Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1947, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 21, 1947 TJiE FuiiSHERTON ADVANCK •5" Small Ads LOST â€" Feari ueekJacc in Fleshei'ton, valued as keepsake. Phone 139w3 Fleeflierton. B0c2 FOR SALE â€" Cow and calf. â€" Grant HeVmJiay, R.R. 1 Fleaherton. FOR SALE â€" 6 pigs, several weeks old. â€" Geo. Boyce, R. R. 1 Flesh- erton, east of Rock Mills. 49cl FOR SALE â€" 4-bumer coal oil stove and oven, in gx>od condition. â€" Bill Hyalop, phone 4AI. 49p2 JfAWTED â€" Anunai^ nittable foi mink and fox fe«d. â€" Bert MclatoM Euc«nia, phon« Fcv^nhr-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Pianos, in first class condition. â€" H. C. Blackstone, 615' 8tht St. A., East, Owen Sound, Ont., ' phone 672 5()p3 FOR SALE â€" Freah pitted carrots 30c per basket. â€" Gladwj-n Wiley, Priceville. 50p2 FOR SALE â€" Man's bicycle 28 in.- practically new. â€" Geo. Boyce, R. R. 1, Flesherton. 48p2 FOR S.A.LE â€" Baby's pram, bone colored, in good condition. â€" Mts. Earl Foster, phone 41wl. 48c2 FOR S.A.LE â€" Windmill and pump, 65 feet of piping $50.00 â€" Phone Plesberton 130w.3. 47c.. LOST â€" Paokhard bul)_cap, between I'ji'i'in -ind FleFihfr*on. Return to K-A. Oil station. Flesherton. CUSTOM PLOWING and Discing. - Grant Sayei-s, R. R. 1, Priceville, phone Durham 608 r 3. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Number of Yorkshire pigs, ready to go. â€" John Flynn R.R. 2, Flesherton. 50p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 tricycles and scooter. Apply Mrs. K. G. Goheen, phone 81, Flesherton. 49p2 ""TirE-On Hiui after this date my Yorkshire hog Ts not available foi public service. â€" John Flynn, R.R. 2. Flesiherton. SOp,*? LOST â€" Large black and tan hound. "Anyone knowing tihe whereabouts please notify John Weldrick, or phone 23r31 Feversham. o0c3 FOR SALE â€" Olympic electric radio, W46 model; $36. Apply at The Advance office. â€" Ken Barber, R.R. 3, Proton Station. 50p2 FOR SALE â€" Walnut diningroom suite, including china cabinet, al- most new. â€" Geo. Boyd, phone 5J Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Set of National scales 2,0O0-lbs.; good work horse, lO yrs. old. â€" Hugh Fenwick, Maxwell, phon€ 4r21 Feversiham. 4<>c2 FOR SALE â€" Table carrots and parsnips, good quality, 75c bu Come and get theim â€" F. Field, Ceylon. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Ret;. Shorthorn bull, 12 months old, red; also bred and open heifers, reds and roans; herd fuHy accredited. â€" Roy W. Piper, Ceylon, phone 44wl. 50c3 FOR SALE â€" Outboard motors, brand new, 1 h.p. $79.50, immed- iate deliveay. Transportation pre- .paid. â€" Christian's Electric and Hardware, Oshayva, Ont. 48c:! FOR .SALE â€" Ajax oats for seed; a few sows due to farrow soon; Hol- stein cow; work horses and saddle horses. â€" Dick Carson, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 22M3. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" .Matcheil team heavy â- hores; set heavy hamess'; set light harness; mower; hay rake; buggy; hay rack;l-furi'ow sulky plow. â€" A. Conkey, R. R. 1 Cey)on. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" Auto truck in good condition, with motor overhaulc<l; elao new auto-trac rear end mount- ed on steel. â€" Percy S<»mpk>. Eugenia. 48c2 We know . . . being team captain has its responsi- bilities. But when you're rounding up your team, will you try not to make too many calls at once? Remember-some grown- up may need that party line in a hurry . . . Thanks .1 lot! PARTY LINE OOURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make- is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-woy to urgent calls. Local and t^ersonai Mrs. Clarence White of Wauibau- shene visited over Sunday with her sister, Miss Tena Hendei-son. Miss Agnes MacMillan of Thistle- town spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacMildan. Mil-. Frank Bunt and Miss Florence Bunt, Toronto, were we«ik end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MlacTaviiAi. Mrs. R. Bentham is visiting mem- bers of her family in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adaims and June visited with M*. and Mre. Dni- erson Adams at Fergus on Sunday. Memlbers of Cedarside Baptist Y. P.U. attended the Owen Sound Spring I'aMy on Friday evening last. Mr. Ken Henry (yf Hamilton spent the week end with his mother, MVs. G. E. Henry. Mrs. Geo. Lawler spent the past week with her daug'hter Mrs, W. E. Irwin, at Windsor. EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baird (nee Eva WatTilow; of Toronto are spending a week with the latter's graiidnarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcetl. Mx. and Mrs. Ross Lehmian and Mrs. Hayden of Toronto spent Moth- er's Day with Mr. Jake Williams. iMrs. Donnelly (nee Jean Paul) of Toronto was a week end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul. Mr. and M)rs. Bernall Hutchinson and baibe of Ravenna visited Sunday with Mx. and Mrs. Fred EKickett. Miss Joyce Patterson spent the week end at her home near Dupdalk Mrs. Ted Oamplbell has returned home from Mrs, Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, with the new baby, Kenneth Robert. Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns, Ceylon.n iMxs. W. Thompson and daughter Bonnie Lee, of Owen Sound are visit- ing at the Burton home. Mrs. M. Doupe and Jack of Flesh- ei'ton spent Saturday with her moth- Mr and Mrs. Ken Kennedy of Bi-antford spent the week end witih ! er,^ Mrs. -^-^ Haney, who ^is UI the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. " -â- '>'- "^-i.^- n* n I. Heni-y. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordison of Lake St. Perter, Ont., visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I>uncan. Flight Sergt. Tlhos. and Mrs. Hun- ter, Anne and Michael, of Camp Bor- den spent the week end with Mr. and Mts. A. E. Bellacy. Mrs. F. J. Thurston returned from the Owen Sound hospitaj Thursday of last week and is recuperating fTO(m her operation. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Thompson and son, George, of Kilsyth and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and two daughters of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ward, Mont Olair, N J., called on Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson recently. Mr. Ward lived here for a few years when a child. Died In Colorada At Age Of 100 Years Catherine E. Wickens Gilray, dau- ghter of the late Thomas and Emily Kurd Wickens of KLmberley, died at her home in Florence, Colorada, re- cently, aged 100 years and one month. She was man-ied to John Gilray of Vandeleur and 65 years ago went to reside in iColorada. Her hubsand passed away a nuimiber of years ago. She was the mother oif 11 cihildren, four of whom survived her, Janet, Mlae, Hattie and Charlie, all of Col- oi-ada. She also leaves one sister, Mtrs. Mary Proctor of Kiimiberley and a brother, Charles Wickens of Thora- bury. The late Mrs. Oilray resided by herself until in her 90's and did her own work, even to the bakinie of bread and enjoyed eatra good health THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA DRESSMAKING Having recently gi-aduated from a course in dressmaking in Owen Sound. Miss Joyce Hodder is now prepared to accept custom orders of sewing and dressmaking of all kinds at her home in Fleshesrton. 49c4 Notice of Closing and Selling Road Allowance in the VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE FOR SALE â€" Several good young Scotch Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, sired by Merry Sensation by the grand champion Rigfoot Sensation. â€" Howard I. Graham, Gratiam, R.R. 4, Markdalc, tele- phone 60r2. 47p8 TAKE NOTICE that under the powers granted by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, the Corporation of the Township of Art- emesia will pass a By-law at its 'nt'oting to be held on the 6th day rf June, 1947, authorizing the clos- ing up and selling of a certain street "r road allowance laid out on the j)lan of the Village of Priceville, hereinafter more particularly do- scribed, unless prior to the aforesaid date, notice is received from anyome verified by affidavit, stating that his land will be prejudically affected by the said By-law. And take notice that the land affected by the said By-law is described as follows: In the Village of Pi-iceville, in the Township of ArtemesJa, (bounty of Oiey, and being all that part oi John Street lying between Town liine Streert and Queen Stneet, as laid out om the aforesaid plan of the Village. DATED at Markdale this Mrd <iay of April, 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP. Solicitors for the Township ot Artemesia AUCTION m HORSB; IMPLEMENTS, ETC. MRS. GEO. LAWLER will sell by public auction on LOT 9, CONOESSIOiN 9, OSPREY (known as Ed. Madden Farm) SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1947 the followinig, namely: HORSE â€" Mare, 12 years old. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Light Har- ness; Wagon; Horse Rake; Buggy; Cutter, with doors; Heater & Pipes; Range and Pipes; Couch; Steel Bed Couch; Ainn Chair; Inculbator; 2 Bed- steads; Lawn Mower; Table; 6V2XO Congoleum' Rug, nearly new; 12x18 LinoleUim Length; Aladdin Lamp with sihade; Medicine Calbinet; Dishes; Sealei-s; Ensilage Fork; Steel Tank 8x2; Manure Forks; Set Slings and Chain; Hay Fork; 3-.Burner Perfec- tion Oil Slove with Oven; Horse Col- lars; Wheelbarrow; Melotte Cream Separator; Numei-ous other articles. SALE AT 2 P.M., D.S.T. TERMS: Cash. â€" WM. KAITTING, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Walter MoBride (nee Margaret Maomillan) of Toronto vis- ited at the McMillan home. Margaret remained for a visit with her parents. (Mir. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Niag- ara Falls spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gai-net Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ed Pedlar., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous, Mlaxwell visited recently with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beit Magee. At the Sunday evening service in the church here. Rev. Macpherson, in- his message, paid a special tribute to the mothers. A quartette, Mrs. G. Magee, Mrs. Evalena Graham, M(rs. J. Cairns and Mrs. lid. Bi-eadner, rendered "Mother's Prayer." A story honoring parents, was well told by Miss Joyce Patterson and a reading was given by Billie Maomillan. Flow- ers were in profusion at the altar. Mr. David Genoe and Mlrs. T. Stew- art each had their home wired for electricity recently. Mr. Fred Ross of Maxwell was the electrician. Visitors at the Bent Magee home on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ma- gee of Eugenia, Mx. and Mi-s. Ranald Parsons, Donald and Marion, 8th line, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Wihitfe and Wayne of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, Donna and Darlene of Dundalk. We are sorry to report Jim Magee in the Markdale hospital, where he had a- appendix operation Tuesday. Mr. Earl Mlagee is home from Is- lington assisting his father, Mr. Bert Magee, with the seeding. • Ton mifbt be lb* mtm â-¼icUm of firoâ€" firo ibat tarn qnickly deatroy yonr bonu^ yonr boainoM, yonr propeit]^ your whole life'i work. Lot Pilot Inmrance aeeept th* riafcâ€" ready and ipiick to pay any JoM claim. The eott it Tory low. Ve vrrite Pilot Inraraiie* to cover eeleeted ritki la Aatomobile, Fire, Penonal Property Floater, Bnx^Mlft Plate GlaB^ Pub- lie Liability and other general inanranee. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Representing * PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY Died SPENCE â€" Suddenly at his home 6 Locust Ave., Mt. Dennis, Reuben Spence, formerly of Flesherton, on Tuesday, May 2()th. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon. LOVE â€" At the home of her daugh- ter at Berkeley on Friday, May 16th, Mrs. Wan. Love, formerly of Portlaw. The funeral was held Monday, Mlay IS-th, with interment being made in Mt. Zion Cemetery. McDonald â€" At Markdale Hos- pdtal on Friday, May 16tih, Alloi* McDonald of Ceylon, in his 80th year The service was held Saturday after- noon, May 17, from Richards Funeral Home, Flesherton, interiment being made in McNeijIil's Cemetery, Price- viUe. The pallbearers were: C. J. Kehnedy, G. B. Welton, M. S. Mc- Leod, D. W. Adams, J. W. McMJullen and Geo. Armstrong. English boxer, after losing a fight, kissed his opponent. The only "way he could get in one good smacik. Died In Oregon Ida Helen Moore, daughter of the late Alexander H. MbLean and Helen Fletcher McLean of Kimberley, died at her home in McMinnville, Oregon, on April 26th, at the age of 84 years and seven months. She leaves three danglhters, Mrs. Maud Orr and Mrs. Nellie Westall of Washingiton and two sons, Henry of Randel, Wasih., and Archie of Oregon. She is an aunt of M.rs. O. L. Weber, Kimiberley. Landlord Can Obtain Home The followinjr might be of some interest to landlords who have pur- dhased homes, the information being given out by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board: Question: I understand that land- lords may apply for peiTmission to ob- tain possession of their homes if they were purchased during a certain period. Would you please tell ..le the co-iTect dates. Answer: The period is between October 31, 1944, and July 25. 1045. It's hard to believe, but in less than eight weeks the summer vaction per- iod will have arrived. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres , Lots 16 and 17, Con. 2> N.D.R., Artemesia, good land and bush; well watered; good house. â€" Mrs. R " Stewart, Ceylon HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTRKS. SOLICITORS. EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr Dunlop will be h C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON (liaduate of Toronto University Office; Kennedr Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vi:.LACE CLERK A CommlMioncr for takini Affidavita Issuer of Marriaie Liceiuea CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL'.8, EU. Off ire: Toronto Street. Fleaherton WM. KMTTING LICENSED A 1' r T I O N K K I. for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp ally Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction it fuarantetd. Dates arranged at Vh-. Adrance office or phone 4w. AUCTION SALE GREY COUNTY SHORTHORN BREEDERS ASSOCIATION are holding their 2.3rd Annual Spring Sale of 40 Scotch and Sootch Topped Shorthorns at Campbell House, Stables, Chatsworth Thursday, June 7; 1947 at 1 :30 p.m.. (E.D.S.T. CHOICE STOCK FAN( V HlU:fc.i.iNG T.B. TF^TED-RESTRICTED AREA EDGAR LEMON„ Annan T. S. COOPER, Markdale , President. 'Secretary-Treaaurer. Auction Sale PUREBRED HEREFORDS, 16 Bulls and 12 Females, being held at the Markdale Skating Rink TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1947, at 1:30 p.m. Good quality selected stock. Catalogue on request. lioyd Portcoiis. IVes. T. vStewart Cooper, Secty. Owen Sound Markdale, Ont. Roofing and Siding Now is the time to look over those leaky roofs. If you need a new roof, it will pay to see<iis for prices on the best roofing materials. 3-in-l Shingles 210 lbs. . Winlock and Vee-Lock shingles 123 lbs. Rock Face Rolls 90 lbs. Building Paper Roll Brick (asphalt fibre coating). Be sure and see us for that Insul-bric job. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE IN STOCK Rubber Tire Wagons; Single-Furrow Plows; Steel Wheel Wagon; 1% Shallow Lake Wood-wheel W.agon, used, good as new (bargain) Renfrew new Electric Separators; Hand Separators Some real good reconditioned Separators carry the same guarantee as new ones. jBBATTY BARN EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS Repairs in stock for COCKSHUTT; FROST & WOOD; iPLEURY-BISSELL; PETER HAMDLTON; RENFREW STOVES & SEPARATORS W. E- BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON ^'•'y->-***** * i'***** * ********'i F. T. HILL & CO., Limited i! WEEK END Grocery Specials Aylmer Vegetable Soup, Aylmer Oxtail Soup, Aylmer Onion Soup, Aylmer Asparagus Soup, Aylmer Beef : Noodle, Aylmer jGreen Pea 2 for 15c > ;; Grange and Grapefruit Juice 1 10c each ;; Grapefruit Juice lOo each : Bulk Ceylon Tea 59c lb. • White Bulk Figa 19c lb. ' '• Pitted Apricots 25c lb. ' • Prune Juice, 32 oz. 17c bottle ][ Tapiocfei 2 lbs. 35c W Large Prunes 40-50 19c lb. ; ; Paisins 2 lbs. 45c Assorted Boiled 'Dinners • Chicken Stew, Lamb Stew, Vegetable Stew ....25c each I Dutch Setts 2 lbs. 29c • Fresh Ground Coffee 27o lb. Top Hat Buttered Pop Com 3 pkgs. 10c Size 344 Oranges , 22c doz. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN Saturday, May 24th F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale â- i *â-  4 â- A 1 f â- 4 i â- M -A M •X 41 *t • l

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