*z. Wednesday. July 23, 1946 'jilE FLiilSHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 7 acres early Alaska oate â€" Bill Hyslop, phone 4M. WANTE3Dâ€" Child's play pen.â€" J. D. MjCDonald, phone Feversham 5r41. FOR SALEâ€" 30 pigs ready to wean- â€" Thoe. Woods, phone 56J12. FOR SALE â€" 1928 Chrysler sedan. See Alf. Olsen, Boyds' garage. FOR SALE â€" Youivg cow "just fresh- ened. â€" Clifford Allen, phont 44wl Flesherton. 7c 1 FOR SALEâ€" 12 acres timothy an al- falfa hay in field. â€" Chas. Nei^ell, phone 76J2 Flesh«?rton. JITANTE^ â€" AnumBla luiUbl* foi mink and fox ie«d. â€" Bert Mclntoftr Eu««mA, ]^oM PcT«rshr-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Adams farm truck wagKm, nearly new. â€" Wilfred Lever, phone 33J2 Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Windmill tower, 30 feet. â€" Wm. Canupbell, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Beautiful puppies, small ibreed. â€" J. D. McDonald, phone 5r41 Feversihani. 7c2 FOR SALE â€" Nunuber cf Leghorn^ Hamp .pullets, 4 months old. â€" Jas. A. Stewar • ph'iDi 33w4. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of mixed hay. alfalfa and timothy, reedy for the wagon; cash or shErc-'s. â€" A. F. Pedlar, phone Feversham 5r31. 12th LINE, OSPREY Misses Sherritt and Dunn of Coll- ingwood were week end visitors witlh Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Shortt. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham and family i, " Barrie were visitors with .Mil-, and Mrs. Percy Senuple. Mrs. T. R. McKetizie of M*rkdale, foi-meriy of Wales, is holidaying with Mrs. Jas. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiokens, Clarks- burg visite<l with the latter's mother. Mrs. John Dolbson. The Providence Ladies' Aid has just eonipltted the decoi-ation of the Providence church and are gratefi:! to those who so willingly helped in the financee, from near and far. Mr. Jas. McKenzie and son, Victor called to se'e some old school ohuans, Mr. Ben Barber of Rocklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Barber of Bindloss, Alta.- enjoying an old-time g^ossip. BUCKINGHAM FOR SALE â€" NuanJber of young pigs ready to go. â€" Walter Williamson, R. R. 3- Pricevilk. CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises, .yearling heifer. Owner prove' pro- perty and pay expenses. â€" Stanley Campfb"'' Eugenia. 7c3 CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises, red & white yearling heifer. Own- prove property and pay expenses. â€" Nerval Betts. Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Brantford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brownridge. Mrs. Smith remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mhs. Randall Taylor of Banks visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawton Sunday evening. Mrs. Alex. Rutledge of New West- mdnsteir, B.C., who is on a trip East, spent last week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hawton and family. Mrs. W. J. Clark and deughter, Mrs. Stivers of Wilder, Idaho, who motored to visit relatives and friends, spent a few days last week with the former's niece- Mrs. A. Mullin, and family. Miss Coreen McGregor of Brant- ford is spending the summer holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownridge. "When a man has a birthday he takes a day off. When a woman has one, she takes a year oflF." WANTED â€" Used linoleium squares for room 24x18, must be in fair condition. Notify C. S. MacTavish, phone 9, Flesherton. 9p2 FOR SALE â€" Certified Rasptoerry plants. Write Box 764 Oaanplbell- foord, Ont., for illuafcrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. STRAYED â€" From lot 3, con. 4, in CoUangwood Twp., afteer with brand on left hip- Please notify George Hodnies, Duncan, Ont, phone 61Bt4 T%ombury. Sfifi NOnOB â€" The party is kn*wn who took skidding tongs from tiie log pile on my premasee. Return at once and save further trouble. â€" J. D. MoDonaild, EKigenia. 7cS FOR SAIjrB â€" In FJesherton, good building lot with bam 60x64 feet, well, hydro; lumber of barn, JOlHIO feet, suitable far new onstruction. Dr. J. E. Milne, pfeoae 36 Flesh- erton. 7p3 FOR aAliE â€" Boys] Bii£eld motor cycle, 5 h.p., conddtion as new; lft41 Noonnan nvotor cycle, 1% hvp., 180 aitpjg.; 1947 Norman auto-ftnke, oondition ae new, all ready to ride awiay; road cart, Al shape. â€" Geo. Armstrongi FleBixerton. 6c2 mriON S4LE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS *" BOWI. HYSM * Local and Personal Hello Homemakers! After collect- ing everything retiuired for a picnic and after an hour in the country, people "build up" appetites as raven- ous as though they had been digiging in the' garden all day- Whether or not this is partly a matter of imagination the fact remains that picnickea-s look forward to being fed The good home- makea' remembers to bning along sat- isfying picnic dishes and the requisite utensils. If there are cooking facilities at the picnic grounds, plan to serve a hamburger surprise . . . Holiday Hamburgers; The petppy flavour wi'll please everyone. Fresh fruit, with a oup of steepe'd coffee will complete the meal. However any sunny day have supper on the back porch, off in the backyard, or the park. Make a comibination salad, butter hot tea bis- cuits and- take along with the thermos filled with chilled fruit jiuices. We maintain that a simple but am- ple lunch elimdnates fuss and bother. The items that ai-e frequently over- looked are salt and pepper shakers; we sometimes forget to take off the caps, stick in a bit of wax paper and screw tops on tightly to prevent spilling. DENVER HAMBURGS 3 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup chopped cooked ham 1 tlbsQ). finly chopped green pepper i3tsps. minced onion \-i tsp. salt %tsp. pepper Toasted bread Ooonlbdne all inlgredients except toasted bread and drop mixture from tablespoon on to gi'eased frying pan and spread to make flat cakes. Brown On both sides and serve between slices of toasted or untoasted bread or rolls Tenders Wanted TendeM for 60 tons of stoiker coal delivered in the bins at Flesherton High School befo»>e August 15, 1947, will be received by the Secretary. An- alysifi of coal to be hubmitted with tenders which close on July 12, 1947. â€"A. B. CHARD, Secty. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m- DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton MRS. R. G. HOLLAND will sell by puUic auction at her residence in FLESHERTON Saturday, Jnly ZGth, 1947 the follov«ting> namely: Mendelssohn Piano; GhesteHield and Cthair; Settee and Chair to match DeFtorest-Onoefll^y BaJHo; Floor limp Table Lamp; Diningrootn Taible; 6 Cbairs with leather seats; Ruig 6x9; Sideboard; Kitchen Range "Happy Thought"; C^l Oil atove, 2-ib!umer; Electirc Plate, 2 burner; Kitchen TaWe and Chairs; Morris Ohair; Card Tables; 3 Rockers; 2 Dressers; Bed- room Suite, nearly new; Dovdxle Bed, Dresser and Wash Stand; Double Bed, couch; 2 Wash Tubs with stand; Raymond Sewing Machine; 3 Co»kioI- etim Riags: 9x12, 6x9 and 6x8; Lawn Mower; Beatiy Electric Wlaehing Machine; Oopper Boilo-; 2 Mattres- ses and Springe; Electric Iron; Flat Irons; Electric Toaster; Secretary; 2 Coal Oil Leum^; Dust Mop; Hall Radk with mimw; Weighted Polisher; Trunk; Number Window Screens; Number of Hooked Mats; Ladder; Tea K«ttie; Feather Pillows; Pots; Pans; %'^k tons anthracite Coal; 6 tons Anthracite Stove Coal; numer- ous other articles. SALE AT 1 PjM. SHARP TERMS OF SALE: Cash. WM. KAITTING, Auctioneer CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Pastor Services next Lord's Day, July 27. Worship at 11 a.m., subject: "The Lord's Prayer." Text: Luke 11:1. and worship at 7:80 pjm., subject: "Jehovah's Thought of Thoughts." Text- John 3:16. The ordinance of Believers' Baptism wiU be adminis- tered at the close of this service. Church School every Sunday a* 12 noon. Prayer and praise service on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. We -welcome you to ail the services in the Little Chuich by the Side of the Road. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Service Sunday, July 27, at 3 p.m. Church Sfchool at 2'pjm. Prayer and praise service on Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock. All are welcpme to cone and wor- ship with U8. Mr. Ted Banks of Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banns. iMr. F. J. Thurston and son, Harry, spent the week end at Lions Head. Mrs. Wm. Holley has been serious- ly ill at her home in .town this week, and is slowly improving in health. Mr. Vernon Stewart of Bramipton called on his parents, Mr- and Mrs. John Stewart, one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. Milne spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. Service at their cottage at Kincardine. iMisses Janet Betts and Marion Pickles are attending the Rotary oaimp for girls at Presque'le for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald and son, Eddie, returned to Toronto, after spending a holiday with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. John Thistlevwiite. Mr. and Mrs. S. Drumm of Toronto and Mr. Roy Andrew of Shelbume were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Parr of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Robertson of Johnannesiburg, South Africa, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MacTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Har- rison and Jean visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and two children of Feversham and Mr. and Mrs. John MtaDougall and two children of J^eaford were week end visiitoa-s with Mr. John Flynn and Mrs. Foster, Meaford Road. Week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles, Springhill, were: Mr. and Mrs. Willard Londry and Mr. Vem Bowen of St. Catharines. The two former remained and MSss Phyl- lis Londry returned with Mr. Bowen. The following girls are attending the C-G.I.T. camp at Port Elgin for the next week: Marie Stewart, Anne Stuart, Margaret Macpherson, Muriel Sparks, Mary Jane MacTavish, Patsy Hodder, Elaine Oook, Glenora McGee. NEWi COTTAGE FOR RENT ON LAKE EUGENIA Lovely furnished •ottage at Eugen- ia dam, just com<pIerted, for August and SeptemlK>r, suitable for 4; gfood sperkled trout fishing, swimming and boating. |20.00 weekly, including boat. Walking distance to stores. Also choice building lots from |10(M>0 up. Apply to HAROLD BBST Phone 13 Flmherton TENDERS WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BUS Tenedrs will be received up to IB o'clock noon, July 26th, 1947, by the undersigned, for three (3) busses to transport pupils to and from the Flesherton High School for the 1947- Ift4i8 school term. Information re- garding bus construction, routes, etc. may be obtained from Reg. Boyd, Fl!e«beiit*n. â€"A. B. CHARD, Sec.-Treas. Flesherton, Ont. C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LAGB CLERK A CommlMioner Cpr taUng AffldaTlUi Infner tff MaMag* Ucenscs CONVETANaNG DBSDS MbRTGAGBe, WIL^S, Etc. OfTice: Toronto Stract, FlMharton WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and Stodc a«le8 our ap 'alty. Tenns: reasonable. Satisfaction it gaarante^d. Dates arranged at !%« Aihnuiee office or phoM 4w. NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday, July 26th, 1047, for the covering of Ceylon United Church with buff-colored brick siding. â€" Mrs. A. fe. Goessel, Sec. United Chui«h Notes Rev. A. G. MacpVJT««n, B.A. Minister "iNo flashlight Religion" is the ser- mon theme on Sunday, July 27th, at Flesherton, Proton and Eugenia. On Sunday, August 3rd. the only services on the pastoral charge will b(. thoes held at Flesherton in con- nection with Old Home Week. Every- one is cordially invited to enjoy the .=ipecial morning and evening serrices at St. John's. Best wishes for a good time to the members of the Canadian Girls in Training, who leave this week for Camp at Port Elgin. DOG TAXES DUE TO BE PAID Halke notice that all dog taxes due in the Village of Flesherton are to be paid on or before July 31st, to Chief Contsalble Kaitting. By order of the Council. â€"C. J. EILLAMY, Clerk. HAY BUYING We will be buying hay next week. Please pohne 17 Markdale. Trent Dekydrated Prodncta, Ltd. Markdale, Ont. HOGS WANTED Hogs Wanted, also Veil Calves . and Lambs. Oar own truck will pick up your live stock without charge to you. TORONTO SAUSAGE & PACKERS LIMITED Pkone 94w4 Dundalk, Ont. TRUCKING We specialize in all kinds of general trucking at reasomable (wtee, wsth first-class serriee. phone US at any tome and we will be riight tbere. ELDRID6E BOYCE Pkone 119J1 Eugenia, Ont. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited ; Will be Closed First Week in Augast : Dates inclusive are Aug. 4 to 11 : to enable our employees to enjoy a vacation II F. T. HiU & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale Some kids think that their home life is just tied up in a series of "nets." Jimmy â€" "Daddy says there isn't another women in the world like you Mamma." Mother â€" "That's very flattering of bimi." Jimmy â€" "And he says it's a good thing, too." * 11 ll f »***»»**** f # **»»»» #> » ♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦* MEN'S WEAR SKOAUTIES READY-TO-WEAR SUITS GABARDINE TROUSERS SPOR,T SHIRTS SHIRTS AND SHORTS PLASTIC BELTS PLASTOC SUSPENDERS SMART FANCY HOSIERY BILTMORE FELT HATS . NEW NECKWEAR SMART BLACK OXFORDS TAN BROGUE OXFORDS MEN'S SWEATERS i New Pullovers Zipper Front Sweater ; New Pattern Pullovers. An entirely new assortment in a range of popular colors. F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont -r i p*4fi LADING CLOVER The HiU Seed Co., Ltd., Markdale, Ontario, advise that it is now time for producers of Ladino Clover to Write to â€" Inspector, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Poet Office BIdg., Barrie, Ont. requesting that FIELD INSPECTION lie made pf existing fields intended for SEED PURPOSES. This must be done by individual ptoucers jeoncerned, and they are urged to do it now â€" elay could be costly. ^ei/ir/ ON A RESTFUL STEAMER CRUISE fiO sy dUS FARES ARE LOW Round Trip ^Tm Inoludedj; Owen Sound - $ 2.00 X Midland - - 8.85 X Grtivehhurst - 9.85 X Parry Sound - 13.3S X Via Owen Sound (Subjec to change) FIRESIDE LUNCH Rejj. Boden, Prop. Phone 63 Flesherton