Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1947, p. 5

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ip« * * M i' A * ^ r ^ X r r â- Â« 4 â- r I â- Â« •« â- i »â-  ' * a THE Fi.ESHERTON ADV^T'CE ^ Wednesday, June 4, \9\7 ROCK MILLS The wet weather continues, but •we hear of a few fanners who have fjiished seeding. Others have not fcwed much yet. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John RobertLon and Bill during the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Pa«ey of \.'indsor, Mr. and Mrs. Kordyijon, and Miss Anne Roibertson of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs- George UdeH and 8on, John, of Toronto were «all€Ts at the home of Mr. Chas. Newell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, Snr., and Mr. and Mrs- Joe Williaims, Jr., of Toronto motored up Saturday and spent the we«?k end with^ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge. The for- mer are renmaining for a few months. Mir. and Mrs. Fred Partridge who have been on their honeymoon here returned to Gait at the end of the week. Mr. Glen Croft, who is emiployed near Owen Sound, spent the week end at his home- Our teacher, Mrs. F. J. Seeley has been re-eng^asred at an increase in salary. â- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell and his bride, the former Muriel Car^uthers, who were recent- ly married. They will reside in Flesherton. KIMBERLEY STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. and Mir. Russell Stewart and sons of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. D. ,A. Winters and sons of Thornbury visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ckresce -Winters. Miss Laura Allison has returned home, after spending the past few weeks at Glenn Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait were visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteo-us. Miss LoU' Londiry and friend of To- ronto visited with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Redge Landry. Miss Ethel Feniwiok, Reg.N., of Petertopo spent the. week end at her home here. Miss Mable Fenwick, Eeg.N., of Markdale visited cm Sat- urday at her home. Samibo â€" "How come you's in jail?" Rastus â€" "For throwin' rocks out of my neighbor's yard into mine" Sambo â€" "That don't sound right." Rastus â€" "Well, they was Plymouth Eocks." FuO Course Meals ' Lunches B.-A. SERVICE STATION FIRESIDE ^TLUNCH' FLESHERTON Lunches made up to take on your fisihing trip. Phone 63 Reg. Boden, Prop. Miss Gloria Ferguson returned ho>me from Collingwood hospital on Saturday, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. S. S. Burritt suffered a heart attack the past week. We are glud to know that she is recoverisg. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ellis and sons I>avid and Donald, also Mi^. and Mrs. Jack Hialop, of CoUingwood apent Sunday with Mr. asd Mrs. Leslie McMnilen. The Worman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Leslie MIcMullen' Mrs. West ^pave an excellent report On the Presbyterial meeting held at Chatsworth. Th Women's Isstitute are busy co'mpleting plans for their big ajwrt eompleting plans for theia: big siports day on June 9th. Rev. West ia making plans for a special Father and Son service in the United Church on Father's Day. June 15th. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Woods of Weston to our comimunity. They have purchased the former Andy Pawcett farm, west of the village. Mr. and Mrs. N. Burritt and child- res visited with Kiimberley relatives Sunday afternoon. Mrh. W. Thompson and" Bonnie Lee and Mr. and Mrs. T. Burton of Eu- gesia visited Mrs. Geo. Proctor on Friday. Mrs. Proctor is not in good health at the present time. .Mrs. N. Smith of Wodehouse vis- ited Monday -svith Mrs. S. S. Burritt and Mr. and Mrs. G. Haines. PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM The Women's Institute met last week at the home of Mrs. Josiah Crawford. The ne.xt meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Mc- Lean, with the roll call to be answer- ed by a Father's Day verse. Miss Edith Kilpatrick visited over the week end with MJiss Bemice Hudson and parents. Mr. Howard McKee and son. Jim, of Hamilton s,pent the week end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylor Kaitting of Deti>>it spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Meszies. >Ir. and Mrs. Torrence Williams of Flesherton spent Sunday with rel- atives here. To most married men a stitch in time is quite a surprise. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A Spireila Foundation Garment of whatever type required, resigned in- dividually and made from measure ments taken by experienced corset iere. Demonstration no obligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BELLAMY ^'^^^C^t/ou GKAY COACH \ LINES ^ LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.in. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi (Daylight Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.in. c Sat. only f g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS .^T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Montetal FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 X Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 X St. Louis X â€" Via iTor»nto .., $15.85 $31 4t Ticket* and kif©rmati»» at the B.-Ab. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden PLESHBRTON Phon. 63 Mr. and MIrs. Dan Campbell, Mrs. Sims and Wallace Meads spent Tues- day at Fergus. Mrs. Tuck of Markdale spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs Henry Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. A. MiacCuaig and Mr. and Mrs. A Hincks visited their aunt, Mrs Neil McLeod Swinton Pai-k, who has not been en- joying good health for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pedan and Betty Lou of Fergus spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims. Mr. and Mrs. McGillvray of Pais- ley visited last week at the home of Dick Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar of To- ronto visited Thursday at the home of Jack Carson. Mrs. ' Carson and babe returned to their home with them after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. The W.-I. will meet this Thursday. June 5th, at the home of Mrs. Jos McKee. , The Y.P.S. will meet this week at the home of Grant Sayers. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Elder of Lisk visited lasjt week with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stunjpck. Grand Valley, visited on Sunday at the home of his uncle, Mr. JaSs Sturrock. (Intended fcr Last Week) Ifisses Margaret and Flora Mic- Farlane of Toronto spent the week end at the home of their brothers, Jack and_ Neil ^IcFarlane. Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto spent the week end in the village. The Federated Farm Women met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Fisher. The election of officers was held and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock was re-elected president, Mrs. Brady Lrwtin as secrertary-treasurer. The executive met at the home of the president and drew up a program. Mr. asd Mrs. Carl Teeter and fam- ily of Flesherton have moved to the \'Tllage. Mrs. Runciman, who has spent the winter in Toronto, has retnirned to her home in the village. Mr. Archie MacCuaig spent the week end at Detroit. Mr. and Mi-s. Grant Stickney asd Dianne of Strat'ord spent the week at the home of Mrs. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sayres spent the sek end at Guelph. \Mi<. Bobby Butlherland Jof Elora spent the week end at the hoime of A. S. M'uir. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alex- McLean and f?«iily and Mr. Innis , McLean of To-| ronto spent the week end with their, parents. j .-\. numiber from here attended the funeral of the latet Wm. Leith at .-Vmos Church. Dromore, on Monday. Synipathy i3 extended to Mrs. Stew- are Muir, mother and brothers in their time of sorrow. Miss Jane Karstedt ctf Toronto University is home for the summer. Mr. Waiis Sayres of Toroato Uni- versity is home. His brother. Grant, motored to Toronto for him. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldconi of To- ronto sipent the week end with hia mother. Mr. and Mrs. Muri-ay "McMillan t Toroiip spent the week end with theii parents. His mother returned re- home with them, after spending a week with lier brother, Mr. Lauchie McKinnon. The teacher and pupils held Arbor Day on Monday at the school. Afterwards the teacher had a treat for them all. Many of the r brothers and sisters also enjoye the day. Congi-atulations to Mrs. Ehfie Pink- erton, of Priceville, who is celeibra intg her 96th birthday May 2Sth. Nancy Carson spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Art Richardson Swinton Park. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. lioyd Stephens and children spent Sunday with Mr. anl Mrs. .Art White, Collingwood. 'Mhrs. Geo. Lawler had a very suc- cessful auction sale Saturlay after- noon. Good prices were realized. Mrs. Will Ipwin of Windsor, ite, Walter Poole of Codlingwood and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Flesherton were callers on eur line Saturday.' We are sorry to report Mrs. Mark Murphy not enjoying very good health at present, but hope she will be improved soon. Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimniie, spent a day with Mrs. Frances Poster at Vandeleur. Nothing much "^else doing, only rain and rain. (Intended for Last Week) Mt. ard Mrs. LloyJ Sephens and children ot Fevo-=aum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.T J.is. Ottewell. Mr. Josiah Crawf c^rd underwent ar operation -m his nose in the CoUinij- wood *")sV'tiil n\ Tuesday inorn.r.;? We hope ^!r. Cra\vfprd will i/e honn again soon. Seeding operations are quito back- ward on account of so much rain. Masters Laverne and Ray Wickens spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Frien-ds and neighbors on this line are sorry to hear of the serious ill- ness of Miss Didge Madden in a- To- ronto h^s^ital. We all hope for a complete and speedy recovery- Mr. and Mrs. Joe .-Vrrastrong of Thornbury, Mrs. Flossie Marr, iliss Bertha Colquette and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fretter of Toronto were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ottewell. Mr. and iiirs. Wm. Blaschke and Miss Joan Crawford of Preston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Craw- ford and Billy. Creamery News A new cream season is at hand Production is very satisfactory â€" considerably exceed- ing last year's make. As usual we are giving the cream producer the BEST possible pos- sible service and the GREATEST possible returns. I Eggs * * * Recently a considerable decline in the grade of eggs has been noticeable â€" due to the warmer weather and to much grass being available to the laying hens. Cutting down on the daily grazing period of the hens, more frequent collections of eggs and rapid cooling of seune is, in our opinion, the best solution for a better grade. For your convenience, the Creamery will be open Wednesday amd Saturday evenings ten o'clock. Flesherton Creamery <>. us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario »». > »»»^>.>.>.>.>x«»>»»<>»«K~:~>«XK>.w~K««<«»;«<K»^^^XKK~>.>'>»>x~>»>» Friend: "I hear your son is getting on quite well." Crabshaw; '"I'll say so! Two years ago he wore my old suits, Now I wear his" Man in swimming: "Are you qneit sure here are no crocodiles about here?" Negro on sfibre: "Yas, sail. D« sharks done scare' em away, EUGEN I A Wedding bells are ringing. Miss DordtJhy Genoe of Toronto 3f>ent the week end with hfer father, Mr. Dave Genoe. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors with the formers* par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. iJcKee. Messrs. Dave and Ray Genoe at- tended their brether's auction sale at Meaford on Thursday of last week. Miss Gladys Duckett and Mr. Jim Ross of Toronto spent the week end with Md. asd Mrs. Fretl Duckett. Gladys remained for a visit. Mrs. T. Stewart is visiting with friends at St Catharines. We are Sony to report Miss Ilene McCarthy on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Cecil Magee of the H.E.P.C. w-as home fi»m Islingiton over the week end. Mr. :'"d Mrs. Donald Young. Cai-ol and Sttzanne. oi Sarnia visited decent- ly with Mrs. Young's parents. Mfr. ;md Mrs. Will Duckett. Mrs. BlwoiKt Partri<tee. duughter, Shirley and crrosdilflifglvter, Joan Mc- Mahter. of Rock Mills and bite newly- wed.*, yh-. ;imi Mrs. Fred Partvidg* of Cwlt were eallr>rs ;it the Marttn honH<. A Our in ihe ham! is mrth 2 in Ihe mind The demand for General Motors Cars continues far in advance of our ability to deliver. While General Motors dealers, and the factory are doing everything possible to get that new car for you, it may still be some time before all orders are Filled. In the meantime, let us keep your present car in the best possible condition. Our regular tune-up and inspection service will assure you safe, comfort* able, worry-free driving while you wait for your new car. Service on oil makes of cars and trucks. tiots of folk are woM-yiiig over j ''«t »h • woHjd is comh'.g to. We | jus^ hoiH 't's really ••mi^jf i"i. \

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