team heavy (hores; set heavy harness; set lig^it harness; mower; hay raike; buggy; hay iack;l-furrow sulky plow. â€" A. Conikt-y, R. R. 1 Ceylon. 48c2 iPOR SALE â€" Auto truck in good KJOndition, with motor overhauled; aleo new auto-trac rear end mount- ed on steel. â€" Percy Sennple, Eugenia. 4gc2 FOR SALE â€" Certified Cobbler po- tatoes, also Wanbas, Katahdin and Sategioes; quantity of O.A.C. 21 barley. â€" A. S. Muir, Ceylon, phone flesherton 104J3. 47p2 tOBfl â€" Black Spainiel, short hair, answers to name of "Pal." Last seen 3 nwles south of Flesherton. Finder plea«e notify Mr. King, 86 8Wi St., Long Branch Ont. POR SAliB â€" ^Perciheron horse, 7 yrs. old; Durhami bull cajf, 8 months oW, eli^ble for registration; 2 •tacks of mixed hay; gang plow and cultivator. â€" Fred Russell, gihone 30r4 Marikdale. 47pl IXXR SALE â€" Several good young Sootcti Shorthorn bulls, ready for seiriee, sired by Merry Sensation by the grand champion Risffoot Sensation. â€" Howard I. Graham, OpAitm, RkR. 4, Mariodale, tele- p»»ne 60r2. 47p3 POR SALE â€" Rich Velour Ohester- CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, ED. Pastor Sei-vices on Mother's Day, Sunday, May nth. Worship at 11 a.m. sub- ject: '"Problems of Motherhood." Text: II Kings 22:1. Church School at noon every Lord's Day. Worship at 7:30 p.m. Subject: "What is Baptism?" Colossians 2; 12. Baptism at close of service. i.\Pid-wpek Prayer and Praise ser- vice every Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Tou will feel at Home at our ser- vices. Welcome. Husband: "I passed Jones in the street yesterday, and he refused to recognize me â€" thinks 1 am not his equal." Wife: "Equal, indeed! Of course you are. He is nothing but a great, fat, conceited idiot." FOR S.A.LE â€" Windmill and pump, 65 feet of piping $50.00 â€" Phone Flesherton 13'Jw3. 47c.. POR SALE - foot tower, sherton. Toronto wiildmill, 40 - Arthur CJhard, Fle- 47p2 FOR SALEâ€" Ajax, Cartier and Van- â- tiuard Oats, good for seed. â€" G«o. Cairns, phone Flesherton 44w3. ROOM WANTED â€" By business man about May 10th, in Fle^erton or in farm ihome. Give information to The Advance office. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" .\jax oats for seed; a few sows due to farrow soon; Hol- stein c^w; work horses and saddle horses. â€" Dick Carson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 22M3. 48c2 CUSTOM PLOWING and Discing. â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. 1, Prieeville, iphone Durham 608 r 3. 48p2 FARM FOR SALB 100 acres , Lots 16 and 17, Con. 2» N.D.R., Artemcsia, good land and bush; well watered; good house. â€" Mrs. R Stewart, Ceylon C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^.S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street, Fleslierton WM. KMTTING I, ICKNSEn AT'CTIONEEH for the County of Grey Pnrm and Stock sales our sj alty Perms: reasonable. Satisfaction i« /uarante°d. Dates arranged at 'Vm Advance rficf nr phon* 4w. Card of Thank* I deairet t© esupress my sincere gTa_ titude tx) my neighbors and kind friends who assisted me in my hour of trial, especially those who took care of imy every need and watched with me idhi-ough the midndg'hit hours and until the dawn of day. May itihe Lord bless them all. â€"-Mrs. M. Gilbert Card of Thank* I wish to thank <aU those who sent me cards, flowers and treats while 1 was a patient in Markdale hospital. Your kindness will aJNvays be re- membered. Sincerely, â€"Mrs. John McWdliam. Card of Thank* The Eighth Line Farm Forum wish to thank all those who support- ed and helped to make the dance in Eugenia on May 2nd a decided suc- cess, also for donations and to the orchestra which provided the music. Tne winner of the gallon of maiple syrup was 'Mrs. J. Plummer of iFepershami Card of Thanks Mr. John W. Stafford of Fevershani wishes bo express his sincere thanks to the people of Flesherton for the splendid assistance, and all those wiho assisted when his home was in danger during the fire Monday night. Once, they said "She drove him to drink;" now they sav she drove him because he was drunk. The mosquito travels at tiie rate of ten feet a second. But the hand moves faster once they bite. GET YOUR FLATS FIXED CAR GREASED BATTERY CHARGED, OIL CHANGED, Etc. at the B.-A. STATION Phone 63 Flesherton Notice of Closing and Selling Road Allowance in the VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellaniy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m- TAKE NOTICE that undea- the powers granted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, the Corporation of the Township of Art- emesaa will pass a By-law at its meeting to be held on the 6th day of June, 1947, authorizing the clos- ing up and selling of a certain street or i-oad allowance laid out on the plan of the Village of Prieeville, heieinafter more pauticularly de- scribed, unless prior to the aforesaid date, notice is received from anyone verified by affidavit, statinig that hi® land will be prejudically affected by the said By-law. And take notice that the land affected by the said By-law is described as follows: In Dhe Village of Prieeville, in the Towrnship of Artemesda, County of Girey, and being all that part of John Street lying between Town Line Street and Queen Stireet, as laid out 0(n the aforesaid plan of the Villaige. DATED at Markdale this 23rd day of April, 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, iSolioitors for the Township of Ai-temesia Local and Pe rsonal Mi-8. Jas. Jamieson od' Eugenia is visiting with Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. Ted McDonald of Timmins was a visitor in town over the week end. Miss Genevieve Milne returned to Toronto University Thursday, after spending a week at her home here. Messrs. Harold and Eldlon Fisher, Toionto spent the week end with their mother, Mts. E, Fisher. Mr. Jas. Wilson and Si>n, Mark, of Owen Scund spent tiiu week end in town. \!i a; ( Mrs. .3 ; Ci :.-8ley and J. n.i â- '* Toronto •.'^f.'X '"ho .^â- eek er.d with Mi's. Wm. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their ccttage in town. Mr. and Ma-s. Frank Hanoox of Toledo, Ohio, are spending this week as guests of Mrs. Jos. Blakeley. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts o^ lis- towel spent the weelk end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs Ros.s Thibaudeau and two younger sons of Detroit spent Sunday wth Mrs. T.'s father, Mr. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bvison Wilson of London visited in town several days last week, the former enjoying the opening of the trout season. Mr. and M'rs. Ross Thibaudeau and children of Detroit visited over the week end with her father, Mr. Mark Wilson. iMlr. and Mrs. A. D. MIcIntyae, Bob and Allan of Dornoch were visitors with (Mrs. E. Nuhn and other friends on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ward Oa&.. of Buffalo, N.Y., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chi-is Thomson over the week end. Mrs Bi yd ret-ivicd last week to her ho:n,', after ••p;-. I'M? ihfl wintcj •I, Bernu'oa and the pa.-it two we-Jns in Toronto. Mi-, and Mrs. Ken Kaitting and little son, Wayne, of Preston visitei over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. Mrs. Earl Foster and thi-ee child- ren, Detroit, are -spending a couple months with her mother, Mi-s. Geo. Hutchinson, and brother, Milton. Mrs. J. Jamieson returned to her home here this week, after spending the winter at iSouth Porcupine with her daughtei', Miis. Honer, wiho ac- companied her to town. Mrs. F. J. Thurston underwent an operation in Owen Sound hospital or Monday morninig and last word was to the effect that she was making a.r excellent reoovery. TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Township of Artemesia • Don^ 1st one dissMtens Am «%• •at the rssalis of yssn of labeoft Let OS «ady year prepsrty, ssdaaM lbs prolectloB yea need, sod vHm a Pflet Imnmice PoUey le gh* yea sdeqvaie protedlion. â-¼e write PUet Insoraoce t* ••*« •elected risks in Aatesieblle, IW PSnoDsl Property Floeisri Bar^ lary. Piste Glass, Pnfclie LiabUlIf sad otker lenscal imanms^ H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Kepreienting field Suites at reasonable prices;! wide variety of styles and cover-) ings, at f^huett & Sons (opposite tJieatrc ) Mt. Forest. Free deliv- ery, alipo pianos, washers, rugs, bedroom furniture. PrLOT INSURANCE COMPANY ^ ' iSealed tenders plainly miarked as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to 3 pjm.j D.S.T., Monday, May 10th, 1947, for the construction, of a 40-foot span re- inforne*! concrete rigid frame bridge On the road allowance between two and three N.E., opposite Lot 168, Townhip of Artemesia. Plans and specifications imay be seen and ten.ier foiinis obtained at the office o' the undersiigrned. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. I. B. Whitlaker, J. H. Beatty, Koad Supt. Twp. Engineer, Ceylon, Ontario Court House Owen Sound TENDBKS FOR GRAVEL Township of Artemesia Tenders will be I'eceived by the Clerk until 12 o'clock noon. DjS.T., on Monday, May 12th, 1947, «or cruisihing, hauling and spreading on roads, under direction of Council, a.pproxiimately 8,000 yards of *ik inch gravel. Pits to be chosen iby Coun- cil and Road Superintendent. All tenders to be quoted at a flat rate and aeconvpanied by marked cheque for 1200.00. A. H. Chard. I. B. Whittaker, Clerk Road Supt. Flesherton, Ont. Ceylon, Ont. Card of Thanks Mr. Fred Beatty wishes to express his heartfelt thanlks and gratitude to his neighbors and other friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and acts o^ ikindness ^hown in many ways durinig his recent bereavement in the loss of his wife. AUCTION SALt FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. HAROLD FENWICK will seQ by public auctioin on. LOT 11, CON. 9, OSPREY WEDNESDAY, MAY 14TH 1947 the following, naanely: HORSES â€" Team Clyde Geldings 8 years old. CATTLE â€" 7 Milk Cows, ages and dates given day of sale; 2 Heifers, 2 yeiaj-s old, due in June; 5 Steers, £ years old; Heifer 2 years old; 11 good Calves, rising 1 year old; 6 Sprin, Calves; Brood Sow with U pigs; 2 B ood Sows, bred. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" No. 70 Oli- ver Tractor on rubber in Al condition. 3-F. Ace bottom International Tractor Plow; Cocksihutt Double 30-pliati Disc; M'.-H. Binder, 6-rfoot cut; M.-H. Mower, 5Vj-foot cut; M.-H. 16-,plate Hoi'se Disc; 2-furrow Gtang Plow; 17 tooth CultiivRtor; single fun'ow Rid- ing Piuw; Ivlelcbte Cream Separator, with electric motor; numerous other articles. SEIEDS, GRAIN, HAY â€" 5 Bush. Timothy Seed; 60 Bushels No-barb Barley; 50 Bushels of good Oata suit- able for seed; IB Bags of Potaitoes; Quantity of Hay. iSALE AT 1 P.M., D.S.T. TERMS OF SALE Hay, grain, tractor and out-fit and al) uums of |10.0O and under. Cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given by furnishing aipproved' joint notes satisdtectory to the Bank of To- ronto, Fever^haim bearing 6 per cent interest. This sale is caused by poor health of the piYtpriotor and everything goes without reserve. Chester ^MCng, Clerk. GEO. R DUNCAN, Auctioneer DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Uiaduate of Toronto UniverBity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton TENDERS WANTED 4 \ TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Wed., May 14th, 1947, for the purchase of bam 36x16, dtuble boai-ded, 2x4 frame and 2rt overlays; wood shed 15x18 with 2x4 frame; both buildings on Legion Hall iproperty, Flesherton; Purchaser to clean up property. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"ARTHUR CHARD, Chairman, Legion Hall Boaird. WIOOL GROWERS ORGAMUnON SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Wareiiouse No. 1 WE.STON, ONTARIO CARIBFUL WEIGHING RELIABLE GRADING Obtain sacks and twine from J;. W- ROBINSON, Feversham WES YOTTNG. Maxwell or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Tenders will ba reoeiTed by the undersigned for the purchase o' part Lot 161, h NB., Flesherton, contain- ing 12 acres' more or less, last date for tenders being Sat., May 10, 1947. â€"C. J. BBJjLAICY. Clerk, Village of Flesherton NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ib the matter of the estate of 6«o rge Lawler, late of the Village ol Flesherton, deceased- All persons having claims against the estate of George Lawler, late ot the Viila/ge of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, retifred farmer, who died on or about the 11th day ol Maroh, 1947, are required and here- by notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors for tSie Execu- tors on or 'before the 19tii day ot May.A.D., 1947, full particulars vere- fied by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 19th dajr of May, 1947, the estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which the Executors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 28th day of April, A.D., 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP. Markdlale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors To Cream Producers Let me demonstrate a new Renfrew Cream Sapetaor in your own dairy, and prove to you that it pays to have a good separator now, when cream prices are at a premium. Hand & Electric Separators in stock W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON F. T. HILL & CO., Limited !i JUST ARRIVED SAMPLE BLOUSES Regular $3.95 Sale Price $2.88 Dainty Sheers and Jerseys White and pastel, Sizes 12, 14, 16 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve - Semi Dress Style White and Colors - .\lpacca Weave $3.50 and $4.50 A LARGE GROUP OF Hosiery and Rayon Knit Underwear Sheer Nylon and Rayon Hose Dainty Rayon Knit Briefs and Panties REMEMBER, WE CLOSE MONDAYS F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale »l»'»«l*^ M It H 1 1 »♦« I M M tl l »*»»**»»^«<'«l I M l I III »♦ ♦ ,♦ I "N. 4 T r jii

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