Ts a THE F1.ESHERTON ADVAL'CE Wednesday, July 30, 1947 Creamery News • mti- 4- f*- \ % A new cream season is at hand Production is very satisfactory â€" considerably exceed- ing last year's make. As usual we are giving the oream producer the BEST possible pos- sible service and the GREATEST possible returns. Eggs Recently a considerable decline in the grade of eggs has been noticeable â€" due to the warmer weather and to much grass being available to the laying hens. Cutting down on the daily grazing period of the hens, more frequent collections of eggs and rapid cooling of same is, in our opinion, the best solution for 9 better grade. For your convenience, the Creamery will be • open Wednesday and Saturday evenings ten o'clock. Flesherton Creamery us Avis, Manager Phone 66 I FLESHERTON, Ontario CEYLON PORTLAW #♦♦»»» »»»»»»»»>»fr»»»fr<">»K'<~>»<'»»«»<">^ ♦•ix~X":~:-><&*-e-&*o«« HOGS WANTED Hogs Wanted, also Veil Calves and Lambs. Our own truck will pick up your live stock without charge to you. TORONTO "SAUSAGE & PACKERS UMITED Phone 94w4 Dundalk, Ont. "I wish we'd g€<t a few shipwreck- ed sailors washed ashore," mused the cannibal chief. "What I need is a g'ood dose of salts." A small I>oy told his mother that he was /oing to be a pireacher whej-. he gre-/ up. She asked why. "I'll have to go to ohuroh anyhow," he said, "and it's lots harder to sil still and listen than it is to stand up and yell." V Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NOTICE Recent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before 1st September, 1947. All applications are required to be in silch form and contain such information as may be prescribed b- Minister and the Minister may reject an app' that is not made in such form or that does not . such information. The prescribed forms (8.P.1) are available at ali _ -j- trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st August; 1947, will not be accepted. Department of National Revenue Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenu*. The sympathy of this community is extended to the relatives and friends of/ the late Mrs. Jos. Black- burn of Fleshei-ton, whose funeral was held Tuesday of this week. Mr. Lance Beath of Oshawa' was a i-ecent week end visitor at the home cf Mr. Fred 'lai-shall. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall of Maxwell spent last Thursday with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislett. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell spent the week end with friends at Bramp- ton. 'Miss Barbara Marshall was a rec- e'nt visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Morley BeathjOshawa. Miss Jessie Stoneouse returned to her home at Priceville last week end after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stauble. Mrs. Hulton accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Beaton and son, Emer- son, wers present at the Beaton reun- ion held last Saturday at High Park Toronto, where about 100 friends and relatives enjoyed a pleasant socia; get-to-gether. Mr. and Mrs. LeS Jamieson and son Ralph, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Hartly Blackburn. Sharon and George of Port Credit were week end visiters u-ith Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. There will not be? any Service thia Sunday evening in Ceylon United Church on acco-unt of Old Home Week Services in the United Church, Flesh- edfton, Sunday August 3rd., both mor- nin,g and evening. Misses Marie Meads and Rena Barlow of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home. The many friends of Lloyd Vaus?, son of Mr. and Mi-s. Robt. Vause, of the' O. D. R. district are glad to know he is improving in health after his recent e.xperience in a terrific elect- ric storm. Mr. and Mrs. Maudsley returned last week end, after some time spent visiting friends in Toronto. The Ceylon Ladies -Aid had charge of the' Service last Sunday evening when a very interesting service was enjoyed by the goodly number pres- ent. Mrs. Roy Piper presided at the organ. Mrs. Wm. Gibson and Mrs Dave .\dante weTe in charge of the program. Mr and Mrs. Cairns sang two lovely duets w^hich were old time favorites. Miss Agnes Macphail, the guest speaker, gave a splendid ad- dress, taking as her theme, the Com- mand of our Saviour to the young Law^-er, "Love thy neighbour as thy- self." making it very clear the duty of each and ecery one. On Sunday, .Auguct 10th. the men will have charge of the evening service at 8 p.- in., kindly keep this date in mind. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher on Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and Gloria of Toronto. Mr. anjj Mrs. Don Russell and babe of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Fisher and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth McKe'e, June and Ruth, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jack-son of Hamilton are visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Toronto attended the MeUii-um-*Iior- rison wedding on Saturday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson of Toronto are spending two weeks in the house of Roy Lyons on the third line. Mr. and Mrs. Clare'nce Londry and little daughters of '-the Valley' were visitors TOth Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher. STEPHEN'S CORNERS >♦♦»♦*♦♦♦♦«♦ # *♦»!>> 1 â- f SK ^ ^ Miss Hazel Fenwick, who is at- tending summer school in Toronto, spent the week end at her home here. Misses Joyce and Rhita Saigeon of Hanover spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mr. Ross Morrison oi' Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart of Toronto are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Clare'nce Winters. Miss Ethel Fenwick, Reg. N. of Peterboro. visited the past week with Mr. Roy Fenwick. Visitors during the past wefek with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous were: Mr and Mrs. Bert Brown of Toronto, Mr. Geardie Saige<)-n and Mr. Martyn of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison of Toronto were' •visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elraerson Wjaighi, Congratulations to Mr. Bob Mel- drum and Miss Kathaleen Morrison of Maxwell, who were married in Maywell Church on Saturday. The reception was held a the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Emerson Wright Miss Minnie Lougheed of Bramp- ton is spending a couple of weeks PRICEVILLE OLD BOVS ANNUAL REUNION *^ SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 A Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph aO 2 p.m., D.S.T., conducted by local clergy and other well-known speakers. MONDAY, AUGUST 4 CONTINUOUS PROGR.AM FROM 1 P.M. to 1 AJM. Parade Led by Pipers with local school children in the parade admitted free. Speaking by Farquhar Oliver and others. Softball Tournament GLENELG CENTRE, SOUTH LINE, and OTHER TEAMS â- •rep* Music by Pipers and Donart Dance Kings of Toronto, Step Dancing, \ Old-time Fiddlers. Races for young and old. * 4- * * * * Dance at Night with nrasic by DONART DANCE KINGS ORCHESTRA Amission â€" Afternoon: Adults 50c, Children 25c Dance: 50c ^â- â- H i. ^ i^«^.l ^ »l | iâ- ^ . ^ iâ- ^l ^ l ^ â- â- ^l â- ^ â- » »»â- ^». ^ ♦»♦l H il ^ l ^ i. ^ lâ- ^ i. ^ .. H l^l ^ i. ^ |» ♦ ♦♦â- ^ â- ^ â- ^ â- | i♦â- ^ i. ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lougheed. , Mr Bob Allison of Toronto is visit- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mts. Tels. Allison. Miss Lou Londry and friend of Toror^to visited last week with Mr. aild Mrs. Redge Londry and Jim. The municipal telephone line has been built along this line extending from Jack Broderick's to Geo. Priest- lys and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Win- ters had the phone installed in their home last week. The work along the line will be completed as soon as phones are available. The wet weather is delaying hay operation and there Is still quite a lot of hay out. Mr. Art Barclay of Limerick, Sask. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wintt'rs. TRUCKING We specialize in all kinds of general trucking at reasonable rates, with first-class service. phone us at any time and we will be right there. ELDRIDGE BOYCE Phone 119J1 Eugenia, Ont. PRICEVILLE Haying Equipment i IN STOCK BEATTY BIG LIFT CARS. PACIFIC CARS. STBGL TRACK and FIXTURES. HAY FORKS. SHORT SUNGa LONG SLINGS. SUNG CHAINS. END-TRIP PULLEYS. '/,-inch ROPE TRIP ROPE. HAY-LOADER ROPE. Repairs for Frost & Wood and Peter Hamilton Mowers and Rakea. 2 Used Hay Rakes. Rubber Tire Wagon. Steel Tire Wagwns. Scufflers. Barn Door Track. Travellers and Braclsets. Galvanized Pipe. Pumps. Pump Rod. WIRE FENCE. BARBED WIRE. STEEL POSTS. Roofing and Siding Gentry 3-in-l Shingles. Winlock Shingles. Roll Roofing 90 lbs. AoUbrick Siding. Insul Brie Siding. Light Building Paper. Paper for under rugs. insulation 3 inch Batts. 2 inch Batts and Granulated Wool Separators and Stoves New Renf»ew Cream Separators and Stoves 3 good used Separators. W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON >♦♦<»>> #♦ « H I It t»'t< MH '»»»******»**************4***» The W. I. will meet on Thursday, -Aug. 7th. at the home of Mrs. A. L. Hincks. The program will be pre- pared by Reta McDougall, Emma Meads, Betty Hincks. Lunch com., Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Sturrock, Mrs. Beaton, Mr^. Archie McKechnie. Mt. and Mrs. Jim Adams of To- ronto visited last week at the home of Dick Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Matthews and Donna of Toronto were guests Tuesday at the .\. L. Hincks home. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Toronto sipe'nt the week end at the home of Percy Sims. A numiber from here attended the 'memorial service at Swinton Park on Sunday last. Mr. Innis McLean of Toronto ap«it the week end at his home here. St. Andrew's S. S. picnic was held Thursday afternoon at Durham Pai4c when a good crowd was present and a siplendid time enjoyed by all. Ball games and reces. ice cream and » sjvllBndJd lAanch made an enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Pearl Hopkins of Pontiac, Mioh., enjoyed two weeks with sis- ters and bi-others around here. Roddiie Runciman of Toronto is visiting his gitindmother, Mrs. Run- ciman. CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, ED. Pastor Services ne.vt Lord's Day, August Si-d. Woi-sihip at 11 a.m., the Rev. L. F. Kipp, B.A.^ will be the preacher. The Ordinance of the Lord's Suppei will follow this service, and tke re- ceptior, of ne>v members. Worship at 7:30 p.m.. when the paetor will preach. Subject: "The Dela.vs of Love." Te'xt- John 11:5-6. We extend a hearty welcome to all visitors at our set'vices h\ the Little Chuix^h by the Side' of the Road. Cluiix-h School at noon every Sun- day. Prayer and Praise .service on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. All are welcome. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Ser\iice next Lord's D«iy at 7:30 p. m., when Rev. L. F. Kipp, B..\.. of Toronto wMl preach. The B Y.P.I', will meet at the Par- sona^e Thursday July 31at, at 8 p.m. So«ial pA-ening. All are welcome. CHEVROLET Raisit g children is like baking iTt^ad: t has t<i be a slow pnKess or you BiK up v.-jth at) ovfi'done crust anvl aK u:t.Iordu.<.' iaiei>or Wh 'HEN people are pleased it's natural for them to say '"thank-you". But never, apparently, have any oar owners been so pleased as those lucky enough to own a 1947 Chevrolet. Their enthusiastic "thank-you" letters stream in from every nook and cranny of the Dominionâ€" from fleet operators and businessmen, from purchasers in every trade and occupa- tion. And each letter says. in a different wayâ€""! know now from experience that YCvcrpIg from acltial Imttvrt on fit* at C9n^ erol Molor» Jeai«r« mcrot* Canmlih Chevrolet's proud boast is true â€" only Chevrolet offers Big Car Quality at Low Cost !" • The growing demand for the New Chevrolet h setting an all-time record. We cannot hope for many months to fill all the orders pouring in. If you are among the many who have set your sights on Chevrolet's Big Car Quality at Low Cost, we suggest that while y.ou wai'„ you rely on your Chevrolet Dealer's service to keep your present car running smoothly and safely. C-S471 D. MacTavSsh & Sons, Flesherton