Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1947, p. 7

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n. ^^ > , Classfied Advertising Kl'il.IHNO MATKKIAI. CEMKNT aewer iMpe and tiypnx! delivei'ed iinywher^. J. Bray. I^nie Briinoli, I'hone ♦ Jv>w Toronto I'JLM. HLblNKIIiti UI*|-UKTL.MTIKa A BUSINKSM ,nf your own for only J24. Introduce our revolintonary patented house- hold neceaaity. Wrile for full pnrtk-ulara. Bom I<«. 7J Adelaide W.. Toronlo. UAHt rHICKb FOB t>.%UC CONCRETE MACHINERY t\'i Cu. Fi. Hand or Power'K»»orM«d Uixers â€" ideal (or small mixine Jobs on the farm. eithi^r rement or feed. % and fi cu. (t. Power Ulxeri. Hund-tamped Block Uachmea for the amati operator or Carmer requirinc blocks for his own use. Immediate delivery. Wett* laufer-W'elker Industries Limitsd. K90 Bay Street. Toronto, Ontario. TivO-I* * delivery on iho (ollvwinff breeds ol two. three nml fuur w<»ek oU! Mtarted chirks noD-sexecl or pullets: liarred Rocks. New Hampshir<>. New Hampshire X BarreJ Rock, highi Fusses X , New Hampshirea. Pullets m the foUowinff breeds: White Leghorn. White Irfghorn X Barred R(K-k. Whits Rock X White J^eshorn. Black Australorp X While Leghorn. Alao Assort (^ Heavy breeds ;it rock bottom prices. Also pullets eUhl weeks o layins. Tweddle ChicU Hatcher::-s Limited. Fereus, Oniario. PL'LLETS. Immediate delivery. Starred. Especially 3-<-5-6 week old. Think what these will earn for you in a few months. We also have dayolda m limit ed quantity, BrayHatf hcry. 13) Juhn N., Hamillon, Ont. TWO WEKK old started Clilcks: Barred Rocks. New Hampshires. New Hampshire X Barrel Uock. Liffht Sussex X New Hamp- shlres nun-sexed la 95. pullets 18. 9j. cock- erels W.9o, Assorted Heavy Breeds 14 95, pullets 17 '*5. cockerels ^3 95. While I^eg- horn. White Leghorn X Barred Rock. Black Australorp X White Leshorn, While Ftock X White Lesrhorn pullets 23.95, Assorted Medi- UM and Lisht Pullets 22 95. Three week old add 6 00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. Also pullets eiffht weeks to laying. Top Notch ChickTica, Guelph. Ontario. DYEING ANl} Cl.a£.%MMO flAW 70U aanhmg ae«<ia dyelnc or cl»aii- lnc7 Write to us for Information Ws are (lad to answer your questiODs. Depsrtroeni H. Parkc-r's Dyt Works Limited. T»i Xoadf street. Toronto. Ontario. FIRMS FOK SALE GOOD 100 acres, well fenced and drained, youns orchard beeinninir to bear. All build- ings in excellent condition. John McNair, Brussels, Ontario. ^^ FOR SALE, good grain and dairy farm. 120 acres, over 100 workable, lota of runnmi; water; euod buildings, silo, fences, sugar bush and evaporator; small dow^n payment, balance arranged : sell wi ih or w i thout at iwk and implements; 12 miles north Belleville. F. KUiott, West Huntingdon. P.O. ISO ACRK3 on highway 11. near Kirki-tnd Lake, 36 acres cleared. 8 buildings, re- routed 5-room dwelling, creek. 3 wells, pumps, hay ajid timber, good for i>ouUry. cattle, farming' and touriata. hunting and fishing. Ward, Tarawell. Ont. POSSESSION ANYTIME. 100 acres all till- able. Victoria County, haying done, eood level land, 9-room brick houae. large barn. alone foundation, ateel roof, water and litter carriers in stables, hydro, Implement shed, garage, hogpen, hen house. 3 good w ells. Reasonably priced. Terma. Will Trenieer. Creaswell. Ont. Phone Manilla l.'.-R.L*J. ATTENTION rARMEBS FuR £»At.K â€" Tractor Tires, made oi ruuDer. suitable for bolting on steel wheels. Sl& 00 •ach. rear wheels: $1.50 each, from wheels When ordering state diameter and width oi wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd. ( Wilt â- tairs Ave.. Toronto. Ont. UAIRDBESSINO LEARN Halrdressing the Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Rotertson's Halrdressing Academy, 13? Ave- nue Road. Toronto. BLAOK.S.M ITH SHOP for sSle. Equipped with full line Blacksmith tools. Electric Drills. Band Saws. Jointer. Rip Saws. Immedvate l*osseaaion. .\lso a garage, reason for seUing ill health. Alex Lillico, Egmond- ville.. Huron County, Ont. NEW DIESEL Motor. 75 HP., li" Mc- Laughlin Orinder. 1 ton Coodiaon Mixer, wood and steel PuUeya. Shafting. Elevators, Grain. Buckets. 1:000 lbs. Floor Scales, tw» amall scales 1-00 Ihs, Send enquiries to C. RicKardaon. Thomaaburg. Ont. FLAGS ALL Sizes L'nion Jacks or Canadian Ensigns, sewn wool bunting. Special ofTering on 4^ and 6 foot L'mon Jacks. Fast dye aewn coilon. Discount for quantities. Brighten your com- munity or home by flying a good quality (lag. John Leckie Limited, TT Wellington St. West, Toronto. TIRES 600 X 16 $5.00 vVe are overatocaed at c^e present or voo4 used trade-in tlrea (guaranteed to be Id ex- cpilenl shape >. All ordeis bhlpped C.O.D Special etiutpment for rulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE comer Queen and Tork Sta.. Hamilton. Oat. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN - CQI'IPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted AUE.NTS WA.NTKU AGKNTS WANTKB OILS, GREASES. TIRES, Insecticides. Electric Fence Controllers. Houae and Bam Paint. Roof Coat'.Bga. etc. Dealers n^nted. Write Warco Grease It Oil Limited. Tonjnto. 19.00 UINIML'M paid on the spot. Demon- strate thue minutes. L'nlimited prospects. Apply Flu-O-Ray L'arp^tratioii. Hamilton, Canada RKl.r WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES For Markdale Private Hospital. » 100 00 month and full maintenance. Apply Dr. R. L. Care foot. Markdale. Ont. WOMAN lor general housiwork. Country home, near Toronto city limns. Mrs. Corbel, R.R. No. 1. Todmorden. «-»nt. W'ANTE1> WA.NTED â€" All kinds of dressed poultry Toi prices for top blrda Joseph Cooper Limned Poultry D^pt , 2054 Danforib Ave.. Tornntc I (We do cuatom grading' DAIRY BUSINESS WANTED What have you to orter' We huve a buyer lor a dairy, creamery, anj null; aiipply d'.fot. almost niiy lorality will t>e suitable. This company will purchase an-l use all the milk available. I'rice oi> to JiO.OtlO. to include the business and buildinea. Bert Weir & Sons. Realtors. :33'i Dundaa Si reel. London. MEDICAL. PROVEN RK.MEDY â€" Every sufferer ot Rheumatic Paliia or Neuritis should try Dixon's IZemedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Kl gln. Ottawa. Poatpalil tl.OO. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenatona of. fera prompt laslinc relief. One monlhs' treatment »1.00 postpaid. Indian Remr<11c» Box 118. Vancouver. DON'T DEL.\Y1 Every sufferer of Klieu- raatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Druij. Store. 33i KUin. Ottawa. Postpaid »1.00. â-  Uri'OBTCMTIES fUK WII»IK> BE A HMDRESSER JOIN CASAD.\'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wcses. ttaousanda successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest aystem. Illustrated cata. logue free. Write or Call U.VBVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS SSI Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches 44 Klne St.. Hamilton * 74 RIdeau Street. Ottaws THE HOSPITAL for Sick Children. Toronlo. offers a certificate course to young women In the care of Infanta and young children. Length of course â€" 9 months. Requlretnents Applicants must be between eighteen and thirty ».-ar9 of age with one year of high school Remuneration provided plus full maintenance and uniform. Applications are Lelns received now for courses beginning August first and September first. Apply to Superintendent of Nurses. Hospit.il for Sick fhiUlrtn. 67 College Street. Toionlo PATENTS FETHKKSTO.NAl'GH » Company Patent Solicitors. Established U90. 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of Information on request rHOTO<:K.\PHV GET BETTER PICTURES trom this big. reliable studio AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk yi'ur films. Send tliem to Slai Snapshot Service. ANY SIZK BOLL 6 or 8 b^xposures UE>EI.UPEU and I'KINTED S0« Reprints from your negatives 4c. 3 mounted enlargements 4 x. 6" 25c. Kn- largemenis framed 7 x 9" In Gold. Silver. Walnut or Black Frames 740. If pictures colored 94c. Prints and enlargements mads trom prints of lost oesallves. l>rpt. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 1J9. POST OFFICK A. TUIWXTO WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints Willi deckle edge. « or 8 eitposure rolls â€" 25c. Reiuintu 3c. each. Box i. Station J. Toronto. ,N'U W.\Y Photo Service offers you the latest In photo finishing. Films developed and one dfckle crafi print of e.ich ncsallve coni- plftB in snapshot album 30c. Ueprlnls 4c. For better quality and faster personal service send your films to Nu Way Photo Service. Sallon A. Dipt. f. Toronto. PERSONAL OKFICIAL .s;acX.'lb History by R. A. JelTery Including Membership t^is Dollar. Write: MacNab Hlslorlcal AHTOciallon. Pol yet. Ont. FOR SALE AIRFORCE SALE N'»w R.C..\.P. Leather dress boots â€" $7.93. BC..\.F. new raincoats â€" »4 95, Army pants ,i,f,v) â€" $2.95. Blankets â€" $3.9;. Write (or Free Bulletin. Thrifty Sport Shop, •i 129 Church. St.. Toronto. GREAT DANE PUPPIES WELL MARKED championship stock with exceptional blood lines. Fawn wllh black masks. 3G3 Brookdale Avenue. Toronlo. HU. ^14.1 ib' YOl' are Inlereste^l in purchasing farm Lands, llanches. Acreages or B.C. prop<i'- tlea. you are Invlteil to write, phono or ca 1 for pur new 84-page printed catalogue. Pre* upon ronuesl. Also business proposlllons for sole. R. J. Rollla 4b Co. Ltd.. Phone «5I. R ed Heer. Alberta. FOR .SALKâ€" Young bull calvesâ€" R«itl»t»r«I Aberdeen Angus â€" 4 months to I monlM of „r â€" $T5.0I) to $85.00 each. Six year oM hullâ€" neglslered Angud of prove* abimy. SljO.OO. Ferguson Farm. R.R. No. t. West lora*. Onutrl*. ' To Keep Garden Free From Slugs , Slugs are the grey, siiail-likc creatures which rasp tlie leaves of tender vegetables, leaviiiK a slimy trail on the foliage and on the soil beneath ^he plants. They shun dayliBht and thrive only where there is an abundance of moisture. 1)eing most troublesome in rainy seasons, in damp shady cor- ners of the garden, and in ' low- lying areas of heavy land Slugs will feed on almost all vegclables, hut arc particularly fond of beans, lettuce. cabbaKC and cauliflower. They attack celery in the blcacliiiig irocess. They cat shallow circular pits in the fruits of tomatoes, and in the autumn they bore into th?' roots of carrots and I'cets. » « » riants in infested soil may be protected by a thin film of hydrated lime which is dusted over the foliase and on the ground in the evening after the stiii has gone down and feeding has coiiuiienccd, says \V. G. Mattewson, Division of En- tomology, Dominion Department of .\griculture. Hydrated lime is ef- fective only when dry, and lor this reason a few dustings at intervals of three or four days is much more effective than one heavy applica- tion. The lower as well as the upper surfaces oi the leaves, should be covered and the surrounding soil should be coated in such a way that the slugs will have to crawl through the dust before they can reach the plants, or the plants may be sprayed thoroughly with bor- deaux mixture. This material is repellent to the slugs, and plants kept covered with the spray will be largely protected from attack. Baits consisting of metaldehyde and bran have given satisfactory control of slugs in small gardens but are too expensive for use under field conditions. They may be bought ready-mixed at most seed stores and should be used according to the manufacturer's directions. ITCH CHECKED •tit Mone/ Back For Quick relief from Itching caused by ecxema. . athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other Uchlaj coaditions. use pure, cooling, medicated. ItqaU ». O. D. PHESCMPnON. Grcwdcss uid itainless. Soothe*, comforu and quicklr calm* Intense itching. I>>n't stiffer. Ask yourdnifgl* l^ar for D. D. D. PRCSCRIPTION. VJ^eo Soothe them with MINARD'S LINIMENT M^ ^ Rub on freely, and note C quick relief. Oreaselesa. *ast-<trying. No â- f^ Under the Roof of World's Largest Exhibition Building â€" i â€" .'\fter an absence of six years, while Exhibition Park was devoted to war service, Canada's finest ex- hibits ' of livestock, poultry, grain. vegetables, fruit and flowers, and other activities of interest to farm- ers will be on display at the Can- adian National E^xhibiton, Toronlo, the world's largest annual exposition. Entries arc pouring into the C.N.- E.'s agriculture department, which has planned a lavish showing for the first Ex. since 1941. The farm ex- hibits will be housed in the world's largest exhibition building â€" the Horse Palace, Coliseum and Live- stock Pavilionâ€" which covers 24^4 acres and has an arena with a seat- ing capacity of 12.000. $«i5,000 in Prizes Prizes totalling $125,000 in value will be offered to exhibitors, who send entries from every part of Canada and from many sections of the United States. The Coliseum will be the scene of judging of horses .and cattle. Judg- ing begins Wednesday. .August 27th, and continues each day, in various departments, until September 3rd. Tfte famous Horse Show, which is attracting many famous jumpers and hunters, as well as agricultural horses, will be held I'rom Monday, September 1st, to Saturday, Septem- ber 6tli. There will be competitions for horse breeding classes, beef and fleece wool, cut flowers, fruit, goats. ^ plants, vegetables, poultry, pigeons, dairy cattle, sheep, swine, cals, dogs cage birds, r.abbils. conies and other pel stock. Pets and Grain More than 6.000 entries have been received for the poultry, pigeon and pel stock show. There are nearly UOO separate classifications for classes of large fowl and lianlams. turkeys and waterfowl, rabliils anil other small furred pets, pigeons and caged birds. Twenty-one outstanding judges will decide the winners. .Specal classes arc open tn mem- bers of Ontario agricultural socie- ties for grain and seed in sacks and for sheaf groups. Prize money will be shared, (X) per cent, to the win- ning exhibitor and 40 per cent, to the society of which he is a mcm- hei. To allow for varying climatic and soil conditions, exhibits iiill he pbced ill three divisions, with separ- ate prizes for each. Roughly, they are Muskoka. Parry Sound. Halibur- ton and Northern Ontario; York and Simcoe counties and Kastcrn Oiitariti; \\ estcrn C^iitarid. General Program In addition tn the cxhiliii.s of spe- cial interest to farm people, the I^H? C.N.E. has anangeil \,\\ nulstandiiig program for the entire two weeks from .\ugust 22 to Stpteiiiber 6 (excluding Sunda\sl. There will be iiinsie by the United States Navy r.aiul ami -lO nlhcr liquids, if.e out Holding a Model Plane as lie explains its construction to air cadets Jim Pluninier, 14, right, and Glen Barkwell, 14, both of Thorold, is Sergt. Henry Liddle. The air cadets study air frames, radio equipment, ,-iriiiament, meteorology and navigation at summer course in Camp Borden, Ont. Ontario Traffic Toll Sharply L^ in June Traffic accidents tt>ok the lives of 69 persons in Ontario in June and left many critically injured in hos- pitals. Analysis of fatality reports ap- pearing in provincial papers during the month shows, â€" 23 pedestrians killed. 18 drivers, 23 passengers, 4 cyclists and one person killed in a horse drawn vehicle. The death and accident loll was spread widely across the province, totalled 16 more deaths than in May and 24 more deaths ih.an in Tune of last year. Ojitario is howe\er, making pro- gress â- in traffic accident prevention but there is no justification for com- placency. Ten wars ago, in June, 19.>7. there were 7.^ persons killed and 1123 injured; in July of that year (1937) the death toll reached 101, the worst for any month in Ontario's history. Since then, the volume of. traffic in Ontario, num- ber of licensed drivers and vehicles has increased greatly and so also has the intlu.v of U.S. drivers. The traf- fic toll is not however, as high. door \aricly sho.ss, world's eh.amp- ioiishp Softball games, world's pro- fessional swimming marathon, radar in action. tele\isioii. siKcially im- ported French automobiles. Hitler's personal armored car. Olseii and Johnson of "Hellzapoppin" fame, the latest in motor cars and radio, eleliorate pure food and commercial displays. "Silk from Eggs lo Fab- ric" â€" a live silkworm displayâ€" a dog derl'V, baby show, a now permanent midway with many new features, and a host of other attractions both fiitcrtainin.g and educational. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS =====: ("A Sixbit CriHc") ===== Some 15 thousand people paid ac- tual money to attend a Track and Field meet in Toronto tlie other day ; and this, on the face of it. should undoubtedly crimson the cheeks of some of us writers who so brazenly assert that such affairs are painful- ly boring, and sadly lacking in cus- tomer appeal. "How long has this been going on ?" remarked one sports promoter to his partner, as they gazed on those well-fitted stands. "M.aybe, now. we've been overlook- ing a gold mine." « * » Eut ere you start feeling too badly for us in our hour of shame, or think very seriously of promoting some- thing of the sort yourself, it might be well not to overlook a couple of angles. One. that the meet in ques- tion was under the auspices oi the Police ; and in the matter of scUing tickets an Officer of the Law seems to have â€" for some reason obscure to us â€" quite an edge over, say, a mem- ber of the Y.M.C.X. * « * .\iid. Two â€" of the 15 thousand pre- sent, an estimated 14 thous.ind 9 hundred paid no attention whatever to anything except a Beauty Contest which just happened to be one of the many features. For it is a s.ad commentary on our Western civili- zation, and one that no doubt causes many head-shakings around the Kremlin, thi' a comely tomato in a bathing suit will attract more eyes th;m the greatest vaulte.r who ever climbed .a pole, « * « Which recalls llic Cof>^ tl'rilcr in the Dcf'cirlment Store ad'ccrlisiiiij bureau tclio ivas busily engaged in eoofering an annouiteetiieni for a neiv line of feminine bathing eos- liiines. His headline, as somebody took a l>eek oi'er his shoulder, read â€"SiriM SUITS DESIGXED TO REVEAL ALL MILADY'S BEST FEATURES. "Couldn't you sarc space and ivordage," said the kibit- -iT, "by just .putting a period after the ivord ALL'" * * * Whenever we see the name of Babe Didrickson Z.aharias â€" greatest girl athlete who ever lived â€" it recalls one of the funniest experiences we ever had in connection with sport. One afternoon, while his mother went shopping, we were left in charge of our three-year-old son ; and, to pass the time away, took him around to the local w lestling office. There, greatly abetted and e.'cour- aged by the grapplers sitting aroiind, he proceeded to raise merry .\iteh to such an extent that we were forced to use stern measures. These irteas- ly helpless opponentâ€" for he was one of the really "Bad Men" of that period. His name. George Zaharias â€" husband of The Babe â€" with a heart as big as himself .and as soft as cus- tard. * ♦ ♦ Wc knozv of a teen-age lad zvlia takes a rather gloomy outlook on things as they are. Trying lo get a job for the Summer Holidays he came home one evening tiith Iht tidings that he'd been turned dottm by four prospecli-ce employers be- cause of not yet having his Juniot ilatric. "I guess about the only Ihinj a guy can he nozvadays ter/AoWi knozk'ing anything," he moodily re- marked, "is either a ivriter or a Member of Parliament." * ♦ « At a race track recently we wcr< asked to explain something whicb sooner or later puzzles practically all newcomers to The Sport of Kinks. The question was, "Why are there no races at a distance of an eves mile?" For while you can find races carded at almost any distance be- tween four furlongs and a couple of miles, those just one mile in length are about as scarce as south- paw tonsorial artists. « « * The explanation is simple, and comes from the fact that most tracks on this side of the water are one mile around. In order to have a long straight run at the end, as well as to provide the most close-up thrills for the most people, the finish line is placed well past the halfw.ay mark of the home stretch. So in a race at one mile, before the horses got straightened out after the break they would be into the first turn, with plenty of spills and pilc-ups ensuing. To avoid this, extra yardage is add- ed, so that we have races at such odd distances as 1 mile 5 yards. 1 mile 70 yards and so forth. Of course you. gentle reader, knew all this years and years ago ; but there's always a new crop of patrons com- ing up, some of whom may have wondered. « * * Banks and bankers, of course, do their best to encourage the sober, moral and virtuous life. Still, we knoiv a man tvho, in a strange cily, zvanted to cash a check for a fairly large amount. .Asked to identify himself he produced, among other papers, a card bearing his name as a member of a zi'cll kni>z<n Bible Class. The bank manager still hesi- tating he then pulled out his Liguour Permit â€" and got the money without further ado. * » * -And with negro players being sign- ures consisted of a mild slap on the j ed up so frequently these days Victory Smile â€" Here's South Africa's l'>obby Locke :r.ul tlie Seagram Gold Cup, enibletnatic of Canadian golfing supremacy, after Locke had establi.shed a record of 268 for 72 holes in the Canadian Open Coif Championships at Toronto Scarboro. Locke's victory takes tli-e Seagram Gold Cup out of Xorth .\nierica for the first time in history. place by Nature providetl â€" one which the kid hardly felt, or even noticed for that matter. « * * But after his mother had collected the youngster .and gone on her way, one of the wrestlers sat there look- ing cxlrcmely sad and depressed. \Vc asked him what was wrong. "I just can't get over how cruel \ou were to that poor little kid," was the un- doubtedly sincere reply. That night we watched the very same grappler with thousands yelling for his blood because of the "tortures" he was ghoulishl.v inflicting on an apparent - Big League Daseball circles, no doubt wc shall be seeing more of tbein opcr.ating in the National Hcjk-y League. Army Style Tirst rookie : "/ hear yon had « â- vrestling match u-ith the top ser- geant. What happened-" Second rookie: "U'ell... I decides to siirprse him. so I jumps at him and grabs his wrist like this, and jerks his neck like this, and be/ore he knows n-hal hits him, I'm vat mv back." lAaai (CONomtAi »m S5t- otlor. ISSUE 31â€"194? MUTT AND JEFF â€" I Can Make it Cool for the Boys but I can't For Myself By BUD FISHER ISA«^OL!]W1VOOV.E r>AWET0SUrFER LIKE -Trtt 3? WE DO^A'TnriAT If VEHi IF MrttyMUTT,)° rT«r«,i_r>,ieLir^r» \«il1/-» Lie p>/>Kl'"r __..• ._ J /t PEN-.pOSrtER WHO DRAWS OS COULD SEKD US AVN/AY OR KEEP THE STR\PS COOLER' HE DOK'T WE'LL Die FROMTrtE HEAT AND THEN \NHERE WILL HE BE? LOOK/ IT \AJORKED' SNOW IN THE MOKTHOF A06UST.' GOSri, AIN'T IT GREAT? XM.y^^ 1 \r'iri2!^^AiJL

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