Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1947, p. 6

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m foice Of The Press Watch the Others II every person who handles a motor vehicle could be brought to obey the behest of "watch the other fellow", highway fr.iv<'I would be safer in very great measure. A great number of accidents are caused by pure carlessncss and a Rreat deal of this carelessness lies in tJmply neglecting to notice what the drivers of other machines are <k>ing or likely to do. -Chatham News. 'Why' of Atcident* The Krc.it majority of automobile accidents arc not caused by lack of skill, physical incapacity or han- dicaps of drivers, nor by failure of the car mechanism â€" the greatest percentage are due to ill-temper, gross bad manners, or ba<' judg- ment. â€" Winnipeg Free Press. They Wouldn't Thos* who do not know the dif- ference between right and wrong sclilom make the mistake of doing right. â€" Quebec Chronical-Telegraph. Very Doubtful St. TboniaK Times-Journal «&ys there was a time "wiicn >-ou could find a tiny sq\iare of pork amonu the beans, if you had good eyesight." And a well equipped micro-analyst might still be able to detect it, but we don't think so. â€" Ottawa Journal. That Anntial Illusion Now c.'inics the worst illusion of man, thif a straw hat tossed in the closet last fall will be wearable in June. â€" Brandon Sun, StUl They Get Killed Lights, bells, watcbmtn and even lowered gates arc insufficient to cau.'ie all motorists to stc^p, look or Ktten t^hen approaching a railroad crossing. Of the accidents at such crossings last year, 37 per cent. were at spots protected by one of these means. â€" New York Sun. Animal Fare â€" i'.;irtcncliiig in Chicago is goii^ to the 6pg^s, Ps evidenced by these pictures of Baron, a Doberiiian I'inscher, as he ^Vaits on. .cii.stonitts in his o\viier'.s tavern. At left, billfrbni the bar. Jlo1diii(» it jn his mouth, he turns and places iPht, as .'\iitJionv Katalinirh, full-tiine bartender who helped owner ! I.iilcr MoTtia tram the Tioj'. looks on. : â€" luiritnciinji in Dobcrinaii t'iiisd he dcCtly removes a dollir bil jis.tcr dr.'iwcf, t10 it in,j:^sli. ^5;gi^ ^•^yirylf! .f-M'-T >rtU This soaked and aljinidoned Cop w ho louml this duck ^Uâ- ut- lt"s lull speed ahea<l for tliis kitten finds refuge between iuv^ down bii.sy street in l.o.s rooster a.s it e.Nperieiices a new two torn boards of a shack in Angeles, Calif., jjets armed thrill hv : -iling down the Canton, Wo., as flood waters escort as lie takes it on leash flooded Main St.. in Canton, swirl around it below. to Humane Society. Mo., on a floating board. How 68 Children Of School Age Were Killed In 1946 In Ontario Playing In Street ^^ •••••••l Oomins from behind parkedcars '^^^f^f^ Walking on Hicfaway • • • • • # A Croseing Diagonally ^ Crossing with Signal A . â-  f Crossing between iDterBections Crossing where no Signal Setting on or ofla . Vehicle There is no "percentage" in being careless in lr;.ffic. This itatenient can be proven. You read the papirs and listen to the railio. You learn from these sources details of individual traf- fic fatalities and injuries in On- tario biu you have not a clear conception of just what your own chances ;ire of being involved. Just what are your chances? Worse than vou might think! * * * Based <>ii statistics compiled by the Ontario Department of High- ways, heri are some of the chances you fact- of being involved' in a traffic accident in Ontario in 1947, if the «-.xperlcnce this year dupli- cates that of 1946. â€" Your chances of being killed in a traffic accident in Ontario this year an about 6,000 to 1 and your chanres of being involved in a motor traffic accident of some kind are 2.36 to 1. â€" Your chances art worse in the tourist season, just opening, be- cause highway traffic is heaviest then; and your chanrt'<: are not particularly improved in the coun- try because about 46% of all ac- cidents occurred in rural areas last year. » • t â-  Neither \oulli nor age is im- mune from the <lisasl(r riding the Streets and liigliways. Lait year, out of a t.otal of 12,228 fatal and non-fatal accldent.s, VJ'/c happened to children under 14, and 10% to those over 65 years. People be- tween l.S ami 35 have more acci- dents than any other group, but there are more people that age in ^ic population. Actual fatalities (persons killed per 100,000 popu- lation) are highest amonp older people and lowest in the group aged 5-14. * « • Last yeai, 1 out of every 25 liceiisrd Ontario drivers got into an Hceideni involving death, ' in- jury or proMirty ilamagc 'riiese figures are no mere i/ui-s,-.c». They art official statistics provided by Hon. George H. Dou- cett, OntTrio Minister of High- ways, in urging safety on motor vehicle operators. Traffic saifcty is a gigantic prob- lem. Public officials and safety leaders cannot handle it alone. In- dividual drivers and pedestrians are the only persons who can cut down the mounting death and ac- cident toll. The life you save by being careful may be your own. Riffht of Freedom For Princely States Many people are asking: Under this change in India, what of the Princely States? The answer â€" made clear by Mr. Attlee and Lord Mouiitbattcnâ€" is that the Indian States ruled by Princes are left free to choose joining the new regimes â€" Hindustan or I'akisfanâ€" or to remain inde- pendent, without British interfer- ence. In other words, the British are not setting part of India free and maintaining bases or bastions or other control in other parts of India. When they say they are getting out, they mean it. â€" Ottawa Journal. ' '""•".•. STUFF AND THINGS "Come, come! A good brisk walk will put new life in you !" Shipping Losses on Great Lakes Sharply Reduced in Recent Years Memory which sometimes finds expression on this page goes back to earlier year.' when shipping ac- cidents and disasters on the Great Lakes were much more common than in recent years. A generation ago the young reporter in any town along the Great Lakes kept con- stant watch over the shipping; offi- ces and other offices of like char- acter, fully conscious of what was likely and, in all Ino many instances did come. The fall seasons especially were known for the accidents that were due to the stress of weather, says the Port Arthur News-Chronical. Exposed points on the Great Lakes were the scene of many accidents when ships, seeking slielter in their let failed to find it and, instead were driven on the rocks. On all the lakes there was no place more productive of accidents than Whitefish Point, where Lake Superior narrows into channels that farther down become St. Mary's River. The steamer routes con- verge there and it is also a place where fogs are frequent and col- lisions were many. A picture of the bottom of Whitefish Point would show it strewn with the hulls of sunken steamers, some probably on top of others. Keweenaw Point took its loll as ships sought protection that also could be had when once it was rounded. The passage between Isle Royale and the mainland to the north, used by all ships in and out of Port Arthur and Fort William, â- was, and, as the most recent disas- ter proves, still is a danger spot. It was always easy for a vessel to get off course in that vicinity. Explan- ation more common in fiirnu'r days than at present was magnetic dis- turbances which were claimed to affect compasses. Whatever the explanation, there have been many bad accidents thereabouts. Another location that seems to have taken high toll is some miles to the south of Port Coldwell, about on a line between Thunder Bay and Micliipicoten. A few years ago it was learned that there are had shoals in that area and certain find- ings since indicate that they hold the explanation of a number of cases of complete disappearance, like that of the Ilannockburn which saili'il out of Port .Xrtliur and was never again heard of, or the mine sweepers which sailed from Fort William with their Prencii crews during the First Great War and of which there has since been no word or trace. More recent yeas have seen a marked diminution in the number of accidents. There are several rea- sons. Probaby the most important one is the great improvement, m aids to navigation, telephones, range finders and weather reports. It is also a fact that vessel captains are more cautious than formerly, es- pecially as regards the weather. In earlier days no skipper yould ad- mit that he feared any weiitlicr and it was considered a lasting disgrace to take shelter or refl1^e to go out in a gale. That id(a cost good money and still more valiial)le lives. Sliip owners iliscouragid it. Today the vessel captain {>; ex- pected to put safety first. For that reason Port Arthur people can fre- quently see Thunder Pay spotted with ships carrying ore from Two Harbors or Oulutii tliat have put in here for shelter, instead of contin- uing down the lake in the face of gales. .Also tlie-re are better ship^. The safely provisions are a governmen- tal must and inspections arc severe. All have been worth while in saving of life anil properly. .Accidents have not been entirely eliminated but they have been siiarply r< duced. Dawdling Drivers Must "Speed 'er Up" Provincial P(}lire h;i\e siartid a campaign n.uainst slow drivers on the highways. In the long run, II may do as much to cut down the accident rate as the prosecution of motorists for speeding and other dangenms driving practices, says the Tornwall Standard-Prceholdcr. The I'nivincial Police arc not set- ting a precedent with this camp.iign. There is a section of the Ontario Trallic Act that lays down definite penalties for driviiii; on the higln^ay at a speed slow enough to impede normal IratVic. No motorist, then, slxuihl he in censed if the police cluck him up for driving loo .slowlv. He can re- mcnilitr, first, that hi 's breaking; the law and secondly, he minlit recall the last time he made a lung triji hiiiisilf, and think <.>'. all the hard things he said about the dawdlers then ,SHauisT(0 Good Business By M. J. COLLINS Uncle Joe came stamping into the kitchen making about as much noise as a small herd of cattle. "Here! You be careful!" Aunt Martha warned, waving ?. Isrge it>i--:'ng spoon threateningly. "I have bread scttin.' And wipe your feet, don't you dare traip.sc in here from that dirty old barn yard." " Col darn it. woman, you put what I was goin' to say clean out of my head," he grumbled. "Oh, yes, now t reniemherâ€" I think we should sell out and go live in. town." There was a faraway look in his eyes and he thought of all the pleasures of retirement. Perhaps they'd buy a new car and do a little traveling. 1 "Huh! I'm not moving to- town land leave our home just to. suit 3' whim of yours. Just get the vvlfblc idea out of your head!" There ^..-* was tinality in hei voice, "You go and clean up. Ralph and Jenny are coming over for supper. All your clothes are on the bed so don't ask me where they are when they're right under your nose." We didn't have the slightest inkling of what Uncle had sug- gested until supper was nearly over and then Aunt Martha asked: "Do you know what your uncle wants to do?" and as she generally does, answered herself before we could even open our months. "Sell the farm aid move to town," "Oh, I think that's a good idea!" Jenny cried. "It'll be so much easier for you." The first thing we knew, we were involved in a full scale battle, three against -Aunt Martha, hut she wasn't giving -.an inch. Not herl Finally she did admit that she didn't get her work done as spry- ly as before and from there on the battle was won. Uncle Joe was jubilant. It bad been easier than he'd dreamed. ' During the next few weeks sev- eral would-be buyers came to ap- praise the farm and t'lnally one of them said be would buy it. Uncle Joe and Aunt Martha had been shopping around trying to find a bouse in town but getting one was a tougher proposition than they'd expected Kvcntuallv the sale was coniplet- :ed and the new owner bought the farm complete with stock and ir>\- plcmcnls for ten thousand dollars. ]:He told Uncle Joe they could have another additional two weeks to find a house and move. Early nejct morning we were over at their place and into the job of packing up. About nine- thirty the new owner drove out and hailed Uncle Joe. "I've been thinking it over, Mr. Quinn, and this place doesn't quite suit tne. How would you. like to buy it back at the same price?" Uncle Joe sort of looked at him. popeyed and we all crowd^ around: "Well, sir I I just mn know what to sajv" ,h«^,i»tiOibleJ. "the wife has sorfcx)f set Wr mind en movin' to town." "Faith, and I haven't!" Aunt Martha swung her arms around' excitedly. "You buy it back, Joe Quinn, if you Hnoj^ jWh^t's goodi for vou." "Well, let's go. to; .town," there was no reluctance in Uncle Joe's voice, "and get the papers fixed up " ' ,: "' :'^j•*. ':.i-.'(i â-  ' : We went outside leavfng. Aunt Martlut crying softly" in Jenny's- arms. I watched them drive away and Uncle Joe was grinning for all be was worth. Laiter vvhen we were driving home, Jenoy said. "It was lucky the man wanted to sell it back. Neither one of them wanted to- leave the farm." "Lucky my eye!" I snorted. "It was just plain conniving on Uncle Joe's part. He madcau agreement to pay the owner an cx-tra thou- sand if he'd come out and say what he did. Don't say a word to Aunt Martha, he told me to keep it under my hat." "Well, what do you know," Jen- ny laughed. " Uncle is still a bit of a gallant." "An expensive one," I grumbled. Jenny smiled to herself. There was no sense in telling him that Aunt Martha had alieady paid the new owner five hundred dollars to selV the farm back to her husband. Whal Science is Doing 80 Pound Piano Ojice upon a time, the piano was one of the few instruments a n\usi- cian could not pack on his back. An eastern manufacturer has brought out a scries of ivories yoii can carry with you to the fishing lodge, or even take on the train and play in your roomette as yoi> roll along, Peter X. Comstock, the inventor, doesn't even call it a piano because it has 64 keys instead of the con- ventional 88. A pianist doesn't need the extra 24 keys, anyway, he said, unless be want.s to go into the long-haired stuff. This little job start.-- with "A,^' 2 and one- third octaves below middle "C," which i$ down deep enough ia Comstock's opinion. Packed and looking like a suit- case with the legs loldcii under, the "piano" weighs only 80 pounds. The porter can carry it, it he can lift 80 pounds. Set up, it is 31 J^ inches high, iii',4 inches wide and 23 inches deep, You can take the legs off and put; it .ijll,? c:f{^,.Uible, controlling the pedals. with a simple contrap- tion operated with the knees. The new instrument, which will sell for less than $.500 and which isn't in production yet, was demon- ,;, slratcd before the public for the * first time at the National .'\ssoci.i- .â- ;, lion of Music Merchants show at -<- Chicago. invest by Mail Investors desiring to purchase, sell or obtain quotations and information regarcjing investments are invited to avail themselves of the services of our correspondence departifleiit. Offerings of Government, Municipal and Corporation securities forwarded gladly upon request. '^ 36.Kiite Suett tTvit wit j <-^ » «> ^ T„ro„u, I Mood, liuncly A: Company 7'e/e/./i.);ie: fi/.^i»i 4321 Limitca â- 'JBr POPâ€" Free By J. MILLAR WATT .^ < .* r -* -«, -V I I 4

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