Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1947, p. 7

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r >• * ^ ^ < / > *» » A K 4 i .* » A ^ < > 4 k ^ > k- * TEEN-TOWN TOPICS ^""By BARRY MURKAR = The little man with the sun-tan- ned face and white sideburns was reclining on the veranda of his modern brick ' ne, when I (.ailed. Typical of 'ii5 dress, were the gr trousers, brown shirt and ) .'How pohce b-a- ces. The little man, who is known to thou- sands of readers for the above cha- racteristics of his person, '.vas Gre- gory Clark, the famous Canadian writer. "Who is that you have out in the car?" he asked as I mounted the steps. "Oh, that's Susie," I replied, "she came along for the ride."' "Well bring her in. She can talk with the ladies of the house, while we are up in the den." And that is the way our interview with Gregory Clark began. "Getting into newspaper work to- day, is much harder than it was, when I first started," pointed out Mr. Clark. "There is far more com- petition, and daily newspapers to- day seem inclined to hire experi- enced newsmen; rather than a greenhorn, who wishes to start in and learn the business." • .At this point a green and white marble, fell from his pocket and rolled across the hardwood floor. Recovering it, he explained: "\Vc have numerous cats around here, that pester my birds. I have a sling-shot and stand on the back steps and fire at them. I haven't hit anything yet, but I've sca,red ♦ho old heck out of a lot of cats." "What do you advise a young person, who is iutcn ted in getting into newspaper work?" I :iskcd Greg looked me square in the eye before answering. "My advice is : start at the bottom- n u country weekly. Wi "k hard at tiii" job, and some d.iy when your chance comes to work on a big newspaperâ€" work harder than ever. Move heaven : id earth to get the job, and at least you arc sL^rtcd on the way." And that nic iriciullios is the ad- vice of one of Canada's top-rank- ing newsmen, who knows that it is no easy job to get to the top of the ladder in the newspaper pro- fession. "Now about you and Jim FriM- the cartoonist. Do any of the stor- ies you write ever really nappcn;' I inquired. "The most of them develop front actual experiences of .lim and 1", Greg ii. formed le. "We have hunt- ed, fished and chunnued around to- gether for liO years. We started out together as cub reporter ant! cub artist, and although we ap. much alike in our play-habifs we have a few differences such as Jim s prefcrri.ig duck hunting to my tleir hunting and he like l)llliards and the races, while I would i <ther %o for a walk or drive in the country. ' "Docs Jim actually live around the corner?" was our ..ext question. "He lived around the corner fro \\ 'mc for about li years." replied Greg. "Tell nic somelliing Lout the Greg-Jim stories. Where do you get your ideas? How do you plar a story? How many words arc these in a Greg-Jim story, and how long does it take to write one?"' Greg took a deep breath, sctilcd back in his easy chair and begai- the answers to my questions. "In 20 years. I have travelled thousands of miles. I have talked BEAUTY CONTEST winner of Gleiicoc Fair with Clown, Leona Fisher, Wardsville. won expenses paid trip to Windsor contest next year offered by Mr. Simpson of Windsor. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS =====^== ("A Sutbit Critic") ===^=-====» FABLE (Ifi/A apologies to the late, great George Ade). Once upon a time there was a Certain Province that had \"cr)' Liberal Sunday Laws. Whenever the Day of Rest rolled around John Citizen had his choice of attending church, ploughing up a golf course, sniffing the sweet aroma of burned gas on the highways, stay- ing home and nagging the wife and kiddies, or attending church. If des- perate he could even listen to the radio. But despite all this vast var- iety of entertainment, strange to say the Ingrate was still not satisfied. * « • So at last a group of High Minded Philanthropists decided they would do something about it. They decided to send a Representative Delegation of Si.x to call on the Head Man of the Province ; and included in this Representative Delegation were a Baseball Mogul, a Hockey Magnate, a Football Promoter, a Roller Kink Proprietor, a Moving Picture Im- pressario and a Sports Reporter, the latter being taken along because the Taxicab held six anyway and there wasn't any sense in wasting all that space. ^ » * The Head Man of the Pro\ince received them most graciously and asked them, in his best Chestcrfield- ian maimer, just what was biting thcni. So with one accord they pro- ceeded to tell him of the Terrible Suflcrings of .Tohn Citizen under the Liberal Sunday Laws, how their Soft Hearts bled for him Day and to men. women and chiKhcn in ill walks of lite. Hundreds of them have contributed sayini,s and theme,* for my stories and have never known it. I tell the story to myself first, tlicn Jim and . hold a story conference '''.Tt he can get an idea for the iltustratio:., which is very important. The story is written seven weeks ahead o' jb- lication. I drive an open car, and get out in the count . as much as possible in search of yiaterial. I also mingle with the crowds on the street, and in the store There arc about 2.000 words in >< Oreg- Jim story and the actual typing is almost 2 hours, althcugh the story takes four or live days planning." "Whew." he ga-; i.-,' "does that cover them all?" "Did you ever write from other places, when you were covering a news story," I continued. "I have sent them in to the office by wjre. cable and mail from all ove? the world." stated Greg. "In Ital.v they tried to stop ; story frc go- ing through. The were certain i' was code. Finally tl.cy let it c.'o. at six cents a word." We then went downstairs when Greg's daughter, Elizabeth ,-ind Su .-â- ie were chatting and eating frozer coke. Trust Susie to get in on th eats, I thought. Greg then showc' us his collection of walking stick*, his books and animal mountings carved from wood. After looting around the wall- trying to find a Jim Frise cartooi of "Old .-Xrchie," we bade this ntu found friend and his family good night. Heading out along the Lake- shore Road for home, we had a very contented feeling way dowt: inside. And I might add, a very happy feeling. Night, and how something would have to be Done About It immediate- ly if not sooner. * * * •^At this point the Sports Reporter •vas heard to uhisper, "IVhat a Pashoxcr this Egg turned out to he.-: « * « Then the Head Man of the Prov- ince said to them, "Did 1 hear you gentlemen tell me that, in making this Request, you have only the Interests of John Citizen at heart and have no â€" if you will pardon the phrase â€" Llterior Motive or Motives, such as Red Propaganda, or Profits, or anything discreditable like that?" So one and all, singly, doubly and in concert, they assured him they were thinking solely of John Citizen. * « * "You do yourselves Very Great Credit," said the Head Man of the Province, "and I can see that you are all High Minded Philanthropists indeed ! So with your .-Vssurance in mind I will immediately instruct â€" I mean, of course, request â€" My Legis- lature to pass an .\ct loosening up our Liberal Sunday Laws still further; so that now John Citizen will be able to have the Healthful Recreation of Baseball, Football, Hockey, Moving Pictures and Roller Skating in addition to the Vast Var- iety of Entertainment already at his command. And you. gentlemen, in return will " » » * At this juncture a Brecce that felt as though it came direct from the Upper Arctic seemed to srveep through the Reception Chamber causing the Sports Reporter to try and recall ti'here he had put his Winter Blanket for safe-keeping, and Zihat it iiould cost to get it out. But the Head Man didn't appear to feel it, and continued « » * "Voi^ gentlemen, in return will be, I am sure. Only T^o Glad to do Your Share. Interested as you are only in the Welfare of John Citizen you would naturally be Loath to Profit in Any Manner from the loos- ening of our Liberal Sunday Laws, and would desire to work what is vulgarly known as For F'ree. So 1 shall instruct â€" 1 mean, of course, requestâ€" My Legislature to frame the New Act so that all mone- tary returns, such as admission fees, etcetera, from any such new Stmd.iy entertainments will be turned over, without deduction, to some Worthy Charity. .'\s for you, Mr. Sivsrts Keportf, I shall be pleased to make arrangements with your Esteemed Employer whereby any Emohnient you might ordinarily receive for reporting such Sunday entertainment will be de\oted to the same Good Cause." But noti' it u-as the Head Man of the Province w/iti noticed a breeseâ€" only this time it nas the wind made by the Delegation of Six taking i/ Oil the Lam out of the Reception Chamber with the Sports Reporlei three lengths in the lend "IVhy uhereier can they hcn'e gone s<' <ibrup{ty?" the Head Man said !â- â€¢ himself. "I had so much more ti< say to them; and besides the Camern Man hasn't got here to Record this Historic Moment for Posterity!" | Then a sudden thought came to him. "I hen-e it," said the Head Man Classified Advertising . AGENTS n A.NTKLI OILS, GREASES. TIRES, Iu«actlci(l«s. Btecinc Kcnre Cunirollm tiotue and Barn Paint. Root CoatmBs. etc. D«atert ivanted. Writ* Warco Greaav A Oil Limiied. Toronto FOB SALK AUENT^s: :3c*ll Slip-Noi Tiea in your apare lime. A fa«l oelltng. rei>eat article. Write Station K. Box ZZ. Toronto. Ontario. S»KLL. W^TCIiES And set jGurj* free. Write (or paniculari and sample watch. State use and occupation. Sell- era Broihera Jewellers. Uo Ronleish Ave.. Toronto. Ont. BtSiNESS OiMliKTlNiflES ATTENTION FAR.nKK.> A.ND PROrKRTY OWNKKS Wanted for cHi.h puri.lias^r. farms, acri^agi or village property . resident ial or D-isineaa. Send full pnrt.culara. auch aa lot. conc'r8«;on. tajtea. k:nd ol bulldinj:. Also full price asked. H. Pratn.»ll Realty. 15i3 Danforih Avenue. Toronto. ___^_^_____„ AN OFFER ta every inventor â€" List ot inv**n- tiona and full infornmlioii aenl free. The Ramsay Co., Resistt-n-U P.Tient .Atiorneya .;"i Bank S-r^et. Ottawa. BABY CHICKS FOR i5ALE â€" Thre« Buckeye Combination In- cubators 12.000 ees seitmB capacity. 4.000 hatchinc capacity at lovr prices. Ai>piy Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fertua. Ontario. CHICK â€" Ordt^r now your Octob. r-Nov^'i'iber chiH:3. Rt'member it's th:a fall's pulleta that set you the bii;-<>es prices ii-xt sfaa^n. Wr-.te for particulars. Cray Hr»tcfarry. JSO John N. Hamilton. Ont. WANTEDâ€" Flocks to i-upply tia w;ih hatchinK ecKs fo'- the 194S hatchinc aea^on. Flocks culled and binodtested free. Guaranteed pre- mium plua hatchabUiiy premium laid. For full details write Twt'ddle Ch:i-k Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Onlar:o. FREE rane^» r'JUeia 10 wetjka to layine. Uar- r*d Rocks. New Hampshire^-. White Leehorns, Whitft Rocks. Liffht Sussex. Also iLiy old chicks bookM to order. Tweiidle Chick Ha^ch- erica Limited. Ferirui-. Ontario. FRKE ranse pullets 10 weeks to layine. All popular breeds. Also day old chicks booked to order. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chxk- eri»s. Guelph. Ontario. Pl'LLETS â€" b.ireaina while they last: White Lechorn?. White Lechorn X Barred Rocks. Black Australorp X White LeKhoma: 6 week 45c. 7 week r»3c. S week 65c. Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 6 week 40c. T week 50c, S we^-k 60c. Top Notch Chick*»nes. Guelrh. Ontario LATHAM P.AtiPBERRY canes. 14.00 per 108. Prem.er siiawbvrritrs. J:. 00 per 100. W. Witney. t:;o:u. Ont. THK EbTATE ol the ta'.e James Turner. Carrol, Mam tuba, twenty miles aciutb ot Brandon. w.U. on Saturday. Ociober li. at l;yo P M Btaiidard time, disperse the ir^-st- er^d bead ot pure bred Aberde«>a Anuria cattle compriairtB about fifty head. Thea^ catile are all the descendents of ibe famous Karama end u( Olencarnock lyl MIXED loreinn utamps from around the world. He. i")0 all dicertrnt *l. Oaklavvu Stamp Co.. AUandale. Ont. MaLCUI^ UcUresor, Polled Hereford breed er. Brar.dun. ^anitotta. will bold a sale o! appios:irately fifty head of res:stered rattle on Monday. October 20 at 1 "0 P U j(jHN:JUN Iron Hors^* Knsines. Z h.p.. t4T.85 1.C4 h.p. JCC Tj. Immediate delivery. Cur- ley Bulmer. Eb'l.nton & Cathurst. Toronto. R,\i>PBh.RRY canes. La:iiam or 'I.i>:or SJ.UO per hundred. Red or black cumin's S for Jl Oil. Ell Walk- r. PlattSvrlle. O Um ii* KL'Il SALE oy auction October Stb. at 1 O'clock at East Star Farm. R.-nfrew. Ont.. 4f» R^Sistert'd Heifer Calvw:. JO Uc^i-'itered Milk Citivs nnd .printers. "0 Resisiered Year- line Heifers. S Rec. two year Heifers. « youne Rttf. Bulls, all pure bred Holstems. John W. Pr.eco. Rtnfrew. Ont. U 3. I'UIEO.NS. Rollers. Jl.aO pa!rs; Hom-is J'J.iO: Modtnnas. J6.00. A. Smillie. i~^ Albany .St . Wi.mipee. Man TL>-14 International Diesel Tractor for tale. Eiiuipped with Bucyrus-Er.c hydraulic an- filedoaer. guaids. starter, generator, totvbar. For further particulas apply Box 117. 73 Ade- laide r. W. Torcnii*. GARAtiE. complete w:th ttwl: , ^anpment and stock, land SO ft. frontage by 300 ft. in depth. Best cash off.-r. Apply to H. A. Howard. Haarney. Ont.. 23 miles North of Hunisv:!>. Ont. WOLF. Fox. ilink. Trai>i>ers use only the best, complete system. Fishers iraprmg course and gland scents. Full particulars, A. K. F:sher. Box 420. Caleary. Aibcna. KEtU:-TERED Spr.nger Spaniel puppies, ijire Happy KniKhc of Hampton, t'anadian Na- ticnal E.xhibit;oii double champion. Reuaonably priced. Irwin Bunn. Eleven Avenue Piace. WeUand. Ont. STURDY Latham Raspberry Canes for tail planting. $5.00 per 100. Premier Straw- btrrrea Jc2.00. A. Crowle. R.R. No. 1. Js- lington. Ont. SIX. seven and eight wtt-k old pullet barcams whila they last. \\Tiite Leghorns. White Leghorn X Barred Rocks. Barred Rock X Wnit** Leghorns. Auatra Whites. Only a limit- ed quantity. Send for reduced price list. TweddU Ch *-k Hatcheries Lim-u>d. Fersus, Ontario. PYEINO ASrv CUCAMNO HAW TOO aajrttains aeeaa dyeins or cleaa- la«T Write to us for Information. Wt ars rlad to answer your Questions. Department a, Parkers Dye Works Limited. 791 Toiwe 8tr^*t. Toronto. Ontario FABMS FUR SALE FARM for .Ki\o. along Lake Erie. 9 J acres more or less, clay loam, atone road, six niilea west nf DunnviUe. 2 miles from villase. Buildings in good repair. Elffht room frame hou£«, (fas thrwuehout. hydro available. Bank bam. Darn shed, implement shed, Paymg gaa wel*. Farm with or without equipment. Owner letlrtng. Apply: Reuben Schwan::. R R 9 Dtinville. Ont F.\RM for sale. 300 acrea, 13 m:Ies east of Parry Sound. For full particulars, write S. J. Fisher. Parry Sound. On t-. R.R. 1. CHOICE Dairy Farm, i:o acres. Oxford County. R. J. Oliver. Kitchen.?r. Ont. ATTEXTION FARMERS FOR SALE â€" Tractor Tires, mada of ruooer. suitable for boltins on steel wheels, SIS 00 each. rMr wheels: $7.50 each, front whe«Ia when orderins stats diameter and width of wheela National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto. Ont GOOD heavy used Military Wagons, suitable for farms, lumbering, mining and contract- IS^, ^'*° '*^'* lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Write for particulars. Percy J. BorbrlJae 3QS Flaza Bldff.. Ottawa. IX>L'BLE st'.icco house wr.h grocery stotr and seven rooms of nearly new ftirnture. $5.S00. J3.S00 dnwn. 42 Marr:s St . IJjelph. Ont. BUY a dog uf distinction, snuiil Manchester Terrier puppies. also lovely Pekingese, healthy, regatered. Aippd anywhere. Thirty- Five Dollars. Fawcett, R.R. No. 1, Fruit- land. Ont BOOKS, novelties. Magic. Hobbies. Send dime for world's furniest novelty and larse ca- talogues. Paragon Co.. 2 Sammon Ave,. Tor- onto 6. RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill- billy and dance artists. N.ni.onal , Radex Ltd.. Dept. O. 4_'3 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg. M.nn. INTERNATIONAL T. 9 tractor with Bucyrus- Erio angledozer. Recently rebuilt. Have purchasetl larger machine. Duncan Prentice. Mindcn. Ont.. phone S120. TIRES Wa are overstocked in good used Trade-in Tires With high treads â€" all guaranteed to be ia excellent ahape. Special price on car T'rs. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year ;i>xi% â€" ss.:.i Tube »i :;. 4;ox:i â€" (9 9.-. Tub« »1.90. 50»xl9 â€" JlO.aO. Tub.- tl' :5. 500 x;oâ€" JIO.TS. Tube $:.35. 5:5sisâ€" in.r..). Tube JJ.6S. 500x17â€" 514 00, Tube IL'.S.V S00xl«â€" Jl4.;i. Tube l:.50. 60OI16â€" fi: 50. Tube »1.;5. 32x«â€" T00x:0â€" 113.75. Tube J».TS. "SO kSO â€" I4x:».i«.00. Tube JS.JO. s:3x:oâ€" »S;.50. Tube JT.75. Also a full I'nt- ot rolrc.ids. all orders ship- ped C.Q.D. Dealers wante-J BEACON TIRE Cor. QIEEX i YORK STS. H.X.MILTON t ONT.VRIO BAIRbSESSINO IJ:aRN Halrdresslni the Robertson method tnformatlon on request reBSrdinc classes Robertson's Halrdresslng Academy. 1J7 Are- nue Road. Toronto IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CORN PICKERS. ONE ROW Made by Wood Uros.. .Model W.B. l.P. Com- plete with cliiims. Can be used with any tractor. WEBSTER MOTORS (WINDSOR) I.IMITEI* PHONE 4-1IS.1 4» «V.VNl>OTTK ST. £. WINDSOR The Fish Jumped Down His Throat .\ story about a fish that leap- ed out of the water and down an angler's throat %vas recently pub- lished in the authoritative British Medical .Tournal. The angler was taken to hos- pital in "a very distressing con- dition," reported acting surgeon Dr. R, M. B. Lewis of a Malay State but details were supplied "freely and willingly by about six of the angler's relatives, simul- taneously," The angler, fishing in a Malay- an rice field, peered over his net to inspect the catch, reported Dr. Lowis.. "whereupon a fish leaped from the water into his mouth and disappeared down his throat.'" "On e.taminatiou the tail of a fish could be clearly seen over the base of the tongue."' Then, the story goes, the tail came off in a pair of sponge-hold- ing forceps and the fish ultimate- ly was removed in a hospital oper- ating room. * The fish, described as ikan be- tok, is credited by Dr. Lowis with being able to climb a tree. Malay villagers say that anglers fish- ing for ikan betok should "not laugh hut keep the ntouth shut.' MKDICAl. ITS PROVE.Vâ€" Every rufferer ot Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Kcra- ear. Munros Prus Store. 335 Elsm. Ottawa. Postpaid. Jl.OO. ^KJ^'T JflCES: The principal insmlienis In Dixon's Remedy tor Uheumalic Pains, Neu- ritis. Munro's Drus store, 335 Eigin, Ottawa. Postpaid »l.oo. <;ATISrT TOrUSELFâ€" Every sufferer ot Rheumatic Piiins or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Pruff Store, S35 Elsin. Oltaw;i, Postpaid. $1 00. FAMOUS PR^WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE IN FRANCE on Sale In Canada BLUE COVER Pure While Free Burning WHITE COVER Thin Paper Stow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK -100 LEAVES 7-3 ISSUE 40â€"1947 MEDIC.VL W.\NTKD â€" Evtrr sultcrer uf Rbeumaii* rams or Neuritis to try Dixon's Ii«mcdy. M'.inro's Orutf Store, 33S Elvia. Ottawk I'l.'tnaid SI Ou. OrniRTUMTIBS FUK MUHK.-S BE A HAIDRESSEK JOIN CANAD.^'S LEADl.N'O SCHOOL Great Opportuniiy Learn Hairdresains Pieasant dlcnlfled profeasion. cood vasa^ th!ii:aands successful Usrvel cradualaA Aiaerica's createst system Illustrated caC^ toKUe free Write or Call MAHVEL HAIRDI'.ESSI.NQ SCHOOLS 3SS Bioor St W . roronlo Branches 44 Kins St. Hamlltoo A 74 Rldesu Street. Ottawa PATENTS FtiTHERSTO.NACGH * Companjt Pali Solicitors Established tS90 14 Kins W« Toronto U^rfiKlet of Infurmatinn oi PHOTOr.R.VPHT CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most Jialinciive Christmas Carda ra« ran cet . . . canls friends will treasure. Send U3 .your favorite nieative. W-'U return :0 at'trai-live creeling cards ilk 3c 4*4" with your "snap" (from one neca- tive) pnnteil on and matchine envelup«au On ;-color folder cardj Jl.iO di. On foU- €.r cards with photos coloi^l J3 SO da. Any size roll $ or 8 develupe<l sad printed 30c. Reprints from your nesativea 4 cent.'. DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Post office A, Toronto W.\.NTED WA.NTKDâ€" AJI Kinds of c3res5«0 puul^ry T^ prices for top otrda Joaeph Cmiper Limitctf. Poultry D*pt . :054 Danforgj Ave.. Tonittta I (W> dn cuvtom eradins) â-  WATCH ICEr.\IRS Deifiidabit? 10-day service on ail lypea mt wa:c.h and Jewellery repairs. AI! work cnar^ ant»H-,l. Sellers Broihers Jewellers. 130 Ra»> lett:;i .W" . Tiir^n^n. Onr DON'T WAVER. Say "Maxwell House*'. It's the same marTelloas coffee blend whether packed in Super'Vaciuun Tin (Drip or Reg:ular Grind) or GUissine-lined Bag ( All Purpose Grind) , fotUoM of Msec* r*Um pda, hri_. kads «aicUv, so tern. ISc. 3Sc, 50c, St .00. MECCA OINTMENT 1 .. A\ = i /^ MR.WISK soya •WHEN yOU^ TIRED AS yOVCANBE.^RlMKA CWP«f UPTONiSTIA* U^««^TeA ^ FREE OFFER: The Quaker OaU Company of Canada Limited. Pe- terboroiig'h, Ontario, otters tree of charge the booklet, "R.ii-ie Tur- Inc.vs at a Protit". " i hose High Mifiiled I'hilonthropists lire So Happy obonf tvhat they'll ue- complished for John Citisen that Ihey iust can't xi-ait to go and spread the Glad Tidings!'' « * » MORAL: EVEX IX BEIXG HIGH MLXDED AND THOUGHTLESS OF SELF IT'S EASY TO OUER- PL.4y oxE's haxd; For constant Smoking Pleasure ALSO AVAILAMJ IN^POUNDTMS

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