Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1947, p. 4

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♦â-  4. Wednesday, September 10, 1947 THE FLHSHERTON ADVANCE ml I l'****-^ *«»K~:'**«<fr%"»<'<M«<'<K"K'**<~!~M":-><«<><«<~><>**«**** YOUR KIND Co-operation, Please It is essential that more care be eiven cream X during the hot weather. I^I Here are several hints which will help you and y help us to maintain our high standard of qual< | ity butter: 4 1. Cool cream as rapidly as possible after sep arating. This can be done by placing the t cream container in a vessel of cold water in the basement. 2. Send cream in by trurk or deliver at least twice a week. 3. Keep all dairy utensils in best possible sanitary condition. Flesherton Creameryj us Avis, Manager FLESHERTON Phone 66 10 rf ♦ » » » » »<'»;'»»<»»;««;'<><";~fr«;»«x~:> THE Fleshertoii Adva/ica i^ublished on Collingwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each *eek. Circulation 1,100. Price t^.OO a year in Canada, paid in Bovance; |2.50 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor -:•<•♦♦♦:••:••:♦« ♦♦•:~:~:~:~:~:"X~M«<"X«<>«; PRICEVILLE VICTORIA CORNERS (InteiKied for Laat Week) Those taking in the C. N. E. from th 5 cBstrist were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Wi '{lilt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris- i: !i Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell Ca man Whyte, Wallace Meads, Har- old Nichol, Jack Carson. Betty. Shir- ly vad Ken Hincks, Jimmie Mc- .A.1 :;iur, Mj. and Mrs. Jack Whyte aiul famiy. Ken and Archie Mc- K( Imde^MTs. Dick Carson, Mr. and J I;-. Jim Sturrock and perhaps a 1- ' more I have i.ot mentioned. Mr. Jack MoOonkey of Port Col- tume is holidaying at his home. Mr. Jarik McArthur returned to Toronto, after spending a few days tA his home. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol and Mr. Ken Niehol of Ottawa, spent the week-end at their homes. Mr. Iniiis McLean of Toronto â- pent the week-end at his home. Mias Helen Black of Swinton Park spent the weok-end with her cousins Betty and Shirley Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Magee and family, Diok anid Jack Carson spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Oarson and' babe spent the past week at St. Catherines. Mr. H. B. MlcLean had a very â- uccesaful sale Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lane and Dor- othy of Geongeto'wn 'visited last week at Jiim Sturooks. Mrs. McKechiniie and Miss Kate Janiieson returned to Toronto after hoiidaying at Archie McKeohreie's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irwin and son Jaek left last week for Regl'na, after bolidiayinpr with hi.s mother and bro- ll»eT heve. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol and Ken, of Ottawa, sipent the week-end at the /parental hnime. M,r. Kenneth Mattihews who spent the month of August on hoBdays, ^•tumed' and occupied the pulpit on Sumlay at St. Andrews ohiirch, and g&ye a fine sermon, and also sang a solo. Mi.'is Vpllie McLenn of Toronto â- p«nt the week-end at Mrs. Sims. Mrs. Jas. Lookhart, Mr. and* Mrs. Bert Rowden of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lud- low. They, in company with Mrs. LockhaiTt. had attended the Jackson- McConnell wedding in DundJalk on Satonkiy. . - < Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the groom and bride of Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Jackson, the former Joice McOonnell. Mts. Wm. Ludlow attended the Bloor-Wellar wedding at Sneljrrove on Saturday and remained for a few days to visit with fritende there. The brid'e is a great-niece of Mrs. Ludlow, being the former Lenore Wellar, eld- est (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Wellar. formerly of the Max- well district. Dugli here on Monday night. August 18. Three bams fell prey to the ligbt- uaing, and were buwied to the ground the owners being; Messers. Wm. Cro- ckford, Ma.ple Grove, Meorritt Nich- ols, Inistigcand Geo. White. Spriiig- hill Jack Rana and Fred Bannon pro- ved to be the heroes of the Nichols fin-f when the crack otf lightnring struck while they were pas.sing en- loiite to their homes, having pre- viously attended the Crockford fire. The boys awakened the' Nicholls hbusehold and with aid of a flash- light saved a hor§e from the burning barn. Needless to say, not until a- bout 4. .30 a.m. Tuesdiay when the storm abated, did many of the citizens of the eommimity close an eye in slumber. Much symipathy g'oes out to these famiMies in their heavy loss- es and to others who suffered in any \vay due to the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Neil WintCTS,Russel] and Bane attended the C. N. E. on Saturday. The ladies of Inestioge W. A. Soc- eity entertained the ladiies of Proton Station W. I. and W. A. also the Eug- enia and the Flesherton W. A. at the home of Mrs. Ea-nie Stewart on Thursday, Aug:ust 21. Each -wsit- ing society gave two items of pro- gtramme which were murh enjoyed by all. Miss Anne Stinson, ToixMito, was a recent visitor with her friend. Miss Ohristena Duncan. return to Buffalo, after a V.v.> weeks' and a half vacation 'with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore. Mrs. .Archie McTaggart and Don of Brampton visited with the former's wi.sters, Mrs. Wilfred' Gallaugher and .Mrs. Ji<s. Batcheloa-, <^nd bi'Other, Mr. Walter Acheson. during the week end and holiday- Mrs. Prime of British Columbia eiul brother. Mr. Herb Gallaugher, of Homings Mills spent a recent week end with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher. M'rs. Prime re- mained for a ten-day visit. The school bells rang out Tuesday imoming, Sept. 2ind, to call students and teachers back to their studies for a new term. Miss Marjorie Stevens and her 21 pupils are tig-ain settled in the little red school house. Mrs. Neil Winters and little Anne commence their duties in Wareham school, the former as teacher, the latter as a beginner. The girls of the sewing class, spon- sored' by Mrs. Milton Bannon, enjoyed Achievement Day in Owen Sound on Friday, Aug. 29th. when they dis- played the articles- accomipliished dur- ing the summer months. Mr. aaid Mrs. Ed. Stinson and Mr. emd Mm. Fred Linton attended the wedding reception Saturday evening, Aug, 16. at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stimspp, in honor of Harold' Stinson and Wall- ace StinBon, whose double wedding was performed that dlay to Misses Jean and Alice Elliott, daughters of Mr and Mrs. Jas. Eliott of Melanc- thon Township. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Ludlow -were pleasantly surprised one day recently when a oar stopped at their farm home beari-nig, as its occupants, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Orr and dwuighter of Timanins. and MIrs. C. Watson, the former Marie Orr, and daughter, Margaret of Toronto. It was fifteen years since the Ludlows had seen theiir nephew, Ken. and eighteeen since they had seen their niece. Marie. Second Game of South Grey League Softball Finals will be played in the EUGENIA BALL PARK Friday, September 11 DUNDALK vs EUGENIA TROUT KINGS Game called at 6:30 |>.m. sharp Admission: /25c and 15c < t r "Very few women have any know- ledige of parliamentary law." "You don't know my wife. She's been speaker of the house for twen- ty-five years." guest: "Well, good- I haven't kept yoa op Departing night â€" hope too late." Host: "Not at all. We would have been getting up soon, anyway." »♦♦»! 1 1 » t *»«* f **'g *^< * Mir. and Mrs. John Duncan and family attended the Muir-Priddle 'Needless to say, all were greatly de. (Intended for Last Week) Its wedding bells we hear! A number here attended the party in Proton hall on Friday evening August, 16th, in honour of the recent newely-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Marcott (nee Mangaret Mills) of Pro- ton Station and Toronto. Miss Mar- velle White ipead' the address and Mr. Fred Batdhelor made the presentation of a purse of money. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Toronto has been a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Otiher Decent guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ja«. Bannon. Tom and Donna Gaij wiho were holiid^ying at Wasa^ra Beach and Miss Doria Banmon who spent Labour Day week' end here. Mrs. Adams and grianddaughter of Eau Clair spent a nownber of days with the former's daughter, Mrs. J. Forbes and famiiily. The worsh electric storm of our difttriot to our knowledige swept thr- weddimg in Dundalk on August 23rd Incidentally, Christina was bridffi- maid. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawes, Mary and Kenneth, of Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon, Biilie and Bobby, of Acton have spent recent week ends in Mrs. Albert Stinson's home here. Week end and holiday guests in the home of George Moore were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Goron Ward, Mr. Ted Moore and Miss Dorothy Evaes, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Arnold. Boibby and Peggy Joan. Buffalo. The gathering occas- ioned two birthday parties, that of Teed Mlooer on Satuiday and of Mrs. Walter Aicheson on Sunday, who with Mr. Acheson, joined the Moore fam- ily. Mrs. Arnold, Boibby and Peggy .loan accompanied Mr. Arnold on his lighted with the visit. Mrs. Albert Stinson of Belfoumtain and granddamghter, Anne Stinson, of Toronto were Labor Day 'visitors at the former's home here. Bom â€" ^To Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Brad- ley (nee Whmifred Talbot) in Mark- dale Hospital on Friday. Aug. 29th. 1947, a son, William John. SPECIAL MEETING AT CEYLON CHURCH FOR Comfort and Happiness AT HOME We have on hand: 2 Coleman lOil Spac« Heaters for dependabHity. appearance and economy â€" $6.3.50 and $105.00 McClary Raneette $46.95 . Sunshine Raneette Basy Electric Washer Hot Plates $5.45 and up TMstera Dominion Washwcll FJectric Washer Blectric Irana Steam Electric Irons Electric Heaters STItOMBKRG-CAKLSON RADIOS â€" Battery and Electric r8e<l Radios, reasonable and reliaBle RANGES â€" Clare Jewel Good Cheer Princess Dat Priced at $95.00 up Coal Healers Wood Heaters Coal Ol! Stoves and Ovens COUEMAN LAMP.«! AND LANTERNS G»« Irons Hand Washsrs Dust Mops Brooms Silverware Knomclware Olub Bags Suit Cases Tricycles White F4iam4 Tables li»wn MoN\«rB Step Loddvrs (Jood variety of Jack Knives Scarfe'.s Quality Paints and Knamote FOR TABIWY, S'KRVICB AND PRICE WE INVITE YOUR COMPAKISON A bU'Siness meeting of Ceylon Unit- ed Church has been called for this Thursday, Seipt. 11th, at 8 p.m. .\11 members of the Board of Stewards and everyone in'terested in the wel- fare of the Church are invited to a'ttend. FALL Dress Materials NEWfARRIVALS POLKA DOT SPUNS TARTAN SPUNS ALPINE CLOTHS WOOL CHECK COATINGS WOOL COATINGS RAYON CREPES WOOL DRESS FLANNELS Agency Simplicity Patterns LACE CLOTHS Lovely designs in Scotch and English Cloths Sizes 50x50 and 70x90 I: ; * 'V ; 1 , -^ J * , -« , A * F. H. W. HICKLING General Merdiant FLESHERTON, OnL I â- <* i»»» M t n i»ti' t »* f ♦ »>»» n i»»»**>******** fn it iiri i i»« -JilS ^*v; rt^' r>.cas J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Phone 4r22 l'"arni Maehinery FEVERSHAM l»!-4"l-+4-4"* We Eave hterests in Common TTY^ Â¥T with your family, friexids, neighbours, all share in the progress of your * ^^ ^ community. The shops, the grocery and drug stores you deal with, your local church, school, police and fire stations contribute their share, too. So does the local branch of this Bank. WE provide you with complete banking services. We cash your family allowance and pay-checks. We receive your deposits, safeguard your savings. We help you with a Personal or Business Loan when needed. Our local Manager enjoys a friendly business call. We have interests in commoi' Come in and see us any time. « •» THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard, ^lanacrcr, Flesherton Branch m.479 â- * â- â™¦ 41 ♦ •» .4 '♦ < X

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