â- â- I â- «â- â- imsm T r -4 T -r BfSINKSS OIT«»RTlMTIE» f;.\ltM MONKV Ballieiinif «nd~Brn\vlne"M?<ir- linal plantH. Wonh un in »|3 pouml. Hnndrodn of KooU. l{fi'bH. \Vei>,l» inowinit wild havr rn»h vnlii*. Snnil bIoihii fi.r ilcmlla, V.jrito Itox BT-y, laliiiKKin. li'Mario. I IIAVK a tfvi K-.fKi hUHiiioiia iilaoi-M^ a 2 More Mnck nilh aimrtmcnlB. A wiunlwork mid blackamlin «hi>i> wllh li.t, hi.u»c ami liyilrn In riiiMiiry vOlusc Alan nu'iihor nf 5". 100. isrj. ;Ofi acre farnia whh hydro In uyod loratloDa wlih hush, priced from $S(>«(l. 111'. J. C. IvOfig, Ufa' Kmale Drolifr. liru««rl». <»ntario CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ilAIRIIRKtJSI.Nn .\KI.NBY-Mi>npy-.Monoy! P.aiae Cllaiu ' "Oliiii- chlll.'i Hahhila and reap ihc profila. Pro- fUablu i.aallme. h'ull Inrormallon from Sim- luhyllR" Will ry. Waterloo, gue. AOKNTS WA.NTKU OILS, GREASES. TIRES, InjifcncldeR, KIppiri(« Fence Controllera. House and Bnrn Paint. Roof Cofitlnsa. etc. Dealera ivanlcil. Write «'nrco Crenso ft Oil Linuied, Toronto. fc:.\r'EL.LK.\T commi«Htons to anf-ntj caltinR on houacholdera with n^-w postwar line of WcMrlcnl appliance not on sale anywhere in â- Canada. EiKiuirip.i invited from men now -on roult'B KluO-Uay Corporation. Hamilton. Canada, OAlIt rfllCKS BABY^CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS •Our prltt» f(.i Baby ChUks and stariPd ChickH Will aurprise >ou Alt Cbtrka from bloort 'teuied stock Carlrton Hatrhery. Rrimnnla •HeiBhIs. Ont. Al (JL'ST L-hleka bhoiiWi be ord-red now to insure delivery. Moat breeds avu liable. pullfls. non-sexed. rorkfrela. We can ffive lnunc(liat« deUvery chirks, and some aiarted. Cray Halchery. 130 John N., HHmlli«*i). Ont. •E.^SY to raise pulleia. No brooding heat re- quired. Two lo four weeka •Id. Si>eilal prices J^l.TJ to $30.7i. First class healthy .aU'Ck. Also ^ay old chirks any time. Write for prices or send $1.80 deposit for eaily ;«hipment. Fisher Orchards. R.R. No. ::, Freeman. Ont. t WEKIC (lid fltarted chidis Barred Kocks. Xew Hann>8h:re.^, New I'Mmpshire X 15a r- ird UtH-k non-sexed 15.95. millets JS.&.'.. (ork- erels ll.D.'i. Asserted H^Mvy Brei'ds 14. •».'., pullets IT.l'S, « ockerpls 13.9.'.. While L.^.^l;' hnrn X Barred Uork. BInrk Au.<4i ralorp X White LeKhorn, While L«»Khorn pnH'-is l'.^. 9."-. Assorted Medium and I.isht pullets 'j ':.(*.>. 3 week old add G.OO per hundred. Sh'Ppfd C O.D. Also pullets eichL weeks to laying. â- Toi» Notch Chickeries. Ciuelph. Ontario, I.KAriN flrijrdrpjisini! Ihe ffottertaon methort lnf«*rrnai«iMt on regitesi revnrdinK rlanses K* I erinon'* MsirdrfH»lnit Aridemy. 131 Ave oue Rfind Toronto HJBLr tVAN-Klk WA.NTKD Inmipdiateljr..* Doctor for Cracken and disii ici Health Unit number one. Oes ffi*.itrani<^. Write or wire Mr|. .1 S. Mooney. Set re: a r>. Hi 'leken Hospital Board, (tracken. Sufk. JUiC Sklv i; KI'KI:â€" M iddle aKed~ t ni»abie~ of taliinB full charce. Write Robert Binka. Wtflt borne, ont. HOCSEKKKPHfT-COOK^'to takf " f^l ' cliiuie; itntii early December. Would cmtbider mothi-r and daufihier of useful hkc. or two fnen.Is. State full particulars. waKfS. phone nimibt-r. Mrs. Percy Woodward. Poinle Au Baril. CMilario, REGISTERED NURSES Haldimand Mar Memorial Hospital, Dunn- ville. Ont.. capable of assiatins: In O.K., $12& monthly, plus full maintenance. 6-day week. lonff we«»k-end monthly, J-weeka' vacailon with pay. Apply A. M. Casst-lman, Dunn- ville. Out. IMMEDIATE delivery of chirks, day olds and soma started, in most breeds, pulleta. non- .aexed. cockerels. Let uu know your needs. Jf you want August chl*ks they should be â- ordered without dfluy. Dray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hanilllon. ont. THE HOSPITAL for Sick Children. Toronto, offera a certificate course to younp women in the care of infants and youne thildren. LeuRtn of course â€" 9 months. Kectuirements â€" .VlMdicants must be between eiffhieen and thirty yean* of ape with one year of hlth school. Remuneration provided plus full maintenance and uniform. Applications are beinir received now for courae.<i beffinnins August first and September first. Apply to .Sui»erinttndeni of Nurses, Hospital for Sick Children, 67 Collese Street. Toronto. FIRMTIRE CHESTERFIELD SUITES C^fstertleld Suites absolutely atw. full â- princ filltd conatrucljon. every style, fineat Mohair, Velour. Fri7,e, Brocattele, Silks, Damasks and other fine hard wearing upholalerinr fa> rica 100 NKH CHESTERFIKLD 81ITE8 TO CHOOSE FRUll: FREE DEMVEl'.V TO VOIR NK.ABEST STATIO.N. TODD has been In the chesterfield auite biisineda lor 30 years and is recoimijiani in ths trade as a specialist and the moat particular buyer in the buaineas. Liete'l below are a few of our cash prices foi QIAI.ITY CUKSTEKIMELD SVIl ICS. $119.00 " "''â- '^'' ''"'"J Suiie â€" finest cu.H'ons covered all ovei Willi fine (iuality veiour. I. Balloon AV C.\N Blve prompt delivery on the folkuvini; two and three week old siarled chicks non- sexed, pullets or cockerals: Barred Uocka. New Hampshires. New ITanipahire X Itarred Uock. I'ullels In the followini; breeds: While I.eBhorna, White LcBtiorii X Barred llock. "White Uock X While Leehorn, Blark Aiialra- lorp X White Leghorn. Also aasurled heavy breeds all at rock Ijottoni prices. Also pul- lets 8 weeks to laylns. Vm calaloKue. Tweddla Chick Halcheries LImlled. Keiuus, t'ntario. UYEINO A.>fT> CLK.HNINO •HAVB rOO anythint ueeos dyeing or clean- IngV Writs to us tor Information. We are riad to answer your questions. DeparimrDl H, Parker's Dys Works LImlleil. 7»1 ron«f •Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE .JOO-ACItE farm for sale. ~j tillable, well watered, bank barn, fiame house in good repair, poasesslcn any time. Archie Simpson, Lavant Station. Ontario. FOB 8.VI.E ATTENTION TAK.UERS •FOR SALEâ€" Tractor Tires, mads of rubber suitable tor boltlns on steel wheels, tlS 00 each, rear wheels: »7.6(> each, front wheels When ordering state diameter and width ol wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., t Will shirs Ave.. Toronto, Ont. Bl.NDBR 7 ft. Cockshult, oil bath, alcmitea. W30 International $i>30.00. Four disc plow 1150.0(1. All Bood. J'hone LInwood. Elmer â- Osram, Wallenatein. Ont. CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance, first quality for â- double and sinffte beds in beautiful two-toned colours, worth double the price. Money le- funded If not satisfied. Sent CO. U. plus 'postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 'J.H Sherbrooke St., W.. Montreal 18, Que. CONCRETE MACHINERY Z'i Cu. Ft. Hand or Powcr-operaled Mixers â€" ideal for small niixinB Jobs on the fai-m. either cement or feed. 4 and 6 cu. ft. I'ower Mixers. Hand-tamped Block Machines for the small operator or farmer ronuirins blocks for his own use. Immediate delivery. Wett- laufcr-Welker Indualrles Limited, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. Ontario. Electric Power Plants .1 KVA (3,000 watt). GO or CO cycle, i:0 volt, Onan enBine and Bcneralor. A (juality unit. Ideal lor llehtinic, refrlseratlon, water pumping and small power tools In camps. Boxed and waterproofed for shipment. I'riced low. Write for details. SHEPPAHD ELECTRICAL LAB'S 104 Sparks .St., Ottawa. $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 3 piece modem uiof.a r. ilc-auiiCul L piece La'.\jii»u Suile. Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon- dun suitts. Many oil.er <tu 1st and ins values. S-AVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absoliiielj new manufac lurors factory showrO(»'ii narnple fuStes direct fioni Tl»l'D S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 V/OODBINE AVE. (Rsai). TORONTO. Ciiiine (.icoMCiE 4::4:; WANTKO LOGS REQUIRED WP; Purchaup Nfaide. Ririli. Ash. Cherry snd HajiflWotMl losa. losded on freight cars for cnwh, Write partictilars lo Bov 617, Hea- peter. OnUrio. Finland Recovers National Wealth By Self-Help Effort Great plans are now being for- mulated to aid the economic re- covery of Europe. During dis- cu.i.sion of these plans it might be well if mention were made of the tremendous effort in self-help put forth by little Finland, says The Woodstock Sentiner-Review. The end of the war saw Finland shattered, her cities wrecked, her population reduced, productive areas expropriated by Russia, and faced with a reparations bill of ?3OO,Cl00,00O. But: Finish industrial produc- tion figures were back in 1946 to 86 percent of prewar; in two years the Finns have lopped $100,000,000, or a third of the total, from the reparations bill, and hope to have the full amount paid off â- f>v the end of 1952. Arestu In faraVay Tehran the Ritz Hotel featured .\rcstu on its menu. .\ Time correspondent ordered it, found it to be the local way of writing Irish stew. Youth Delegates Leave For Pragueâ€" Photographed in Haliiax as they emharkeci. the.se Labor Youth Federation delegates are on their way to the \N'orld Youth Festival in Prague. Picture shov.s (left to right) Marie Horodezna, Micliael l.ulcac and Marv \'a,sil, ail of Toronto. Sports - And One Thing or Another Ey FRANK MANN HARRIS - ("A Sixbit Critic") â- MEIIIt AL ITS E.\'CF;LLi;M' r.tal rcmilia aft liixon'H Remedy for Itheumatic r NeiirillB. llunl(,'.»i Drilff Stole, j;i (.iitav.-a Puati>itid $1.00. O'Uarin rncing ciixlcs h.Tvc Keen mildly slirred hy the first "rin.-jiii.n" cast: ill mnny years; or j)erhaps ii: v.oiild lie more nearly correct Id phrase it, the first case to come to liplit ill years. WILLEGIX'IT .Tiid FIFTY Sn:VF.N. the two cqiiine ladies intolvcd. arc full sisters, and lot'k enough alike to decci\e the taltinn ,. „ , ^ and orctinary c.ve. but v.e arc soir.rwhnt surpiiscd that some of the cxp'.Tt rnil-hirds and work watchers, v.ho WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC Icbim th.at thcv can idenlif; any and rhiuhiit'C Ii rnient wiieii LIi itiiitl.iie ni ters promt'l l.iaiine relief Oiie in<>ii|i<s treatment VI tjit postpaid Indian R< iiic'llee â- Jox 118. Vancouver pinorLh: .\nn talkinci oHoui rcHiills from lakiiiip D .\oii's Iti r.licum.atic I'ains and .N'eur-tiH. L»t OK hloi-e, 3Ji Ktffin. Ottawa. J1."0. I he K(*aA : iiiiMty tor Mttnio's I i'ostpaid ' FOOT AILMENTS Kir.'C Foot 01 efffclivtly renie'];«.-s eorns. cullousrs. (.racktd (ect. No plastL-i u. iu> I'ads. no <;aiiMic. I'l to 50c. Coai.^.ofk I'roUucts Co.. 701 Oiiatta Klectnc Bidij.. Otla\;a, I'anadn. oi-i*(iitTiMTtK!« rmi WtlMKr* BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA S L-KAUINtJ >( 1UK»L Creai ttpporluniiy Lrarn Ha trdresSiMK PIfBsant dicntflfrt profess >un iiond wi gex ihousandb succi'Pstui Manei Ki'aduairs America's sr^'atesi system Itnist t au-d catu locue free Wrtie or Call U.ARVKI, HAIRDRITS.'JING at Blour til W . Toronto Brnn<.h'!« 44 Kins St Hamilton A 74 Hides u t>ireel Ouawa OFFKR TO INVENTORS AN OFI-'ER to every invcni»râ€" List ol inven tions and fuK in'ormhiion st-nt tree Th* Raniaa.v to.. Ketisiered Paient A(i«rnf>s Z73 Rank Street, LHiawa PATENTS •ORE AT Dane puppies, resistered, bred for IntelHsence, temperament and smart ma- jestic appearance from champion slock, finest hlood lines. Ideal for pet or walchdoffs. AVrite to Heimdalter Itennets. -ii* Clapperton. Barrie. Ont. HUNTEll'S special â€" brand new war assets released web rifle sllnsa. Kits standard swivels. The barsain you have been waiting for â€" while they last only GOc each. SI(n«; swivels for these sllnes Tic per pair. Ell- wootl Eppa S|>ortlng Goods. ClintoiT. Ontario. I'EATHKU TAIL Irish Uelriever poppies 2 Vi months old. Parents wonderful hunters. Males $10. Females $15. Thos. Chinnick, â- Chatham, R.R. No. 1. MAPLE SYRl'P MAPI-E syrup, 11*47 crop. Reasonable prices. No coupons. John M. GillespiO, AbbotsCorJ, ,-Otiebec. FETHEKSTONAl C:H * rt^rtipnr.y Patent SoHciiuts tCstnnlished Ibl^O 14 K<nB M c st. Toronto licoklel ol Informal ii'n on rctiufwi PII(»TO(iKAFII) GET BETTER PICTURES trom this t>l5. rehai'ie aiud'O AT LOWER PRICES Don't rlbx y< ur lihns i^t-nd iliem lo Slat Snai'shoi Servtce. ANY »1/E KOI.L 6 or Et K:i|K>suies OK\EI.<»Pli:i» unil PRINIfin XOr RepriniM (roai your neyalivts 4f t mounted en in rgt-mi-n is i x 6" "Jit En- lareeminis (ranied " % 9" in Oold ^^Ivt-r Walnut or Rlat k Frnines 74c. If nutures colored 94c. Prints and enlarKemenis made truin prints of lost necai ivrs IH'pt. M STAR SNAPSHOT. SERVICE OOX 119. POST OFFICE *. TORONTO McCOUMICK-DEERINCi ensilage harvester, with standardized power takeoff. I'scd four days. Harvest your corn at Its best with one or two men. Price greatly reduced. Immediate delivery. Wrllo Graham HHI, l*ont Routfo. Que. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed. non-aae spring and tnaliress $1:4. Rj. Write for free calalOBuc. Mailorder Furniture Warehouse. 175 Porlia- nitnl Slrecl. Toronto. 0\E COCKSHCTT and one Ford new IH47 n actor on rubber. Complete with two fur- row plows and double discs. Immedinie pc»s- Kt-KSion. H. Glecoff, Ritson Road South, L>uliawa, Ont. » RKGISTEnEP hackney show iKtny. i:i.l hands. Apply H. 8. Hall. 21 Maple St., <laU. Ont. STIIPMENT of .22 cff.Mbro rifles just re- ceived; nva liable to dealers. Order now. Stopa Sales t'o.. Dot 852. (Utawa. Ont. TIRES V/« are overstocked at Ibe present of sooil used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In ei- cellent shape). ' 600 X 16 â€" $5.00 Alt orders slilpped COD. Special equipment for vulcanlxlng Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACO.N TIRR corner Queen «nd Voik Sta.. Hamilton, One. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN BQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted Watchmakers Attention Lowest prices on stems, staffs, mainsprlnirs. crystals, watch i>,irta. Write for price list. Burbin Company. l>ept.-i, 74 .Sussex, Toronto. ' WING'S PHOTO SERVICE -Vll prints with derkle edce. S or 8 e\l>osure rolla â€" L'r»c. Ueprints Sc, each. Kox 2, Station J, Toionlo. TE.tl'IIKRS WA.NTEK J.Xf'KFISH; Qualified teacher, first class certilicate, Jackfish. thil., Thuinler Bay dibtritt, fiiades 1 to 8, tietwecit ,1(» lo 3i pupils. Salary $1,700 to $1,500. dependlnt; on itualificntioii. .Vecoinmodatiou at local hotel, ii niiuiili'S walk to 8Cho<d. Wanted Scm. 2. .\pplj". Kiyitiff nanie of present in- apectoi to f . A. .\icol. Sec.-Treas., Jackfish. Ont. rUOTKSTANT teachi r vianled for S.S. No. 8 Kaclaii. Duties to beeln Sept. 2iid. 1147. .tl'ply statlnc salary and qualiflcaiions to Daniel Budnnck, Sec.-Trejis.. Palmer Rapids, Oiilario, PKTEKBORn COV.NTYâ€" School Area No. t. Twp of Chandos requires teacher ileptefn- ber. Mats preferred, $1S90.08 up, experience anil qualifications considered. Walter Nelson, Hecretaty, Apsley. Ont. HASTINGS CO. four qualified teachers want- ed for School .\rea No. 1. Monteaitle and nerschel for schools No. S and 5. Monteaeic: 10 and II. Herschel. Salary. tliiOO. Dulles to commence Sept. 2, 1147, Apply, alatins quallticatlons, to Frank Hinxe, Sec. Treas.. Maynooth Station, Ont. TKACHKR wanled for P.8.S, No. S, North Plantacenet. Knrollment 14. Convenient to boavdinif house, bus, train. Apply statlnK ejcperience etc. to Mrs. 1..esll« Robinson. Plan- lasenet. Ont.. R.R. No. t. WANTED WA.NTBDâ€" All kinds ot dressed poultrj. 1X>p priera for top birds. Joaeph Cooper I/lmllsd. Poultry D«»pt . tUM Oanfortb .ive.. Toroola I. (Wa do custom tradinc). horse they ever saw at twenty paces, (litl not rccotrnixc the sv.itch wli'n \\'II,I,FCI\'JT raced anil won tinder the ii.Ttiie of her xdiiiicer relative. * * * .\s a matter of fitct, we iindcrstaml that sonic of these "'e?y>crts" arc now tryini; to ch'.ini that th'',v illil suspect it was WILI.F.GIX'IT who w.TS ninninf; at VN'ooilliine; htil whtii a.'ihed hov. much they won, somewhat coyly cmifcss that they re 'rained from lietting hecaiise of llio circum- stances. If so, they slmwed a self- restraint and ailherencc to moral piiiiciiiles wj hrxvc never run across licftire; for it has liecii our experi- ence that the surest way to nial<e anxl'ody w:'ger â€" from Cahinct .Min- ister down to hum â€" is to coi^vince him thai a race is "in the 1i.".h" and tl'at he is hctliiiK on a sure thinu. In other words, thcic's a s'li.dit touch of larceny cniicealcd in the very last of lis. « * * SIR.!)' 7 // O rC II T OX .4 DF.IJC.riE TOPIC. Ill c.fjf of his />ri-/(j.v.f Bernard Shatu adxocalcd that tiirdiitil men he ri-narded on Ihe Chinese syslciii â€" kccl> your Doclor oil salary as long as you're z(.ell, cut off his jiay as soon as you're sit k. \'o doubt it's a srrezd'all idea â€" hut soiiietiiiies kv'j'C •i.viidcrcd Iwiv soiuelliiiig similar Tvui.'/rf tt't>r^ oiif. ;fi'//i some firofessioiial labor leaders. If llieir iiicoiiies ceased the iiiiiiule a strike jcitj called â€"xi-fluld there l>e Uist OS many? * * * One ot our favorite sports cultim- nisls, .liin Colcniaii, reminisced in print recently ahotit the runmr. en- tered ill a race around Toronto's old Belt Line, who sneaked aboard a trolley car and rode the loop, setting off at his startinR-pdint in time to make a dash home in front of all competitors. Too f;ir in front, for that matter, as his .slculdiiBgcry was detected. * * ♦ This recalls other incidents of a similar nature; like the horse race on a fogiy afternoon out San Fran- cisco way when a jockey, left at the post, pulled up at ihe head of the stretch and waited unseen in the mist till tl'o rest of the field had al- most made the circuit of the track, then started going ;\.i.'ain and coasted . hopie a hr'ud.v winner. Or the occa- sion al the Olyi"pic games when certain French .Maiiillioncrs almost ccrt,iinly covered a large part of the gruelHng journey concealed in a truck. « * * Chir favorite of all, perhaps, was what once happened in a sofihall game just as the dusk was falling and it was expected lluit the umpire would call it olT on account of dark- ness at any n-omeiit. Willi the home team a run ahead, two v.cre out in the last half of the ninth. The pitchei-, a real spccuhall artist, v.as working fast in order to heat ihe call of Time. One strike â€" two strikes â€" shot across the platter. Again the piiclier took the hall, toed the mound, and swung his trusty right arm forward with terrific force. "Strike three â€" same's over" shouted the I'lnps. .\11 his teammates crowd- ed aniinid the pitcher lo congratulate him on his win; and very few there were who noticed him unobtrusively hand sometliing to his calcher. It was the hall, .\idcd hy the dusk, he had merely made his motion â€" ar.d hung on to the horsehide I Too L8 Weep to the talc of Wallic T8 Who met a girl whose name was K« And begged her soon to become his M8. "I would if I could." said lovely K8. "I pity your lonely, unhappy ts8 But alas, alas, vou've conic too L8â€" I'm married alreadv, the mother of 8." Civilian Casualties liaiice lost ri20,000 of her cilizcm ill the laic war against Cennaiiy, : ccording to the latest figure* issued. The largest number of these, 150,000, were deportees who died in Hitlcr'» labor .and concentration camps, while another 218,000 were other civilian* who died violently due to his ma- chinations. Less than half the total death roll, therefore, belongs lo ttie armed forcesâ€" Ottawa Citizen. rru(ri-t /our nU(>K<« nnd « ANN frt.in KlUK and TIIIKVFS W« buvc a ati* and type of Snir. mr ('ittjlnrt, for' any piu'pitse. Vlalt iia, or wrUa fur prirea. etc.. «• Drpt. W. 7 J.&-J.TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 14.'. Front SI. R., Tnronta Kalnbiiahrit IN". X^o-t^^ CiGARETTE PAPERS Hm only QgaraKa Papar MADE IN FRANCE en (ole in Canada Famous Pn-War Quality BLUE cover] PURE WHITE J Fras Burning Double Boob Automatic 100 Leaves far EASY KOLUNG ot. a ZiG-ZAG 25^ CIGARETTE ROHER For constant Smoking Pleasure EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLZ IN % POUND TINS Bitesâ€" HeatRash Stop'^Itch Ouicic htor I'tchine ot insect bite?, heat rasl^ enema, hives Dimples, scales, scabies, athlete r foot ind jlher entetnally caused skin troubles, laeqiiicji actinR, soothine. .intiscptic D O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless Itch stops or yotir moncv back. \ nur drucgist motkf ODD. PREiCRtPTION. How to Combat RHEUMATICnUN Rheumatic pain* may often be causetl by exceu uric acid, a blood impurity thai (hould be eilracled by Uia kidneys. U kidneyi fail anJ encei s uric acid remains, it may cause aerere discomfort and ptin. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys gel rid of trouble-making poiiona luid excess acidsâ€" help you feel better. Sm wliat Dodd'i can tlo for you. 117 •'NUGGET" IS A STAR PERFORMER- IT GIVES SHOES A BRIGHT, LASTING WATERPROOF SHINE. uy ISSUE 28â€" 1B47 NUGGET SHOE POLISH MUTT AND JEFF â€" Yes Indeed. Umpiring Is A Thankless Job By BUD FISHER