Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1947, p. 8

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^ Wednesday, June 11, 1947 THE FU?SHERTON ADVANCE â- < Small Ads FOR SALE â€" SpTingAeld shot gan. Apply at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Sow, bred.â€" Apply to W- L. Robinson, Priceville. 2pl FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow, due in 10 days. â€" J. D. Mc-Doiiald, Eugenia phone Feversham 5r41. 2pl FOR SALE â€" 1934 V-8 2-ton truck, stake body, with hydraulic hoist â€" Hubert Saycrs. Dundalk, phone 51. FOR SALE â€" 2 building lots oppos- ite high school. â€" Mrs. Geo John- son. Flesherton- 2c3 J/AJiTED â€" Anunklii suitable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eujrei>i», ^»n« F«*«nl>»-i 6rS6 PX>R SALE â€" Ennis piano in good condition. â€" Mrs. Smillie. Cfvlon, phone Flesherton 107w2. 2c2 FOR SALE â€" Pianos, in first class condition. â€" H. C. Blackstone, 515 8tht St. A., East, O^ven Sound, Ont., phone 672 5(^ FOR SALE â€" Reg. Scotch Shorthorn bull. Rosewood breedinrg. dark red, 11 months. â€" H. J. Courvoisier, Feverham. Ont 2p2 Local and Personal FOR SALE â€" A few buahe'.= large blue gaTxlen peas. â€" Howard Mc- Gee, Flesherton, phone 33.11, FOR SALE â€" 3-piece chesterfield suite. â€" Russeli Johnson, phone 6r6] Feversham. Ic2 FOR SALE â€" 1028 Whippet coupe, good condition. â€" Ross Gillette, phone 13Sw4 Flesherton. Ic2 FOR SALE â€" Electric washing ma- chine in good condition, $25.00 â€" Apply Bo^ 100, Ceylon, Ont. Ic2 FOR SALE â€" Quebec heater with oven in good condition. â€" S. L Stauffer, phone 57w Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 100 year-old White Leghorn hens. â€" Mrs. Lloyd TaLbot phone 45wl2 Flesherton. Icl FOR SALE â€" Limited quantity Sa- bago potatoes, blig'ht resistant; g«od for seed or table. â€" George Armstrong, Flesherton. 51p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity sliding win- dow screens in -first class condition â€" J. D. MacDonald, Eugesia, phone 6t41 Feversham. Ic2 FOR SALE 1946 Dodge 3-ton D.P. axle, 8.26x20 tires,, low mileage. Apply to Neil McKenzie, 34 â€" 6tih St. Collingwood, phone 454w FOR SALE â€" Refreshment booth 10x8x6 built of matched lumhor. would perhaps make good brooder house. â€" 'S. L. Sbauffer, phone 57w. CEMENT BLOCKS â€" 8 and 10 inch iblooks, plain oi- rock faced, jamb and quarter blocks. â€" Bates & Badgerow, Proton Station. Ip^ FOR SALE â€" Sparlon O-tuhe table mode) battery radio, in first clast condition. â€" MIrs. Angus McLeod, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton, or phone llr34 Feversham. Ipi FOR SALE â€" Oak bed and apnng.s; 8idclx)ard with mirror; cream sep- arator No. 5 and number of chim- ney brick. â€" Mrs. Archie St^awart, Flesherton. 2|p2 FOR SALE â€" General Purjiose horse 5 years old, 1250 lbs., anyone inter- ested in ;i good horse should sec this one; light driviiiff harness good as new; road cart in good condition light 1 -horse wagon. â€" Apply to jRay Genoe, Eugenia, phone llDwl I-'lifsherton lp2 Mr. Ted Banks of Ayr is spending two weeks at his home here. Mr. Fre<l Patton of Toronto was a visitor in town on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clement spent the week end visiting with friends at Paris. Mr. Stan Teetei- and Ken Foster of Listowel were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Mr. and Mrs Hill Hill, Marvin and Brian, of Leaside spent the week end with Mrs. Richard Bentham. Miss Anne Akins of Rouge Hill was home for the week end and the holiday on Monday. Mr. and Mrs- Chas. Flynn and son Brian, ocf Brantford were in this dis- trict over the week end. .Mr. and Mrs- Ted McTavish and little daughter of Toronto spent the week en<l at the former's home. Rev. W. A. Warren, formerly of Markdj^le, will preach in St. John's United Church Sunday morning. Mi.-:s June Devey of Toronto spent the week end with her friendi Miss Jean McCracken. Mr. Earle Thurston of Severn Park is spending a couple of days at his parental home. Mr and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. A. Fitzpatrick of Toronto .spent the week end at the McKinnon cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Prentice and sons. Allan and Davidi, of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W- Hickling over the week end. Mr. and .Mrs. Ben Bellamy of Owen Sound spent the week holiday with his parents, Mt_ and Mrs. C- J. Bellamy. Miss Lucy McDonald and friend. Miss Lucy Ives, of Toronto were the guests of Mr. an<i |Mrs. Frank Taylor on the week end holiday. Mr. and Mr. Sam McDonald and two daughters of Toronto called on the former's sister, Mi-s- Frank Tay- lor on the holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Roszell of Caledonia, accompanied bv Mrs. Murray Roszel! and little son, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart- Mr. and Mrs- Reg. Hutton and Roscanne of Guelph are spending a couple of weeks holidaying at their farni on the east backline. Mr- Angus W. Macpherson, Mayor of Saskatoon, Sask., spent Friday of last week with his brother. Rev. A. G. Macpherson, and Mrs. Maophei-son at the United Church Parsonage. Lome Turvey moved his grvael f!-ru.9hing outfit on Monday to Hol- stcin, where ho will commence the season .= operations. Mrs. Turvey the children are accompanying him for the summer months- .Mr. and Mrs- Fred B'rown, accom- Ijaiiied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred U'ver, attended the graduation oxer- cisi's at St Joseph's Hospitiil, To- ronto, when their daughter, Iva was among tile 32 nurses to graduate. Feversham Special Services The reyivul services in the Gospel Workers' Church in Feversham got away tp a igood start last Sunday. The local pastor. Rev. Oharies Lee, brougiht the first message of the cam- paign and the presence of God was very evident to all present. (Sunday ervening brought a stirring message from God's Word, which resulted in some definite work being done for the honor of His name. Rev. Strain, besides being a vei-y practised preach- er, is also a talented singer and ver- satile musician, playing in each- ser- vice a different instrument. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Some men die with their boots on- Others with only one boot on -- on the accelerator, that is. CREDIT AUCTION SAU IMPLEMENTS. ETC. JAS. N. PRITCHARD will sell by pulblic auction on Lots 39-40, Con. 3 S-D.R., Artemesia WEDNESDAY, JUNE I8TH1,, 1947 the following at 1:30 p.m. McCormick Binder, in good repair; Cocks hutt Mower. 5 foot cut; Cock- shutt Disc, 14-plate; Deering Manure Spreader; Hay Rake. 10-rfoot; Deering Seed Drill, 15-disc; Deerjng Seed 14-hoe; Set 12-bull Harrow; Steel wheel Wagon; Stoneboat; Riding Plow l-(furrow; Walking Plow; M.-H. Hay Loader; Turnip Sower; 2-drill Gutter; Gang Plow, 2-furrow; Pig Crate; Scuffler; Land Roller; Wagon Rack; Broodier House 7x10; Sep 2000 lb. Scales; Buggy; Fanning Mill; Sling Chains; Sling Ropes; Turnip Pulper; 1927 Chevrolet Radiator in good condition; Grass Seed Sieve; Bug-gy Pole; Quantity of Oats. TERM'S â€" All Slums oif $10.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes acceptable to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Flesiherton bearing inter- est at 6 per cent- GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Engagements iMr. and Mrs. Afeiliboume Phillips announce the engagrerment oif their second daughter, Grace Marie, to Mr. William Lome Turvey, son of Mr. and Mars. Lome Turvey of Flesh- erton^ the marriage to take place late iii June The engagement is announced of Wilda Ellen Sophia, daughter of Mrs. M. Sayers and the late Mr. M. Sayers, of James Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hale, all of Feversham, the mar- riage to take place ithe latter part of June. •Mh*. and Mrs. RusseU Dixon an- nounce the engaigement of their younger daughter. Iva Lillian, to Thomas Edward, eildest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, the marriage to take place quietly tiie latter part of June. District Holidays Alliston " Wednesday Arthur Wednesday Ban'ie Wednesday Oreemore Thursday Collingwood Thursday Dundalk Thursday Durham Wednesday Elmvale Wednesday Flesherton Thursday Grand Valley Wednesday Markdale Thursday Orangeville Wednesday Owen Sound *â-  Wednesday Shelburne Wednesday Meaford Wednesday Hanover Wednesday Stayner Wednesday Thornbury Wednesday Wiarton Wednesday ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦•♦••♦♦♦ § l»f»»*»« H I>»l»*I H I M I>ll>>I H It* Future Events DANCE AT PRICEVILLE Dance in the Institute Hall, Price- ville, on Friday evening, June 20th, to music by the McDougal Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission: 35c. â-  â-  • â-  F. T. HILL & CO., Limited M Special Purchase ALUMINUM NAILS 1V4 1''^ 2 2V^ and 3 inches also Roofiing Nails ; ; 20c lb. Aluminum nails are rust proof and run about 4 to 1 of the wire nail. We also have COMMON SHINGLE NAILS iy4 and IVz COMMON SPIKES 6 IN. to 12 IN. 8c lb ROOFING NAILS IZ'/^c lb. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. i Phone 7 Markdale 1 > ***. t i*. i ii « . ft* i i It xx*. i i J i A.i.M. t. â-  â-  â-  t j.j..^.|.,^ ? I tt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m I I i â- A BLUE AND WHITE PLATES FOR 1948 IN ONTARIO For the first time since 1943, On- tario motor vehicles will have license lilates front and rear next year, the Ontario Department of Highways has announced, in connection with award- ing the contract for the plates to the Ontario Reformiatory at Guelph The 1948 plates will carry "easy to iread" white letters and figm-es. on a navy-blue background. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A Spirella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, resigned in- dividually and made from measure- raenta taken by experienced corset- iere. Demonstration no obligation. _ â€"MRS. A. E. BELLAMY. FARM FOR KENT FARM FOR SALE 7() acres more or less; Lots 130-140, .N.E., Artemesia, mostly under cultivation, pi-ice<l at $2500.00. Ap- ply at the premises until June .21st. â€"REG. HUTTON, R. R. 2i, Flesherton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Known as the Joe McGrade farm Lot 11, Con. 8, Osprey Township for pasture; water and shade. â€" Mrs. Wim. Miulden, R. R. 1 Markdale, Ont. TRNDHRS FOR STOKKR COAL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersignod up to 12 o'clock Sat- urday nig*ltt, June 14, 1947, for 36 bone of good grade stoker cofil, to be deliverod in the I'ublic School bin, size at Oon\ to he '/4 or % to IV4 Inches, analyslfl to accx>mpHny tender. | â€" ^n. Million, S<wrotafy of I'mblic ' Sohool B<«rd, Flesherton. In the matter of the estate of Mrs MAY RI'JI), of the Township of Art- emesia, deceased. All persons having claims against Uie estut<« of the Mrs. May Reid, late of the Township of Artennesia, in the (bounty of Grey, who died on or aljout the I7th day of November, A. D. 1945, are required and hereby notified to send prepaid to the under- signed Solicitors for the Executor on or l)efore the 23rd day of June, A.D. 11)47, full particulars verefled' by sta- tutory declaration. Imimediately after the said 23rd day of June, 1947, the estate will be (listribiit<'(i among the paipties en- title<l thereto, having regard orUy to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. I)ate<l at Markdale this 2nd day of June, 11M7. â€"HARRIS & DUNII.^iP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. "Most of my driving it througfi heavy frof- fie and manoeuvring into small parking spaces. Therefore I am very much impressed v/ith the ease of handling made pos- sible by the vacuur\-. p^.v^r gear shift. With a flick of the fingers I am able to shift from one speed to another." C. W. Topley, Montreal, P.O. s..»ii. <g^?y<ya3i'!ag^ "Of course the motor is much mere power- ful than any preceding Chev- roletâ€" and we havo hod four, o.ie each in 19:9, 1940, 1941, and 1942â€" but what oppeaU l9 us most is the ease of riding . . . We hove mode over 33. COO miles, or, in other words, 120 miles per day." R I. Ga'e V.'alorville, P.O. }>:vr ^vf* *^V^ >:*>*-l.>-\f>w\SSJ««««^\.-.f. *.i.*vJ^.^J^ «^^..^i tft^'iv ...frwx**A.j.,ff|-M 'It Is the opinion of both mvself and wife that one of the most superior quolities of our 1947 Chevrolet Stylemo^ter is the ease of handling. We do not hesitate to endorse it as a most valu- able family cor." J. E. Simpson, Winnipeg, Man. L^^i^^-sS!*; "I have n«ver driven a car that hot basn to free of trouble, or in which I have had to much con- fidence a% thii new Chev- rolet" "In all my years of driving, I have never been so satrafied vviHi a car as I am with this one The smooth way it pullt away, the ease of handling, the steady sureness of the brakes, combined with the big cor ap- pearance of the Fisher body, convinces me that I have again received full value in my Chevrolet." John H. Jardine, Tomnto, Ontario 4 â- i 4 1 John E. Halifox, Lindsoy, N.S. •-r '•!*'?-j)*^a-' [M\ --. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARUISTKRn. .SOLICITORS. Etc- Phane .1« MAKKDAIJC Mr Duniop will be in C. J. Bcllamy'H office every Sat- urday from (! to 8:.'10 p.m DR. T. D. PARK 'physician & srRf;i:(>N Oiaduate of Toronto University Office: Kenned V Block Phon* 77 FlMherton C. J. BELLAMY vr.LACE CLERK A CommisHloncr for taking Affidavits iMiuer of Marriage License* CONVKYANCING DI?Kl)i^ MOUTOACiKR, Wll • 8 i.lc OITlrc: Toronto StrMt, Flesheri"" Lit Kuril I'lTl. WM. .K> FITTING 1. .\ SEl>-. A Clio for thc'Countj wf I. • ml Stock ,*hIc.< Oil' 1% i.4iiiiHi>ir 8iu ' "The riding quality of the Chevrolet is almost a bless- ing inasmuch as its sturdi- nets and ability to cling to the rood greatly dimin- ish driver's fatigue and mnke its owner glad of his choice." Poul A. C&U, Quebec. P.Q. "As the Chevrolet is in the low-priced field, I Expected low-priced riding en|oyment, but to my pleasure, I found all the ad- vantages for which high-priced cars are noted. This is espe- ciolly true on rough roods, where the Chevrolet gives you perfect control when it hits ruts, pot-holes or washb^rd.' A. O. Holmes, Lethbridge. Alia. "I am a traveller . . . and cover many thousands of miles a year over the worst of Alberta's bod roads. With my new 1947 Chevra- lit I get unbelievable com- fort in driving, and trips that formerly lasted an eternity ar« n«w a pleas- ure." J. H. Budd, Edmonton, Alta. "This being my fourth Chevrolet purchased from you, I feel thol after driv- ing nearly S.OOO miles in this car, I am in a position to say that the efficiency and comfort of operation has more than exceeded my expectations " W. J. Bell. Toronto, Ontario j.^vi*a IS IT any wonder tluit tlie demand for the lO-t? Cliovrolol far exceeds production. Each diiy's niJiil liiinns us letters from every part of the Uoiuiniun - letiers tlmt tell a slirrinji .story of tile th-ep iiiid ai>i<liii^ siilisfaetion hieky owners are deriving. IVom iheir new (liievriilelr*. Indivi- dually the 1. Iters praise a reniarkahle variety of C;iu;vr<de» iVature,*. Collectively they all add up to one imi»res8ive truth â€" only (Chevrolet olTers Hi^-C.ar Oiiiility at Low Cost. •â-  • The j;i(iuiiit( (U'innud for tln' now Chi-frolct is svtlinn (III nll-timr record. IJ'e rininot hope for niany months to Jill all the onlvrs itourinii in, // yon nrr ar:ot<f( iti,- niaiiy leho have set your sights on Chevrolet's Bip Car Quality at Low Cost, ive siinpest that while you wait, you rely on your Chevrolet lieulers service to keep your present car rutming smoothly and safely, I •A"*iW/i(v ;f.ii,i uriuti/ /«rrert C-447B OH fiU ut 0«mriU Mo\ort ttoaU «r» ecroft ranmia. f^ "The unexcelled riding quality and the ease of con- trol plus the effortless va- cuum shift convinces me that Chevrolet is tops in performance." H. C. Burroughs, Swift Current, Soslt. i- CHEVROLET "I kept a careful check on oil gasolin* used which was by means of a credit card und was amated to find on final check that my Ch<rvrolet averaged 76 miles to the guMon. This mileage in- cluded going over the Logon Puss which takes tn Glaiier- Mountains in Idaho, U.S A " Horace Thompson, Vancouver, B.C. "Chevrolet's brokes ore outstanding. You get easy, p«rf«ct stops every time with Chevrolet." M. M. Cunningham, R»d Deer, Alta. â- r A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS i "I um %a pleosed with my new Chevrolet I could write a book en it , . . Chovrolol's new 90 H.P. overhead valve motor gives llie greati^tt per- formonre of any car in Its price class on the rood." C. Earl Pip<>r, Fflrt William, Ontario D. MacTavIsh & Sons

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