Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1947, p. 8

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^mmmmmm* mmm mi Wednesday, July 9, 1947 OilE FL.;i:SHERTON ADVANCE r Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 4 young cows due to freshen. â€" John Oliver, I'ljceville. FOR SALKâ€" U Yorkshire pigs i-eady to go. â€" John Flynn, Flesherton. FOR SAU-:â€" 50 bu. Rev. No. 1 Ajax oate in field baifH. â€" .Aii'x. S. Muir, phone 14J3 Flesheiton- Ep2 FOR SALE â€" 12 acres timothy an al- falfa hay in field. â€" Chas. Newell, phone 75J2 FleshtTton. FOR SALE â€" lVt30 Poiitiac coach in good condition, reasonaible price. â€" Delbert Fisher, Maxwell. 5p2 FOR SALE â€" Standing mixed hay in field â€" Chris Thomson, Flesherton, phone 51J1. ,5c2 FOR SALE â€" Rubber tire wagon and chunks of pigs, â€" Dick Carson, Ce ylon, phone 22M3. Bc2 .VANTEU) â€" Anun»ia •irttaiile U-. mink and fox feed. â€" Bert McIntoRi Eug«Bi>, phon« Fe^enhr \ 5r2£ Ross - Duckett WANTED â€" Convertilili- folding baby pram, must be in good condition.â€" Ken Stewart phone 32J1. 6«C FOR SALE â€" Used electric refrig- erator; electric washing machine. Apply at Munshaw House. &22 LOST â€" In Flesherton Sunday, June 22nd, double string of peals. Finder please leave at The' Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. â€" Ken Stewart- phone 32J Flesherton. 6pl FOR SALE â€" Hay loader, jrood .^i new; McCormick mower; Hay Ted- der; Polled AngTis hull, 15 months old, â€" Gordon Wilson. Kimberley, phone Thombui-y 627rl,3. 6p2 FOR SALEâ€" Stone, sand and gravel, mixed or separate, delivered oi loade<I in trucks. â€" H. A. McCauley phone 21J Flesherton. 5p3 CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises. Lot 21, Con. 13, Arte-mesia, year- ling heifei*. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€"Angus Bowles FOR SALEâ€" 1!»38 Chevrolet DeLuxe sedan in good condition, for quick sale, price reasonable'. â€" Garnet Magee', Eugenia, telephone 5r32 at Feversham. 6c3 CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to my pre- miteh Lnt 27, Con. 13, Artemesia, yearling red steer. Owner prove pi-operty and pay expenses. â€" 0- J Rowe, R.R. 4, Flesherton. 4p3 FOR SALE â€" 4 low steel wagon wheels 4 in. tire, size of axJe 10% in. kmg, diam. 3'i in and 2Vi in., the -set for |15.00. â€" J. T- Parker, phone 32w3 Flesherton. 5n2 On Saturday, June 2l8t, at 2:30 pjm., a very pretty wedding was held in Kew Beach United Church, To- ronto, when Glady.s Hazel, daughter of Mr. and -Mlrs. Fred Duckett of Eaifft-nia, becjime the bride of James Walker Ross, second son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ross of Toronto. Rev. Bi-uce Gray officiated. Given in mairiage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a white satin gown with fitted waist and sweehe'art neckline, long pointed sleeves. Her long embroidered veil wa.-i held in place by a petal halo and .shf carried a bouciuet of red roses lied with a white ribbon. Mr. Young played the wedding march. Miss Vera White, close friend of the bride, was bridesmaid and wa? wearing a bins' organdy gown with short puffed sleeves, puiiv dead-dress and matchinT gloves, and carried a lK>u(iuer of mixed flower?. Mr. loc ki*s. brother of the yroom, whf best r>ai'. Mr. Willia'n Mi;Ken?ii!. John and George Ross were ushers. Mr. Elrnest Rivers sang during the sign- ing of the retrister. The bride's mother, assisted by the groom's mother, received the guests at the Georgia Villa. A three-tiexed we'Winjr cake, with silvei- trimmings and miniature bride and gi-oom, ct'ntred the tabJe. Silver candle hold- ers and vases of rose buds made a pretty setting. The bride's mother wore a black crepe sheer dress with a pin -checked top and black afccessories, ani cor- sage. The groom's niotiier wore a navy blue dress with matching hat, and corsaige. Guests we're present from Eugenia, .Maxwell, Markdale and Owen Sound. Following the rjception. the happy ootjple left amid showers of confetti and best wiihe's 'ct Muskolia, the bride travelling in .x sm.ikv blue suit with black accessories. They will reside' in Toronto. grey accessories, and corsage of r«d roses and white carnations. The buf- fet hinch •vas 3frTe<| to the guests by six cousins- Friends were present from Belle- ville, Saskatchewan, SauU >t«. Marie and Toi-OMfco. Mr. and Mw. Pe<llar left by motor for Wasaga Beach and other places, the bride travelling in turquoise blue with bi-own accessories. The happy young couple will reside in Toronto. Ball - Douglas LOST â€" Pair young hounds, one is white with hfeck spots and tan head, other tan head and speckled. Notify Wes i'lantt, Flesherton, phone 42w4. 6p2 FOR S.\LE â€" 1938 Packard DeLuxe sedan, good tires and excellent shape throughout, heater and ex- tras attached. â€" E. B. Meads, Price- \'ille, phone Flesherton 99J2. STRAYED â€" From my promises Lot 14, Con. 2, Osprey. un or about June 22nd, red Durham yearling heifer, white mark on forehead.â€" | Wm. Hanley, Mixwo'.l P.O., plnMu collect 176w2 Du-'d^lk. .';)3 FOR SALE â€" Royal Enfield motor cycle, 5 h.p.. condition as new; 1941 Norman motor cycle, I'A h-p., 130 mjp/g.; 1947 Noi-man auto-bik?, condition as new, all ready to ride away; r</ad cart, Al shape. â€" Geo. Armstronsf, Flesherton. 6c2 Tenders Wanted Tendt/ra tor fiO tons (,f Rtoker coal delivered in the bins at Flesherton High School before Aupust 15, I!I47. will be received by the .Secretary. An- alysis of coal to be huibmitted with tenders which close on July 12, 1947- -A. B. CHARD, Secty. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Oiaduate of Toronto UniTcnity Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 FlMharton C. J. BELLAMY VI', LACE CLBRK A CoMHlMioner for UUn* AffMarlto bsnor of Marrlago LicMiMa CONVEY ANdNO DEBDS M0RTGAOB6, WIL'A Etc. Offleo: Toronto Stroot. Floohortoa WM. KAnriNG LICENSED AUCTIONREB for the County ot Grey Farm and Stock aales our ap 'aHy. Terms: roaaonablo. Satls/aetion U rnarante^. Datoa arranred st Tht \irmjic» offieo or phono iw. Pedlar - Davi&on Decorated with peonies and spring l,lossamR, Wareham United Church was the setting on Saturday, June 21st> for a ve'ry impressive ceremony, whe'n Irene Laverne, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Davison, Ware- ham, becjwne the bride of Jame's Mur- ray Pedlar, eldesit son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvap Pedlar. Feversham. The ceramony was performed by Rev. 0. W. Holanes, assis.ted by Mlajor Pedlar, an uncle of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the pretty young ibride was attired in a floor-length gown of white satan, with sweetheart neckline and long pointed seleves. The long veil was held in place â- with a heart-sha,ped halo. She carried a bouquet of red roses white sweet peas and fern. Her only ornament was a string of pearls a glift of the groom. Miss Velrna Davison, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, wearing a flooT-lenigtih giown of shell pink sheer, with headdress to match, and wirried white roses, pink sweet peas and fern. Miss Miarie Jamieson and .Mdss Evelyn Pedlar made charaning little' flower girls, each clad in floor- length dresses of mauve flowered white chiffon, carrying a nosegay of mauive und pink sweet peas and white rose's. Mr. Ted Pedlar, brothei of the groom, acted as best man. Presiding at the organ was Mr Rabt. Forbes, aunt of the bride. Dur- ing the signing of the refeister, Mrs. Jack (Stafford, aunt of the' groom, -auK "I'll Walk Reside You." The ushers were Mr. Garfield Lyons, cou- sin of the bride, and Mr. Wallace Sterwart, cousin of the groom. Following the church ceremony, a 1 eception was held at the bride's hiiin for about 70 guests. Mrs. Wm. D.ivison, mother of the bride, raceiv- (tl th ? guests, wearing a rose creipe dress wHth white accessories and a corsage of red roses and white car- i.ations, and was assisted by Mrs Pedlar, mother of the groom, wear- ing a grey printed cre5)e dress with NOTICE Sealed tenders will be receive*! by the undersigned up to ai;d including Saturday, July 26th, 1947, for the c«vei'ii>g of Ceylon United Church with l)uff-eolored biiiok siding. â€" Mrs. A. E. Goessel, Sec. TENDERS WANTED Sealed marked tenders tor the re- roofing of Pricevillf' shed with stand- and asphalt shingles will be received by the undiersigmHl until July 19th, 1946. Size of shed wait lJ&4 feiet long and 50 feet wide, work to be done in >roo<l workmanlike manner and ooan- pleted by Sept. 30th, 1947. Ix>we«t or any tender not will necessarily be accepted. â€"â- Donald Nichol, Seoty. R.R. 1, Prieerille TRUCKING We specialize in all kinds of general truckinRi at rcastonable rates, with first-class senrice. phone UB at any time ond we will be riight there. ELDRIDGR BOYCE Phone 119J1 Eugenia, Ont. Under an arch of evergreena ad- orned 'With snowballs, lilacs and peon- ies, a very pretty lawn wedding took place on Saturday, June 28tk, at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs- iMtelville Doug- las, when their daughter, Mina, was unitt'd in (marriage to Frederick Edward Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ^ali of Toronto. Rev. 0. W. Holmes of Maxiwell condticted the service and Mrs. Howard McKee played the wedding march. Mies Mimi Adams of Toronto rendered "Always," after the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was loVely in her long ffown of white' brocaded jiatin with double net .skirt, long pointed sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her finger- tip veil was heid in place with a net coronet, adorned with lily of the valley. She wore a triple pearl neck- lace. Her ca.scade bouque't was of <leep fuchsia carnations, white gar- denias and maiden-hair fern, tied^ with white satin ribbon. Mrs. Vivian Paavola was matron of honor, gowned in pale blue' silk voile with white brocatled nosegays- long pointed sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her headdress was a pale blue calot of flowers, trimmed with blue net. She carried a cascade bou- quet of Eleanor carnations and maid- on-hair fei-n, tied with pink satin ribbon. She wore' a double necklace of pearls. Miss Margaret Douglas, sister of the bride, was brides.mai<l, firowied in yellow lace with double net skirt, long pointed sleeves with sweetheart neckline. Her headdres.= was a pale yellow calot of flowers, trimme'd with yellow net. She also canied a cascade bouquet of Fisher cai-nations and maiden-hair fern, tied with i>ale blue satin ribbon. She wore a single-string pearl necklace. The groom and his attendants, Mr Richard Nettleton, groomsman, and Mr- Jack Meron, usher, wore' white flannels and royal blue top-coats. The reception was held on the lawn around the bride's table, which he'ld the three-tiered wedding cake, flowei-s and candles in silver holders. Pink streamers adorned the table. The assistants at the luncheon were, Misses Isabel Croft, Jean Cox, Edna Twigger and Loiraine Croft. ; For the honeyimoon trip to Dycon- 1 ia Villa, the bride wore a deep fujch- i sia suit with white accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. When leaving she threw her bouquet, which was caught by Miiss Mlimi Adams of Toronto. Pictures were taken by Mr. Thomas Wilson. Upon their return they will reside i„ Toronto. Guests were present from Toronto, Collingwood. Dundalk, Flesherton, Elora, Badjeros and Maxwell. Local aod Personal Mr. W'm. Hemphill of Toronto was in town for the past several ijays. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Barry spent the week end at Aylmer. Masters Jim and Teddy "Stoddart are visiting in Owen Sound this week- Rev. G. R. Service and Mrs. Sei'vice of Hamilton visited with friends in town on Saturday. Miss Tess Kenney of St. John's, Newfoundland is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White of To- ronto spent the week at the home of Geo. White, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hale and daughtej', Helen, of Sudbui-y visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. Mr- and Mi's. Oscar McKee and BHnbara of Hamilton spent the we'ek end with Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. Walter Cargoe of Windsor spent the past week with his sister, .Mrs. H. Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. A. Houden pf Toron- to spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgai- Betts. Miss Marjorie Branckenbury of To- ronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brackenbury. Mr. and Mrs. George Gates and daughter, Doi-othy, of Ilamiltoo are visiting the formers' daughter, Mrs. Reg. Boden. at the Fireside Lu'nch. .Mr.= . Gt'o. L. White of .-^vlmer is spending a couple of months with hev daughter. Mi-s. F. J. Thurston, and other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Magee and daughter, Irma, of Anei'oid, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gorley and also with relatives in the E]nge'nia district. Holiday visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Fr.ink Teeter were: Stanley of List- owel. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teeter and family of Priceville, Mtrs. Alex. Mc- Cutcheon and Sadie and Orville Eras- er of Markdale. Mr- and Mrs. Harold McCutcheon and childre'n of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Simpson of Wilder, Idaho, arrived in FleShei-ton last week and while in town are the scuests of Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Russell. They are planning to be here for Old Home Week. •«~j-4^Hi KIMBERLEY Hale - Sayers The United Chuixih Parsonage', Maxwell, was the scene of a pretty wedding iSlaturday, June 21st, at 2 pjm., when Wilda Ellen Soipihia, daughter of Mrs. M. Sfayers and the late Mr. Morton Sayers of Fevei-- sham, became the ibride of James Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale of Feversham. Rev. O. W. Holmes officiated- The bride wore a street-length dress of white silk jersey, with halo hat and wbi/te' accessories. She also wore a three-strand pearl necklace with matching ear rings and corsage of red roses and maiden-hair fern. MLss Audrey Sayers, sister of the birde, was bridesmaid and wore a street-length dress of pale pink jer- sey with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses and maiden-hair fern. Bert Hale, brother of the groom, was eroomaman. \ reception was held at the* home of the bride's mother, when about 25 ttuests were present. Mrs. Sayers received her guests wearing a grey and mauive flowered silk jersey. The bride's table was centred by a three-tiered weddin/g cake, and cand- les in silver holders. Pink and white streamers canopied the tables and diningroom, Assistant« at the tables wt^e. Muriel Wddrick, cousin of the bride.and Yvonne Davidson, cousin of the groom, while Mrs. Frank Slsortt, aunt of the bri<le, poured tea. The groom's gift to the bride was H chest of Lady Hamilton Comoniun- jty Platet silverware; to the brides- maid, a string of pearls; to the gi-oomsman, a gold signet ring, and to the 'waitresses, rose bowls. lycaving on a >motor trip to Niagara and Muskoka, the bride wore a three- piece grey suit with black accessories. WELDING Electric and .\cetylene Welding of all kiixds. My acetylene welding outfit li port^ible and will go any place and do acetylene welding- TED McCRACKEN Blacksmith Shop Flesherton (Inte'nded for Last Week) Mr. and Mi-s. Art Wardman of To- I'onto spent the week end 'with rela- tives here. Mr. Cairns spent the first of the week in Toronto. We are' sorry to *now that Mr. Abe Knott is ill from a heart condition- Mrs. A- Andrews of Toronto visit- ed the week end with Mr. and Mrs Cha.s Graham- Mrs. 0. Baker and little daughter and Mrs. Dalton Ferguson spent part of the week fwith ]\lrs. Fergu.soii. Three veterans from the Veterans' Christian Fellowship, visited the Baptist church Sunday and held mornipg and evening serviceji,. The' singing and messages were more than ordinarly fine. Miss Dunita LawTence and friend of Toronto spe'nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. La^vrence. A good friendly ball game was played at Kimiberley Saturday after- noon betwee-n Kimberely and Rock- lyn, ivith the score 7-.^ for Rocklyn. A game was played Friday bertween Kimiberley and Thoirobury juniors, â- with Thombury winning. We are sorry to report Mr. F. J. Wefber in a Toronto hospital, where he underwent an operation. We hope that he may bei home soon. M»-s. Welber accomjpanied him and is stay- ing -with her daughter, Mrs. G Patterson. Mrs. W. Thomson and Bonnie Lee spent the week end 'with Mrs. Georir-^ Proctor. iMV. Stan Hutchinson is. nnon-i:- a few days with his parents here. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited jj HOT WEATHER BARGAINS IN OUR - ii GROCERY DEPARTMENT i! 20 oz. tins of Assorted Fruit Juices 10c each Orange, Grapefruit, Blended Juice 48 oz. tins as above 28c leiacli 32 oz. bottles Prune Nectar 10c eadh Fresh Mincemeat , 2 lbs. 35c Assorted Aylmer Soups 2 for 15c Metcalfe Pumpkin, 28 cz 10c tin Bulk Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 27c Assorted Boiled Dinners 25c tin F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. ii Phone 7 Markdale Skunks are said to imimune to the sting of bumblebees. Can you imag- ine a bumblebee trying to sting a skunk ? A lady of position, sitting near Bishop Temple at dinner, asked him; "My aunt was prevented at the last moment from sailing in that ship which foundered- last week; would you not, Bishop, call that a most provide'ntial interposition?" "I can't tell; I didn't know your aunt," said the Bishop. Ii fciTi Ti tiilLit.iT. i*- -'*- -*- a . - . â- *. J. ^ aEif T > t * * MEN'S WEAR SPECIAUTIES READY-TO-WEAR SUITS GABARDINE TROUSERS SPOR,T SHIRTS SHIRTS AND SHORTS PLASTIC BELTS PLASTOC SUSPENDERS SMART FANCY HOSIERY BILTMORE FELT HATS NEW NECKWEAR SMART BLACK OXFORDS " TAN BROGUE -OXFORDS MEN'S SWEATERS New Pullovers Zipper Front Sweater New Pattern Pullovers. An entirely new assortment in a range of popular colors. F. H. W. HiCKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont ; •""â- * â- '* *^*"T'tiiiinnm' â- * â- ^ i l?(?^/y TO THE SM BY BUS SIGHT SEEING AIL THE WAY FARES ARE LOW Round Trip • Tax Included QUEBEC . . 29.60 ST. JOHN - . $46.70 HALIFAX - . 50.6S (Suibject to ehai>g>e) FIRESIDE LUNCH Resf. Boden, Prop. Phone 63 Flesherton â-  «M --"

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