Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1947, p. 1

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f 4 B^ljje /ksIj^tlM 4J>twma* VOL. 67; NO. 15 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1947 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, MR. AND MRS. FRED SHIER PRESENTED WITH GIFTS (Portlaw Reporter) Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shier, recent bride and groom, gathered at Port Law school and presented the young cou- ple with a pair of blankets, Aladdiin lamp, tablecloth and other gifts, Miss Mary Nichols reading the address. Pred than'ked all for their kindness. MORE HATCHERIES NEEDED IN GREY United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macp! jr«>n, B.A. Minister "What Does GqH Require of you?" will be the tbemie of the sermon on Sunday. Sept. 14th. (See Micah 6:8, The Sunday Schools meet as follows â€" ^Eugenia, 11 a.m.; Pleshei-ton, 10:15 ajm.; Inistioge, 2 pjm.; Proton 2 pjm. St. John's choir practdce at 8:30 pjn., PViday, Se?>t. 12th, Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Best wish to take this way of expressing their great appreciation to neighbors and other friends for their many acts of kindness received since Mr. Best has been confined to his home. They will always be graiteifully remembered. Card of Thanks I wish to express my appreciation to everyone who sent me cards let- tea-s, flowers and treats, also Chose who visited me while I was in The Collingwood Hosipital. Mrs. John W. McKee i'^ Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincea:* thanks to all friends, neighboirs and rela- Hives for their visits, treats, letters, cards and flowers sent to me while I was a patient in Oollir^rwood Hos- pital and also since my return home. â€"Mrs. W. J. Talbot. ai-ea thit feed into the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Several good sitee can be secured in this area and the Department of Game and Fisheries â- is ui-ged to tnckJe the problem at once .-'nd' DO something. This ai-ea neeiis the young fish as well as th? north coumtry, where a majority are being placed at the present time. The speckled tro^t fishing season finishes on September 15th, and ends a very successful serson, although i-.ot many have been taken during the past month or so. Some good catches have been reported from the Hydro Lake at Eugenia, but not as many as some former years. The policy of the Department of Game and Fisheries has been to by-pass Eugenia as re- gards placing of small fish for sport- ing purposes and, considering the size of the waters, very few trout have been placed' in the lake. This teiTitory deserves better treatment from tJie Department than that, as more tourists have been coming here for fishing each year, and if they don't catch trout they won't be back. While there is one speckled trout hatchery in Grey Oounty. another one is neeued to take care of the large increase in fisherman. What better place could be located than at tlie head of the river systems in this- --Line after two were out hy stealing DUNDALK IN BALL FINALS WITH EUGENIA I Dundialk eiiniinated South Line in the South Grey Softball League I semi-final play-crff game on Frida\- ' last 10-2. both teams having pre- viously won two earfi and tied on«. Priceville went after Dundalk light away when Jotn ' McKiruion hit to centre field, but Haw dTopped the ball. Duxbury sitig'led, McKinnon taking third, F. McKinnon was taken by Haw and Harvey hit to left field to score J. McKinnon, leaving Dux- bury on third. W. Hutchinson and E. Meads fanned', leaving two on. Dundalk tied the score in the fourth when Aitcheson got on the paths as Harvey failed to scoop up his ground- er, then stole second and came home on Stafford's single, the latter being caught going; to second. Dundalk addeti two more in the fifth, when Haw and Grummet t scored on two errors by South Line. \V. Hutchin- son a<i'deu the final counter for South KIMBERLEY ^coi^Ycaii M don't vuant to UPPEAR SNOOTY OR , VAIN... BUT HAVE YOU COMPARED OUR HIGH (QUALITY JOB \ )>RINTINO WITH THAI OF OTHER p SHOPS / Mr. and Mrs. McLean of the Hydro plant have moved Into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chiu-d. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brush have sold their home and have gone back north to their formei- home. Mr. Jack Graham has bought their Kimberley home. , Miss Joan Ellis is going to Flesh- erton High School by bus. Mrs. W. Myers is visiting friends in Hamilton this week. Miss Orlie Kirbpiatrick Js the guesx of Mrs. Grieve for a few days. Mr. Baunn and two friends took the service in the Baptist church on Sunday, in the absence of Mt. K. Cairns, wiio was in Toronto being mnn-ied. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Cairns very much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Marshall of To- ronto visited Kimberley friend's part of the week. We are very glad to know that Mrs S. McAuslan is much better, fol- lowing hef re«5ent operation in the Collingwood Hospital. A numiber of men are installing the Hydro in the creamery. Mrs. Ferguson is with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Baker a' Heathcote. McLean -^ bennett secon.l and third and coming home when Scilley let Meads grounder get away frc'ni him. With the score 3-2. Dund'.lk went to work in the seventh when Duxbury weakened atui wth ;i.\ hits, a walk and one err;;i- eounte.l seven runs to tie up the g^ame. South Line made a i-eal bid for moie runs in their half and with two hit", and a walk filled the base-! with one out. but the next two batters fli-Hl out to short stop and centre field. The game was one of the best we have seen this year and the biggest crowd of the year was on hann to witness the coivtest and they were well rew'arded with a good game. Dundalk and Eugenia will now play in the final series for the League championship. Eugenia having elim- inated Fhesherton. The first game is Friday at Dtnidalk and the second at Eugenia ne.xt Monday evening. Dundalk â€" Haw, Bradley, McKenzie Springgay. .Aitcheson, Stafford, Scil- ley, .A.mil. Grunwnett. Priceville â€" J. McKinnon. H. Dux- bury. F. McKinnon. E. Harvey. 'W. Hutchinson. E. Meads, C. Hutchinson. C. White. I. Turner. Score by inningrs: South Line â€" 1 1 0- 2 Dundalk â€"000120 7-10 BENEFIT SOFTBLL G.\ME HELD FOR E. PARTRIDGE Township 1947 Taxes Rates 3«t For Artemesia All memJ)ers were present for tho September meeting of the Artemesia Council, held in Flesherton Monday. By-law No. 8, setting the rates for 1947 taxation purjKJses, was read the required nuinber of times and passed as folloAVs: County i-ate S.2 mills. Township rate 5.7 mills, Secondary Schools 1.5 mills. General School 5.1 mills. High School 4.4 mills. Priceville Street -Lighting .07 mills and Vande- leur Gmmunity Hall 2.1 mills. By-law No. y, adopting the Assess- ment Roll of $l,-i9i8.229.00 for 1S47, was read the i-equ.Ted number of times and passed. Mr. W. Wilson waited on the Coun- cil regar<Rng his 1*47 a;^--? ssment. Mr. P. Beard was present to dis- cuss ditch and drainage en 170 side- i-oad. Mr. Jos. Looby ivait'^'i '' i Council regani'ing fiml settlement V.i the Mt. Zion bride construction. The following Bcccunts \v. re passei: and ordeied paiii: J. -A.. Davis, com- mittee work S4; H. A. Tucker, com- mittee $S: F. Bet^s, committee !$'2; Clayton Betts. sheep ol im $12; L Love, valuator $1.50; H. Eitts. bal- p.r.ce of s'lary as Asse.- jr $20<): Fler^ierton High School. $^.0; Mark .i;!le -Agricultural Society, grant $10; Toronto Stationary Supplies, Ltd.. §36.lv3; Toronto General Hospit^il S66.38; Dept. of Health, insulin $1.61, Road Supt.. pajnr.ent vouchers No. 9 and 9.A, |1013.70. Marlidale Hospital Likely To Become Municipally Operated STOLEN CAR FIGURED IN CRASH NEAR TOWN Flesherton defeated E'ugenia in a benefit softhall game 16-15, held for Elwood Partridge of Rock Mills, who was seriously burned two weeJcs ago in a gasoline fire. The amount of $52 was raised to help his expenses. The marriage of Erja R. Bennett, danjghter of Mrs. Thos. \ichol and the late Mr. Nichol of Priceville, to Mr. Clarence S. McLean, son of Mr*, •l.is. B. McLean and the late Mr. Jlr- Lean of Exeter, was solemnized at Colibome Street United Church, Lon- don, on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 1947. by Dr, A. Murray Stuart. After a w^edding trip to Quebec C<ity, the ccuple will reskie in' London. '•I hrnr he mirried' her because her uncle left her a million dollars." "That's a lie! He'd have married her no matter who left it to her." Bom C.AIRXSâ€" At Mrs. Nuhr.'s Nursing Home, Flesherton. on Thursday, Aug- 2f!th. l;M7. to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cainis (Ii-\-a Magee) a dausrhter- Heither Louise. J.ACK â€" .At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home. Fiesherton. to Mr. and Mrs. James Jack of Proton on Sunday, Aug. 31st, 1947. a son. John David. , STAl'PI.FSiâ€" Mr. an,i Mrs. Joseph Staubles (neo Violet Stoneouse) of Ceylon ;U"e h-jppy to announce the birth of their son, Frank Percy .Ale::- ahder, or. Monday, Sept. Sth. ii»47. at J!rs. Nuhn's XuR'irg Home. Flesh- erton. A new 1947 Foni came to grief at the Genoe curve, two miles east of town early Saturday moi'ning last and crashed into a hydro pole as it swerved sideways and almost wound itself around the pole. Provincial Constable H. Black investigated the accident and found that the car had been stolen in Toronto and was own- ed by Mr. Leslie Blackwood of Gait. Mr. Blackwood was reached in To- ronto and Constable Black's tidir.gs of the wTeck was the first he knew that the car was missing. The driver of the wrecked machine was not lo- cated. The sajne morning Mr. Fred Pedlar of the Sth Line, near Eugenia, found that his car missing, as it had been in his garage the night before. It is supposed that the same party who gfiured in the above accident were guilty. The ear has not yet been located by the police. WON MT. FOREST CONTEST UNINSURED ACCaPENTS ARE COSTLY PILOT INSURANCE • Accident* luppea in • flash. If yon «r« not i» •nr«d, repayment may cost yon yonr home, your saTtngi or months of income. Let ns explain Pilot Antomobile iosorance to yon. It costs to little. We write PUot Insnrance to cover selectee*, riiki in Antomobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Bnrglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general iiosorance. f H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Douglas Linton, young son of Mr and Mrs, Russell Linton of Victoria Comers, won first prize at Mt. Forest .amateur concert Monday evening, and was awarded a $25 prize. Due to â-  various circumstances oi I the present day conditions. Dr. R. L. I Carefoot, owner of the Markoale pri- i \-ate Hospital, fines it impossible to I continue operatisig the hospital for I public service. He has, however, in- tiniaed that he would sell the build- ing and contents as a going concern can be operated as a municipal enter- prise. As a result of considerable ground work to this end, a meetirkg of niiunicipal officials from the nine surround'ing townships and villages, namely: Markdaie, Holland. Glenelg. Euphrasia. Areniesia, Flesherton, Os- prey. Proton and Dunefcsdk. met in the PuWic Lihrray at Mfeu-kdale Friday evening and discussed the ad%-isabil- ity of taking over the hospital as a public hospital, and it was ciecidei.: with Reeve M. Henry of Mark- dale as chairman, that a deputation wait On the Minister of Public Health Mr, Kelly, to see what could be dont in this regard. It was unanftnouily agreed that a hospital was a necess- ity to this territory and should be taken over or some anangement made to keep it operr«Lng. and while the meeting was in favor of the pro- ject they were not committing them selves to take any such st<^p. except at the express wish of the pei>ple The folk>wir.g resolution was pre- sente by Reeve J. A. Davis of -Arte- mesia, secoixied by Reeve Fred HaK â- ,f Osprey and passed unanmiously. "Th;i: this meeting of all the mem- bers of the Councils of Markdaie Flesherton. Dmxialk. Artemesia, Os- prey, Euphrasia, Gleneig, HoIl-an> and Proton, held in the Library a Markdaie. goes on record as favorin«; the taking over of the Markdalt Private Hospital as a Pu'olic Hospita! under the Public Hospital? .Act. and recommends tluit a <ielegatioji. con- si stir^ of the Reeves of these muni- cipalities. Howard A. McCauley War- den Geo. Collins, W. L. Muxlow and the editors of the three newspap>e-rs in the terTitor>". namely Markdaie, Flesherton and Dundalk intervie^^ the Minister of Health, the Honorable Russell T. Kelly, to this end and sM icit the support i>f the Department financially and morally, in order that this may be accomplished." With regani to the problem we publish the following article taker, from a recent issue of The Markdaie Standarii: -After a vei->' thoroiigh investigat- ion of the position of the local hosp- pital as compared to a pnblic hosp- ital. Dr. R. L. Carefoot has become convinced that if the citizens of the area served by this hospital w'sh to I have it serve their needs for ho>s|>ital> I ization in the future years it is in their l^est intrests to get busy aiKl organize and have it incorporated under The Puplic Hospital Act. This is a matter for interested public a(»ir> ited citizens wljo believe the hospital is a vital necessity in the community to volunteer their services, and worit to have ji estaWished on a firm basis. A private hospital is subject to all kinds of taxation, but is not lawful- ly entitled to ask for or accept grai-ts from any source as it is a ho^Mtal operated under pri\Tite management for personal gain. It can be cloeed at any time by its owners, or by the Dept. of Health if they decide the needs for hospitalization can be ad^ Q.uateiy proided for by public hos- pitals situated in the larger centres. Dr. carefoot considers it his d'uty to first offer his hospital to the com- munity at a *air pr'.ce far below the costs of new construction at the prea^ ent time. If the community decides to accept his offer an' establish it as a public hospital it â- "^11 continue to serve this area in the future and be entitled to its full share of any grants leviea for hospital purposes. If the contmunity decides it does not want this hospital. Dr. Carefoot will then feel free to dispose of the btiJl*!- ii^s to a private party or parties to be used for other purposes, and dis- pose of his equipment to be used elsewhere. .A i)etition is being prepared for distr&ution to the municipalities in the area served ir. order to detei^ mine the wishes of the people who reside in each one. .arul also to havie some coT.crete e>ider.ce to present to the Dept. ctf Health if and when they are asked to establish and in corpor- ate it under the Public Hospitals .\ct. We understand Dr. Carefoot ?in,ls the maiiagement and care of its suc- cessful operation to be too great a load for him to carry and lio full justice to himself and his many other d;^ies connected with his large med- ical and sugica! practice. It is for this reason he offers it to \'xvu whom it has served during the years of »*• operation, together with his belie* that in the future years a oublic hospital can best serve the needs oi the people for hospitiliaiation. Some may ask. is the hospital operatinsr at a loss'' The answer is No, It is entirely up to the cwnmunity to de'-ide its futiFre as a hospital and Dr. Jarcioot will abide bv their I'e- cisicn. He can only offer it to them. ai'.d it is they who must make the decision. It is in the best intrests of all con- cerned to decide this isswe at the etirf- iest possible tiate. All interested groups. organia\.t'r>ns, and individ- i-.i'ls. are asked to co-operate _ and help fcuin the necessar>- oryanizLit- ion. STEPHEN'S CORNERS COMPANY CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates ami Maddocks r/';Avt:inieRil K I. 4344 Mrs. S. Pursely of Toror.to visited last week with her niece Mrs. Clar- ence Winters. Mrs, Geo. Smith and daughter. .An- nie, of Toronto have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Tels. .Allison. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous were: Miss Donna Little of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuck- er. Gerald and Thelnia. of Varney. The W. .A. held their resnlar meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Clai-ence Wi'iters on Thursday evening with ab<nit thirty-five in attendance. Mr. Stewart Cooper of Markdaie was guest^ speaker 'and spoke on the Blue Cr.'ss Hospitaiiwition Flan. Mr. and M'l-s. Kmeison Wright visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. .A. Morrison at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mi:^. Hockley of Fever- sh-im visited on Sur.day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Pov;eous acooni- p.snit'd bv Mr. and Mrs. John McLecin ,nid Ruth of Fevei-sham visited on ,>^u!Uiay wth Mrs. Minnie McLean at C.dlingwood. We are glad to report Mr. Wildon lA^ugheed tmpwving followin.g his op- evat'on in Bn'.'niiKoii Hospital. ^h•. Hoy .Allison of Brampton visit- ed recently with his parents. Mr, and Ml'?. Tels! Allison. Priceville Women's Institute The September meeting of the W. I. was held last Thurs^Ssy evening at the home of Mrs. Wni. Meads with a P-XHi attendance. Mrs. Makvlin Mc- Lean presideil and openeii tlie ni-eet- tng by singing the Institute CVK''. The Lord's Prayer wjis i-epeated in unison Tickets were sold on a cup ar.d sau- cer iK^nato-d by the president and Miss Fir. ma Meads drew the lucky ticket for Mrs. Jim Stur>-ock. Mrs, Mol-ean read a very nicely worded addi-ess to Miss .Anna Short- rtvd of her appreciation of the work she has done and is doing as secret- ray Treas for the Institute and was presented' with money. .Although taken completely by surprise she voiced her appreciation of thanks. Mrs. Wni. Beaton had the topic on agriculture and chose as her subject ••How to care for aiul plant strawlvrries". also '"When he best time to plant" etc. Her subject was most interesting and helpful and was much en.K>yed. Convmuniry singing and O Canaila brought a very pleas- i ant evening to a close. Lunch wa'> i served. VANDELELIR TE,NMS CLUB PLAY-OFFS ARK NOW lNnF.K WAY With the anival #.f ciHiler weaalver tennis eivthusiasiw is vunning high in FU-shc-rtotv Play-otTs have begun rmoitg the members of the Club. \!W n-'ombeKs are bein^ offered i-e- ihicrtl rates for t.ho bnlaivce of the .*easv^n. a*« follows: li-.d'vidual adults $l.tH>; imii vidua! juniors 50c; family *loO. tVr fiHtbor infornv>t>on ?" the Seeiotary-Treasuver. Mi.<s Jeai' McCrsu'ken. o-r the convener of the •<.">-'b."-<hip cnmnf»!ttee, Mrs, Re? Boden. .Anniversary services weiv held in ^ Vandeleur chuivh on Siuiday. Sept. i 7th. with Rev. R. Bruce Hallett of I Central I'nitetf tTiuix-h. Owen Sound i hs euest si>esker. Rev, Hallett del- 1 iverod two thoughtful seiw>ons h.-tsetl i on the writings of St. r:>ul. His text in the aftermxMi boiiivg "Kndniv hard- ness as a good sohiier of Jesur Clwist" a"d' in th« evening "l/ove en- (iuiYth all thi;.ivs." St>ecial music wa,< piwd'ed by t)ie choir and the church was beautifully dooorated for the otvaision. Mhny fonner residents and visitors were present. Recent visitors with Mr. -mmS. Mrs. lA>rne Onnsby were Mr. jkini Mrs. Jack Coatos and Mr, and Mrs. I'^on Snider of Toronto and' Mr*. Andrew.' Sr. of Bogner. Mrs. Will Bowles ai>d Loma wer.' at the Ex. in Toiv>nto. Mrs. Fr.|ik E>avis is conv-alscing at her home after having had on op- enition in Markdaie htispital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Rath attended the camp meeting in Thombury and visited friends th©r '.ast week-end. Messrs Jim Harbottle and B-illi« Johnston Jr. ai-e nuirsing seveiw spt-ains and bruises at present. The fonuer was injured when a load of grain upset when he was helping Mr. Dick Se.well and the latter was hurt when he was assisting Howard Mc- Gee to build a four.dation for his straw shed. Farm houses are inoved to town. Sounds like a parade but never the less. Some weeks a^^ Mr. Ben Wald- en of Markdaie puivhased' the fi-ame house which stood at the i-ear of Lome Onnsby's i-esidence. which at one time was the farm home <.i<f the liite Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, be- fore they built the new brick. Work- men had beer, busy for swne time .tacking it up and movii^ it off t4»e foundation an.d there was gre;»t ex- oitniont out the 13th line on Tues- day .August 2i'th, when a huse float an'ived fix»ni Oavcu Sotuid to take the hou*t> to town. Most of the resid- ents turned out and there were sev- ond Hydro men to cut the cables and telephone men to cut the wfcvs a'wl alt<.vgether there was quite a gath- ering and cameras were clicking and child'ivn were screaming as the W^ lo'.id movihI slo(\v!y a%wiy and the house sfiN-ayeil bjick and forth a* the float moved over uneven ground be- fore reachinsr the i-oad but once there it siKvii said' irood-bye to the co<.intry. Mr. and Mrs. HowanI Gi-ahant and Kdith were at NK>«nt Forest on Mon- day. The fonner acte<l as one of the judges. PLAY AT PRICEVILLE In InBtitute Halt. Priceville. Mon- day. Sept. Sind, at •' p.m.. sponsored hy the W. A. ar.d the play "The Darl- ing Brat" given by Droinoiv yottng people. .Admission: 3.=Sc and 20c.

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