Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1947, p. 5

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Wednesday, September 10, 1947 THE Ff.ESHERTON ADVANCE NOTICE BE 1947 TAXES VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON « â-º * > I 9 > / ♦â-  V t Ratepayers who did not pay fifty per cent of their 1947 taxes on or be- fore July Ist, 1947, are reminded that the total amount for 1947 be- comes due and payable on or before Bepteinber 15th, 1947, and will be subject to the statutory penalty of Four per cent if unpaid after that dKte. â€" F. H. W. HICKLENG. Treasurer. Don't Miss DUNDALK FALL FAIR TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 Races â€" 2.28 and 2: 18 Running Race and Pony Race G>ncert and Danoe in Arena at Night SOME OLD BOYS AT THE REUNION Pictured above are some of the August 4th, and' shows Ken McKee of] Sound, as the interrgater. From tjie, worth. Ke.n McKee. Chas. MacTavish, visitors in to-.vn for the Old Home i Toronto talkin-g into the microphone | left tu i-igrht in the picture are: Geu. Fred Bellamy of Colling%vood, Burton Wads- Field. Bill Hemphill, Jos. LeGard. Mrs. Alva Houden a.".d Chas. Crosslav Week at the official opening Monday, with Riph SuAgvcve of CFOS, Cw;:; Phillips- Chas. Pedlar. Bill r 4 > it V » »â-  h » » * tl ♦ 4 * k > • Watching the men at work on his new bam, Jim thinks of the friendly talk he had with his bank manager. "I've got good land and I can work it. With a little extra money I can really make a dream come true ..." Sa Jim got his bank loan. Soon, there'll be new farm equipment . . . improved livestock i : . a well filled granary. More work for the community, more farm products, more food for home and export. Helping people in all walks of life to profit from their own enterprise and industry is one of the chief functions of Canadian banks. 4 4 > I BUCKINGHAM P O R T L A W .\fftctio!!s ai'tt never stolen when iiept in a safe place â€" at honle. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hudson ac- companiied fi'ienas on a trip to North Bay the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDonald, Owen Sound', and Mr. Gordon Banks of Bi-ampton were recent visitors with M'r. and Mrs. Udell. Mr. Ray Hawton has retua-ned from Oransreville Hospital, where he underwent an operation last week. Mr. ana' Mis. J. E Eng'lish of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ancis Ed- wai-ds of Singhampton were Sunday vtisitors wirth Mr. and Mrs. A. Mullin. (Interied for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Banks of Brant- fo'rd visited over the holiday with Mrs. Banks' sister, Mi-s. H. Udell. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. -David'son of Meafoa-d spent a day this week calling on former neighbors here. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eng-lish of Hamilton and §on, Claiir, of Sudbury spent the week end with MV. and >frs. Alex. Mullin. Miss Elaine and Master Brian returned home having spent the past month with their uncle and aunt, while their parents enjoyed â- I trip to the west coast. Miss Alda Hawton returned to To- ronto on Monady and Miss Edna Smith to Oshawa, to resume their teaching duties. Miss Imia Smith. Reg.X., of W'ell- and. who is spending her vacation at I her home in Fevershara, visited the i Smith and Bristow families, Rob Roy. \ Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownridge of Rob Roy spent Sunday w^ith Mr. and' Mi's. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. IsaaK: Smith of Flesh- erton aoid Mr. and Mrs. Lauirie Smith and daughter. Marilyn, of Toronito visited on Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. A1«K. Mullin. Gilford Mullin of Wiar- ton also spent the h*liday at his parental home. Mrs. Margaret Mullin and Mr- and Mrs. J. Hall nnd daughter. Marie, of Oiwen Sound spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Merv Mullin aad family. The Brown families received word laat week of the sudden death at Carmap, Man., of their sister-in-law. Mrs. Clai^ Brown, who had only re- cently accompanied members of her family on a visit to relatives here. 5PONSOKC0 tr YOUi 8ANK MAXWELL The Woman's Association held the regular meeting at Che home of Mrs. Clarence Winters Thursday eveniiiig of last week with a good attendance. The i-oll call was answered with a verse containing the word prayer. The treasurer's rej>ort showed a very arood profit was made from the booth at the Flesherton Old Home Week. Two dresder. plate quilts were order- ed fwm the W.A. and are tx> be nmd« at once. Mr. T. Stewart Cooper ot Markdale spoke to the Socien;y on the mue Cross Hospiuliaation Plan. The Misses IJarie and' Edith Bkkey rend- ered a duet after which lunch was %ei-ved by the hostess. Mr. Garfield McLeOd of Toronto is spending a week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Vgus McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Ferris and family viisitetl with relatives at Red- icl^*-iirc- Avd Shelbu«ne On Sunday. Mr. Fred Ross attended the wedd- ing of Miss Lenore Wetlar at Bramp- ton 01) SaturiJpT. Mr. ami M». Loivis Kerton visited Mr. Frank Kerton at Caledon East on Sunday. Mr. Herb Betts anr sor., Edgar, \ spent a few days in Toronto and at- tended the Ex. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sutton of | Tronto spent Wedinesday evening j witli Mr. nd Mrs. Herb Betts and j family. 1 iSVr. C. D. MeUianam has i-eturned I from a three weeks holiday with I friends at Gold Pines | Mr. Bob Allison and lady friend of Toronto were holiday visitors with the formers sister. Mrs. Wilbert Plsher. We are pleased to report Mrs. John McKee home from Colling\vood hos- pital and improving nicely. Miss Eve- IjTi Fieher is assisting in the work at the McKee home. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Glover of Ower Sound wei-e \'isiitors recently with the latter's parents, Mrs. and Mrs. F. Shier. Ml- an Mrs. Royden MacDonald of Gold Pines spent a day with ^Tr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mt. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee of Toronto an Mr. and Mrs. X. Jackson of Hamilton, visited with their mo- ther. Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce have another little grandson- in the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Londry. PTeathcote. Harry Jamieson and boy friend of Toronto were visiting with friends here this week. Mr. David Jamieson of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and fam- ily of Barrhead spent Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, her brother. Allan, and MVs. Cameron Mirs. Bv. Blackburn visited with friends m Toronto and also attended the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Wiilbert Fisher and Mr. and Strs. Ev. Blackburn. Ruth and Allan, were at Durham Fair oi\ Fridiay. FUEL OIL TANKS Tanks and barrels for sale â€" suitable for burner or trac- tor owners. Tar'.o fiim 100 to 2000 gallon capacity. SHALE OIL COMPANY Orangeville Thrifty motorista need the mileage that only Goodyear tirM give. Goodyear'8 low cost par mile makes iham. the most ecoi^ omical tire yoa can buy . . . »^ they are safer, tool See w ttm super-value Goodyeais today. nff BiST vu BY MilUS a good/Vear D. MacTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. A-B-C o«iv««â€" A/»w//'J Bf Qair/rt/ Died BARKEJi â€" At his home at Sau- areen Jet., on Sunday Sept. 7th. 1947. .â- Vt>ei-t Ed'\\-ard Ba«er. in his 5S^h year. The funeral will take place on Thursday. Sept. 11th. at 3 p.m.. from the Richards Funeral Home, with in- terment to be made in Flesherton Cemetery. If you have ever faced an emergency, you know how important it is to get right-of- way for urgent calls. Remember the master rule "Do unto others as you woidd like them to do for you â€" and do it first.'* The $3,500,000 being spent thia year alone 'will provide more rural lines and mean fewer parties on each line. FOR UST KSIftTS FtOM YOUR TELEPHONE I. I. 3. 4. Keep calls brief. Space your calls. Avoid "llstaning-In." Give right-of-way fo urgent calls. THE BEIL TEIEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA He»b Oark visiK-d M. Chester Cameix>n Mr. and Mrs. wit^ Mr. and M: on S^iMday. Mrs. Huflrfi Frtiwic* visited with Mk-s. W»i. Mei-etHbh at Flesherton on B'ricfay lust. Mr. Jesse Grummtxtt and .Mrs. Ger- trude Seeley attended the d'iamonu wieddi^is: iVnniversary of his sister, Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Mill*, at Dumtalk last Mondij. People who rob deep freeee con- cerns are apt to end up in the cooler. Fall Days are here again Are you prepared? Roofing and Shingles Roll and Insul-bric Siding Insulation â€" Loose and Batts Roof Coating, Caulking, Lime and Hardwall Plaster STOVES â€" Efficient and n»dem Ranges by Findlay, Beach, Empire and Harriston. OIL HEATERSâ€" Findlay and Rpy Thermo, different prices and beat- ing ca»'acities. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF SOVEREIGN POTTERS DINNERWARE 32, 38, 66 and 96-piece setts from $8.45 . .22 Rifles â€" Single Shot, Repeaters and Automatics C.C.M. Ladies' and Gent's Bicycles Coaster Wagfons DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal • Cement - Electrical Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont.

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