Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1947, p. 4

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HWH mtm^ mm A •~- 4 Wednesday June 4, 1947 T'.iE F» j:sherton advance-: • Farmers drive ear* leM than citj fieople and gat ow rates from PUot. > But farmer* do drive â€" one anin« â- ured aecideiit could wipe eat your liome or jour Mvinga. Buy the Ibll protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now> H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. KcprcHentinK We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire Property Floater, Bursary, Plate Glaaa, and otlier For Service and Convenience to our customers COOK'S RADIO AND SOUND Now have the agency fo a complete line of GOODRICH V-BELTS for all Motors and Appliances Come in and pick out the belt you require â€" a catalogue listing of belts for your particular model will assist you .to get the exact replacement. Exchange or money back on all belts not satisfactory. Complete stock on hand at all times. Cooks Radio & Sound Service TME Flesherhi 4J/JIC3 :'ublished ou Collingwood St., Fleshertcn, Wednesday of eaob week. Circulation 1,10Q. Price 1:^.00 a year in Canada, paid in ttii/ance; $2.60 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor Phone 62w FLESHERTON 12th LINE, OSPREY Miss Mina Doug'las of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. Geo. Ball, visited with the fomner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Douglas and Binice. Mr. F. Vaughan of the Toronto Baptist Seminary has opened Prov- idence Community Church for the slimmer months, with service at 8 pjm. E.D.T. Everybody welcome. A business meeting will be held this comisg Friday evening, in regard to the church, shed and cemetery. Miss Shirley Maxwell, teacher at S. 8. No. 16, Collingwood township, was home for the week end. Mr. Neil McKenzie of Collingwood was On a business trip to Mr. Lome Tuplin's. Mr. Dick Nettleton of Toronto, ac- companied by Miss L. Cott, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Douglas over the week end. We are sorry to report Miss Beth Com"voisier of Feversham Continua- tion School is in the hospital with a broken collar bone. The Vandeleur Women's Institute has derided to hold all their meetings' this year in the Comimuniuty Hall and the first was held May 22nd, with Mrs. Russell Freeman acting ag host- . esh, and the new president, Mrs. L Onmsiby, presiding. After the open- ing exeixiises, a vote of thanks was tendered to the rehiring president and secretary, Mrs. Kthel Hutchinson and Mlrs. Will Ratcliflfe. Letters of ap- pi'eciation were read from Mrs Svva"«^on a.id the j'amiiy of the late Mrs. Suimimeps, for flowers received, Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Mrs. Bert Hut- ohison were appointed delegates to the district convention to be held i" Priceiville. on May 28th. The motto: "Give us this day," was given by Mrs. Russell Freeman and Mrs. Ivan Morrison K"ave a reading "Getting Out From Under." Chonises and solos -were rendered by the school children and lunch was served. It was decided to hold the next meeting one week later, June 2Gtli, d'ue to the oOtht anniversary of the Women's Institute Seing held in Guelph Wed- nesday, June iSth. V Rock Mills School GEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E-D. , Pastor / â€" • Servicea next Lord's Day, June 8. Worship at 11 a.m. Subject: "The Power of Faith." Text: Matt. 8:13. Church School every Sunday at 12 noon- Prayer and Praise service Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Tho B.Y.P.U. will hold the last meeting, until fall, in the Church on Friday, June 6th, at 8 p.m. Wc welcome you to the services of the Little Chua-ch by the side of the Road. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Services next Lord's Day June JJ, Worship at 3 p-m. Chum.i School at 2 p.m. Come and worship, and bring your guests. United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Maop' jr»on, B.A. Minister "What Is The Church ^ This vital question will be discussed by the minister on Sunday, June 8th. Be sure to bring your visitors and other friends to worship with you. St. John's choir practice on Friday evening, June filh, at 8:15. In view of the near approach of the Anniv- ersary services. It is important that all chpir menvbers attend practices. Pix>ton Woman's Association will meet on Tuesday, June 10th, at 2:30 p.m-, at the home of Mrs. Dan McCannell. We are glad to report that Mrs. Leonard C()x is much improved in ealth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and daughter of Beeton were visitors over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson. (Master Wayne Maxwell is still in Markdale hospital. We hope that he will soon be home and able to go back to school. Providence Church opened last Sun- day evening for service during tht summer months. Mir. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie ol Collingwood were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dobson f Ravenna. Mr. Edgar Dobson of Collingwood is assisting Mr. Josh. Dobson with the seeding and also some of the neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McKenzie (i Markdale were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Maxwell. ?.[r. ami Mrs. i-Uh/.-oort , Blakey of Wareham were vi--<i'ois with fMi: ana Mrs. S'"er.nun Ott.iwjil » GRADE 8â€" Marie White 85, Robt. Betts 72, Clayton Porteo*is 71, Redige Dobson 66, Goldiei Atkinson 60, Leslie Poreous 67, Shirley Partridge 50. GRADE 6-^eanette Dobson 86, H- don Turner 77, Lois Helmkay 74, Murray Betts 64, Florence Wilkinson 64, Ken Smith 62, Ethel Betts 55. GRADE 4 â€" Bruce Benson 75, Ivan Betts 65. GRADE 3â€" Dorothy Wilkinson 70, Paricia Dobson 70, Bernice Weather- all 50, Hai-vey Weatherall 35. GRADE 1 â€" Louise Betts 75, Alice vVeatherall 70, Norman Weatherall 50 PRIMER-^oan M'cMaster, Ronnie VV%ite, Sheila Dobson, Elmer Weath- era. Hazel Weatherall. Numbers are average percentages; No. on roll 28, average att. 27.14. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. VANDELEUR We wish some college would give the themiometer a few "honorary de- crees â€" for keeps. ONTARIO REGULATIONS are now in effect in Ontario relating to the licencing and inspection of TOURIST CAMPS « and the form and contents of all ADVERTISING MATTER pertaining to Hotels, Summer Resorts, Fishing, Hunting, Travel, Vacationing or other accommo- dation or facilities for tourists. Interested persons may secure a copy of the Regu- lations by writing: The Director, Development Branch, DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUIIDINOS . TORONTO HON. ARTHUR WELSH TOM C. McCAlL Mimiltr D^uty mnilmr l«-47 Mr. and Mr.s, Sam Fitzsimpions and Marilyn, Mr. and l\Irs. Angus Bowles and Brian and Mr. Vernon Fawcett attc-nded the wedding of the formers' son, Hilliard, in Toronto on Saturday. May 24th. . Mj.-. and Mrs. Newt- Metcalfe ol Sarnia were recent visitors with the Johnston families and Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw. Mr. a.sd Mrs. Russell Byers of Dob- binton visited recently with Mli-. and Mrs. Earl Morrison. Mrs. Andy Fawcett spent a few (lays with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Miillen, at East Mountais. i\Lr. and Mrs. Bert Warren and children and Mrs. Verda Burrell of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cargo. Mr- and Mlr^. Lome Fawcett oi Hiimilton and Mri Carl Chappie ol Meaford spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville. iMrs. Lorne Ormsby, president, Mrs. Will Bowles, scei-etary, Mrs. George Shaw and Mrs. Bert Hutchinson, del- ogatos appointed, and Mrs. Russell Freeman, district director, attended the W.L conveution held in Priceville on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason and family of Shelburne vis.ited ovor the week ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnston Rev. W. aV. Wallace of Torono oc- cupied the pulpit Sunday afternoon and preached in the interests of the Ontario Tempemnce Federation. •Mr. and Mrs- Howard Graham and Ruth visited at RedickviUe with Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Stewart and the latter'is mother, Mrs. J. R. Stewart, who is very ill. Tuesday of last week 'Vandeleur Women's Institute held a refreshmen' iKioth at the annual Here>ford sale lield in Mai'kdale. History Of Cigarettes Although crude forms of cigarettes have been fooind in ancient ruins in Arizona, it was not until the middle of the 19tfi century that cigarettes were called "papelitos", says Dr. Norman A. MacRae, Chief, Tobacco Division Central Experimental Tsl- rm, Ottawa. This new way of con- suming tobacco was naturally taken to Spain, and fiwn there it made slow progress to neighbouring coun- ries. But cigarettes did not gain any real recognition until after the Cri- mean war in 1856. Tlie soldiers took U) using this new form, because it. was much easier and less expensive to "roll your own". They brought it back to there various countries where once again there wa§ opposit- ion-, particularly in Geamiany, ba tho opposition this time was not against the use of tobacco (but lay in the competitive popular cigar. In England, cigarettes became the faslhion rapidly, especially foll- owing the use «f better grades of the other foiims of tobacco, the cig- arette went lo Nnrtii .\merioa. To- day the tobacco industry, inchidinf.- the production of leaf and manufac- ture of tobacco products, has become one of Canada's greatest aoheivo- ments and a •onsideroble proportion of the tobacco used for mailing citr arettes in Britain is imported fivni Canada. THE EAOTH 'm^ k 6 J'**"" â- mm&^M Drive with ^' Your Fingers Crossed! S££ D. MacTavish & Sons FOR SAFE, NEW good/years Yes, Ooodyeara give more miles of safe, econ- umical service than any other tire. Oei brand new OoiKlyeare today I S«« )r«wr good/year Oea(»r D. MacTAViSH & SONS Flttiherton,- Ont. * HOSPITALIZAjTION FAMILY GROUP Find out how inexpensive it is to have the many benefits available to you, too. NO OBLIG.VnON MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Write or phone GEO. WATSON Dundalk, Ontario ^ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â-  { â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ f 1 1 * ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦» < -r » y HORSE RACES HIGH POINT TURF CLUB AT DUNDALK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 ox NEW HALF-MILE TRACK $900.00 IN PURSES- THREE CLASSES 2.24. 2.28. Free-for-AO CONCERT AND DANCE AT NIGHT By RUSS. CREIGHTON CONCERT CO. HERB. CORBETT, President. A. D. McALISTER, Secretary. ; ♦♦♦♦ H >****»*»<i<i»»*»**»»*»»»« t >l f ♦ ♦♦ * ♦» ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ *♦ ♦♦♦♦♦» IIFIesherton 5c to $1.00 Store ij HOUSECLEANING SUPPLIES <• Curtain Ruds, Brooms, Mops, Floor Waxes, Polishes "^ RAMSAY'S PURE PAINTS ; ; Paint Brushes. Koton Paint Rollers and Replacements BELVALIER VENETIAN BLINDS Widths: 29, 34 and 3b inches. Price $L98 ^PHANTOM "Pencil Seam" NYLONS Sizes 9 to \0y2 Price $1.85 *Phantom. the only hose manufactuerd in Canada - : ; < • i • with the V^tented darker seam. E. J. FISHER < > • « 5c to $1.00 Store »**»»4'»'i " I "I"H ' » - H"H - < .»» » . K . » . > . >4 i4.»»)HM FLESHERTON * I $ - ^â- ^^iâ- 4^'i^^^"^»^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ â-  ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^iâ-  n ^â-  ^ ^ ^ â-  ^♦^ i ^"| i^ ^ ^ ^ ♦♦â-  H il H â- â-  ^ â-  ^ â-  ^ i ^ â- ^ll | lâ- ^l♦»â-  ^ »♦4»♦♦ i: I :: Summer Merchandise NEW ARRIVALS Frilled Curtains Lace Curtains Chintzes ai)d Cretonnes Curtain Marquisettes Summer Dress Materials Ladies' Celanese Lingerie Ladies' Rayon Slips Nylon Hosiery Wool and Cotton Anklets White Shoes White Plastic Bags Men's Hosiery Sport Trousers Sport Trousers Summer Windbreakers Shirts and Shorts New Nedkwear Sport Shirts Biltmore Fe^t Hats F. H. W. HICKLING •• ^ Geaeral Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont, < > * w \ :: ^ if * -r »â-  3^ :r3»Ji-''--iii w^* a •* V »

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