Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1947, p. 4

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^^ ^r^ Wednesday, October 22, 1947 THE Ff.ESHERTON ADVANCE â€"9 - ;; A Message of Importance to Cream Producers Since Ceram is an exceptionally good price, H is worth-while to maintain the maximum production of your dairy herd. Nothing will cut produrtion more sharply than the pro- ducing cows being left out during the unex- pected cold nights. It is, therefore, ladvisable to stable the milch cows at night from now EUGENIA on. Poultry We aure in the market for large quantities of poultry. We buy them alive or 'dresseid, or do custom killing. Flesherton Creamery us Avis, Manager FLESHERTON, >«»♦»» »».;~K"X":~X'<-»»'>'>»<>'>'>>»t-t~» - '' >>•'*••• v*«X'<»«>«X":-:~K~M>*:-> THE Flesherton Advance^ ^'.AUahed on CoUintrwood St., FUiherton, Wednesday of eack w" k. Circulation 1,100. Price t.: m year in Canada, paid in ou . .isee; |2.60 per year in th« United States. y. J. THURSTON. Editor Don't forget to attend th« play, "'rh« Spanish On.iori" which will be gtiiven by Hoiieywood talent under the auspices of the Woman's Assoc- iation in the Uuited Church, Bugeria On Monday ovenin/jf, October :i7th at 830 o'clock. See bill for further part- iculars. JVIrs. Florence Lyons, Garfiold a"- Jean and Miss Evelyn Leppard of Proton Station were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cramet Magee. Mr. and Mro. Russell Marks of Walton, Ont. visited with their uncle Mr. Henry Tudor and daughter. iMiss Annie Tudor is spendinig a week with Mrs. Ted Kentnu, Clark sburg. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Partridge of Gait aocompanied by his mother, Mrs. E. Partridg'e of Rock Mills visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos- Williams and Mr. and Mrs. F. Fawvebt. Mr. and Mrs. Eiwood Purvis of Malton accompanied by their dau- ghter and her husband of Toronto spent the week eiiiJ w.V- Mr- Robt. Purvis Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee were; Mr. and Mrs- Pat Schieldels and son Chuck of Kitohiner accompanied by Mr. Del- bert Maigee of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Magee, Janet and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Magee, Dale and Gwen- da all of Maxwell, also Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Niagara Falls- There was a good attendance at each service in the church here for Anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 19. The church was nicely decorated with autumn flowers and fruits. Ai , . J .^u ti. V -J 1 ' ^^ morning service. Rev. Macpher- Mrs. Large received with the bridal . . , ,- son occupied the pulpit and delivered lailter's father, .Mr. Will Maigee, at- tended Ro<3klyn Pair and visited with the formers' daugihter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Boyd Ho raturned hiome Saturday after- noon. Mr. and Mw. Ohas. Newell visited the first of the week with Mr. and John Robertson »f Maxwell .Misses Winneia and Carmelle Mar Mrs. ^ -^« r«vft anrf Mr. and Mirs- Msrron Croat anc I Phone 66 till of Toronto were week end visit- or.^ at their parental home- Que.>vts of M.-. and Mirs. Ed. Bread- ner and Gordon over the week end weip; Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDon- ald, Joan and George al»o Mrs. Bread' ner's mother, Mrs. Edwards of To- ronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnsiton during tlie wee(k end were; Mrs. T. Stewart, Patsy and Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Vicftor McMaster and Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Tompson, all of St. Oatiherines.- Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart of Glencoe, Mrs. C. A. Lewis Gordon Stewart aJid Len Tutton of Toronto. Week end visitors with' Mr. and Mirs. Joseph WiUiams were; Mr. and Mrs. Joey Williame, Mr. and Mrs. T. Crowe and Hilda, Messrs. Enue and Clarence Williama, all of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- 4 Mrs. Mary McPhail Passes (By Pricewille Reporter) .^ This comimiunity was saddened on*^ Thursday when it was learned of tihe - death 0(f Mirs. Mary McPhail, which « occurred tfhat morninig in Durham "* Hosfpital, wlhere she had s/pent the -«. past eight weeks, at the age of 76 years. The late Mrs. McPhail wa* forraev « ly Mary McCormick, daughter of the late Archie and Christena McCormidt ^-x daughter, Marlon, Mr- and Mrs. Al Drape and Mr. Eddie Patterson of Ham.?lton visited wer the week end with the Croft families here and in Fle3lherfx>ni. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myles, Ruth and Joan, of Owen Sound visited with Mr. amd Mrn, Fran,k Betta on and was bom in Bentinck Township. [ In 1908 she was married to Hugh McPhail, wiho predeceased her by 18 years. Deceased was of a kind and Sunday. (Intended fer Last Week) A large number from here joined in «he search Sunday night and early Monday mornimig for Whe three child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMaster who had stmyed away from their home on Sunday. The last of the three was found sJvortly before nine o'clock Monday moming. Mrs- Ken Walker and Mrs. Giff MdMbster of Gal* apent the week emd with their mother Mrs. E. Partridge and Bheir fhifcher wlho is sitill in Mark- dale hospital. Tlie fonmer remained 'lO HAMILâ€" UARGE Lifted tapers in wroug'ht iron Otti.jelabra cast a lovely glow form- lag the setting with standards ot olifysaatbemums and graceful ferii:^ for the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Harriet Jean Large and Mr. WilUaju Alexander Ham'll ut Lundy's J-aiiu United Church. The three o'clock eemiony was preformed by the min- tater, -Rev. S. B. Stokes. White hea- ther, tied with tulle bows marked tlte guest pews. Lillian White K.och was the so- loist and was accompanied by Miss Marion Fischer who played the wed- lUng music- Mrs. Koch sang "Calm M the Night" and "1 Love Thee." The charming bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a dainty portrait gown of ivory slipper sat- in. The net yoke with guipure lace, Covned an off-the-shoulder neckline. Bhe gown, fashioned on princesa lines DM nwide with a fitted bodice fall- ing into a Ai/ftly -draped skirt, form- ing a slight train. Buttons extended down the back of the gown and the long sleeves formed points over her bands. Her veil of embroidered net WBS caught to her head with a halo tit orange blossoims and she carried a cascade of Killamey rosee and «tei>haniotis. Her only jeiwelery was A pearl necklace, tjhe gift of the bridegroonn. ailrs. Kenneth Larg« attended the bride as matron of honour wearing It gown of gold corded taffeta, made on princess lines, with a net yoke fonnine a round neckline The akirt, nsde with a bustle back fell into a â- lil^t train, She carried a bouquet vt gold and white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid. Miss Paddy Lou Woodley, wore eimerald green silk Jersey and the junior bridesmaid, Mas Bartwra Large, was dressed in lime green silk jersey. Their gowns were styled alike on princess linei With round Peter Pan collars button- ed down the back, cap sleeves and full skirts. They carried Colonial bouquets of baby chrysanthemuims in pink, gold and white. All wore h«lo headdresses of lace petals with ostrich plume trim to Biatah their gowns with lace miftens In the saane frtvade. The flower girl, little Miss Karen lArge. was prettily gowned in pale fink taffeta and carried a Colonial bouquet of white and sweetheart roses. Her headdress was a Juliet •aip of rosebuds- llr. Thomas Ham ill was the best â- n and Messrs. Frank Large, Philip ery and Fjdwin Beaupit were the ITS. A reception for one hundred and ir-five guests â- wwr held In the parlors after the ceremony Before a lovely b.acksrroun.l of Aut- mnn flowers decorating the rooms, party, wearing a turquoise blue gab- ardine frock made with a tunic trim- med witih silver embroidery. The groom's motiher assisted in receiv- ing and wore a pearl mist grey crepe two-piece dress- Both wore black accessories and rosebud cor- sages. Thi: lace-covered bride's table was centred with a four-tiered wedding cake, decorated with tiny pink rose- buds. White tajpers in silver candela- bra were arranged on either side. A navy blue suit with matching accessories and a corsage of Talis- man rosebuds was worn by the bride for travelling. After a wedding trip to Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Bost- on, .Mass., Rhode Island and New Vork City, Mr. and Mrs. Ha.mill will reside in Niagara Falls. Out-of-town guests were present from Toronto, Leaminigton, Windsor, Woodstock, Plesherton. St- Cather- ines, Thotrold, Biiffalo, Tonawanda, N.Y., and Nashville, Tenn. TROUSSEAU TEA The iovely floral arrangements were carried out in pimk, yellow and lime green when Mrs. J. E. Large entertained at a trousseau tea from seven t^til ten-thirty o'clock at her Corwin Avenue home for her daughter. Miss Elizabeth Harriett Jean Large. Mrs. Large received her giuests wearing a Siwiart two-piece ilresii of taupe silk jersey, with a pink gladioli floret corsage. Assist- ing h«r mother in receiving, the bride-eleet chose a lovely frock in lime green emibroidered silk jersey with a single American Beauty rose- bud corsage. Little Miss Jeannette I.ange oipened the door for the guests and Mrs. Lawrence Little ' was in charge of the guest book. The tea table, covered with an exquisite lace cloth, was centred with pink gladioli and fern in ^ sikvor basket arranged on a silver tray, flanked by ivory tapers in silver candelalbra. The can- dle-lig*hted dinln^r room was the gracious setting wliere Mrs. William Hamill, Mrs. Benjamin Whistler Mrs. Isaac Trftsk and Mrs. Donald Bracken poured tea. Mrs. Frederick Timms and Mrs. Kenneth Large ass- isted in serving. Lillian White Koch of NIaigara Falls, N.Y., invited the guests into the tea room. Directing the guests to the upstairs rooms, where the gifts and trousseau were shown, was Miss Barbara Large. Mrs. W. Herrringrton and Miss Paddy f/ou Woodley were in charge of the trousseau and Misse.s Marion Fischer and Betty Barr of the gifts. Out-of- town guests were prcssent from Buf- falo, Tonawanda, Niagara Falls, N- Y.. .<?t. Catiherines, Welland and Thor- old. a heart warming sermon. Four child- ren were baptized namely; Edward George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark; Cheryl Anne, dauighter of Mr. tnd Mrs. Elward Campbell, Dean Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee; Kenneth Robert], son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell. The choir rendered two ajiecial anthems. At the evening service Rev. M. C Gand- ier, of Priceville conducted the ser- vice. A male guartette from Dundalk supplied special vocal sinking with piano, accomiipanied by Miss Blanche Walker. Born â€" At Tobermory, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride(nee Margaret McMillan) on Saturday, October 11, 1947 a daughter, Yvonne. Visitors over the week -2nd with Mr- and Mrs. Russel Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Don Carson, Donnie, Vicki and Gayle, M'r. Gordon Stewart ami sister, Ruth all of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Creo. Ste%vart of Glen- coe. Mr. Hdridge Boyce of H.E-P.C, I-slingiton, spent the week end with his wife and family here. Miss Jean Boyce spent the week end with Misses Eleanor and Faye McMullen, East Mountain. ronito 9i>ent the we^ end at "Shady for this week. Rest" cottage with the former's faith- Mrs. E. Partridige is feeling better er, Mr. Robt. Purvis. again aiflter a sick atiback Sunday Mr. W. Pinkerton is spending surnomivg. few days with friends in New York. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait spent the week end here. Master Robin and Catherine Pol- lock of Owen Sound were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs- Frank Beitts, Helen and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter and fam- ily of Vandeleur spent Sunday with Mrs. Teeter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson and two sons of Markdale were guests of Misses Edith and Mabel Befats on Friday. Mr. Bill Laughlin had tb« mis- fortion to have his fore-finger on right hand taken off when he came in contact with the revolving cirouJar saw, at the mill here on Saturday afternoon. He was taken to Mark- dale hospital where the fin^rer had to be amiputated at the first joint. Mr. Geo. Park of Owe« Sound spent the paat week wiith Mr- and Mrs. Dick Clarik:, and also did con- siderable plouigbing while there with his jeep. We are very sorry to report Mr. Blwood Partridge who has been in Markdale Hoaipital the past seven weeks is not as well this week, hav- ing suffered a severe heart attack. We hope to hear of some improve- ment soon. Mr. amd Mrs. Sam Buchanan and daughter, Vetaia, of Nonwood, and Mr. and Mra. Garfield Buchanan and baby son of Peterboro spemt the week end wi* Mr. and Mrs. WiU Russell and EJlva. A happy reiiniion of relatives was held at the boime of Mr. and Mrs. Will RuiSseH when over twenty were present and a very enjoyable time was sipemit toigie*her. cheerful disposition and was held' in the highest esteem by all who knew her. She was a memlber of St. Andrew's Church and always attend- ed when health permitted- She will be greatly missed by her family and friends. The fuheral was held on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended by friends and neighbors, who e%ma to pay their last tribute of respect to one who was known so well. A short service was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eiwood Kinsman, in Priceiville, followed by a puiblic s^nr- ice in St. Andrew's Chiurch. Sir. Kenneth Matthews of Toronto, slti- dent minister here, had charg.> -.f the service and gaive a comfortin-j miss- age. Interment was made in Mlc- Neil's Cemetery. The late Mrs. McPhail leaves to mourn her passimg three daught^e Mamie, Mrs. E. Kinsman; Margaret, Mrs. Roy McDermid; Florence, To- ronto and one son, Archie of Price- ville; also four sisters: Isabelle and Sarah McCormick, Durham; Mrs. A. McEaohem, Toronto, and Mrs. Hec- tor McEachern, Priceville; and thxiee brothers, Hu^h and Donald, Duifeaan. and Angus of Port Arthur. The pallbearers were old neighbors, Norman Mclntjrre, Lachie McKinnoo, Wm. Mather, John McEachern, Hec- tor and Archie McDonald. Friends attended the funeral from Toronto, Dornoch, Walkei-ton, Dniw ham and oither outside towns. y Y ; i Trying to ciure a grievance with careful nursingi is a dire waste of time. The real exiplanation of the old e*"^ pression, "time is money," seems to*T be, if you havent the money JWI * buy on time. .« â€" _^_^^__â€" ^â€" â€" â€" â€" ^â€" ^ Ifjiiii With y-raoeful feet- a maiden sweet was tripping the light fantastic; Then she suddenly tore for the dress- ing room door. You can't truM, thie war-time elastic. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE All makes. Work Guaranteed- Machineg Electrified Needles and Belts Cell DUNCAN'S HARDW.VRE Phone 54 Fleshetron (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Bahurst of Toronto are holidaying at Eugenia Lodige. Mi-«. Roy McMillan spent the past week with h«r datigihter, Mrs- Mc- Bride and husband at Tobermory. OoTngratulationis to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald it^e Gayle Genoe) who were married in Toronto- •» Saturday, OOtoiber 4th. ComgTatulations are also exteiide<l to Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Lelman of Toiorfto, vA\q were married on Sait.^ October 11. Hedley who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman, is th* gramdson of Mr. Jake Williams of Eugenia. His bride, the former (Mai- sie Re(gan who is a grandaughter of Mir. and Mrs. Wesley Buskin, form- erly of Fleshei-ton- Prior to theii marriage a shower was held in hon- our of Miss Mlaisie Regan and Miss Marge Park and the Misses Winnette and Carmelle Martin of Eugenia were in attendance. Tea was seived from Hedley's great great gnandanother's tea pot. The bride received many usaful gifts. Messrs Eldridge Bloyce and Bill Phillips were home for the week end Miss Marge Mai'tin, teacher at Mc- Kean'a Mill s«iiool was home for th« week end and holiday. The Misse.s Mary and Isobel McKee of l\>roiiito and friend were home over the week end. Mr. Fred Pedlar went to Toronto and brougiht home his car which had been stolen in Soptemlber. It was at Police Headguartiera. ) Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Stam- ford Centre visited with the Pedlar and Magee families over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe spent a terw days in Toronto last week end- Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronito s(pent the week end and holiday with her father. Mr. Dave Genoe. Mr. Jake Williama and Mr. and Mrs. WHl Campbell spen* a few days in Toronto and attended the wedding of the former'? gmndson, Mr. Hedley Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. Court Sanilh and the Ol* nine good jinirfime/ whatever the weather, whatever your won net, you'll feel happier, more secure, if you have a nice little nest-egg of Canada Sav- ings Bonds tucked away, if you need money quickly they con be cashed at any time at their full face value plus interest. You can buy up to $1,000 in any one name (but no more) in the same convenient ways â€" for cash or on easy instalments. Take advantage of this fine opportunity without delay. Buy Canada Sav- ' ings Bonds today i ON SALE OCTOBER 14th at banks and through investment dealer*, or through your Connpany's Payroll Savings Hon. YOULLNEVER BESDRRY ,YOU SAVED' Canada •â- 4 4 I. Bond^ SECOND SERIES -4 A -»

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