Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1947, p. 8

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Wednesday, July 30, 1947 1 HE FLiiSHERTON ADN'ANCE Small Ads POR SALE â€" 7 acres early Alaska oetsâ€" Bill HjTBlop, phone 4M. POR SALEâ€" Hay tedder.â€" Ambrose Huddy, Priceville. Itp2 RESPECTED KINOERSLY PIONEER \FASSES SUDDENLY POR SALE â€" 10 pigs 6 weeks old. â€" John Wickens, Kimberley. POR SALE â€" Mixed hay in field.â€" Cliff Allen, phone -ISwl Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1928 Chrysler sedan. See Alf. Olsen, Boyds' garage. POR SALE â€" Hound, cheap, see this one, must t'o this week. â€" W. J PltAves, "Markdale. <»c] FOR SALE â€" 50 chunks of pigs; 8 fresh cows and several work horses â€" ^Dick Carson, phone 22J^. (>c2 Ur ANTED â€" Aiain»;i suitable loi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntou EugeniK, phoa« Peverahr-i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Adams farm truck wagion, nearly new. â€" Wilfred Lever, phone 33J2 Fleshprlcn FOR SALE â€" Windmill tower, 30 teift. â€" \\'m. Camipbell, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" B(«.utiful puppies, small breed.^. D. McDonald, phone 5r41 Feveraham. 7c2 FOR SALE â€" Nunrbw cf Leghorn- Han-.p .pullet^, 4 months old. â€" Jas. A. Stewar . ph')i' ; 33w4. FOR S.ALE â€" Number of young pigs ready to go. â€" Walter Williamson, B. R. 3, Priceville. CAME ASTRAYâ€" To my premises, yearling heifer. Owner prove' pro- perty and pay expenses. -:- Stanley Campb"" Bugenia. 7c3 LOST â€" Female fox hound, bidck, white and tan, please notify J. D. McDonald, Eugenia, phone FevOT- sham Bi-41. 9c2 FOK SALE â€" DeLaval cream separ- ator, size 600, also 3 Masses-Har- ris binder canvasses. â€" Ed. Ferris, Phone 45w4. 9p2 WANTED â€" Used linoleum squares for room 24x18, must be in fair condition. Notify C. S. MacTaviah, phone 9. Flesherton. 9p2 FOR SALE â€" Certified Ra^berry plants. Write Box 764 Campbell- ford, Ont., for iJluatirated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. Kindersly Clarioa . One of the largest funerals in the history of Kindersley paid tribute to the esteem in which this commvunity hfld the late Charles A. S. Stewart one of Kimiersley's earliest pioneers and most pi-ominent businessmen, Mr. Stewart was sti-icktii at his office recently, and passed away dui'ing the night. The deceased was bom at Flesh- erton, Ontario, in 1885. the young- est of a family of fifteen. He oame to Kindersley in 1901, and returned to Ontiuio that fall to marry Eva Murphy. On his return to Kindersly he proved up on a homestead north of the town site, and then ope'ned a real estate and insurance business in partnership with Mr. Andrew Don- nelly. He remained in busine'ss till the day of his death. Mr. Stewart was active in every event of the community's life, and ser ved the town from 1915 to 1923 as councillor and mayor. He was Past Master of tihe Chapter; Past District Deputy Grand Master of the Blue Lo<ige, and a mesmber of both the Preceptory and the Shrine. He wras a life menvber and suppor- ter of the church, and served' many years as a Stewart on the board ol the United OhAirch in KindeSrsley. Mr. Stewart is surviived by his widow and their only daughter, Mrs. Lome BjTTies of Richlea, Sask. Three sisters and two brothers also survive. The funeral service was held from St. Paul's United Church, Kindersley with the Rev. H. D. Joyce officiating Over seventy members of the Mas onic Lodge, includingi the District Dfputy Grand Master and two Past District Deputies, attending -the fun eral in a body, and accompanied the remoins to the Kindersley cemetery wheYe the last rites of the Masonic Fraternity were held with Wor. Bro R. Turner officiating. Local and Personal SEWLNG MACHLNE SERVICE Work guaranteed. All makes. Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 54 Flesherton NOTICE TO CREDITORS STRAYED â€" From lot 3, con. 4. in Colli ngwood Twp., steer with brand o» left hip. Please notify Ge<orgc Holmes, Duncan, Ont., phone 6ier4 Thombury. 9p3 NOTICE â€" The party is known who took skidding tongs from the log pile on my premises. Return at once and save fiuther trouble. â€" J. D. McDonald, Eugenia. 7c3 FOR SALE â€" In Flesherton, good building lot with barn 50x54 feet, well, hydro; lumber of barn, lO.'OO feet, .-ikable for new onstruction. Dr. J. E. Milne, phone 35 Flesh- erton. 7p,'' HOUSE FOR SALE â€" New frame house, almost completed, 26x2<i, bungalow type, 8 rooros. good ba8e=- ment, will sell cheap, in village of FevcTsham. â€" Archie Thomson, ' Feversham. 9p2 IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George Williamson, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of George Will- iamson, late of the Township of Art- emesia, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1947, are requested and hereby notified to deliver or sena post prepaid to the undersigned on or bttfore the 16th day of Augiist, 1947, full particulars of their claims duly verified by Statutory Derlaratjon. Immediately after the said leth day of August, 1947, the assets of the estate will be distribute'd among the psrties entitled thereto, havinc- regard only to the claims that the Executrix shall theli have had notice. '5"0 'aill^ssiJd Dated at Priceville this 25th ^ay of July, 1947. â€"MARY GILBERT, Executrix DOG TAXES DUE TO BE PAID Take notice tihat all dog taxes doie in the Village of Flesherton are to be paid on or before July 31st, to Chief Gontsable Kaitting. By order of the Council. --C. J. EILLAMY, Clerk. HAY BUYING We will he buying hay next week. Please pohne 17 Markdale. Trent Dehydrated Products, Ltd. Markdale, Ont, Tenders Wanted Tenders for 60 tons of stoker coal delivered in the bins at Flesherton High School before August 15, 1947, will be received by the Secretary. An- alysis of coal to be hubmitted with tenders which c]\fn^ on July 12, 1947 I â€"A. B. CHARD, Secty. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRI.STEHS, SOLK ITOHS, Et*. Phone 88 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Otaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 FlesherK^n C. J. BELLAMY Vl-.LACE CLERK A ComnilMioner for teMn* AtllimriU Imner of Mmrrtsffe Lieensea CONVEY ANOING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL'.S, Etc. Office: Toronto StrMt. FlMherton WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONREK for th« County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp 'alty Terms: reasonable. Satin/actfon it gnarantefd. Dates arranged at T*tf AdranM office or ph«n« 4w. TWtS 01HM W>t« MILES I Take a tip from the miUiona of inotoristu who knoxo â€" Good- year tires give greater miloaffe, {(reater traction, greater safety; Put Buper-value Ooodyaara on your car sow . : . we have your eize in stock. YOUR ^^ good/Vcar DEALER D. MacTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. ♦ • Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan were at their cottage at Wasaga for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage' in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams and Joan of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Caushier of Hagerstown, Md., are the guests of the lat'ter's sister, Mts. R. Alexandw. Mr. and Mrs. Jas R«we of Buffalo, N.Y., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Adams, Mrs. Eric Henderson of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. R. H. Henderson and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sharp of Osh- awa are holidaying in town and with the' latter's mother, Mrs. S. McMuUen. iMSss Hazel Oke of Toronto is â- visit- inig the Johnston and Buchanan fam- ilies on the Meaford Road. Miiss Helen Cra'wford of Toronto is the guest this week of Mrs. R, H. Henderosn and Ivan. ' Ronnie and Bernie Graham of Bar- rie spent last week with their aunt. Miss M. K. Graham. Miss Janet Macpherson is visiting at the , cottage of Dr. Chas. Scott- near Orange'ville. Mrs. Wm. G. McLean and Donna Lynn of Toronto are gniests at the Baptist Parsonage. Mr. Chas. Pedlar of Neepa-wa, Man., is visiting relatives he're and at Eugenia for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Jas. Pattison of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stuart. Sergt. Tom Banks spent the week ^nd with his wife and daughter in town. Tom left Tuesday to take a course at Aylmer R.C.A.F. station. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cummer (ne'e Marion Stuart) and three children of Strathroy spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart. Miss Betty Bowles of Toronto was the guests last week of her uncle and aunt, Elwood and Mary Bowles of th? west beckliue. «f Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd and daugh- ter. Heather, of Toronto spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. Mrs. G. L. McKenzie and daughter, Nelda. of Calgary, Alta., are visiting the Thurston families for a couple ot â- weeks. iMr. and Mrs. Angus Tu'mey and Carolyn of Toronto are visiting 'with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tumey. I Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Beatty of Mad- oc are holidaying with the latter's brother. M. S. McLeod, and Mrs. Mc- L^od. •Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodds and family of Mono Malls were Sun<l visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A .G. Macpherson. Mrs. Wm. Morton has moved to her new home on Toronto Street and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Duncan have takefn, her apartment in Mrs. Nuhn's resi- dence on Sydenham Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting and Wayne of Preston and Mrs. Grace Hindle, Doreen and Dennis, of Dun- can were we'ek end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDonald of Islington and Miss Maud Richardson of Toronto are spending this week and ne-xt at Eugenia, all ready for Old Home W^I^k. Mrs. .McKerraher (nee Ida Imvin), a former teacheY here, was in tow* last week from London, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Joe Armsti'ong, of Toronto. Miss Jean Proctor has returned to her position in the Bank, of Comme'rce iind .Miss Jean McCracken is spending this week at Wasaga Beach. Miss Genevieve Milne is re'Heving durin^j the holahiy season. i.M/rs. R. G. Holland held a very suc- cessful auction sale of household ef- fects on Saturady afternoon, with Auctioneer Wm. Kaitting doing the selling. Mrs. Holland left that night to reside in Toronto. .Mr. W. A. Sawtell of Wroxeter is relieving as manager at the local branch of the' Canadian Bank of Com- merce, while Mlanager R. B. Heani c.nd Mrs. Heard are on a ti'ip i"to the United States. IMr. n"nd Mrs. Jim Benson and Gwen of Dundalk, Mil-. John Hamilton of HaiTis, 'Sask., and Mr. Clarence Hamilton of Toronto were recent vis- iotrs with Mr. and Mrs. Wlallace Hiimilton. * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce, Ddck !in<l Robert, of Frankford are spend- ing this we'ek at '•Rivei'Tiidc Lodge" in the Valley with their aunt. Miss M. K. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham and Fred of Barrie spent Sunday wiith their aunt. EUGENIA This is the season when some men go fishing and others do their drink, ing at home. If they iMakc Inw^nmoweirs more handsome, men are going to find it difficult to deface such a beautiful piece of machinery witlh grass ptnins. A Corrodtion â€" 'â-  In last week's items there was an error due to a misunderstandinig. In expressing sy- mpathy to the Cairns families and relatives in their bereavement. It should have re'ad, Mrs. Mamie Mit- chell had passed away, instead of Miss Mamie Hog(g. We are sorry this mistaike was made. Don't forget "Old Home Week" in Flesherton, August 3, 4, 5,asd 6. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cairns of Cey- lon visited with Mrs. J. Cairns, and Shirley and Mrs. Elkins. The Woman's Association held the July meeting at the home of Mrs. Nerval Betts. They received an . in- vitation to visit VandeleuT W. A. on August 13th. and accepted. Other business imatters were d'sousse'd, after which lunch was served. Recent guests at the Proctor home were Mr. and Mrs. M. Remaly of Wanamie, Pa., U. S. A. also^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foulds of Otta'vva, visiting their uncle" Mr. L. Latimer. Mrs. Grace Hindle, Doreen and Dennis Argyle of Duncan were call- ers on Mrs. C. B. Martin. Mr. Gordon Breadner and Mr. Vic- tor Campbell of Whitby wfl-e home over the week end. We extend our sympathy to the relatives of the late M!rs. Blackburn of Flesherton in their sad bereav- ment. Miss Jean Proctor has returned after holidaying in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKete, and daughter. Mary and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto, attended ithe Meldrum Morrson wedding at Maxwell on Sat- urbay. Miiss Joan McDonald has returned from visiting her grandparents, Mr. and is agnin, holidajnng â- with her and Mrs. MacDonald of Melancthon grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bre- adner. iMir and Mrs. E. Proctor, Eleanor and Geoilge, spent Sunday with friends at Brampton and Malton. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGregar of Gait are holidaying with their three little sons and Mrs. McGregar's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. We are pleased to report Mrs. Wm. Hislop some^vhat improved in health ^t time of writing. Miss Eileen McCarthy of Brent- wood visiited frietids in the â- village on Sunday. Mrs. J. Spanhouse Jr. has returned home after a week's visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and son, Robert, of Toronto and the Pur- vis father of Owen Sound spe»it thf week end in the 'viillage. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Sewell of Vamdele^ir â- visited on Sunday with Mr. and itlrs. Norval Betts. Gi-ay Hay of Owen Sound spent the week end with his wife and dau- ghter at their cottage' on the 8th Line. ♦.iH'**^ >♦♦♦*♦♦•«» ♦ »»♦ l' * t»'»«»f«*> F. T. HILL & CO., Limited ; Will be Closed 11 First Week in Augast > > :: Dates inclusive are Aug. 4 to 11 : to enable our employees to enjoy a vacation I F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. i Phone 7 Markdale ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ 4 *H H+l > # ♦♦» » *♦*< * < «* ♦ \ 'A < 2k \ We know someone who took a few days off aw*hile back and went to Florida for a short rest. "It's really nice in Florida." said he. "They offer wonderful opportunities do^wn there for ambitious yotmg fellows who â- want to get ahead in the worid. For example, I saw this sign in on« large restaurant; 'Wanted, man to wash dishes and two waitresses.' " â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â-  H - 4"| i* The man behind the gun is the chap who ds ha^ving a barrel of fun NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Martha iMcEachnie, Widow, deceaesd. A'LjL PEJRSONIS (having claims against the estate of Martha Mc- EJachnie late of the Village of Flesh- erton. Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Fouitth day of June, 1947, are required and hereby notified to deliver or send post prepaid to the undersigrned Solicitor for the Execu- tor on or before the 23rd day of Aug- ust, 1947, full particulars of their claims, duly vei'ified by Statutory Declaration. Imimediately after, tht' said Twenty- third day of Augiust. 1947, the asset? of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitle.d tihe^eto, havino- regnrd only to the claims that the Executor shall then have had notice. Dated at Dundalk this 2,^rd day of July, 1947. â€"I. B. LUCAS. Dundalk, Ont., Solicitor for Executor. MEN'S WEARi SPEaAUTIES READY-TO- WE.AR SUITS GABARDINE TROUSERS . . SPORT SHIRTS SHIRTS. AND SHORTS PLASTIC BELTS PLASTOC SUSPENDERS SMART FANCY HOSIERY' BIL.TMORE FELT HATS NEW NECKWE-AR SMART BLACK OXFORDS TAN BROGUE OXFORDS MEN'S SWEATERS New Pullovers Zipper Front Sweater : New Pattern Pullovers. An entirely new assortment . in a range of popular colors. F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Gnt. ; >*>â- ,.* â-  1^ ««â-  . â-  n â-  j.*j..i.j.*A.t..i.i... .t..i..i t ..,f .f I, , 11 ^^1 I II I I III' 1 * JO THECAmmNJvesr BYBUS SIGHT SEEING ALL THE' WAY \ FARES ARE LOW Round Trip . Tax Included Winnipeg - $50.05 ^KSk Regina ' - «• N 61.30 ^^H| Calgary - â-  â-  81.35 ^^^1 Vancouver .. 92.05 ^^^1 (Subjec to' change) ^^^ FIRESIDE LUNCH Rep: . Boden Prop, Phkme o3 Flecherton lb> mW^-^.l^W'"' y-if^

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