Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1947, p. 1

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®()je /kslj^tU^n %jt»aTic^. V VOL. 67; NO. 9 PLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 30, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, ^ClM^CVt V .r 1 U '/ ) YOU CAN R£AD ABOUT WARS, ACCIDENTS AND CRIME IN THE BIG CITY] PAPERS BUT WE 6IVEY0U NEWS ABOUT; JHE PEOPLE YOUKNOWj ....AND WHO / KNOW YOU/ MAHIWt WILL •N THE ^ VtCINiTY " Born CHESHIRE â€" L.A.C. and Mrs. A. G. Cheshire of Fleaherton wish to "~ announce the birth of tehir son, Ron- ~ aid Eriic George, at Mrs. Nuhn's â- * Nursing Home, on Sunday, July 27th, ~ 1947, a brother for Linda. - DOUOLAS â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- - sing Home, Flesherton, on Sunday. ~ July 27th. 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. *- DoTiglas Weir (Marjorie Kinsman), _ a daughter, Shayron Marie. Meldrum - Morrison Ferns and suitiimer flowers formed a pretty backgraund for thef wedding on Saturday, July 28, in the United Church, Maxwell, of Kathleen Rachel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angius Morrison and Robert Dean Meldrniim, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Ccicil Meldrum. "Sev. 0. W. Holmes, pastor of the church, officiated. Mrs. R. J. Morrison of Walkerton played the wedding miusic and during the signing of the regdster Burt Morrison of Walkerton played "Ave Maria" as a violin solo, aecompanred by his mother at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-lengith gown of white brocaded organza with mat- ching halo and emhroideYed finger- tip veil. She carried a round bouquet of red roses, baiby's breath and fern. MlissAlda Hawton as bridesmaid was gowned in blue net ove'r taffeta with matcbiniG shonWer-lenght veil and carried an "armiful" bouquet of pink carnations and Haiprpy Day roses. Donald Meldruan wa.= his brother's groomsman. Dennis Morrison, little nephew of the bride, was ringbearer and the ushers were Robert Clark and Boss Morrison. The re&eptjon was held at ithe home -of the bride's sister. Mrs. Em- erson Wright, where Mrs. Morrison Names To Remember Try singing to the tune of "In The Evening by the Moonlight." In spare monients, reminiscing, I recall some Pleshertomans Of the nearly Nineteen Hundreds, And a part that each had taken To make Flesherton the Home Town, That to-day we're proaid to honor In the Old Home Week. Most have passed to thedr Reward, Some, thanik God, axe still among us Carrying on the old traditions Of a willage firmly founded; In integrity and honor. Love of peaceful, usefial living. So. in praise, let's sing these names In our Old Home Week. M, K. Richardson - IMlr. Trimible, F. G. Karstedt - Mr. Gibson Aaron Munshaw - T. J. Sheppard William Anmstrong - "k. J. Sproule Mr. Clayton - Tommy Ptdmer Mr. Sullivan - W. J. Moore W. H. Bunt and Harry Wilson John Runstadler. John A. Boyd and Frederick Hickling W. H. Wright and Bt-nthani brothers, Billy Boyd and BUly Trimble, Frederick Tucker - Andy Wilson W. H. Thurston - Dan MacTavish, Edward Thomipson - Oscar Phillips, Norris brothers - Dr. Carter, And Mark Wilson. Johnny Heard and Thomas Blakeley. Dr. Ottewell - Geoi^e A. Mitchell, Mr. VanDuse'n - W. J. Bellamy, EDITORIALâ€" This week end the people of Flesh- erton are welcoming home hundreds I of fonner residents from near and far-away i>oints. The^y are coming back to see 'their old home's and to meet thedr pals and friends ot former years. They and we have been looking foi-ward to this reunion for some time and we hope that thp expectations of all for an interesting I time will bring forth all which they hoped for. We are glad to have you back and we join in giving you a royal welcome to our village. The program of siports and concerts has been careifiuUy prepared and a great deal of time has been spent by the executive and committees in provid- ing wholesome entertainment for the crowds expcted to be present for the reunion. We want you to have a â- good time at this great event and your pleasiure in attending is only exceeded by our pleasure in having you with us again. mother of the bride, received, wear- : William Crossley - Wesley Buskin, .4. -*. -4' RETAIL STORES in Fleshierton will be colsed on Tuesday and Wedneisday August 5th and 6th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ing navy crepe and corsage of pink Delight roses. She was assisted by the gixwn's mother, wearing turquoise crepe and corsage of pink Rapture roses. Following the receiption the happy couiple left for a motor trip through Northern Ontario, the bride wear- ing an ensemble of gray and lime green with white accessories. Card of Thanks I wish to express my appreciaton to everyone who sent cards, letters, flowers or treats while I was in the Markdale Hospital. â€" ^Mrs. R. Conn. 0. H. Week Services St. John's United Church SUNDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1947 10:15 8.m. â€" Sunday School. Visitors welcome. 11 a.m.â€" Guest Preacher: Rev. H. E. Wellwood, B.D. i Soloist: Mrs. M. Holmes of Carlton Street United Church in Toronto. Old-Timers' Choir. 7:30 p.m. â€" Guest Preacher: Rev. W. R. Clement, B.D. Trumpet Duet: Messrs. J. and W. PerkJfis. St. John's Choir. EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED Johnny Nuhn - Malcolm McDonald, Mr. McCauley - Doctor Murray. Dr. Christoe - Doctor Bibby, Charley Richardosn. .Ajvery Hawken and George Stewart. John A. Wright and Mm. Hales, Herbert Smith and Jim McClocklin, Reverend Wilson and Mr. Wellwood, L. F. Kipp and Mr. Slauiffhter, N, C. Mansell, Mr. Blackburn, Mlrs. Armstrong. Miany-more should be included But their names just now elude me. Though their worth is known fully To some, whose memories are much ibetter, • I would never daa'e be guilty Of a wHlful, mean, omission, Though not named, I would salute them In Old Home Week â€" Both Cornfield. LOCAL FAMILY REUNION DURING OLD HOME WEEK A Brown reuniion has been planned for Monday, August 4th, by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenhury of town, wlhen members of the famaly will be pre- sent from Toronto. Forest, London, St. Marys, Collingwood and Kirkland Laike. In Memoriam • Ton might b« the oast â-¼ietim of fireâ€" fire that cmi qnickly destroy your homa, yomr bnaineaa, your property, yonr whole life's work. Let Pilot Insorance accept the riskâ€" ready and quick to pay any jost claim. The cost is very low. We write Pilot Insnranca to cover selected risks in Aatomol)ile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Borglary, Plate Glass, Pub- lic Liability and other general insnrance. DOUPE â€" In lovinig memory of a dear son and brother. Gnr. Edgar Doiuipe, killed in action at Caen. France, August 4th, 1944. Remembrance is a goldeti chain Death tries to break, but all in vain. To have, to love and then to part. Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never. The memory of those happy days When we were all together. â€" ^Lovingly remembered by Mother. Bi-other and Sisters. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn Passes Old Home Week News Chat About The Doings For The Big Event Champion Canoeist Will Be At Flesherton Sports An interesting event at the pond ssports on Wednesday of next week will be the exhibition of canoeing by Hugh Mercer of Markdale, in demon strating trick and safety canoeing. Hugh is Canada's outstanding trick canoeist and has been very success- ful in canoeing competitions. At the Western Divisdon meet of the Canad- ian Canoe Association held in To ronto, Hugh took first place in the double blade tandem and second in the double blads singles. He is also co-holder of the double blade four.s and is Canadian Marathon Champion in paddling. The people will no do^lbt be thrilled with the feats he can display with a canoe. Hugh will Afer an illness of six weeks. Mrs. be at Ottawa this Saturday for the Joseph Blackburn passed away at her Canadian Canoe .^ssocition Dominion residence in Fle'sherton on Saturday cham.pionship races evening, Jnily 26th, in her 83rd year. The late Mrs. Blackburn was a --^l visitors are requested to regis- daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs ter with Emerson Bellamy, and he Walter Ayers, an early minister oi will have his registration booth the former Methodlist Church, and wherever the crowds are gaithered. came to Flesherton with her parents This record is needed in order to have .62 years ago. She man-ied Joseph , a complete list of those who attended. Blackburn, who predeceased her on i the reunion. The names will be pub- lished in The .â- Advance following the reunion. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Representing If you save "5 cents a day from now until £"'hri;4m«s you'll still be broke on December 26. Future Events PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY bANCE AT KIMBEBLEY Dance in Kiiniberley hall Thursday. July .31st. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 to music by Norm' Haa-tley and His Dance Orchestra. Door prize. Booth. Admission: 50 ^ents. DURHAM HERE TONIGHT Durham softball team, loading team in their league, will play the Flesherton team htve loivisfhi (Wed- nesday) at 7 p.m. Don'v miss this. May 19th, 1925. She le'aves to mourn two sisters, Mrs. R. H. Henderson of Flesherton and Mrs. W. H. Crawford of Sarnia, the latter being seriously ill at the present time. The late Mrs. Blackburn was the organist of the former Presibyerian Church in Flesherton for many years and latterly had been organist in the United Church until sihe retired five years ago. Altogether she spent 56 years in active work in playing the church organs and as choir leader. Her wonderful contralto voice was a gift and gave freely of her talent in the church and in various other ways when requested. She was also active in the various other church organiza- tions until her health brought on a cessation from public activities. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, with sen'ice conducted in St. John's fnited Ch'Arch by her pas- tor, Rev. A. G. Mac)pherson, wiho paid tribute to the. work of Mrs. Blackburn in the imterests of the community throughout the years. Rev. Macpherson spoke on the sub- ject ''In my Father's house are many rooms." Hymns used were "Hark, Hark, My Soul" and "G«d Is Our Re- fuge and Ciur Strength." The pallbearers were Messrs. C. N. Rlichardson, G. B. Welton, G. A. Mlac- Tavish, C. J. Bellamy, A. E. Bellamy and F. J. Thurston. The flower bearei-s were eleven ladies, members of the choir. Among the floral offerings were tributes froan the United Church, the United Church Choir, Fleshe'rton Old Boys and Girls Association, besides donations from the neighbors and friends for a memorial to her mem- ory to be placed in the church. Those from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were: Mrs. (Dr.) Kister. St. Catharines; Mrs. J. Ryder. Hanililton; Mr. W. Millie, Mrs. J. Blackburn, Mrs. I. Watson. Mr. and Mr?. Senry Laiwrence. Mr. Geo. Blackburn and sons, Earl and Gerald. :ill of- Creemore; Mr. Ken Blackburn and Miss Gr.ice Blackburn of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. J. Riseborough, Stayner; Dr. Cyril A. Dyer and son, Cyril, and Mrs. A. C. Keenan, De-. troit, Mich; Mr. W. H. Crawford. Sarnia; Mvs. W. H. Miller, Mrs. Dick Stewart. Mrs. Wm. Inkster and M6ss Amy Hanbury. Dundalk. Included in Monday's events at the pond will be swimming races. Catch- ing the duck, greasy pole and diving campetritions for boys and girls. The pond events with visiting champion swimmers will be a big attraction on Monday. The Maxwell W.A. is having a booth at the ground and would appre- ciate your patronage. will be held in the evening at Uta town square and then a concert in the rink at 8:16, followed by a dann. The crowning event of the reunion will be the gigantic display of fire- works to round out an interesting and entertaining four-day program. Dear Frank, i foit agin goin to Fleaherton OU Home Week. Sez i i won't let them no that i have corns and rimgles, bnt now i am cunumin jist to see who Avill be there. Use ought to give me a grate WB- come becuz i changed my mind. yours truly, â€" B. GUESS Wednesday's program starts with a Clalithuimpdan Parade at 9 a.m., followed by water sports at the pond, including motor boat races and exhi- bitions of trick and safety canoeing by Hugh Mercer of Markdale, who is the chamjpion trick canoeist of Can- , ada. After dinner the OUingwood Memorial Kiltie Band will lead the parade to the agriculural grounds, where horse races will be held, three classes with three heats earfi. Cree- more and Meaford wiill tangle in a baseball game and there will also be parachute jumping. A band concert SOFTBALL NEWS 3We "n â€" I CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks |?4Avt;nue Rd Ki.4344 AN APPRECIATION OF THE LATE MRS. BLACKBURN Few choralist organ maestros oi music critics have altruistic qualities as had the late M-rs. Blackburn. Hev artistic rendition, particularly of hymn phvying, and the natural stride in handlinig the old reed organ in the Presbyterian Church long ago. created an atmosphere of dignity. So colorful was her playing and the prasing of the hymns, that I was iniipressed enough to go home and learn the words. Her contralto voice, rich and hai'monious, was aii insipira- tion to anyone singing with her. Charity imd fairness toward others was ever reflected in her personality., ITie late Mr. BJaclfibum, patient and long-sufTering for so many yc-iars. and well-remembered by many, used to remark how his wife kept so bright through the yenrs oif his illness. With silent acceptance she lived her life, and now Floshcrton mourns one of the loveliest persons, a.'t for me. 1 have lost a life-long friend. â€" Mabel (Boyd) McDonald. Recently we reported that Dundalk had defeated Eugenia in a league game by the score 6-5. This score was just the opposdte, as the league- leading Eugenia team had defeated Dundalk. Our informant misled us by giving the wrong winner. On Friday night of last week Eug- enia visited Flesherton, and won by a score of 11-2. Eugenia fielded a stronger team than vyhen Flesherton played them at Eugenia. The lineup for Eugenia was: L. Russell, catcher; L. Seeley, pitcher; R. Johnson, 1st; B. Clapk, 2nd; F. Boyce, 3rd; D. Camptoell, short stop; T. Bemrose, left field; Geo. Bemrose, centre field; and L. Partridge, right field. Oil Monday night FlesheTton suf- fered another deafeat when they visited South Line. At the end of 9 innings the final score read, South Line 8, Flesherton 6> This wag one of the fastest games of the season, with both both pitchers doing a good job. South Line â€" C. Hiitchinson, cat- cher; H. Duxebury. pitcher; Whyte, 1st ; J. McKinnon. 2nd; W. Hutch- inson, 3rd; F. MIcKinnon. short stop; Turner, left field; J. Meads, centre field ; and Wiley, right field. Flesherton â€" H. Best, catcher; B Dargaval. pitcher; K Betts 1st; D. Banks, 2nd; R. Turney. 3rd; R. And- rews, shopfc stop; G. Boyd, left field; J. Milne, centre field; F. Bannon. right field. Dear Miss Anthix)pe,- When I read that tirade of yottra in The Advance I knew right away who you were. It would be nons other than my old flame Annie. You always did put on a crasty front, but your heart was in the right place. I've often regretted that we broke up. Please, Annie, come back to the Old Hme Week. You're probably too rheumatic now to join the othei beauties at the pond, but that bath- ing suit would cause a riot in the Calithumpian Parade. I'm growing a walrus mustache, and I've greased my yellow-toed boots. Bring your parasol, ."^nnie. I want you to guard your buttermilk complexion, and I don't want to sunburn the roof of your mouth watching the parachute jumping. And, Annie, get some Stay-Fix for your dentures. There'll be a lot of baok-slapping, and you'll want to shout at the ball games. And what's more, I'll buy you a hot dog^ if the price isn't over 10c. Annie, I can hardly wait, my en- thusiasm almost makes me incoher- ent. On the last night, when th* last spark of the last Roman candle fades from the sky, I'll be waiting for you down at the park or where- ever they decide to shoot the works. I've reYited a buggy. We'll borrow .A.lex. Henderson's "Mac." He'll be all played out afifeer meeting liie i-eally classy horses they're having here for the races. At our age we need something slowe-r than PetTinia, and we'll drive out the country lanes, and try some sparking of our own. Mr. Cook is beneath my window right now, playing ''You Are My Sunshine." Will you no come back, -A^nnie ? Remember, this may be our last Round-up. Yours in trembling anticipation, â€" ADAM ANTHROPOS P.S. â€" Mr. Editor, how can I thank you for bringing us together like this? â€" Adam. Died McMULLENâ€" At Meaford Cottage Hospital on Tuesday. July 2yth, 1347, Mrs. Daniel McMullen. formerly Mill- icent Bowemian, in her 86th year. Remains resting at the Richardfl Funeral Home, Flesherton. where service will be held Thursday, July 31st. at 2:30 p.m., interment to be made in Flesherton Cemetery. In Memoriam SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING Eugenia 8 South Line 7 Dundalk 4 Flesherton 6 Fevershajn -5 W 6 4 2 2 1 L Pts. 2 12 HAMILTON â€" In loving memory of our dear son and brother. Jim, who was accidentally killed July 31, 1944. Beside your grave we often stand With hearts both crushed and soMi But in the gloom the sweet word comes Not lost, but gone before. God know*- how moich we miss you, He counts the tears we shed .\nd whispers he's only sleeping, Your loved one is not dead. You bid no one a last farewell, You said good-bye to none. You closed your weary eyelids And a genie voice said' "Come." So we''ll be brave, dear Jim, .And pray to God each day, \nA when He calls us home to yoti. Your sweet smile wid guide the way. â€" Sa<!ly misse^l, always remember- ed by Mom, Dad. Sistrts, Brothers. Games This Week July 2«.» â€" Dundalk at Feversham .Aug. 1 â€" ^Feversham at Flesherton ."Vug. 4- â€" Dundalk at Flesherton These ai'e the last of the schedule games, but there are several games which were postponed to be played yet. C^rd of Thanks ~ We wish to express our gratitude to neigltbors and other friends for the flowers, cards and treats sent to our siser. Ella Blackburn, during her recent illnos.s nnd for the many kind e.Xipressions to sympathy extended ' our bereavement. â€" Mrs. R. \ llendeTson and Mrs. W. H. Crawford. This time of the year it may be the suflshine that makes your face red.

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