Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1947, p. 5

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r m- > ffi . i it > or THE Fi^ESHERTON ADVAiJCE Wednesday, July 9, 1947 Creamery News A new cream season is at hand Production is very satisfactory â€" considerably exceed- ing last year's make. As luual we are giving the cream producer the BEST possible pos- sible siervice and the GREATEST possible returns. Eggs KOCK MILLS Recently a considerable decline in the grade of eggs has been noticeable â€" due to the wanner weather and to much grass being available to the laying hens. Cutting down on the daily grazing period of the hens, more frequent collections of eggs and rapid cooling of same is, in our opinion, the best solution for a better grade. for your convenience, the Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday evenings ten o'clock. Flesherton Creamery I Haying has conunenced in this vic- inity with only a fair crop reported. '\;lv. M- Dobson and Miss. Margarpt Park attended the' Etobson-Moore re- union on Saturday at Sunset Point Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited on Saturday with friends in Durham, and accompanded Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whiftmore on a motor trip over the wee'k-end. calling on friends at Pais- ley. iMiss. Janet Hass of Flesherton has been engaged as teacher he*e for thtJ conidng term, duties to com- mence in Setptemiber. Mr. and Mrs. Doresy Sianpson of Wilder, Idaho have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell in Flesh- erton during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitniore of Durham who are on holidays this .â-  ek are guests at the home of Mr. .'. Inis. Chas. Newell. Mr. and Mri Mfciwell accompanied them to Owen Sound on Tuesday and spsnt the day t Harrison Park and also attended the Cherokee Rodieo Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill Wayne and Carol of Markdale were visitors at the Newell home on Motiday eveliing. US Avis, Manager Phone 66 ^♦♦♦♦•X' FLESHERTON, Ontario | 4' 4"H"M" >' H ' ** ' i"t*****4"H"t ' > ' H"H"H"H i*' H i»i | i»- H ii>i t»< i < i. I .. H .. « iti>i H i * s Haying Equipment j IN STOCK BEATTY BIG LIFT CARS. PACIFIC CARS. STEEL TRACK and FIXTURES. HAY FORKS. SHORT SLINGS. LONG SLINGS. SUNG CHAINS. END-TRIP PULLEYS. %-inch ROPK TRIP ROPE. HAY-LOADER ROPE. Repurs for Frost & Wood and Peter Hamilton Mowers and Rakes. 2 Used Hay Roiies. Rubber Tire Wagon. Steel Tire Wagons. ScuCflers. Barn Door Track. Travellers and Brackets. Galvanized Pipe. Pumps. Pump Rod. WIRE FENCE. BARBED WIRE. STEEL POSTS. Roofing and Siding Gentry 3-in-l Shingles. Winlock Shingles. Roll Roofing 90 lbs. Rollbrick Siding. Insul Brie Sidmg. Light Building Paper. Paper for under rugs. i > 12th LINE, OSPREY (Intended for Last Week) Mt. and Mrs. Harold Bens'^n of BeeU)n werd visitors with Mr. and Mtb. Josh Dobson, Feversham. Mr. and Mts. Sherman Otteiwell and son, Mervin. sptfnt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick at Red Wing. We extend our best wishes to Mp. and iMas. Fred Ball (Mina Douglas) who were married on Saturday at the! bride's home. Osprey Township is having their g'mvel crushing done by Seeley & Arnill of Dundalk. Haying is soon to be the order of the day, with a very good cix>p, and hoptfs that the weather becomes a little cooler. We know that the pupils of S. S. No. 6 are glad to le out of school Congratulations on your years' -work UTid wishinn- you all a good holiday and a happy return. We understand the Tenth Line is about to get the bright lights, as the Hydro is about to build the line, and are staking it out at present. (Inte'nded for Last Week) Vei-y warm weather the past few days. TliR light shower of rain Snn- ilay e'vening brought some relief from the intense heat. Mr. and Mrs. Bns.sell Phillips and Rodney motored to Guelph Saturday evening and visited over the we'ek (-nd with Mrs. Phillips' sister, Mrs. L. Turner, returning home Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Russell and Elva were in Owen Sound one day last week. We understand that Mrs. Russell is taking treatment froan a doctor there. We trust she will soon be feeling much better. A num'ber from here attended the lovely wedding of Miss Marie Phill- ips and Bill Turvey Saturday afta:. noon in Eugenia United Church. Heartiest congratulations are extend- ed to this young- couple. Quite a number from here took in the sports in Flesherton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Osborne and siJ:'. Mr. and Mrs. Dowey Simpson and Mrs. Will Clark and daughter of Wider, Idaho, arrived by motor on Monday for an extended visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O: borne and sou of Idaho spent Tues- day with relatives in Owen Sound. Born â€" In iMlarkdaie Hospital on Sunday, June 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. Willad Benson, the gift of a daugh- ter. Congratulations. TORONTO LINE NORTH VANDELEUR 3 inch Batts. Insulation 2 inch Batts and Granulatsd Wool Separators and Stoves New Renfrew Cream Separators and Stoves 3 good used Separators. W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON rVVVVVVV'!' ^ ^ I fOR tool, fast, easy I SUMMER COOKING Younig doctors hang uip their shin- gles in order to k«ep a roof over the-ir heads. Some of the bright-coloured sum- mer hosiery for men carry an awful sock Consumers can't \inderstand meat price's. All that we are sure of is that Hiey're on the up and up and up and UP SPniELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A Spirella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, designed in- dividually and made from measure- ments taken by experienced corset iere. Demonstration no obligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BELLAMY (Inttlided for Last Week) Mr. and Mirs. C B. Perigoe and] daughters, Betty and Mary K., of Malton aiee spending the holiday week end with IMr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. Wm. Moort-'house. who has ^yient the past nuniber of years in Western Canada, is visiting wth the Lever families and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Gel-trude Lever, who has been teaching at Hope Bay for the past year, returnc-'d to her home here. On Tuesday evening of last we'ek she- entertained a number of friends in honor of her mother, Mrs. T. Lever, who celebrated her birthday on that date. Rack Mills School Grade 8 to 9 â€" Marie White (H), Clayton Porteous, Redge Dobson, Robert Beets, Goldie Atkinson. Grade 8 â€" Shirley Parti'idge', Le.slie Porteous. To Grade' 7 â€" Murray Betts 81 (H). Jeanette Dobson and Florence Wilk- inson equal 78 (H). Eldon Turner 71. Lois Hclmkay 70. Ken Sm.ith (iS, Ethel Betts GIJ, To Grade 5 â€" Bruce Benson 80 (H), Ivan Betts 74. To Grade 4 â€" Patricia Dobson 80 (H), Dorothy Wilkinson 78 (H). Beniice Weathi'rall 4(i (R), Harvey Weathei-all (F). To Grade 2â€" Louise Betts 82 (H), Alice Weaitherall 60. Norman Wea- theTall 51 (R). To Sr. Primer â€" Joan McMaster, Sheila Dobson, Ronnie White. Elmer Weathei-all. Jr. Primer â€" Hazel Weatherall. Name'5 in order of merit except in Grade 8. Numbers are average percentages; H: Honors: R: Recom- mended; F: Fail- Number on roll â- 28. av. att. for June' 27.74. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Teadier Authorities disagree as to why men have to. sleep. Maybe it's just to get away from authoi-ities who disaffi'pe. Vandeleiur Women's Association held their July meeting on Wednes- day the 2nd with a good atttmdance. JUt. and Mrs. Stanly Leopard of Wareham wer^ recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Oiimaby. Mr. and Mrs- L. Johnston and Mrs. K. Davison were recent v!sit.or3 a* Dundalk with Mr. and Mrs. Davison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson visited their friends at Shel- burne. Mr. and Mirs. Ho'ward Graham and Ruth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stewart at Redickville. and friends at Dundalk recently. Congratulations to Miss Lorna Bowles, a successful candidate in the High School Entrance Class, who pas- .sed the written examinations wrote in Mai^kdale. Congratulations to all pupils in all grade's in Vandeleur school who were successful in bheir year's work and promote<l to higher gi-ade. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Buehannan who were mar- ried recently in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Jim who recently moved to Markdale were guests of honour at a social gathering in the Community Hall on Friday evening,. June 27th, during which Mn-. and Mrs. Shaw were pres- ented with an end table and an elect- ric tabic- lamp, and Jimmie with a flash light and a book. The address was read by H. I. Graham and Alex. Gilray. Earl Morrison. Carman Sew- ('11 anil Lome Ormsby made the pres- t'ntation. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Jimmie thanked the friends and the balance of the evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse. The annual school picnic was held in the Community Park on Wednes- day afternoon. June 25th. and was at big event for the 'children. Soft ball and other sports was supervised by the teacher, Miss Adams ami lunch was served. There was a large num- ber of children and ladies present but the men were fe^^' in numiber. Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson attended the Hutchinson reunion in Harrison Park. Or\ven Sound, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parker of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth. The .Tune meeting of the Vande'leur Woman's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Thursday Junt 2Gth. After the usual opening exer- cises .scripture reading, and reading of the minute's, a vote of thanks was tenderd Mrs. Wm. Ratcliffe for two cai'd tables donated the Institute. Miss Dora BoUand gave the motto •'The 3R's and the 3Cs" and Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Mrs. B. Hutchinson gave splc-'ndid reports on the District Convenlion held at Priceville. Mrs. Russell Freeman reported on the ,50- t4i Anniversary of the' W. I. held in Guelph. Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mrs. Freeman sang a duet. There were 20 mem'bers, :} visitoi"s and V^ children present. The July meeting will be held in the eveliing of .Tuly ;?1 in the Com- miunity Hall with Mrs. Frank Davis .Aigricidture Convenor in charse of the program. Mr. I. B. Lucas of Mar- dale will be guest speaker, on a lect- ure of Dr^varf Fruit Trees etc. and Travoloenie of Trip throuirh Europe. "You are charged," said the mag- istrate, 'Vith ha'ving: voted eigtak times. What have you to aay for youi'self ?" "Charged?" exclaimed the prison- "Why, I was expecting to get er. "Why paid!'' 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES THIS SUMMER To EASTERN QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES Take advantage of these low summer fares for your holiday in Eastern Canada . . . for a visit home or away with friends. Return limit 21 days, with stopovers peirmitted. Effective JUNE 23rd to SEPTEMBER Ist inclusive Consult any Canadian Pacific agent. 6a/»C^u£u^K &(Ui§ic The man who Imows he doesn't know it aV knows a lot. GOODYEAR HI-MILER ALL-WEATHER TRUCK TIRES With the extra advantages of Goodyear's great Hi-Miler All- Weather ... no wonder . . . More Tons are Hauled oo Goodyear Tires Than on Any Other Kind. See it today! YOUR ^J^^ GO0D>^EAR ^ DEALER D.. MacTAVISH &,SONS Flesherton, Ont. •t »H A-B-C OBivmâ€" A/'/,»///,i Be M- H -I COME IN NOW and taa for your- 4«tf how this amoxing new MofFat portobU maoi-makar gives you the cooking convenience of a regular ikitchen â€" right in the cool comfort of your cottage, porch or terrace, "handi-chef" cooks a .COMPLETE MEAL all at the same time with ONE ELEMENT - thus performing TWO cooking operations at once. IT'S PRACTICAll PORTABLE! COM- PACT! LIGHTWEIGHT! Just plugs into any standard wall outlet. Cooks everything from full-course meal to snacks â€" easily, effectively, economically. Complete with oven and griddle â€" *44 95 % « Richard's Electric Shop FLESHERTON mwi OR AMBER BOTTLES rpRADITIONALLY, Ale has always been flisti'i- buted in green bottles but, owing to tiie present shortage of green glass, some Ale is being bottled in white or amber bottles. This is a temporary measure â€" and does not in any way affect the quality of the product. "SIS- Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Mnp^iff/ 'mmmi PLEASE ^R£,^(/RH{MFmL80TTlES PROMPTLy a. * >-

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