Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1947, p. 5

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k, » ^ »â- *â-  ^ * ' 4 â- Â« > •« > ♦ Mr ♦ •* -4 f A * W â- " » 4 « •• » ^ * « * A ^ t t » > •« » t i ^ » « t â- r •^ « * » ^ 4 >- ^ â- Â» • * -% » "I A fc « 4 ^ T r * ^ 4. >- fc * X x> r r â- Â»- * > k i> ^ / â- > r «i y ^-' â- ^ > % A n . ^â-  » THE Fi.ESHERTON ADVAL'CE Wednesday, May 21, 1947 '♦♦♦â- Â»^»'»»»<'»»»»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»fr»»»»»»<'»»»»»»»^*»»»»» CREAMERY HOURS To safeguard against confusion â€" our imery will be operated on Daylight Sav- time to coincide with your shopping •8. 'i.nd for your convenience the creamery tiommence "open evenings" for business ! 10 o'clock, beginning Wednesday, May and Saturday, May lOth^ until further ice. Flesherton Creamery us Avis, Manager Phone 66 | FLESHERTON, Ontario â-ºÂ«^^>&*<><>C">«K"X~>*>>*K«<^:~X«<~K~X"M^««<~X'»*«><KK»<-M^ TSie elderly treaeureir of a wo- man's aid society went into a banik to deposit the oirganization'B ftinds. Fall CoutBe Meals Lunches B.-A. SERVICE STATION and FIRESIDE LUNCH FLESHERTON liundhes made qp to taike on your fiabing trip. Phone 63 Reg. Boden, Prop. She banded the Rioney to a hard of hearing cashier with the casual re- mark that it was "the aid money." The cashier tbougiht ghe said "egg money," and wanted to ooimpliment her. "Jleimarfeaihle," he said, "isn't it, how well the old hens are doing these days?" April was the month wlien you hung up your winter overcoat â€" right where you could find it to wear dniring May. '4i^: EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE Owen Sound - Flesherton - Toronto Account Victoria Day Ht^day TraTel SUNDAY, MAY Z5 Addiional train for Toronto, making all stops, will operate on the following schedule: Leave Owen Sound 4:45 p.m. I Arriye West Toronto 9:00 p.m. Leave Fleslwrton 5:46 p.m. I Arrive Parkdale 9:Cf7 p.m. Leave Brampton 8:08 p.m. | Arrive Toronto Union 9:15 p.m. (Standaid Time) Far times ait intermediate stations consuilt Agents. Ask about low Holiday Week-end Pares. CANADIAN P.A.C.LF.LC f^^<^ •4 -« « < * * * * * 4 A « 4 * ^ •« r * » I » Ik • » ^ f * m ^ * * * !• ' LEAVE FLESHERTON ROCK MILLS To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.ni. b Sun. and Hoi. (DayJogiit Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO â-  ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa M«nteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $e0.80 xSt. L«uU X â€" Via iToronto $15.85 $3141 Tickets and laformatien at the B..A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON Bhone M (Intended for Last Week) M'o/ther's Day service was held in the dhwch here Sunday <aAtemoon, when Rev. White took iov his text "Problems of Motherhood." A large congregation enjoyed the sei'vice. Miss Helen Betts is spending this week with Dr. and Mrs. Pollock at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark visited at the week end with Toronto relatives Mr. Wm. Hiargrave of Dunidalk vis- ited over Sunday with hii» ibowtlher, Mr. John Hargrave. CaniiptoeH's trucks from Durham commenced Monday to hiaul lu/mber from the mill here to the factory of the Duriham Furniture Co., Limited, at Durha.m. Master Robin Pollock, Owen Sound spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs FraiDk Betts, Helen and Harold. Mr. Harold Clark and friend, Miss Burtil* Blackburn, 6t Toronto sipen* the week end at the former's home. Now that the i"oads have dried and are in ^better condition, several trucks are again hauling logs to the mill. We understand Rook Mills is not entering a team in the Softball league this year. FEVERSHAM Miss Mary 'Mills visited at her parental home over the week end. Mrs. (Jeo. Burike, wlho has spent lihe last wliiile in Dunsan, is back at her hoime in the village. Mr. Jim McKee is home at present recuiperatinig from an operation. The Presbyterian services are now oipen for the su/mmer, with Mr. Bell officiating. Services will be held each Sunday at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Miss Norma Heitman apent the week end at her home here. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henb Eby were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aranistrong and Sheila of Barrie and Mrs. Thompson Davidson of Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oabome of EXundaJik visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson. (Intended for Last Week) iMr. and 'M}rs. Ivan Alexander of Creemore, Mir. and Mrs. Wm: Col- Cfueitte of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Bmery Fisttier of Flesherton visirted at the Alexander and MIoKee homes. Mr. and IM&s. Geo. Matthews and fannily visited on Sunday witfli friends and relatives. Mrs. Wim. Kaitting of Flesheribon spent a few days laat week with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies. Mr. and Mrsu Torrence WiUdanis of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred TJyler on Sunday. A w«come vigitoa? ito otur coanmun- ity is Miss Truius Graafland of Holl- and, fiancee of Mr. Sheldon iMfills. We hiope that she will like us and our coTOimunity. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bby visited on Sunday with Meaford relatives. BUCKINGHAM (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Bmice Bwxwmidsre sj>ent the weeik end with the former's pairents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown- lidige, Stayner. Mrs. Aji'iiold Ralph and daughter, June, visited last week with the for- brother and famdlv near Stayner. Mrs. Jas. Hoidson of Feverah/am apent two days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Sdddell and little daughter of Toronto spent the Mother's Day week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson. Mr. Alex. Sherson of Proton con- ducted service in the church here last Sunday. Mr. Allan Tuplin of Toronto was at his home here oiver Sunday and other visitors with MSr. and Mrs. Tup- Lin- were: Mrs. Dawson and son, Wil- fred, of the town line. The Coimmundty Chib met last week at the home of Mrs. A. Miudlin, with 10 members and visitors present. The a(Cfcem/ooni was spen/t lopiilting. Mrs. Lloyd Haugh invited the Club mernilbers to her home for the June meeting. Some outstanding bills were paid and minor iteims of busin- ess discussed, but fiue to the absence of the president, no plans were made, e»ce(pt tentative arrangement to clean the church. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hockley spent laat Thursday with their daughter, Mjrs. Cecil Hayes, and family on the Fourth Line. iChmtfli services were resuaned at Rdb Roy on May 4th, with Rev. Som- mer of Siraghampton in charge. The seuvices had been discontinued during the winter months. 8TH LINE OSPREY (Intended for Last Week) Quite a numiber of the farmers on this line haive been busily engaiged in buzzing wood. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Armstrong and family of Thombury spent Saturday wi1)h Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Otteweli. lOn May 2nd, the Farm Forum held a dance in Elugenia and a presenta- tion of a fine sum, of money was made to Mr. W«sley Jamieson. Ow- ing to his illness he was unable to attend. Wes has spent the winter in the General Hospital, Toronto. His friends on this line wish him a quick and comiplete recovery. Mrs. Frances Foster and Mr. John Flynn of Vandeleur visited wilih Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. In less tfian two years, voices will be able to travel over "stormproof" cable (most of it underground) all the way between Quebec City and Windsor, , and to many other points. Completing this project is part of our huge programme to keep up with the increasing flow of Long Distance calls. And not only to make sure that calls go through with the least possible delay, but also to ensure dependable service under all weather conditions. We are rushing the whole programme â€" which includes more lines, more switchboards â€" so that Long Distance will continue to be the best communication service. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANr OF CANADA in Memoriam M A X W ELL (Intended for Last Week) The W. I. imet at tihe hoime of Mrs. Telford Ferris last Thursday, with a fair attendance. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Gertrude Seeley acted in her place. The roll call was answered with a garden hint, which was weli responded to. Plans were comipleted for the dance on May 23. and arrangements were made for tlie district annual and 50th anniversary pdenic to be held in Gmeliph. A paper oa oitizenshiiip was read by Mrs. Ferris. Lunch was served by the hositess, assisted by Edith Blakey and Maibel Ross. Visitors at the homu of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew PalMster ovjr the we«k end were: Mr. and Mti*. Jack Yearly of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Guy i.-f Midtend, Mt. Guy PaJJisiter, Mr. and MH. Thos. Palliste.-, -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pallister and Mr. and Mrs. E}verertrte Lawrence, all of Toront.>. Mrs. Chas. Heron is a patient in the Toronto General Iloipitai, and underwent an opa'-"*tion on t'aturday miorning. We wi*h for her a complete recovery. We are pleased to welcome Mrs- Mary Priestley, St., back to Maxwell, aifter having spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Chester Cameron, at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson, Evelyn and Ruth, of Warelw.m spent Sunday wirtJi Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and faimily. Mr. and M*s. Lockhart of Sing hamipton visited with their daughter, Mrs Goldie Udell, or iSunday. Messrs. Mel. and Menrton Hdknes of St. Oafiharines and To«x>n.to, spwit week end wilfli their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Udell went to Toronto Thursday, as both are in poor heaWh and need nuedical care. We hope they will come badk much improved. VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) The semi-annuali school deratal jlin- ic was held Thursday, May 8th, when Dr. MlcAarthur of Markdale inspected the children at the school and notifi- cation o-f dental defects was sent to the parents. A splendid program of sound raov-~ inig pictures was provided in the hall Monday eivenanig by Mr. Weaver of Desiboro. The pictures included the school children's musical festival art Winnipeg, scene from a dairy farm, sicenes from the prairies, scientific work in connection with the fishing industry in Nova S<»tia. A sing-song was abo enjoyed. DEECEOiFT â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Mary Bee- ci-oft, who passed away May 19, 1938. In our hearts your memnry lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear miother. That we do not think of you. â€" ^Dver remeanljered by Daughteirs, Mabel and Marie, and Sons, Ernest and Earl. STORES CLOSED AT PEVERSHAM ON VICTORIA DAY. MAY 24 Stores at Feversham will be closed all day Saturday, but will remain open Friday night... Mail may be se- cured at Robinson's store from 9 m.BL to 10 a.m. Saturday morning, and 9 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the afternoon. The patter of little feet was heard at the head of the stairs. The party hostess motioned for silence. "Listen," she cooed. "The childr^ are going to deliver their good nighit message. It always does something to me when I hear them-" There was a moment of huflbad expectancy. Then from te head of tIhe stairs: "Mom, Willie found an* other bed bus;." PRICEVILLE 12th LINE, OSPREY (Intended for Last Week) Miss Pansy Thomson is holidaying at home with iher parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kevinsky (nee Ellison Doug'las) and Miss Margaret Dlouiglf)s of Toronto .visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas. iMV. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie of Collingwoo(< and Mr. and Mrs. T. R McKenaie of Miaiikdale sipent Mother'? Day at the Jas. MfeKenzie (home. Mr. and 'Mn-s. Burt Wickens, Clarks- burig, were callers at the home of her moither, Mrs. John Dobson, on Mother's D;iy. Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Dobson and girls, accomipanied by Mrs. John Dobeon and Mr. I.ovi Dobsdn of Kolopoi-e, visited with Miff and Mrs. Theodore Gl«nn at Cl-irksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Parks and girl* of Kolopcre visited with M.r. and Mrs. G(^o, Dotbsdn. Mr. and 'MVs. Chas. Turnei- of fliie Meafot-d Road viaiited a f^iw day« â- with Mr. -nd Mrs., Victor McKenzi*. (Intended- for Last Week) Mr. Robert Knox of Swinton Park is spending awhile witH his daughter, Mts. W. R. Meads. Mr. Innis McLean of Toronto apent the week en<l at his parental home. Mrs. Boice taught school three days last week for Mrs. Whittaker, who sipent a few days at Wingham. Mother's Day was fittingly observ- ed in both ahurehes on Sunday, when a special progra.m was given. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock apent Sunday with her mother at Swinton Paric. Mrs. Edgar Patterson is a patient in Markdale hospital. Her many friends hope that she may be feeling better very soon. Many enjoyed hearing Mrs. W. R. Meads gpeakin| oiver CFOS Friday afternoon on the W.I. program^ Her subject was Agricultui-e. The other speakers, Mass Mabel Ross of Max- well and Mrs. EJdna Ross of Dundalk were also enjoyed. Mr. Dougald MwDougall returned home tpom the Duihaim hospital, where he was a patient for weeks. Mrs. Carrie McDougiall is assisting in the home. SPERELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A Spirella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, resigned in dividually and made from measure- ments taken by experienced corset iere. Demonstration no obligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BBLLAMi' RECITAL will be held in the TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON Thursday, May 22nd at 8:15 p.m. PIANO ; Solos,, duMs, daoB and trios by pupils of Mrs. J. E. Milne VOCAL School choruses, part-singing, duets and soIoh by the Public School situdents uHdai- supeivision of Mrs. Lenore Waddell VioRn Ensembis Admission: .\dult8 36c, ChH<k-«n 20<j FIHD OUR BANK IN THIS FARM PICTURE... THE fine livestock you see oa this farm have been built up through the banking services and helpful financing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You, too, may need to purchase foundation live- stock for the development of your farm or ranch. • >"••"'""'":*;:.«« ^â- â€¢â- ' •"'"â- "'â- â- ' Investigate the many advantages you have under the Farm Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your financial needs with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard, IVIanager ^ 1.3-47

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