Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1947, p. 8

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Wednesday, June 25, 1947 TliE FLiiSHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" St>w, bred.â€" Apply to W. L. liebinson, Pricovilie. 2pl FOR SALE â€" Pigs, 5 and 6 weeks old.â€" T. W. Genoe, phone 32wl. FOR SALE â€" Collie pups from goo<i cattle dog- â€" Harry Akins. phone 41 J 2 Flesherton. 3p:2 FOR SALE â€" 1934 V-8 2-ton truck, stake body, with hydraulic hoist â€" Hubert Sayers. LXindalk, phone 51. FOR SALE â€" 2 building lots oppos- ite high school. â€" Mrs. Geo- John- son. Flesherton. 2c3 W.'XNTEU â€" Some yomi'g calves, must be good stock, taking milk. â€" Jos. Radley, R.R. 3 Flesherton. 4pl FOR SALE â€" Spring-tooth harrow 3 sections. â€" Bnier.son Wood, Sing- hampton^ phone Fevcrsham 6r41. .VANTED â€" Anunala aiiitable fo mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntosi £ug<eni«i, phone Fev«rshr"i 5r2£ FOR S.ALE â€" McCormiok mower, BiiEr-4, G foot cut, â€" E/i. Ferris, R. R. 3, Fle.sherton, phone •1.5w4. LOST â€" Hub cap for 1936 Lord. â€" Eiirl Majirce, telephone orll at Feversham. 4p2 FOR SALEâ€" Washing machine with good wringer. â€" Mrs. MacMillan, phone Flesherton 102J3. 3p2 VANDELEUR In attendance at the 50th anniver- sary of the founding of the Women's Institute held at Guelph Wednesday. June ISth, from Vandeleur were: •Mrs. Thoj^. and Mrs. Russell Freeman, .Mrs. Frank Taylor. MIrs. Wyville Sr., -Mrs. L. Ormsby, Mrs. H. Grahain, .Miss .Marion Hutchinson. Mrs. Ivan Moirison, Mrs. Hai-old Hutchinson. Miss Kay Ratclitt'e of the staff of the Bank orf Toronto. Markdale, i.s holidaying at her home here. -Vlr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- e.sl Stewart, near Victoria Comers, I'ccently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelso, Dorothy and Velma, of Hamilton were week end visitors with Mrs. Ethel Hutch- isison. .Miss Velnia remained for a longer visit. NOTICE â€" My Polled Angu.s bull if not for service by the public. â€" Jos Hawkins, R. R. 4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1933 Ciievrolet e&ach, 4 iif'W tires, motor recently over- hauled. â€" Bill Hyslop, phone 4M, Flesherton. 4p2 FOR S.A.LE â€" Smnll house, at once can be moved; 2 youn-g dogs also for sale â€" D. W. .Adams, Flesher- ton. phone 102w4. 3p2 BARN FOR SALE â€" Frame barn, 4(5x60 with 21 foot posts, on the Geo. Williamson farm. â€" Mrs. M. Gilbert. Priceville- 4e2 WANTED â€" To buy. Taylor .safe ih good condition. â€" J. W. Locking, 369, 24th St., W., Owen Sound, phone 2096w. 4p2 CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to my pre- ;,iiseh Lnt 27, Con. 13, Artemesia, yearling red steer. Owner prove property a.id p.iy expenses. â€" 0. J. Rowe, R.R. 4, Flesiherton. 4p3 FOR SALE â€" Duo-'Therm oil apace heater, capacity 6,000 to 7,000 cu. ft., used 6 months. â€" B. Phillips, phone 30w Fleshert:on. 3pi£ .(Intended for Last Week) Mr. and .Mrs. Hilliard Fitzsimmons a recent groom and bride, were the guests of honor at a social evening and dance which was held in the Conwnunity Hall on Friday evening, June l.'Jth, during which the young- couple were presented with a beauti- ful electric lamp, with the best wish- es of their friends for a long and prosperous wedded life. Several families from Vandeleur Officer (examining would-ibe re- cruit): "Now, my man, whut makes you think that you are qualified to become a flying officer?" -A-pplicant: "Because ever since 1 can remeniber my father has been telling me that I am no earthly use." hiiid the pleasure of hearing their former pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren on Sunday morning at St. John's Church at Flei'herton. Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Warren were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mrs. Katharine Davidson, who has siJent the winter montii< at St. Mnvys is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. L. , Johnston an,, M;s. Geo. Buchaiian- School opened on Monday morning with .Miss Ena -Adams of Flesherton as teacher, succeeding Mrs. Grandy of Hanover, who has been our teach- er since Easter. Friday afternoon the pupils pre- sented Mrs. Grandy with a tray, prior to her departurn. Wedding bells are ringing. CEMENT BLOCKS â€" S and 10 inch blocks, plain or rock faced, jamb and quarter blocks. â€" Bates & Badgerow, Pr« I- !i Station. Ip4 FOR SALE â€" 19.38 Psickard DeLuxe sedan, good tires and excellent shape throughout, heatt-r and ex- tras attached. â€" E. B. Meads, Price- ville, phone Flesherton â- t9J2. STR.-^YBD â€" From my premises, 5 yearling cattle, 4 re<l and 1 roan, brand H on left hip. Phone collect ril8r4 Thornbury. â€" tJeo. Holmes Duncan, Ont. 3c3 A Kentucky man at 07 is learning to play the saxaphone. In our opin- ion, that's the 'best time to start jjraxjtising. FARM FOR SALE 76 acres more or lessi, Lots 139-140, 2 N.E., Artemesia, mostly under cultivation, priced at $2500.00. Ajp- ply at the premises until June 21st. â€"REG. HUTTON, R. R. 2, Flesherton. Local and Personal uMr. and Mrs, S, J. Stauffer are ii. Toronto this week on a holiday. iMrs. Reg. Boden and son, George, tvere in Hamilton on the week end- MIrs, F, J. Thurston is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Henning, at Meaford. -Ml', and Mrs. R. J, Vance of Beth- une, Sask., visdted wiih Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. Mr. Bruce Thurston left the first of the week to sail on the Howaix! Hindm«n, from Owen Sound. .Ml', H. Hea'Ibert of Torotno spent the week end with his wife and little daughter, who are residing at pre- sent in the Cangoe residence. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and children of Toi-onto are spending a couple weeks wi*h the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mirs. Frank Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson of Iisilington and Mr. Fred Breen of To- ronto vi.sitcd on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr, E. W, Foster of Detroit spent the week end with his family. wh(, are spending the summer at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. iMhs. Jas. O'Brien and two children. Jack and Pauline, of Oakville visitec' on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G A. MacTavish, and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Pei-igoe of To- ronto and Mrs. Command and son, Douglas, also of Toronto, visited last week with Mn-. and Mrs. Ab, Stewart. •:\lii-. and Mrs. W. G. Akins of To- ronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Mrs. Geo. Lawler left on Saturday to spend the summer with relatives at Lucky Lake, Sask.. and other points in the West. Ml-, and Mrs, Donald Walker of Regina, Sask., spent the past week with the W. A. Gordon and W'm. U'lalker families. Carl Walker and wife of Shelburne were also visitors at these homes. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKechnie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hutch- inson of Kimlberley spent the week end with the former's parents at Malton and Earl McKeehnie at Brampton. Mr. Douglas W. Macpheirson and daughter, Jean, of St. John, New- foundland, spent several days last week with his brother. Rev. A. G. Macpherson, and family. Mr. Mac- pher.son attended the Onada Lijfc Centennial, held in Toi'Wtno. DOBSON-MOORE REUNION AT COLLINGWOOU JULY 5 The annual Dobson-iMJoore reunion will be held at Sunset Point, Colling- wood, on Saturday, July 5th. WIOMAN WANTED â€" for general housework at the Hotel, Eugenia; must be able to do .some baking and must work on Sundays; day off during week; good wages for a ii'.- t. tidy person. FOR SALE â€" Boy's light brown 3- piece suit. S year size; brown tweed top coat with beret to match, size 8 years; grey tweed top coat, size 10 years; all recently dry cleaned. â€" .Mrs. Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon phone Flesherton 105J2. 3c2 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITOKS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oiiaduate of Toronto University Office; Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VI', LACE CLERK ' A CommUflioner for taking Affidavits luner of Marriage Licensea CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES. WIL'.S, Etc. Offire: Toronto StrMt. Fleaherton WM. KNITTING L I r E N S E I) A V ( T I O N E li I for the County fvf Grey Farm and Stock *ale» our »p 'alty TentiK: reanonaWe. Satisfaction ii (fuarante^d, Pito" nrrunged at T^v Advancf pfTlcc or phon«« 4w YOUR TASKS CAN HEC;OMK A JOY AND YOUR MONEY MAY BECOME YOUR SERVANT WITH K ASSEY-HARRIS Better Equipment 2 .\'r\v Mowers 3 New P.iiKk.T.s 6, 7 feet Reconditioned Binder 7 ft. cut New Dnni]) F^ake (S foot Hinder on uMier \ .Set Tractor Dine Harrow 1 2-fHrrow Tractor Plow 3-scction HCt Spring-t<M)fh Harrows. 2 New Scuff lers at $15.50 No. 21 and 51 Single Furrow Walking I'low, also No. 251 2-furrow Walking Plow. j Used Deering Mower $15.00 Peter Hamilton Mower $15.00 Used Dump Rake in good »hape, Beatty and Pedlar Barn and Stable Equipment I'limpH and Water SyHtems. Steel Barn Track. Good stock of Hay CnrH for both steel and wood track. Litter Carrier Outfit. Oiider now for fall insliillation and avoid disappointment Building Materials Insulbrik .Siding â€" Red with W. M, line. Uol liril< Siding â€" Rr<l or Huff 3-in-l Shingles Vco Loc Shingles Roll R(Nifi'ng Seasonable Items Good Cheer, ( laro Jewel and I'rlnie.sH Pnl Stoves on hand. Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens Screen and ComI ination Doors Window Screens. Screening Lawn Mo«ers Boys' Wagons Tritycles J. M. STAFFORD Hardwnro IvohOpi; ("•â- ment Ford Farm Machinery Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, ONT. NOTICE TO MAXWELL UNFTED CHURCH CEM. PLOTHOLDERS A bee of the plotholdei'S of Maxwell United Church Cemetery plotholders will be held at the cemetery on Thurdsay, July 3rd. AH plotholders and others interested are urged to bring implements and assist with the â- frork. â€" Jas. Long, Chairman. MOUNT FOREST Old Boys' and Girls' REUNION JULY 1 to 6, 1947 Something Doing Every Minute Every Day and Night July 1st â€" Veterans' Day Sponsored by Mt, Forest Branch Canadian Legion. Memorial service at Cenotaph, parade forming at tow> hall at 10,15 a.m., all veterans parti- cipating, permission gi-anted to wear unifonns. Special Bands and Speiikers. Calithuimpiaii Parade 1.15 pjm., followed by Official Opening at the Fair Grounds at 2 p.m. by Sena- tor Nonnan Lambert. Ladies Soft- ball, Haniston vs Clilford. Band Concerts and Veterans' Sports. July 2nd â€" Sports Day 1 p.m.â€" Men's Baseball â€" 'Drefw vs Mtourit Fore.st â€" league game. 3 p.m. â€" Radio Broadcast â€" "DID 1 SAY TH.-VT?" direct from grounds. Hear yourself on the air and' win a c:sh priz:'. -All aftei-rtoon starting at 1:30 Old Qoys' Bofwliinig Toumament, Ladie." specia'Uy invited. 4 p.m.- -Sporti â€" ^Open Tuig-o-War, Girls' and Boys' Bicycle Races. July 3rd â€" Horse Race Day Three Races starting at 2:30,p.m. $300 for Each Class 2.24 - 2.28 and Free-for-AII Eveav Heat a Race. Canadian Trot- tinig A.s.sociation Rules to g-oveni Tori-y Gregg starter and M.C. i» a.m.â€" Old Boys' and Girls' School opens at Public School. DON'T BE LATE! 7 p.m.â€"RAND CONCERT by the Mbumt Forest Band. July 4th â€" Old Time Day 1 :30 p.m. â€" Band Concert by the Lucknow Pipe Band. 2 p.m. â€" Old Time Contes-ts for Fid- dlers, Dancers and those in Co.stume. â- 1 pjm.â€" .Senior Box Lacrosse Game, 0(wen Sound Greys vs Senior Stairs. 7 p.m. â€" Old Time Calithumpiftn Par«de. July 5th â€" Picnic and Visiting Day A day set aside for Visiting Old Friends and Familiar Places. At 6:30 pjm. â€" JIM HUNTER will broadcast his "News" proigram from the Fair Groamds. July 6th â€" Special Day of Worship and Thanks "Neiighborly News" will be broad cast by Andy CJarke direct from the Fair GtouikIs at 10 a^m. .\11 are in vited , Special Services both Morning 'and Evening at all Churches with Old Boys and other Special Speakers and Special Music. Dctl'ciiti :i f f th' M--.V Mortuary at the Mt. Fol^est Cemetery at 3 p.m. DANCING EVERY NIGHT to Paul Page's Oivhestra fixim the BRANT INN, and llap. McOnllum'? Hired Hands, of CHUM, Toronto. I>anciiig Commences Nightly at 9 pjin- Vaudeville >ho\v in front of Grand- stand each Afternoon and l'>ening. Greiil llig Midway at the Grounds wlih Rides, Ci»nri>ssions. etc., etc. Radio Station CKNJ with your fav- orite artists frimi (he stage'al the Grounds .Afternoons. Punch and Jnd;' Shi w ••Vt'terno(ni and Even'iig-â€" Attractions fw Young and Oldâ€" Come and have the time of your life. SPECIAL CHEAP FARES ON ALL RAIl/UOAnS ("onsnlt Your Agent Bom BOYCE â€" At Markdale . Hospital on Sunday, June 22, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Boyce of Eugenia, a son, David Bldridige. BOWLER â€" At Markdale Hos.pital on Saturday, June 21st, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bowler, a daughter. BURK â€" Mi-, and Mrs. B. L. Burk of Owen Sound announce the arrival . f a son, John Richard, at the Owen Sound Hospital on Friday, June 20th, IM?. GILLETTEâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Wed., June 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gill- ettet, Vandeleur, a daughter, Lorraine May. IIIBBERT â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Hoane, Flesherton, on Tuesday, June 24, 1947, to Mr. and M'rs. Au- brey Hiil>bert, Dundalk, a daughter. WILSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Tues., June 24th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Beit Wil- son of Corbetton a daug'bter. .'Why did you get a divorce?" "My wife called me 'Idiot'." "That's not sufficient cause for a divorce." "Well, you see it was like this. 1 came home and found niy wife in the arms of the chauffeur, and I said. 'WTiat's the meaning of this?' and she said, 'Can't you see, you idiot'?" A new family moved into the neighborhood and Mrs. Fenwiok was very much intei-ested in them. "They seem to be such a devoted couple," she reported to her husband. "He kisses her every time he goefl out and waves to her from the side walk. Why don't you do that?" "Good lord. Grace," replied hei husband in astoni&hmenti, "I donl. oven know the woman yet." DOMINION DAY Tuesday, July 1 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all I'nited States border points- FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip GO: any time from Monday, June 30i until 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 1. RETURN : leave destination not later than midnight, Wednesday, July 2. Standard Time. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children . •-• • 30« full particulars from any agent. m ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING OF ALL KINDS I completed my welding' course taken in the .A.rmy Trade School and have received my equipment for electric & acetylene, welding. WE CAN SATISFY YOU WHEN YOU GIVE US A TRIAL. TED McCRACKEN FLESHERTON AT McCR.V'KENS BL.VCKSMITH SHOP â-  • F. T. HILL & CO., Limited SPRING and SUMMER Dress Clearance \ \ Sizes, Colors, Styles for all Gay Prints, Crepes. Jerseys, etc. Reduced 25% Shop while we have a complete range to choose from. SPECIALLY PRICED SLACK SUITS Many qualities, Styles and Colors BATHING SUITS Printed and Plain Satins, etc. One and two-piece styles Priced $2.95 to $6'95 We will be closed Monday and Tuesday next week. F. T. Kill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ♦^^^^'M•^M^'^♦â- ^♦^^♦♦♦♦^l^♦♦â-  ^ ♦♦»♦ » ^i»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦^ n ! â- >>♦♦ X. â- * 4 t < -^ 1 1- <lL, I m ^ « < 0f

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