Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1947, p. 1

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Come Home for the Flesherton Old Boys^ and Girls* Reunion August 3, 4, 5 and 6 ®hje /l^slj^rlM %i^mncc. VOL. 68; NO. 2 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY JUNE 11. 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Grade A Large Egg Inside Large Goose Egg An egg within an ©gig was the find made by Mrs. Bent Porteous of Max- woll, when she opened a goose egg. Out popiped a Mly formed egg that weighed 2'% ounces. The lange egg had a yolk and also the smaller egg. iMra. Porteaus brought the shell and egg to the editor and also brought another large goose agig which meas- ured ll'/2Xi9 inches and weighed 10^/4 oixnces. These eggs were laid by a goose 15 years old andi up to last Thxirsday had produced 30 eggs this season- She is quite n acoomfplished goose in her line- Butter Rationing Came To End Tuesday Butter rationing caime to an en<i on Tuesday morning and you car now buy all the butter you- need, if you can buy it- Other items were 'taken off the ration list, but straw- berry and pasipberry jam are still ra- tioned. A list of articles still on the ration lists may be found on page 5 in this issue. Read it carefully. Received Award For High MSarks At Musical Festival Kenneth Hincks of Priceville. who Bang Friday aftenoon at the miusical festival in Owen Sound, was given 90 miarks by the adjudicator and won the J. A- Cowie Award of $10.00, gaining the highest marks in the rural boys vocai solo siectdon, an* also received a certiificate. The presentations were miade in Westside United Churdh, Owen Sound, on Tuesday evening, wihen winners in tihe various groufps appeared in a post-festival concert. MISS IVA BROWN Daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Fred Brown of Flesherton, wiho graduated last week from the training school of iSt. Joseiph's Hospital, Toronto. Graduated From Normal Graduation exercises were recently held at Toronto Nownial School, when three formeir students of Flesherton High School graduated- These were Misses Evelyn McTavish, Ena Adlams and Isabel Karstedt of Priceville. EJvelyn took high marks in her prac- tice teaching, and she and her cousin, Isabel Karstedt, will teach in York County sohools. Just becaiuise a quarrel is ripe you dtonjt have to irick it. DRESSMAKING Having recently graduated, from a course in dressmaking in Owen Sound, Miss Joyce Hodder is now prepared to accept custom orders of sewing and dressimaJdng of all kinds at her hodTie in Flesherton. 49c4 Roy Neilson Dies In Toronto Neilson â€" Suddenly, at his resi- lence, 210 Beech Ave., Toi-onto, on Sundiay, June 8th, 1&47. James Roy Neilson (formerly of Proton Station) beloved husiband of Adelaide Wright, dear father of Janet. Douglas and Bruce ; brother of Ethel C. of Toronto, Mi-s. (Miay) Dr. J. S. Wray, Leth- bridige, Alta-, and Milton A. Neilson of Buffalo, N.Y. Resting at the Wm. Sherrin Funeral Hoane. 873 Kingston Rd-, Toronto- Service in the ohapel On Wednesday at 1:30 p-m- Interment in Pine Hills-' Cemetery . Blossom Festival Held At Thombury 3unday Blossom Sundiay was observed in the Geongian Bay area, centred on Thornbui-y, on Sunday, and hundreds of cars were in the five mile long cavalcade, viewing the orchards cov- ered vdth bloom. The finest orchard we saw was owned by Lougheed BW'thers, The cava'lcade wound its way to the high hills to the west of Thomibm-y and a splendid view of the Georgian Bay and countryside was enjoyed. As we came out on the paved highway a turn was made to Meaford and the first fidBty ears landed in Meaford. a former apple district. It was rumored that the president of the Meaford Board of Trade was the peiipetrator of the dastardly deed against Thombury, but it later found out that the Reeve of Thombury became mixed up in the direction he was supposed to go- We suggest you become acquainted wilth the roadls around Thombury. Ivan. However, tihe weather was fine and all enjoyed a pleasant outing- Let Bridge Contract The contract for the construction of a new bridge at Mt. Zion, over the Saugeen Riiver, has been let to the firm of Looby and Looby, Ltdi,. of Dublin, Ont. Construction of the re- inforced concrete bridge will be com- menced iTiimnediately and the contract price is $6500.00. The old bridge was demolished during the spring floods. Mrs. D. McKechnie Passes Mrs. Donaild' McKechnie passed away at her home in Flesherton on Wednesday of last week in her S7th year. She was formerly Martha Hamilton, daughter of the late Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Badjeros district. Hen- husband, Donald Mc- Kechnie, pi-edeceased her on July 19, 19-tl- One bi-other, David Hajmllton, of Flesherton, survives. The funeral wag held on Saturday afternoon with Rev. A. G. Maopher- son, pastor of St. John's United Church, conducted the service held at her - late residence- Intemierit was made in Badjeros Cemetery. The polibearers were: Messrs- Jack MoiTison, Albert Morrison- W- J- Cbnrci, RusspII Park B- Field and A. E- Siparks. Among the lovely floi-al tokens of symipathy was a spray by the friends 'â- '.nd neighlbors. ERNEST RUSSELL Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell oif Fleshei-ton, who graduated recently from the Ontario Agriculural College- Guelphj, taking up field husbandry for his degree. Old Home Week News Chat About The Doings For The Big Event i ( Why do I intend to visit Flesherton Old Home Week in August? Because I want and expect to see many of my old school mates, including Flo Rich- ardson, Hattie Sullivan "Dutch" Arm- strong, Bill Bamhouse, Bob Thomp- son, Harry Stewart and last, but not least!, Reg- Smith. Reg. and I used to bat one another's ears off on an average of twice a week. I still tltink I can take him, if only for a -walk. So, if anyone knows his address, see that he is notified, and this goes for many others, whose address we do net have. We had approximately 6000 for the 1929 celebration. Let's make it at east TOOO this time. â€"Burton E- Field- For Service and Convenience to our customers COOK'S RADIO AND SOUND Now have the agency f o a complete line of GOODRICH V-BELTS for all Motors and Appliances Come in and pick out the belt you require â€" a catalogue listing of belts for your particular model will assist you to get the exact replacement. Exchange or money back on all belts not satisfactory. Complete stock on hand at all times. Cooks Radio & Sound Service Phone 62w FLESHERTON Mrs. 0. W. Phillips Passes .After an illness extending over a period of two months, Mrs- Oscar W- PhiJliips, passed away in Markdale liosipital Friday afternoon, June 6th, in her 73rd year. The late Mrs. Phillips was formerly Mary Jane Thompson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thormpson, pioneers of this district. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn one son> Robert, and three brothers, William of New- market, Robert of Sudbury and Ed- ward of Dryden. The late Mrs. Phillips was a charter member of Grey Chapter 0-E-S- of Flesherton. and served as treasojrer from its inception- Slie was president of the Women's Institute and waS active in other organizations and a great worlcer in church organizations. She was an active memiber of St. John's' United Church. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon, with service at her late leSildence. at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev- A- G. Macpherson, who &poke very feelingly on "the will to live," which characterized her life the past few months, and was very comforting to members of the family- Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery- The pa'Ilbearers were: Messrs- G- B. Welton, Robt. Swanton, C. N. Rich- ardson. G. A. MacTavish, W- A- Haw- 'â- .en and F. J Thurston. Among the beautiful floral offer- ings of regard to the deceased and family, were tokens of symjmthy from the business men. Eastern Star, Woimen's Institute and Friends. Those from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were: Mr- Wm- Thoms- on. Mi-s. W. Tracey, Mr. and MVs. Harold Tracey, Mrs. iMlarshman and Mrs. R. C- Phillips, all of Toronto; Mr. Franii Phillips- Seaforth; .Mr- Ind •Irs. Roy Phillips and family and Mr- vVilfred Phillips, Owen Sound- GRADUATED FROM UNIVERSITY M'iss Je3n Dunctin graduated from Toronto Universiity on Thursday last- Her parents, Mir- and Mrs. F. W- 'luncan. attended the graduation ex- ercise* held in Convocation Hall. Uurges Women Named To Film Censor Board (Miss Agnes Macphail was guest speaker at the regular meeting of Flesherton Women's Institute held at the home of Mbrs. Fred Jamdeson, 8th line, Artemesia, this Tuesday after- noon. Miss Macphail spoke on juven- ile delinquency and urged that the W- I. pass a resolutabn to have the mothers and teachers (women) who understand children, on the Board of Censors of radio programs for child- ren. In dealing with this problem, ;he most important angle is to find out the cause- In almost every case it is found the child has had no social security as a result of bi-oken homes nr bad conditions in the home. "Wo- man," Miiss Macphail statedi, "mus» can-y her whole weight of resiponsi- bility in the community, as well as. the home." The speaker also thought that men and women should have equal pay for eqoia'l work. A vote of thanks was tendered to Miss Maaphail for her fine addi^ess- The roll call was answered by pay- ment of hospitalization fees. An in- vitation was received and accepted to attend the Juily meeting of the Price- ville W. I. on July 3rd. In this con- nection. Mrs. G- Johnson and Mrs. N- Stoddart were appointed to look after conveyance to Priceville. -A letter of thanks was received from the local branch of the Canad- ian Legion for money donated- Mrs- Dargavel gave a very" full and interesting i-eport on the Disti-ict an- nual meeting held at Priceiville in May. A two-mimite talk was given by each of the conveners of standing- comanittees on the wurlt of her own group. Alter some discussion it was decid- ed to give up the plan for serving meals on Monday, Aug. -ith, during Old HKjme Week, and the motion was rescinded. Mrs. Hamilton and Mts- Aberdein were appointed to the "treat" coanmittoe. Why am I going back to Flesherton for the Old Boys and Girls Reunion ? It is because I wish to renew old acquaintances, many of whom were my school mates at the Red School and iJt Flesherton school. A lot of water has run under the bridge we travelled over so many times to- gether. How I would like to see those faces . again â€" Sullivan girls, Bam- house girls, Pedlar girls and many, many others. Some say we were born thirty years too soon, but I do not think so; really. The fun we used to have, they were the good old days 'way back when ! ! ! You and I were young- So let us meet again in the old tgwn in August. I hope to see you in Flesherton- How about it? â€" .Alva ^I- (Fetch) Houden- OUR LITTLE TOWN Our little town â€" Go* bless it! Is the grandest place to live; It has all sorts of haippy things -â- ^nd blessings, fine, to give. It realy makes my heart feel glad When up the street I go, 1 say hello to Ann and Bill .^nd others that I know.. It's nice to pass the time of day At grocery stores and such, .A^nd meet the certain la<ly W'ho always knows so much. Our Flesherton's so friendly â€" I know most every one; Feel sure that I shall see so.me friends Before the day is done. I never feel quite all alone ' -A^anidst my friends so dear â€" So, is it any wonder I thank Cod I live here? Charlie Flynn of Brantford was in town over the week end and is very enthusiastic about getting back for Old Home Week and seeing some of his old pals whom he has not seen for yeais- Charlie has a cottage at the Hydro Lake and is here requently during the usnuner- POWER OFF THURSDAY Coon Returned Home Presentation To Teacher .A presentation of a pen and pencil ;et was nwde to Mr E. E. Clement ;it the High School prior to the start of schi,oI Friday morning- The pres- entation was made by Wesley Lawler, on behalf of the students. Mr- Cle- ment thanked the pupils for their kindness in piresentiixg him with tht gif-t- Mr. Clement resigned from the staff several weeks ago. « CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and strtet car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL l24AvGnue Rd. KI.4344 At Stratford Wedding I Mr- and Mrs. C. Hindle and daugh- ter, Jean, of Saugeen Jet., accompan- ied by Mrs. Bill Izard and Mrs. Bill Tyler of Feversham^ attended tilie Cix>ft-Hindle weddimo" in Centml Unit- i;d Church- Stratford on Thursday. ( lune 5fch. The reception was at Mrs. j Hamiltor.'s Tea Rooms- The young | •oDiple will resiide at Stratfoixl. j I Ghas. Stewart Dies In West I \ Woi\l was recedved by Mr- Johi' | Stewart of "own that his broth'"' i Cihorles, ha ! p^,-s,m! away on Frii! "•- h^i"",' '^t Is nderslcy. Sask.. . ' i-Mil' lytic str I: , ' • ,,; ; • th:T. Wii: 1 â-  : arrive-d '>:\ T'.i' "'.crten th il '•.â- :â- â- â- â€¢ â- v\\ ' '''ftely 'o aitoii.: ^ inn' . fatr Mr. Stewart j j i' ' .voui4««st .if the faimily. A few weeks ago we related the disappearance, of the pet coon of John Milligan from his home in town. On Saturday afternoon the cats ran into the house in great excitement and when Mrs. Mdlligan investigated, tht coon was seen making himself quite at home in the wood shed- Apparent- ly he had become tired \vith his free- dom' and decided there was more fon at home \vith the cats. He makes himself right at home around the yard, but at present is penned up to keep him out of mischief. Hydro power will be off in Flesh- erton On Thui^day, June 12th, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Making trouble is too much trouble to be fun. ^ ^\v^*^->f Andrew Beatty Passes BEIATTIE â€" At Toronto on Tues- day, June 3ird, 1947, Andrew Beattie, formerly of Orange Valley, beloved husband of the late Cuih;ta Jane, in !iis flfith year, dear father of Jean (Mrs. C. P- Rutty); Luella (Mrs- B. (Harrison): Etta (iMts. G- I. Willis); Belle (Mrs. B. L. Thompson); Lolita (Mrs- Shen.son), and Dr. P. .-V. Beattie Funeral sei-vice was held Thursday. June 5th, at the Mack Burial Chapel. Danforth at Main St., Toronto, at 3 p.m. Interment was made in Pine Hills Cemetery- ISIN6 costs/ ^OOjfJ^ iheli ''^^E^ '4JtS Card of Thanks I wish to exipress my thanks to the many friends who sent me flowers, letters, treats and cards while I was "it the hosipital and at home. â€" Gloria Mae Ferguson. "If you believe that no two people think alike, look over any bridal eo'uple's wedding gift^-' •MORE MILES PER DOLLAR •MORE SAFETY •MORE SATISFACTION SEE US TODAY YOUR GOOD/YEAR OEAIES D. MacTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. AH A-B-C o«tvcR â€" A/WW//J B'' Revival Services now in progres.s in the . GOSPEL WORKERS' CHURCH FEVERSHAM SERVICES EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY at8:30E.D.T. SUNDAY at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. i'!v;ing-eHsl Eric Strain will provide a spcici^l musical â- .Hri;'it-(-.)H Friday, June 13th, and will be playng- about 1-' dilTficnt inslKunicnts. Th: Clarksburg Orchescra will be present. ^ ' ' AlH EARLY AND GET A SEAT <...i»K

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