Wednesday, August 20, 1947 THE Fi HSHERTON ADVANCE? •V if . â- * Of (Ml 'M -♦ a. J* A Ik. It Hi Ik. Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NOTICE . Recent amendme-its to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue before Ist September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed b- '- = Minister and the Minister may reject an appl that is not made in such form or that does not < such information. The prescribed forms (S.P.I) are available at ali _ -d- trict Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. AH pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form, ten- tative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not be accepted. Department of National Revenue Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenn*. VICTORIA CORNERS A numiber of the ladies from here enjoyed the meeting: and banquet held in Pi>oton SUtion United Church, sponsored by their W. A. on Tuesday aftei'poon, Augaist ISth! Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Ames of Mat- a«hevan visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forbes. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow returaed to her home on Tuestlay, after three weeks' vacation at Tilbury. Mr. and Mi-s. Walt. E. Arnold Bobby and Peggy Joan, Buffalo, N.Y., motored to the home of IDrs. Arn- old's brother, George Moore, Friday. Walt will return to his home in Buffalo on Tuesday, while Mrs. Arn- old and' family remain for the bal- ance of August. MRS. WM. PARKER EUGENIA We were very sorry to hear of the death of iBev. Stanley Elliott and extend sympathy to those who are leift in bereavement* Rev. Ellioibt was On the Maxwell circuit and was pasftor of Eugenia United Oburch a few years ago. Mt. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesherton, accomipanied by Mrs. R. H. Mellafont of Coutts. Alta., were callers at the Martin home. Mm. Mellafon<i (Gertie Bellamv) was a class-mate of Mrs. Martin in High School and Sunday Scohol and Mrs. Martin was delighted to meet her O'nce again. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Jamieson and Judy have returned to Toronto, after holidaying in the former's home here. Mr .and Forrest Park and tw« daughters of Detroit, Mrs. Elsie Park of Denver, Colorada, and M^rs. Hugh LeRoy of Notbawa were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MoKee and faanily. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Elliott of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Elliott of SItratford visited Sunday with their cousins, the Tudtoir family. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McMaster ol St. Oathairines, Mr. and Mrs. Eton Carson and family of Toronto, Mr and Ifrs. Geo. Stewart and Gordor Stewart of Toronto were week end vnsitoTs at the ^Stewart home. Mrs. T. Stewart and Patsv returned to St. Catharines with the McMa&ters. Mrs. Geo. Stewart remained to spend a few holidays here. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Miililicent McMullen in Me«- ford, extend our profound sympathy to the sorrowing faonffly in their sad bereavement. The late Mrs. DicMuUen wfco liveij here for many years had many friends. She was d a kind and gentle dissKxaition, a faithful chuxioh memiber and! aotii^ in many otflier duties, until illness overcame her. She will "be sadly missed by all he» friends in this locality. IMise Miarr QBpiperton of Toronito is hwlidayirag at the Proctor home. iMessrs. Bob Plirvis and "Slagw" Slllatea< of Toronto are spending a week at Shady >Res>t cottage. Miss Joan Warrilow is holidaying with her grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jias. Fawcett. iMr. and Mrs. A. B. Joh«Jiton and damghiter, Agnes, of Toronto are Bpen^iing a fortnight at the "'Diuok In"' e»ttage, near the dam Miss Lottie Muir, Toronto, is their guest. iMrs. Ray Genoe and Diane aw holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and children of Streetsville visited a few days at the Phillips home. Miss Barbara Miller of Cookstown visiter several days with her sister, Mrs. H. Hai'TOOn. Mrs. J. Baker and children of To- ronto are visitoi's with the foimier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Wright and children, toonaid', Beatrice, Arthut and Donald have i-eturned home to London, after holidaying at the Best I Cottage. While here they were en- tertatined at dinner one evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and Mar- We extend our sympathy to Mr. Jake Williams and other relatives ir their recent sad bereavement by the death of his son-in-law, Mr. Charles Annette, who passed aAvay in a To- ronto hospital on August 4th. Our deepest s\nnpathy is extended to his wife, the foriwer Hilda Williams Her father and Mr. and Mrs. Will Oamptoell attended the funeral. Mi-s. Harry Foerster Ojf Tororito spent a few (lays at he*- home here and attended the Flesherton reunion, iMr. and Mrs. G. C. MacOonald oJ Islington and Miss Maud Richai-dson of Toronto were giwsts at th« Eu- genia Lodge for a couple erf weeks, and attended the Flesherton Reunion. Dr. and Mre. W. G. Trelford of. To- ronto were also (Cueaj^s al the Loilfto. . Wihile here Mrs. MacDonakl and Miss Richardson nv»de some lieauti- f«l oil sketches -of the river, falls and rccfes. and also .,'njoyed swfiiimi'! - in the lake. Rev. H. E. and Mrs. W4I- wowl of Richmrond Hill, who were their anests here over the holWay. remarked how ther ha<l enjoyetl tho week eiul at "lovely Eugenia." Mrs. MacDonaUl was the former Mat>le Boyd of Fh"? he-ton. iM'teses Winneta and Carmelle Mar- tin have returned to Toronto, after holidaying at their home, i Mrs. Lome Heeney and Judy have returned to Toronto after holidaying at the Burton home. Mr. Ohas. Pedar, Neepawa, Man., visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee have returned from a wonderful trip to Western Canada, via the United States. They visited at Calgary, Edmonton and other points. Mr. and Mrs. D^jiald Young, Caro] and Suzanne of Sarnia are visitors with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Miss Lena Wright of Detroit was a recent visitor with Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Ellis and Miss StafTord. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross, newly married, of Toronto visited a fe>v days at the latter's parental \tome Mir. Ross returned to Toronto fiiin- day, while his wife remained xor a feiw more holidays. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winters, Ham- ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCul- lough of Wt«€rn C.^naaa were visit- ors last w.^eK with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wdnters. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ludlow and and son Jim of Royal Oak, Mich., are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow. Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Jackson en- tertained all members of their family along with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mc- Cutcheon, Jeanne and Estelle. To- ronto, on Sunday, Aug. 3i-d., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Batchelor attended the weddinsg in Parkdale United Church, Toronto, Saturday Aug. 9th, of the lattei-'s brother, Mr. Clifford Comatt to Miss Jean Werry. Gordon was the groom's attendant. Plans were made at Sunday School on Sunday for the S. S. picnic at the home of the Superintendent, Russell Patterson, on Tues-, August 19. KIMBERLEY PORTLAW We arp sorry to report Mrs. John MeKee a patient in the Collinigwood, hospital where she underwent an op- eration on Friday mommg. Mrs. Earl Talbot has returned honue from Markidiale hospital and libtle Ruth Blackburn is improving from pneumonia. iMiTO. EILsie Cameron of Duirhaiin is spending some time with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Ev. BtaoWbum. •Mrs. Chas. Hopps visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank MlcArthiur at Not- tawa for a few diays. iMtr. and Mrs. Scfcells of Toronto were visiV>rs with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoppe. OVlfrs. C. D. Meldruim is enjoyinig a holiday with Toronto friends. Mr. and! Mrs. Fred Russel aaid daughter of Orange Valley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt. Mr and Mrs. F. Betts and Cheryl. Mr swid Mrs. Frank Dillon and Ar- thur Betts enj«yed a w«»k's hoilidiair with their parents Mr. and' Mrs. H. Betts. Stanley Taylor of Clairksfcoirg spent the week-end with his faflher here. A number from here attended the funeral of little Jackie Menzies, at Wareham on Wednesdlay. Miss Isabel Croft spent a week •nd with ffiends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher, Doreen TheLma and! baby Deaii and other mieimlbers of the Bofce family at- tended the Bbyce reunion in Har- risori's Park, Owen Sound, last Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer and' son, , Hoard, of Parry Sound were week- end visitors of Mrs. Moyer's cousins, Mr. and' Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Sunday they enjoyed a motor trip through the Kinberley, Thornbury and Mea- ford districts. iMIi'. and Mrs. Ro»r Grummett of Ottawa and' Mr. .and Mrs. Jas. Potts of Toronto and Mrs. W. J. Chard of Flesherton were visitors with Mr. and Mus. Laurie Pedlar. "Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlat enjoy- er) a picnic with friend's at Waeaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ta^'lor and sons also spent a day at Wasaga Beach. (Intended for Last Week) iMrs. J MoConnell of Brartford is the gue?i of Kim'berlay friends for two weeks. Mrs. Jotf Mi'.Connell and daughter and children and Mr. Basil TvIcCon- nell of Me.iford visited with Mr. and Mrs Harold Fawcett on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs Laurie Lawrence of Gait visited with Mrs. J. Lawrence last week. Mrs. S. S. Burritt was nlesi<?ed tn have a visit from Mrs. G. L. McKen- zie (Odessa Walter) of Calgary and Miss D«ll Thurston of Flesherton. A good many in our commoinity were delighted Ito visit Flesherton d'Urinic Old Home Week giathering and sports events. Misses Ruth and Marilyn Burritt are visiting this week with Kimber- ley relatives and friends. Wle are glad to report Mrs. M. 'FeTgiuso«v progpessing very favoir- ably in health after her recent oper- ation. She is at present with her daiuighter, Mrs. BaJcer, at Heatheote- MIrs. McAluslan is also timprovinig, but is yet at Collingwood hospital. Miss Orlie Kirkpatricfc is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Wm. Parker passed peace- fully away at Markdale Hospital on Thursday, July 31at, at 11 p.m., after a lengthy illness. . Mrs. Parker was bort in Ujcbridge in Feb. 1875, and moved to Osiprey Tov^cnship as a small child. She was the daughter of the late Hugh Young and Mrs. M. Qny of Maxiwell. She was married 54 years ago to William Parker .<ind following her marriage took up residence at Ware- ham and henc to Max^vell, where they lived for '?'• year:., tji«n moving to Fevei'sham, where her [-"'.liband .s.urvives to moum h'.-v loss. Besides her husband, Mrs. Parker leaves to mourn .five sons and' five daughters: HuK'liie of Detroit. Norman of Allan Park. Emerson of Fevershani, Jack of Richvale, Owal of New Toronto, Susie (Mrs. Jack Lougheed) of Sing- hampton, Mildred (Mrs. Chris Mona- ghan) of Singhaanpton, Miary (Mrs. Wm. Benson) of Colling^vood, Violet (Mrs. Gordon Dixon) of .Peterboro, and Irene (Mrs. Mel Sled')', JlaxAvell also 21 grandchildren and If areat grandchildren. She had' three sisters and two brothers. One sister prede- ceased her by some years. The funeral was held in Maxwell United' Church on Sunday afternoon, August 3rd, cond'ucted by Rev. Mc- Nichol of Markdale and Rev. Lee of Feversham. Favorite hymnr of the deceased "Rock of Ages" and '-What a Friend' we Have in Jesus" were sung, also duet by Mr. and Mrs. Tel- ford Ferris. After the service tlje remains were interred in the Maxwell Cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and besides the tokens of sympathy from friend's and neighbors was a .=ipray from the Kaiser-Fi-aser plant in Detroit. The pall)>earers were her five sons and one grandchild and the floral tributes were carreid by the grand- children. ment was made in Mount Pleasant Ce'hvtei'y. The acting pall-bearers were all brothers-in-law of he deceased's wife Messrs Ted Gordon, Leonard and Ronald .\nnette, Thos. Acheson and Lehman, all of Toronto. Those attending the funeral from here were; Mr. Jacob Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cambell. Mr. and Mrs. Bat«s Fawcett, Mrs. Ross Lehman who had been holidaying in Kennora and Wnnipeg, arrived home a few days before the funeral. Besides his loving wife he leaves in sad bereavement his parents, brothers and sisters. We extend our sympathy to them in their sad ber- eavement. Holidays were designed for rest and recupenition, but most of us need a holiday after we get back to the office. Farm Equipment Grinders Tractors Choppers Creiam Separators Binder Twine We have on hand at present: Used 7 foot Binder 5 foot One-Way Disc FULL LINE OF REPAIRS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE H. M. SAYEES Phone 51 Dundalk THE LATE CHAS. ANNETTE Zero Weather Seems Distant BUT «lt won^t be long now» Your choice of DUO THERM, COLEMAN, NORGE (By Eugenia Reporter) The Eugenia community were ver^ sorry to hear of the d'eath of Mr. Charles Percy Annette 133 Cumber- land St., Toronto, after an illness of eight weeks in the hospital, but passed' away at the home of his par- ents. The late Mr. Annette was a son-in-law of Mr. Jacob Williams ol this place, his wife being the formei Hilda Jane Williams (youngest dau- ghter.) He was born in Toronto and died on .A.ugust 4th, two d^ys after his birthday anniversary. The dec- eased was of a jovial disposition and had' many friends whom will deeply mourn his passing. He was well known in this community, .as he and his wife visited here on different occasions. The memorial service was held in the Myers-Elliott Funeral Chapel 715 Dovercourt Road, afld was conducted by Rev. W. L. Armitage of the Church of the Redeemer, Thursday Aug. 7- at 3 p.m. Olive Hudson Seely presided' at the console of the oi'gan The casket was banked by a grreat many beautiful final tributes- Inter- and GUNDERSON Oil Space Heaters $47.95 and up OIL NOW AVAILABLE COAL and WOOD RANGES, QUEBEC HEATERS ELECTRIC STEAM RADIATORS and ELECTRIC HEATERS, all types. Assured installed prices supplied for all Furnaces or Stokers Call and we will assist you to solve your heating problems SECURE YOUR FUEL NOW ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS Immediate installation: eliminate that chop worn- and work. "FROM GRANARY TO GRINDER TO BIN" We carry a complete stock of RADIOS, APPLIANCES, FIXTURES, WIRING ♦ MATERIALS AND BATTERIES I Richards Electric Sales and Service "YOUR HYDRO SHOPPE" PHONE 78 WE DELIV5R 12th LINE, OSPREY (Intended for Last Week) iPr. S. Thihawdwau of Markdale and Ivan Huner o-f Orillja collided on the 12th Line Sunday evening. Both cars were badly damaged, but no one was seriouslv "injured in- the accident. We are haippy to l•epol^t Mrs. fttm Piandersnn home a»ain from hoi*pit«l much improved hi health. Miss Voiinip Reid hn.--, returned to her honw-. after spondin-g holidays with her friends at Tbovibuvy and Meaford. • .. ;^ T : â- i -tt- Mr. and, Mrs. .lohn Doibson and Miss Louise Rose of Duntroon visited yith Mv. -Pi'd IVT-"-^- Torrnnce Moore,, of Stayner. ^•^r. Noble, contmctor. r^x I ODonto is buildinLr .i fine naw hiincalow for Mr. Cpttrl' of Toronto nrav Percv Sen^ple's. Tusit. wait, before long To- ronto is goin-e to extend a long ways to the north. ^ay Us a friendly "Visit â- 3 ^ I \J U . . . may need money. Why be embarrassed about it.' There are thou- saads like you. Hospital expenses, doctor and dentist bills, payment of income tax, house repairs, overdue debts and other emergencies dig deep into earnings and savings. Why not see us about a Personal Loan? f i Jj . . . are making hundreds of Per- sonal Loans daily all over the country. We can help you with friendly, confidential, prompt service. A call on the Manager of any branch of this Bank is hke a visit to a neighbour. Unload your debt prob- lems on him. He will gladly discuss a Personal Loan with you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard, Manager, Flesherton Branch 127-47