Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1947, p. 8

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V. ' Wednesday, August 20, 1947 -iilE FL;i:SHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 2 Durham heifers, springing.â€" Jos. Radley, Fiesehrtor; FOR SALEâ€" Beagle hound pups.â€" M. Dobson, phone 75J1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Frame barn 16x30x14. â€" Mrs. C. Archibald, Ceylon. 'â-  N FOp SALEâ€" Lime, kiln of fresh lime ready by Aug. ISth.â€" Earl Fenwick > Eugen'a, phone Peversham 23r4S. STRAYED â€" From my premises a year-old red heifer. Finder notify Cecil Young, Maxwell. iip3 ^'ANTED â€" Anunuli *u4table fo; mink and fox feed.-Bert McInto«i Eug^niK phone Pe^trshr \ 5r2* PLOWING - Custo.n plowing and discing. â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. i Priceville, phone «08r3 Durham. FOR SALE - Massey-Harris .\o. 5 hinder, 7 foot, tracks and tongue, Truck, g-oo.i running order, S8,=5.â€" i-rank M unlock, mile w est Durham FOR SALE -Breakfast suit^Tlun- tan and green, table and 6 chairs i.l>hol8t«ro,l.â€" Mel Buchanan phone i'iHj4 Flesherton. WAXTED-Either a!! or top onlT^f side-ivall glass cupboard or kitcn- en cabinet. Call Feversham llr33 at on ce. 12p2 I/>ST â€" Tricycle, freshly painted, red, black and grey, also name Is painted on. Finder please notify Geo. Ba nk.s. phone 83 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" House dog, well color- ed and well mannered, gentle with childi-en. â€" Laurie Genoe, Ceylon, phone 51wl. Ilc2 NEW C.P.R. STATION AT OWEN SOUND Modern, sweeping lines are featur- ed on the new Caivud'an Pacific Rail way .station, which was opened on Thui'Sday last at Oweii Sound. Mayor Eddie Sargent u'echuvd the buildii'K ; and general manager of Easstern officially open at a ceremony attend-; Lines, other C.P.R. officials and e;l by X. R. Crump, vice-presideiit leading Owen Sound industrialists. Locai aijii 1 cisu nai ! Old Timer Enjoyed Reunion I To Fullest Extent Asphalt Roofing, Insulbrk Siding, Insulation 3-in-l Shingles 210 lbs. Winlock and Vee-Lok 125 lbs. Rock Face Rolls 70 lbs., Smooth Face 55 lbs. Building Paper Rollbrick Siding Insulbric, royal red with white mortar line. -Insulating Rock Wool Batts, 2 in. and 3 in. thick. Granulated Rock Wood loose in bags. BKATTY REPAIRS Galvanized Pipe 'i inch, 1 inch, IV4 inch, l*/2 inch Pump Rod, Cylinders 1 1 Hay Cars, Steel Track, Barn Door Track and fittings. % in Rope SEPARATORS and STOVES Renfrew Electric Separators, some reconditioned Separators. New Renfrew Stoves Used' Beatty Electric Washing Machine, like new »jr ' WAGONS Ruibflber Tife Wagon with Timkin bearings. Steel Tire Wagon Wooden Wheel Wagon. Wheel s-ets for rubber tires. ••f • â-  «â-  Pbone 46J W. E. BETTS FLESHERTON 4.4Hi.4..>.>»ii..j;.»»»»4^»^ii I .i I i. I .. I .. H .. I . 4 .. } ii I i 4 .. I .. t .4i4.4i4i4.4.^„^4.4M|.^..i.»4.4.4..{.4.4Mi.^ FOR S.\LE â€" Hand wa.'-hing mach- ine, good wringer, in good condi- tion^â€" Geo. Cornfield, Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" M.-H. Binder, 6 f^t cut â€" Ronald Parsons, Eugenia, pkonc Feversham 5r52. FOR SALE â€" 40 cords dry hard- wood, maple and beech. 14 in. $4..5fl per cord at bush at Ceylon. Apply to Gordon McMullen. phone 44X3. CX3AL â€" Carload of Alberta Hard Lump Coal to arrive next week. You will be advised to order your supply now. â€" D. MacTavish & Sons .Flesherton, phone 9. 12cl FOR SALE â€" McCormick-Deering 'milkin>r machine comple^te with el- ectric motor, pipes and tanks. This imachine is in Al condition and (priced at less than half the new iprice.â€" Gordon Stuart, Flesherton, a>hone 20M. 12p] CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises red and white yearling reifer. Own- er prove property and pay expens- es. â€" Nerval Betts, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Kitchen sink (prewar) iron with white enamel finish, com- plete with strainer, tail-piece and 33 i^. lead piping. Priced to sell quickly.â€" Mrs. F. .Seeley, Maxwell. LOST â€" At the fair grounds Wed- nesday, Aug. 6th, ladies gold wrist watch. Finder please leave at The Advance office or notify Orville Russell, R.R. 1, Flesherton. . FOR SALE â€" Certified Raspberry plants, Write Box 764 Campbell- ford, Ont., for illustrated folder and grownng "know how." Don't delay. Supply limited. MAN WANTED â€" To work at Grey County Home Fai-m, duties to com- m-ence October 1ft, li»47. Living accommodation supplied'; further information available from Mervyn J. Gould, Manager. Applications addressed to the Board of Manage- ment, Grey County Home, Mark- diale. Ontario, will be received tip until August 30th, 1947. -Mr. and -Mrs. John Stewart spent a Week visiting at .Montreal. Miss Jean White, St. Thomas, wa.-< the guest of her siste,, Mrs. F. J. Thurston. -Miss .Ann Akins has returned to her home after 'completing a sum- mer school course. Mi-s.. Winson»e Uuckhorn of Walk- erton spent the past week with her friend, -Mis.s Dell Thur.ston. Mrs. Logan (Madge Little) of Owen Sound spent a couple of day.s last week with Mrs. Jos. Blakcley. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Honer of South Porcupine are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs M. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Alexander oi Creemore visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Al.. Stewart. Mrs. W. E. Morgan is visiting in town with .Mrs. G. E. Henry and Mrs. and Mrs. C- J. Bellamy. .Mrs. Lou Brotbwell of Smiths Falls •is visiting her Ijrother, Mr. T. J. Fisher, and Mrs. F'isher. Mr and -Mrs. Geo. Stanley of York Mills spent the week end with Mi and Mrs. C;iaude .Akins. Mr. George White and son. Bill, Robt. White and Jos. Duncan spent the week end with the former's son Wesley White, at Severn Park. Mrs. Belle Crierson of Fleming, Sask., spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. It has been 43 year since she was in Ontario before. -Mr. and -Mrs. Mrs. Wm: E, Stew- art and daugter of Montreal spent the week end in town: They are now On a motor trip to northern Ontario. -Mrs. S. McMullen has returned to her home, after spending the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Noft-im Huctwith, at Watford. Rev. Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Thom- son of Toi-otno were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Cook the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Heib Akins of Lan- sing spent the week end with his parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Claudia returned home with them, after spending a 'v\'eek with her grandparents. Piof. W- HuU>hison ol Union Uni- versity. Albany, N.Y., and W. C. Hu'chiscn, arti.st, oi New York, visit- ed during the past week with the lattc.r's l.rother, J. .A. Hutchison, and Mrs. Hutchison. l'''olli)wirg !;â- . a letter received by , the e<litov of The .Advance from "Old Timer'' expre.-^sing his oii.ioymeiit at I havipg been back home for Old Home I Wo:k. He recalls some of the time.'- they had in the early days in this district. WheaJ ho-.ird of the Old Boys and Giil.^ Reunion for 1947 al Fl»sh('rtop says I to Euphemia. '•Phemia,' say.T I. "we're p-o'i; '" Well, we nrrived on S.'.Uiiciiy anj was we glad to see the Hags flyin a welcome for us. -And it seemed so gocd to bo greetin' our old friends and gettin' the glad hand, and there was our old friends' likeness to greet us in the windows. Manys the good time (lid they recall. Aye, th.3 par- ados an(' picnics of our yi,uthl .And the line of cars! Says I to Euphem ia, "PhBuiia," says I, '-It'^ diffevent than the horse • •â- -! buggy days when we were young." Sunday mornin' came anc, to church we wended our way, just managin' t( get u cnair m the aisle. My, it did seem good to see hov the old bov and girls tunied out to church â€" the MacTavishes, the .Aniistronff.s, the McCauleys; of cour.=e we did miss the Mitchells, Bill Bellamy and man> others. In our ijiind's eys we could .iust see theim in their pews with hosts of others who have gone home. Well, after shakin' hands :nid talk- in', and a bit of eatin', we manaijeii to make the Legion's parade ia the afternoon. Yes, too many of oui j young men were not able to return to the old home. Wars have too often taken the toll of our fine young men. And Col. Sydney Lambert is just an- other sample of what wars will d" and a \vooden leg is only a .simal! AUCTION m FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Being on the level helps you to rise in your own estimation. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone .38 .MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellanny's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK r>Â¥SICIAN & SURGEON Giaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LAGE CLERK A Commissioner for taking AffidaWta Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEJ)S MORTGABES, WIL^-S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street, Flesherton AUCTION' SALE HOI SKHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS and other articles of the Late MRS. D. LONG, will be held at FBVERSHAM SATURDAY. AUGUST 23. 1947 at 7 ji.im., consisting of 2 Double Beds with Spring and .Matti-<'s.ses; 7 Diningroom Chairs; 2 Children's High Chairs; Arm Chair; Single Beu with Spring and Matt- less; Dresser, 3 Commodes; Drop- leaf Table; Table with porcelain top: Oak Centre Table; Number 'of Small Tables; Sewing Machine; Washing .Macihine; Heater Stove and Pipes, Toilet Sett: Mirrors; 2 Cupboards; Smoothing Irons; Sett Sleighs; Tubs S<u(ri r. Lamps, Dishes, Glassware and numerous other articles. TERMS: Cash. GFjO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer W.M. W. DEAN will sell by public auction on the pro- perty known as Mun.sihaw Farm FLESHERTON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1947' the, following; STOCK â€" Heavy Bay Mare, 10 years old, weght 1450; Heavy Roan Horse, 7 years old, weight 1650; Heifer rising 2 years, supposed in calf; 2 Hogs, aboiit 3 months old. FURNITURE ETC.â€" Heavy Wag- oi^. good as new, roller bearings; Farm Wagon; Set Light Sleighs; Buggy; Cutter; Garden Harrow; Garden Plow, good as new; Set of Light Harness; Log Boat; 2 Horse Collars, 20 and 23 inch; Beaver* Cook Stove; 2 good Quebec Coal Herfters; Studio Couch; 2 Good Chairs; Day Bed; 2-burner Hot Plates; 2 Dressers and Wash Stands; Cupboard; Exten- sion Table; Kitchen Table; Gramo- phone Cabinet; Rocking Chair; Elec- tric Washing Machine; Electric Floor Lamp; Clothes Horse; Electric Brooder; 2 Saw Horses; Crosscut .Saw;. Pair of Ski-is; .Small Table; Smoker Stand; End Table; New Scythe; Roll of Chicken Wire; Roll of Fence 'Wire; Roll of Snow Fence; Step Ijiulder. many other articles. Hound, 6 months old. SALE AT 2 P.M. SHARP TERM'S: Cash: no reserve. â€" W. KAITTTING, Auctioneer thing to the price sonio have to pay, but I tell you, it didn't spoil his speakin' none, no siree. That man knows how to talk out plain, and with these new-fangled loud talkin' mach- ines, evei'yone had a change to hear. .At the park aP:ain we inj>sed many of the old' friends who had been there eighteen years ago. Doc Murray, Mrs. Blackburn, Harry LeGard (who was Mr. Flcsheitonian last time) -And it was to bad Fred Murray had to slip on the church step in the mornin'. By night the seats of the church were gettin' a bit hard for my obi bones, Init I enjoyed the sing- in' and the hr.vns and the fine music. and' after all we can't get too much of a good thing. But shucks I was too tired to go to that midnight dance and I wanted to see that calithump- ian parade next mornin'. Well, sir, 1 liked that parade. The surries. the buggies, the old-fash ioned clothes, well-covered people r.iice more. It made Phemie and I seem young again an'wasn't 1 pleas- ed to see -Annie and -Andy. .Anni-j as coy as ever, but if Doc Murray ha,; been alive, 1 tell you there wouldn't have been so many gaps. .An' that girl at the pond sinkin' like a submarine! Phemie says, jays she "I'd have sunk, too, when I was young if I'd been caught witn a? little clothes on as she has." Any- way, there was lots cut to see her. That Inud speaiker sure is fine There we was standi n' away back ir the shade at Emei-y Fislicr's anc' heard every word Bill Hemphill, Bert Field, Mrs. Turner and the rest hao to say during the flag raisin*. Wei, I don't know if it was worth 50c or not to hear the seven lions roar, but to hear them roar in Fle.sh- erton ^vas worth something. An' a young feller like Farquhai Oliver" to open the concert at night! Well, it's to be hoped he will be as good as his uncle. Honest John Oliver, one-time Premier of B.C. 1 tell you that Tom Hamilton can gir? you the good laughs and' that feller in his plaid pants on Wednesday wa.sn't far behind. With all the changes of costumes and the dancin' and singin' and violin playin'. I was fair bewildered; at times my eyes fairl.v popped out of my head at all there was to see. Bait it takes the old boys to do it. To them it just comes naturlee. 'When Tom Ward- i-obe played his mouth organ and Sam Sheardown hoe<l it down, that was something. At night I was fair read'y for my bed, although we were crowded until, like Alice Ihinbai singin'. We had' to pretty nigh "roll over" to give everyone room. I had my money on Alex. Hender- son's Mac in the races, knowing he had K'ood practice last winner. It's not always safe to bet on a sure thing. Phemie aiid me will pass many the hour recalling the times we had at that Flesherton Old Home Week Cel- ebration. The kilties, the bands â€" my wasn't.; the Flesherton band good â€" the baseball games, the trick canoeist BARN FOR SALE from Markdale. I sure thought he was a gonner once there, when he disappeared under the canoe. The friends we met! We was glad to get to our beds come night without attending the dances, but we managed the fire- works that last night and thought it a flttin' endin' to a truly happy celebration. Says I to Euphemia, "Phemie," 1 says, "I hope they, don't put off the next one too long or we may be too old to enjoy it." â€"OLD TIMER. Barn 45x56, steel roof, in good shape with hip roof, perline post 32 feet high. HARVEY CLARK R. R. 2, Meaford Pohnfe Meaford 904rl2 »â-  m. •- â- â-  * 1 J,, j x^jk. _M. ->. .a- -•- â- â- - â- â-  WM. KAITTING ^LICENSED AI'CTIONEEI^ ^ for the County of Grey ^arm and Stock svales our sp -alty T'erms: reasonable. Satisfaction U Sfuar«nte«d. Dates arranged at Th« Advance oTce or phorve 4w. The Richardson reunion will be held at Swintoti Park hall Saturday, Aug. 2.'ird, at 2 p.m. Sports and program in afternoon; dancing in the evening. Bring basket lunch. Silver collection. I"1*TV'H*V*I"I"I"I 'l'V's'V'I"I"I**I' j"r^*V**VVV'i*'^ The dealer who supplies your shingles, etc., should funish you with application service. Future Events i Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp. Ltd. AUCTION PALE An auction sale of the furniture and household effects of kho late Mrs D. Long will be held at Feversham Satuiviay evening, .August 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. â€" George E, Duncan, Auc- tioneer. FURNISH ITS CLIENTS WITH A COMPLETE SERVICE Experienced Applicators; Guaranteed Workmanship G. B. WELTON Local Representative Miiiishaw Hdii.se Phone 3 Flesherton, Ont. The world grows smaller day-by- day, and so do a lot of the world's leaders. PASTURE FOR RENT 50 acres of good pasture land, has not been used this year, .some hay taken from fields. â€" Mrs. Archie Stewart, Flesherton. It is not so much what you know as what you can do that counts in getting a job. NOTICE Hunting, fishing or trespassing in any way on Part Lot 33 and Lot 34, Con. 12, Arteniesia, is strictly pro- hibited. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. TRUCKING . We specialize In all kinds of general trucking at reasonable rates, writh first-class service, phone us at any time and we will be right there. ELDRIDGE BOYCE Phone 119J1 Eugenia, Ont. '^♦â- f***"!"! F. T. HILL & CO., Limited \ We Have in Stock Now The Gardsman PRICE $15.75 EACH The GUARDSMAN may save YOUR life by elimin- atting the danger of being trapped by fire while asleep Modern scieotific engineering has made it possible to place a FIRE DETECTOR and ALARM in your home to help protect against loss of life by fire. ^ This g-reat outstanding invention, known as The ; (jUARDSMAN will ring out a loud -warning for you ; and your family -to leave the premises before it is too late. The GUARnS-M.AN is non-electrical, has no batter- ies, chemicals or fusible links, does not require any installation, just hang it on a nail You carry fire insurance to protect you against loss \ of property, but what protection have you against loss of your LIFE and the LIVES of your loved ones in that very same fire? This sensational lifcTsaving device is now available at a nominl cost. Don't delayâ€" don't wait â€" call on us RIGHT NOW, for a demonstration. • ' FOR HOMES FARM HOUSES HOSPITALS \ HOTELS INSTITUTIONS SCHOOLS GARAGES, eta The GUARDSMAN operates automatically. It does not depend on outside elements. With its 7 inch fire gong it will clang out a loud warning be fore the actual fire reaches it. Heat itself setts it off. The GUARDSMAN protects you 24 hours each and every day. It never sleeps â€" it never forgets, its first cost is its last cost. There is no mainten- ' ance cost. There is no maintenance expen,se â€" it does not require any attention and d-.es not wear out. 'I'o be safe irom fire you should know when it starts â€" not when windows are th^ only means of escape. The GUARDSMAN hel^to warn you that a fire fire has broken out, 'thereby greatly minimizing loss of life F. T. Hill & Co., Ldt. \ Phone 7 Markdale >%. A. A As 1 % ^$ %^ I it ^. â- m A> 'A 'A' % -A fH H # ♦♦♦ ♦ » I » ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»â- Â»Â» » t »»»< N t'Nifl'.f'-"

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