Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1947, p. 4

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Wednesday, Auffust 20. 1947 111-; hi.iiSHFRTON ADV.-^riCE •><^•^•^<><KK•«^<^<•1^<><KK•<•<•4»x•<><•<K•<^•<•<•4><^<•<•<^<~^<^^ YOUR KIND Co-operation, Please It is essential that more care be given oream during the hot weather. Here are several hints which will help you and help us to maintain our high standard of qual- ity butter: 1. Cool cream as rapidly as possible after sep. arating. This can be done by placing the cream container in a vessel of cold water in the basement. 2. Send cream in by trurk or deliver at least twice a week. 3. Keep all dairy utensils in best possible sanitary condition. Flesherton Creamery ! Mr.s. 1 iiu.i. i;i;uLi^,J„L', GLii KidKt:, N.J.; Mrs. Gh.lys Luwn, Alaik.i.iie. Mil', and Mrs. bo!) L iirothjis, . .. mills; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson, Shelburne. Helen (Weltoii) Ball, M't. Forest; Mrs. Win L:ugt' ( Uene Munshuw • Niagara Falls; Laurie Munshaw. To ronto; Fred Munshaw, Edmonton, Alta.; Mr. and Mra. D. W, Clinton, Toronto; Uordun Eager, Owen Sound; Joseph H. Snell, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Simpson, Wilder, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Graham (Lola Badgerow), Welkerton; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Iwrin (Fannie Wilson), IJad- jeros; Dr. W. G. and Mrs. Trelford (Ruby TrimWe), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roi>t. M. Henderson, Moose Jaw, Sask,; Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McE^ch- nie (Mary Fisher), Clarkson; Mr. and Mrs. Bi| Goldhawk, Rochester, N-Y-; Laverne Wood, Hamilton; Mi-s. E. E. Wolfe (Zella Benlbam), Hamilton; Jack McCauley, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart. Bracebridtte. Mrs. Wm. Sargent and Marion, Owen Sound. VANDELEl'R us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON. Ontario >*4-fr^««<M0"X~:~:..MKK">'K~:~x~x~:~XK~:««-<~x«<~:<":»<~:~x~x~x~:~:~^^^ •ak^'^S^ THE Flesherton Advance ^ublish«d on CoUin^vood St., '- leaherton, Wednesday of each " eek. Circulation 1,100. Price t.'.00 a year in Canada, paid in nranee; |2.60 per year in the United States. P. J. THURiSTON, Editor Names of Old Home WceklVisitors (Continued from Last Week) Mr. and Mrs, Oscar McKee (Lois Wood, Hamilton; Mir. and Mrs. Nor- man Jackson, Hamuilton; Haziel (Ink- ster) Welsh, Olarkson; Mrs. Wm. Inkater, Dundalk; Mir. and Mrs. Gor- don Warling, Bartonville; May (Gil- lespie) Etherington. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. David Jasnieson, Toronto; Mr. »nd Mrs, Sam Fisher, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Fisher, Toronto; Mrs. Edna Murray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phillips (Nellie Hopps), Owen Sound; Mrs. L. J. Castle (Elda Phillips), Toronto, and Mr. (Castle; IMlr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Hales (AlUe MJcMuUen), Brigihton; Rev. Wm. R. ^lements, Mdnesin^; Ross McMullen, IWrent*; Mervin Wright, Weston; Mi!!ared (Eadley) Brillinger, Weston; Hazel L. Wyvill, MarWale; Stella (l<ouoks) Wyvill, Markdale; *Boy Bfctton, Duriham; C!«o. Patton, Dur- laim; Edna (Ferris) Thiibaudeau, Markdale; Mrs. W. T. Nei*hercut, I>ufidal>k; (3ecil R. Loucks, Ghats- worth; Wilhelmina Beattie Causher, Hagerstown, Md.; Austin MieMullen, Toronto; Henb. Genoe, Toronto; Ken Henry, HamilCbn; Jim Armstrong, Toronto; E. J. (Ted) Banks, Ayr. Alb. LeGard, Toronto; Jos. A. Le- Gard, Toronto; Chas. E. MacXavish, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Bell- amy. Goderich; Mr. awd Mrs. Robt. P. Bellamy, Toronto; F- W. Murray and Jim Murray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Kindlay, MeafoKd; Mr and Mrs. A. (barter (Mary Muriphy), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton (Donelda McDonald), Toronto; Ivan Holley, Dundalk; Geo. W. Phillips, Toronto; Stanley McMullen, Toronto; Bill Hules, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Purdy .(Stella Pedlar), Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson (Edna Wilson), Durhaan; Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Blakeley, Toronto; Percy McLeod, Whi«l)y; Pearl (Blakeley) Stafford, Toionto; Mrs. Joe Phillips, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Herb .Akins, Lansing; Mr. :md Mrs. W. G. Kennedy (Haz(/ Henry), IJrantford; Leita Blakeley, Torontrj; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ckirruth- ers, Fr«emun; Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, lyondon; Mr. and Mrs, Earl McLood (Ruby Muir), London: Ed. Wailing, Toronto; Mrs. Mary f;ar- rutlicrs, Toronto; Mr. mid ';'rs. B. JeflVries (Jea«ie Warliiig), Toi-onto; Harold J. Thompfeon and boys, Mt., Albc-rt; Ml', and Mrs. Roy McGeocb (Edna Fisher), London; Mr. and Mrs. C. Ra.wlings (Violet Blackburn) To- rotito; G. Black. Kitchener; Mr. niid Mb6. John Beecrof*. Owen Saiind: M. McGeoch, London; Jim Wilson, Owen .Sound; ifrs. W. B. Morgan (Da:sy Snijth), Owen Sound. Mis. W. L. McDonald (Marie Pat- ton), Toronto; Marilyn Wilson, Dur- ham; Gi'orKinn Stafford, Owen Sound; FeaH (Hnpps) StnffoH, Berkeley) I)r. iind Mrs. Sherman Piper (Marg- ate' Ckillinson), Clarksburg; Mr. and Mrs. kmeraon O.sborne. . Hamilton; Frank Invin, I>urham< Henry Hamil- tmi, Gudph; Jas. Benson, Corbetton Eva (Park'T) Hill. Wruk.lale; Eldon Plsher, Toronto; M-r. arid Mrs. .los. Bm^<s, T(iit)nto; Mrs. Klsie Camei-on. DnThanv, Mrs. J. S. Standee, Durham Mrs. Dave McLeed and Allan, Pitts- burg, Pa,; Mr. and Mrs Allan Cam- eron and Sandy," Toronto; Harold E. Karstedt, Priceville; W. J. Jamieson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Piper (Verdun McMaster), Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. H. McCutoheon (Blanche Paton), Toronto; Jean Hemphill, To- ronto; W. N Hemphill, Toronto; R. K. Hemphill, Vancouver, B.C.; Walter Hemphill, New Westminster, B.C.; Joseph Hemphill, Toronto; Mrs. R. K- Hemiphill, Vancouver, B.C.; R. Hemip- hill, Toronto; Mabelle Parslow, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MicMaster Brantiford; Ralph Williamson, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cornfield, Toronto; Viola Conufleld, Toronto; May Cornfield, Proton; MrT and Mrs. Harold Tracey, Toronto; Mrs. Wes Armstrong, Toionto; Mr. and Mrs, Laurie Smith, Toronto; Robert This- tlethwaite, Niagara Falls. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blackburn, Orange- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thistle- thwaite, Toronto; Chas. McEachnie. Durham; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Otte- well, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell (Leila Clark), Collingwood Elvelyn (Leavell) Kay, Collingwood; Bemice (Leavell) Wafeters, Colling wood; Mrs. Robt. Clark, Collingwood; W. E. Turner and Lillian (Sproule) Turner, Toronto; Mr. and !>•«. W. J Blyera (Turner), Toirorato; Mr and Mrs. J. C. Wriglit (Florence Binnie), Hamilton; Clara G. Binnie, Toronto; Mrs. J. A. Smith (Mildred Binnie), Cooksville; Malbel M.' Binnie, Toron- to; Willa (Wrigiht) Brady, Toronto; Mrs. G. R. Jackspn (Willa MoLeod), Dundas; E. MoLachlan, Orillia; Roy A. Rutledge, Lethibridge, Alta.; L, Lawrence, High River, Alta; Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt. aharp (Olive McMullen Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan (Lill- ian Lever) and Douglas, Moorefield; Mr. and Mrs. Angus Turaey and Lynn, Toronto; John A. Davis, Mark- dale; T^hos. J. A. Gamey, Toronto; FraiA Patton, Toronto; P. L. Paibton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr- ington Snr. Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carrini^ton Jr., Sarnia; Mr and Mrs. Jas. McFadden, Owen Sound Sydney RandB, Shelburne; F. D. Pat ton, Toronto; E. K. Jamieson, Toron- to; Jas. E. Stafford, Durham; Mrs. G- Miles (Arlene Beecroft), Owen Sound Donald Cameron, Toronto; Mrs. Alex, Cameron (Edith Orr), Toronto; Dr. Russell Caimeron, Toronto; C. H. Hopper, (3akville; Chas. Hopper, To- i-onio; C. K. Magee, Aneroid, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hoy, Toronto; Mr. and Mm. Clifford Blakeley, St. Thomas; Ben Leavell, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Pairy (Flossie Rich- ardson), Toronto: Dell Thurston, To- ronto; Mt, and Mrs. E. Storry (Annie Flynn), Toronto; Helen Stewart, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. John Bridgman (Mai"y Paton), Winona; Jas. Laughlin, London; Mrs. Walter Dungey, Alliston. Gor<iop Beaton, Markdiale; Geo, J, Wilson, riaid.stotjp, Sask,; Walter S. Penki-n^. Markdale; Rev. Jo.seph and Mrs. narrower, Holland Centre; .Take Wiiliams, Husenia: Viva Scilley, Dim- dalk; Winnie (Scilley) Minke, Dun- dalk; Marshall Kertoi^ Owen Sound: Mrs. Daisy (Smith) Morgan, Owen Soimd; Mrs. Ross Thihaudeau (Thel- ni« Wilson), Dearborne, Mich.; Mrs. W. P. Stuart. Re-gDna. Sask.; Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wntker. Shelburne; Mrs. Hunter (Betty MiLirray) CnniT' T^or- den; Wm. Field. Tm-ontn; Tom Ward- robe, Toronto: D. L. Weeae, Che-'lpy, Mre. J. H. Rakes (Androv Brnwn), Hamilton, Rev. A. F.. .\vni.strnrg, nnd Mi's. Armstrong. Meaford; .Mice r. ITcaid. Wingbam: Mrs. W. A. n"ittv. Toronto; Mr« W. T- C'liirk (AT.irgjiet English), Wildfr. TdMho; Mrs. Frank St-ivei-s (Irene Clark), Wilder, Id'ihn; C. K. Pliillips. Tarcn- to: Mr«. Emerson Bennett (Kiix R. NloHol), London; Mrs. C. -M. White (.Agnes Henderson), Wniilinushf-ne; Mrs, Gnire (Hpndorson) Blnckbnrn, Tnrnnto: Jnlm Williim«, P.-iris; Mrs. r. Hindle (Sadie Colirnn). Proton; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paton (Annie Lniwrenle), Oalgary, Alta.: Mr. and United Church Notes Rev. .A. G. Macp" .r»on, Q.A Minister 0.1 Sund'y, August 24th, at St J >lin's, the W.'M,S. is to conduct the service of worship. At Proton Sta- tion and Eugenia, Mr. Donald McLeo<j v,iil 1)0 in charge, Sunday, August 31st, will be de- voted to anniversary .sei-vices at Pro- ton Station. The other seivices on the Pastoral Charge will be with- drawn. Dependability MASSEY-HARRIS Service FARM EQUIPMENT I f I > ii ,1 ean^flOMfMM ;*";*»- » It looks now as if the peo'ple who are going to have coal this winter will have to dig deeper than the miners. Quality|Hardware Builders Supplies | Stock on Hand (Intended for Last Week) Recent visitors at the home of Lundy Johnston were: Mrs. F. N. Bowes, Mrs. Charlotte Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badgerow of Toronto and Miss Lettie Black of Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ready of St. Marys were recent /guests of the latter's sisters, Mas. Landy Johnston and Mti's. Geo. Buchanan. Mrs. G. MlKenzie of Calgary and Miss Dell Thurston of Flesherton visited with Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson and Myrtle Fawcett. Mr- Harold Miagahan of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bucihanan. Mr. Pentland' of Hanover, former Inspector of Public Schools, occupied the pulpit in the churoh on Sunday afternoon and preached a fine semion. The Women's Institute held an open meeting in the Community Hal! Thursday evening, July 31st, witii Miss Agrnes Macphail as the guest speaker. She gave a vivid account of her trip to Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce of Pickering were recent guests of Miss Minnie Graham in the Valley. VALLEY ROAD SOUTH The weather has been very warm, making the harvest come in very quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wickens of Meaford visited on Sunday with hia parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickens. Mr. John Wickens suffered blood poisoning in his right hand' during the past week. Bom â€" In Collinigwood Hospital to M't. and Mrs. Merle- Weber, a son Both doing well. Joe Gibson and Gladviryn Wiley of Priceville and Arthur Idle of Dur- ham have been assisting their father- in-law, Mr. John Wickens, with the harvest. It pays to have sons-in-law. iMr. Gordon Wood has been assist- ing Clifford Waird with his harvest. Mts. Will Welber, who has been on the sick list, is feeling much better. Miss Irene Wiokems of Thornibury, who has been visiting bar sister, Mrs. Clifford Ward due to poor health, has returned home feeling somewh«lt better. In 1914 a dollar was a dollar; to- day it is worKh about thirty cents; maybe our dollar has beem travelling around too mwch and is getting worn thin. Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHrBITION AT TORONTO AUGUST 22 -SEPTEMBER 6 FROM FLESHERTON Coach Fare $3.90 Good going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6; inclusive . Return Limit â€" Sept. 10 Pull inifoiTnation from any agent GoMzuiuui Qdd^ 2 New 15-Disc Grain & Fertilizer Drills, power lift: tri-hitch New 13-Disc Grain and Fertilizer Drill 2 A.A. Good Used Grain DrilU 13-disc Used Deering Binder 6 ft 2 New Tractor Disc Harrows, 32-di8c and 28-disc New Wagon on rubber, Timken bearings Massey-Harris "Milk-Rite" Milkers, the cow's favorite. 3 New Single-furrow Walking Plows. 2 iNew 2-furrow Walking Plows, for rough usage, time and labor-saving; You'll find these plows hard to match. NOSE SCREENS HAY FORKS %in, BARN ROPE SLINGS STEEL CABLE PULLEYS HAY CARRIERS and STEEL TRACK. We intsall. BUILDING MATERIAL 3-in-l Asphalt Shingles Winloe Shingles Roll Roofing Rolbrik Siding Building Paper Step Ladders STOVES and HEATERS CLARE JEWEL RANGES PRINCESS PAT and GOOD CHEER RANGES and' HEATERS M«CLARY STOVES and HEATERS McCLARY and COLEMAN OIL HEATERS J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 " FEVERSHAM <M'+***4'*+4"M / i 9 X ; » :-< \T^ 14 t TT â€" : ^# V J ANADIAN fNATIONAL I EXHIBITION AUGUST 23RD TO SEPTEMBER 6TH (Except Sunday) Reduced Fare $5.05 Round Trip Children $2.70 Includes Exhibition admission and Bus Transfer direct 'Into and from the Grounds Leave Toronto b 8:45 a.m. a 12:45 p.m. c 5:20 p.m. a Saturday only b Sunday and Holiday c Daily except Saturday Tickets and Informaition at FIRESIDE LUNCH, R. Bodcin, Prop. Leave Flesherton 9:05 a.m. b 7:40 p.m r WHAT A START FOB A .^ HOUP^ /WEEK-END/ ^w HE SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT NEW OOODfYEAR TIRES Holidays are made for enjoyment . . . and tiiere's no fun In fixing flats on the road. Make svire your trip will be unmarred by tire troubleâ€" get a complete set of big, thick-treaded new Goodyears before you leave. You'll get extra safety . . . extra traction . , . extra mileage, too, because Goodyears are built better to last longer. '-^® tjdisisdikJi^/^^ FOR COMPLETE GO0D#VEAR D. MacTavish and Sons Flesherton, Ontario TIRE SERVICE i» A. â- % * iS r ^ |5 4* A â- 0 M '* â-  â- *> A -« .A > 4 M '\ Ik It K .»h. I A.

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