Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1947, p. 5

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> ,*v^ Y V i? > A. > r â- â™¦ 4 »â-  ^ V i. k » » • * « -»â-  Wednesday, October 22, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦♦♦ H I H III f **»»> f *tl»*>«tf m ill H 'M' fl»|f» l » »»* YES YOU CAN SAVE MONEY I Groceries, Hardware, Small i; Wares, Work Boots i i; DRESSES OF $4.75 VALUE Special This Week $3.59 F. R. MILLER General Store Phone 38J4 CEYLON % V44»4»»» » « |i tnm i m *l » >> * * ****** ** 1 1 1 H I * » HI"I"> - I" fr* PRICEVILLE STEPHEN'S CORNERS Stmday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters and Mr. Daivid Winters were. Mr. and Mrs. Will Winters of Shrig'ley, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Hargrave of Wareham and Mir. and Mrs- Percy Winiters of Mdmtyre. Mr. and Mts. Joe Pcrteious visited <m Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Johnson at PlesJierton. We aire pleased to report that Mr. David Winters is none the worse of Ills experience on Friday, when he became lost in the hiiddelberry mar^. Mr- and Mrs. Jim Pedlar of To- ronto and Mrs. Jim GTanwnett of Honeywood visited durinipr the past week with Mr. and Msr. Clarence â- Winters. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBEB for the County of Grey Farm and Stook aales our ap --aky. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction i« g:aarante«d. Dates arranged at "Hm Advance office or phona 4w. BUCKINGHAM Mr. Alex. Fletcher, who is on an exteaided visit with friends here, i.^ at present with his niece, Mrs. Ar- thur Brownridge, and family- Miss Norma Bieakley of Bramirton was witlh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bleakely over the week end. Several from this community at- tended anniversary services in Rob Roy church last Sunday. Mr. Arnold Hutchinson held a very successful auction sale on Wednes- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Siddell ami little daughter of Toronto were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hiutchinson, for the week end. COLLECTIONS ....It's our long: experience handling collections that makes possible the splendid results wt effect for our clients... That is why So many business and pro- fessional men send ua their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKINS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE, Ont. (Intended for Last Wee'k) Mr. and Mrs. Gieorge Smith ard Coreen McGr^or of Camp Borden visited last Sunday wi*:ii Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hough. Mrs. Reta Guy and two .sons of Hamilton spent Thanksffivinsj with the foroner's brother, Mr. Lome Tup- lin, and family. Misses Alda Hawton of Toronto and Jean Cox of HiartJiertoii were at their respective homes for the weeli end holiday- Mr. and Mrs. Chas Playter of Craigleith spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Wnay Cavsjadden of Batteau and Mr. and M^rs. H^jiiiy Graham of Banks were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haivton. The Fann Federated women held their October meeiting at the home of Mr. Dan Campbell, with Mrs. Jim Sturrock presidinlg. The club son,g was sung, also the creed was i-epeat- ed in unision and after which considerable buisiness was discussed Mrs. Dan Campbell ^ce a huimerous reading, "The Former's Wife." Mrs. Wm. Beaton gave a very interesting talk on "Cocoa," while Mrs, Fisher cond\i©ted a guessinig contest and Che prize was won by Mrs. J. K. McLeod Mrs. Brady Irwin conducted a nur- sery rhyme contest, and the prize was won by Mrs. Dan Campbell. Mrs. A. L. Hin-eks sang a solo and Mrs. J. K. McLeod gave a short reading An article was donated and tickets were sold on it, Mrs AK Hincks held the luckey ticket. Lunch was served. Mr. Wallace Meads, Kenneth and Shirley Hincks, Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Mrs. G. A. Black spent the week end with friends at Brantford, North Tonawanda, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mr. Toan Harrison returned home after spending a few days in Toron- to. We hope Mr. Harrison will soon be feeling better. Mr. and Mis. F. G. Karstedt spent Thankagijvjnig with their daughter .Jane, in Toronto. Sfc. Granit Muir and friend of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mtuir. Bom~-To Mr. and Mrs, Keith Elder of Lisle (nee Jean Hincks) a son, John Kieitlh, on October 13th. Mr. Alex. McFarlane of Sack, is visitinig with his brottiers, Neil, Charles and John McFarlane- "Dead." cooed persuasive Polly, "it always makes a hit with faither if my boy friends help him a little bit on his garden." 'â- Well," rejoined stuhbem Sidney, ''j'oti can tell your old man that I'm not a hoe^beau." ^<»i&fStr^ \ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) ? TO TORONTO TO OWEN SOUND d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m : i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday onj|r i - Daily except Sat. g- - Saturday only. Bus Conections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG - 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY - TICKET8 ANiD INFOiBMATION AT FIRESDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Fleslierton. QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $50.05 61.30 81.35 Ont. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ormsby at- tended the funeral of the latter 's grandfather, Mr. Chas. E. Hodgin- son, a;t Meaford receJxtly. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gi-aham and family of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Por- ter Beard of Flesherton, Mr. Wallace Graham of Emigenia and Miss M. K. Graham of Listowel spent Thanks- giving at the latter's summer home in the Valley. Mrs. Lorne Ormsby visited friends at London and Woodstock recently. Everett Hare and Roberta Simpson of Mark^iale were week end visitors at the -Johnston homes. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Graiham and Ruth visited friends iit Swinton Park recently. Drs. Park and Milne of Flesherton visited Vandeleur school Wednesday morning. Oct. I5th, and the pupils and pre-school age children were given immunization ti-eatments for whoopinig couiffh and diphtheria. The beautiful weather of the past ferw weeks, along with the gorgeous tints of the foliage, makes it seem a^jod to be living in the land of tihe maiple. Mr. Howard Graham has quite a crang emipiloyed these days harvesting iiis big apple crop. «TH LINE OSPREY (Intemied for Laat Week) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bwjwn of Oo!- lingwood and Miss Aleline Murphy of Toronto spent the holiday weeik end with Mr. M. Murphy and family Mr. and Mrs. James Ottewell, Mr. and Mrs. Leyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong at Thorn- bury. Conigrirtjula-t'ons to Mir. and Mrs. Tom Ste(pliens, (Kay Soiiieis) who were married on Saturday. Mrs. iCattt On- of Oi-angeviUe and Mrs. Abna Graham of Zurich spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. Pete Somers, and attende<i the wed- dinig receiption of their niece, Kay Somers. AroWhd two hundred people took part in tihe seardh for the three little children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- IMaster from early Sunday evening till aroumd 9 o'clock Monday moiwing when the two eldest were found by Mr. Russell Seeley of Maxwell. The youngest of the three was not found until about 7 o'clock the following morning. Quite a number of the 8t)h Line ladies gaithered at the home of Miss Kay .Sofmers last Thursday evening and preseBiited her with many use- ful gifts, to which she made a neat reply of tihanks. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Wilkinson and family amd Mr. and Mrs. B. Russell spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens. Mr. Fred Hale has been making quite an imiprovement on his house the past two weeks, but covering it with insul-4>rick siding. We are glad to report little Billy Da<vids9n feeling better again. Billy spent last Thursday night in Mark- dale hosipital- 12th LINE, OSPREY TORONTO LINE NORTH KIMBERLEY Our sincere sympathy goes out to Rev. West in the death of his mothoi at Gait last week. She was in her 94th year. Mrs. S. S- Burritt was very pleas- ed to have a call from Mr. and Mr- John Howell of Vancouver, B.C., on Sunday. It is 26 years since Mr. Howell had last visited Kimberley and sees many rhanges. He was bom and took his schooling here- His father, Mr. R. Howell, was a faith- ful church worker, especially in the Sunday Schooia and was greatly missed. They were accompanied by other friends. Mr. Dalton Ferguson spent the past week with his mother- Mr. Ball of Toronto asiistod Rev. Cairns in the church service Sxmday and gave a splendid message. Mr. Cairns will show pictures Saturday night at Young People's, which he has started once a month during the winter. All are welcome. (Intended for Laiit Week) Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas hud the pleasure of havij^ their family home from Toronto for the holiday. Quite a number of oui- men and women in this conununity are assist- ing with apple picking in the Thorn- bii- / c isrriot Excellent weather ha? rt.aae the work pleasa>i . Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKenzie were: Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McKenzie, Mr. and MIrs. Tom McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and children. Mrs. John Dobson had Thanksgiv- ing dinner with Mr. Manny Dobson and family a* Rock Mills- Mr- Aubrey Tyson, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Parks and children, spent Thanksgivinig Day with Mr. and Mrs. Allie Buchanan, Mt. Forest. Anniversary service u8ssit,adh gd M>r. Wes McKitrick of Toroi^, accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs- John McKitrick of Collingwood, visited on Monday with Mrs. Joah. Dobson. Sunday visitor® with Mr- and Mrs. Josh. Dobson were: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Glenn, Mr. Geo- Glenn and daughter, Myroa, of Clarksibung, Mrs. Ward, Mr- and Mrs. Ross Brownlee and three children of Ra- venna, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goode, Mr. and Mrs. E- Fenrariek of Toronto, Mr. and M!rs. Harold Benson and Donna of Beeton. Mrs. Geo. Benson and son, .Joha, and a grandson visited with Mr. and Mrs- Vic McKenzie on Monday while On their way back to Hamilton. Miss Noimiia Ma>awell of Toronto, Miss Shirley Mlasrwell and Mrs. Ar- diel of North Bav snent Thanksgiv- ing week end with Mr. and Mrs Alex. Ma.^well. Mr. Josih. Dobson is still busy with his threshing outfit, although most of this work is com,pleted on thi-- line- Oroips were very good, and fine weather helped the work along. (Misses Winettia and Oarmelle Mar- tin jf Torwiitw visited their grand- mother, Mrs. Margaret Lever, last week. Miss Helen Brown of Toronto vnM a visitor over Thanksgiving with hta, parewts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr- and Mrs. Howard McGoe aod family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, near Ripley. MisH Gertrude Lever was a visitor last week with Owen Sound and Wiarton friends. "Why don't you go outdoors and pJay with y->uir little friends?" said the mother to her moping child. "Oa«i<e r ojUy got one friend and I hate l-er" THE WORD \% GETTING AHOUMD NONE MORE BEAUTIFUL IN 100 YEARS 1347 ROGERS BROS. remembrance The WOfh Anniversaiy Patten Mother: "Why did Johnny get such a bad mark in history?" Teacher: "He didn't know when Caesar died." Mother: "How should he know? We live on a side street and never see any funerals go by." A rtirllling iww pan*ni-> Otquant I'n ih bMnrty _ ,l*tigiMd to bMoiiw as rradiHenally fonwiM « Ht p r«d»w M »ra . . . "iCnnwito sranca" It i«m "dMi«ii if rti« e«n»tjfy". 52 - PIECE SERVICE FOI EIGHT $62.75 E. I. HOLLEY w« *%*****\\**%***\%%%%%%%%%% % ** > •♦♦♦♦â-  >i- i^-»»»>t, Wlhy did you stop singing in the choir, Thomas?" "Well one Sunday I was sick and didn't sing and a, lot of people in the congr^ati<Mi asked if the organ had been fixed! ROOFS INSUL-BRIC SIDING We are starting; next week to put on roofs in your ; district. It is an opportunity whilst our expert | applicators are in your district, to have your roof re-shingled or have that Insul-bric job done. Contact our local representative G. B. Welton, Kay Roofing 9l Shingling Munshaw House, ; Corporation, Ltd. Fle8her.':»>n, I * **%*\\%**** *** ********* * ****%*%*\***** *** **^* * **** PORTLAW Mr- aoB Urn. an evening at SheBbume visiting Mr. and Mrs. EJd. Cooke. Mr. Cooke lias just arrived home from the Toronto General Hospital, where he had un- dergone a serie-us operation. Misses Miary and Margaret Miac- Arthur of Toronto are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisiher- Mr- and Mrs. Harry Fisher visited at the week end with Mr. and Mrs-. .'Uibert Blackburn, Hamilton, and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Sachnie at Clarkson. A number of young people from here are picking apples at Clarks- burg at present. Mr. Stanley Taylor of R|avenii<a spent the week end at l>is home here. Peacheis In Durham Area Last week we reported a peach tree at the home of John ^arp which this year yielded IVz baskets of choice (peaches. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Wim. Moffet of Uipper Town was a oaller at the 0hi"onicle office and tells us that this year he picked five tiaskets of delciou's peacihes from a tree at his home and this is the fifth year the tree has borne fruit. It arew from a peach sftone. â€" 'Durham Ohronicle. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Better order nowâ€" there's a big demand for CRIKiinOOR TIP TOP TAILORS MIRACLE OVERCOAT Spirella meets the wearer's needs for Style, Health and Comfort. Ck>tb or elastic girdles one - tpiece garments, brassiers and corsets, made from individ- ual mea.surements. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Corsetiere Flesherton, Ont. TA3L0RED-TO-MEASURE-ANY STYLE YOU WISH ttetneniher'^Ws bound to get colder" ORDER NOW! QUICK FACTS ABOUT CRAGMOORi 1. Tailored of all-virgin wool. 2. Finer, softer, lighter feel. 3. Plenty of warm protection. 4. Wears exceptionally well. 5. Several smart colors. $ 39.50 WORTH MUCH MOM Additional fine overcoatings in new patterns and colors. F. H. W. Hicklins General Merchant FLESHERTON, Onlk EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR Tip Top Tailors Ltd. CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE )D:f47

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