Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1947, p. 7

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s^ r I •r * ^ Ml Ty^-.i, winner of the $1,OCO master ail-age bird dog evciit at the international match at Fort Erie is seen with handler How- ard Kirk, Macon, Miss. Dog is owned by H. E. McGonigal, Kokomo, Ind. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS =^^====== ("A Sixhit Criric") ==^^=== Right now, in honor of Princess Elizabeth's forthcoming marriage, people of various Canadian com- munities are preparing to send over donations of food to the under- nourished people of Britain. Then, in just a few months, we propose to ship a whole bunch of hungry ath- lete* and their hangers-on over there, to take part in a set of games which the British â€" and the rest of the world, for that matter â€" are about as much in need of as they need a third World War. If that doesn't figure out as a screwball proposition, any way you look at it, »t least it should serve till the real thing comes along Of course it will be argued that the Canadian 01\-mpic athletes will take their own food along with them. To that we reply, O.K. â€" send that food to be eaten by folks who really need it, and let our athletes stay at home. * * * It is our personal opinion that the British authorities have made a great mistake in not calling the whole thing off before this, as it puts them in a false position â€" especially in the United States â€" to be stressing their need for Western World assistance and. at the same time, preparing to stage such an unnecessary and fool- ish aft'air as the Olympics. But if British pride won't allow them to cancel the show, at least let us stay out of it. Right after a family has come through a combination fire and eunbqiiake isn't the time to go paying thiin social visits, even if they arc close relatives. * * * '/7u' /•i'/i/ii-fl/ orator Kas tiorking uf> toxi-ards liis peroration and. like most of liis tribe, using flenty of oldies a.< though they zvcre iiriu- iiiiiited thoughts of his oiin.. ."After alt. tiiy frii-:;ds." he said, "nothing in this t.\>rld is absolutely certain, e.r- cel>t dmlh and taxes." He paused to tti>t- his fr.'ercd brozv. "Oh. no'" came the iciiv of a heekler from the rear. "What about hearty a[>f louse from a rc.dio studio judieticcf * « « Gate receipts $<i.972; e.xpcnses $7,4,^5 : net loss ?743â€" that's the re- sult of .1 football game in Ottawa, played for sweet charity's sake â€" for the benctit of the crippled children. And it was between two amateur teams, ot course for wc all know that vvc linvcii't any such thing as professional football in Canada. * * * That's the way the whole sweet- scented atTair stands at this writing; and it should be a warning to all charitable organizations, too many of whom allow their names to be tacked onto promotions put through by gents who believe that Charity not only begins at home, but also ends there. One of the teams in- volved pot something between $4,500 and $5,(HK1 out of it ; which, even in these d:i>s of high prices, would buy quite a lot of train fares, bandages and liniment All we hope is that the crippled kids won't he asked to kick in to make up the deficit. * ♦ * No matter how they try to smooth it over or explain it away, we think that the Ottawa Trojans and Mont- real Alouettes have been guilty of a very grave mistake. It isn't so long ago that there was serious talk of taxing football on a professional basis, but the promoters of that sport managed to wiggle through without getting nicked. But now with this happeningâ€" and happening right in the taxinir anthorilios own back yard â€"well, when the inevitable takes place, they can console themselves with the thought diat they certainly asked for it ! * * * To many of those whose entire waking hours seem to be spent within earshot of that great inven tion, The Radio, nezi.s of Mr Petrillo's ban on any future mvsica recordings came as a ray of sunlight bursting through a dark and for- bidding sky. But nozs comes this airful thought â€" maybe those much- publicized gcnitises, the disk-jock- eys, are readying for us entire pro- grams composed of nothing but Singing Commercials! * • « .-Vccording to a recent newspaper report, the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Team has a friendly interest in, and lends an occasional helping hand to â€" among others â€" such ama- teur clubs as Toronto Marlboros, Senior and Junior; Winnipeg Mon- archs ; Oshawa Generals ; as well as one or more junior outfits in North- ern Ontario. * * « This may be all very well if you are one of the many to whom the success or failure of the Maple Leafs is all that really matters in the sport of hockey. But if you were just a sports-lover in a small town, trving to keep the kids of your com- munity interested in playing the game, we very muct fear that you wouldn't look at it in exactly the same light. In fact wc think that, sooner or later, you'd begin to wonder if it wasn't pretty near time for an entirely new deal for the little fellow not blessed with any such wealthy and generous relatives. « « « Into a Toronto restaurant the other day came a man â€" at least ht had the outzi'ard appearance of a maiiâ€"ii'ho proceeded to put on an amazing demonstration of sheer gluttony. Mousing down : he victuals at record-breaking speed, he got o-ivy ztilh four full-size meat or- ders â€" each zvith regular complement cf vegetables on the side â€" and then topped it off with nine separate and distinct desserts! Although trying to appear oblivious of the stares of the astonished specators, he was obvt- ously enjoying the sensation h* created. But he didn't linger long after an old gentleman, tvho had been zt-atching the performance, ap- proached. "If you're thinking of sell- ing yourself any time, Mister," said the old gent, "I'd adi-ise you to da it right azvay. as I don't think the price of hogs zvill ever get higher!" SomethinflT New: Iron-Bearing Cows Pity the poor cow in this modem century. Time was when Bossie could mind her «iwn busines*. cat what she liked. But not now. L«t her go oflE her fe«dL or get a Httk dry and a veterinary is on her tail promptly. However, the bst straw, from Bossie's point of view, it the btMt wrinkle being developed at the ft^ tario Agricultural College. They U* now going to use mine detectors oil her. ^'hen the detector pastes ov«r ttt stomach of the cow toward tht frMt and toward the udder, no extraorv* inary sound is heard but as tooa M the detector passes over th« Vlk where the metal is located the MM of the instrument immediately iSm sharply. The gold fith had better iMv« o\er. Bossie has just as little pHvMjr nowadays. Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Inwcttcldu. Blectrlc Penct Controllert. Boum and Bars Paint. Root CmUoci, cts. Owl«> wanted. WrIU Waree GrtaM t OU Umltad. Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Dependable Company baa opening far hard- working, dep^n liable applicants between SS-IO. pmrt or full time basU. ..Exe«Uent remonera- tlona Blue Brand Producta, 7217 Alexandra. Montrtal. APPLICATIONS now betn* received for traT- ellera to call on farmer* with our complete line of Veterinary ifedlclnee. Car eeaentlal, remuneration on commlaalon baala. Apply by letter. Bell ft Sonu (Canada) Ltd.. Verdnn. Que., giving detail* of experience. ATTENTION FARSIEKS FOR SALE â€" Tractor Tlrea made of robber, suitable for bolting on ateel wheela 116-00 each, rear wheels: $T 50 each, front wheela. When ordering state diameter and wldtb of wheels. National Rubber Co Ltd.. i Wllt- ehire Ave . Toronto. Ont- BCSINESS OPPORTCNiTIES AN OFFER to every inventor â€" l^'.ai of Inven- tions and full information aent free. The Ramsay Co.. Regat-^rRl Patent Attorney! i73 Bank St-p*. Ottaw.i INVENTORS Let us help you sell that invention. We contact hundreds} of firms waiting for tiood Ideas. Bumtwood Agency, 268 Keewatin Ave.. Toronto. BABY CHICKa PCLLETS 14 wetks to laying. WhJte Les- horni. Barred Rocks. New hampahires. White Rocka. Light Sussex, and many other Popular breeds. Also Day Old cfaicka booked to ord*r. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chl- ckeries. Guelph. Ontario. ORDER November-Decembtr ch;cka now. And â€" aik for list of ready to lay pulleta. Bray Hatcherj'. 130 John N. Hamilton Ont. FREE range pullets, 13 weeka to laying. Bar- red Rocks. New Hampahires. White Le«- hon.s. White Rocka. Light Sussex. AUo daj- old chick booked to order. Frejs catalocue. Twcddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fercus. Ontario. ORDEA DOW for 19-48. poults, et^a. bre«lins jtock. Broad Breasted Bronze, the famous Janes Bar Strain Te::as. Gov't, approved. BiiMjdtested and banded. Members of hatchery approval and O.T.A. Wianers of grand champion tur*voy of tlie show dresct^ at all turkt^y show. Wmdjor, 1946. Brown's Poul- try Farm and Ha'.v'hery. Dution. l'pi BABY CHICK BUYERS Bo certain that you buy good. tioalthy chicks this coming aeaxon. Insure delivery date by plajing your order now. All breeders Government banded and pullorum tested. Write for our 194S catalogue and vrice Hat. MONKTON POULTRY FARM .MONKTON. OXT.ARIO DVElMi AJTO CIJ5.*.MNG HAVE voir anyihine ne«ls Oj-eir.s or clean- iiiE? Write to ua for information. We are clad to answer your queattona. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. T91 Ton« Street. Tcromo. Ontario. FAK.US FOB SALt FARM FOR SALE â€" 150 acres. Kood buiW;ng«, i miles from St. Thomas on No. « Highway. Known as D. L. Gilbert farm. Eiam:ns prop erty and senii offer to executor. W. L. Gilbert. 3S Y.tle Street. London. FOR S.-VLE or rent. :00-lcr« farm, about !0 acres of hr.rJ wood and timber, small bouse. larse frame barn with etone foundation, sood well. located on main road about half way between Mount Forest and Shelbourne. known as lota ;6 and IT. concession 1. Proton twp. Phona or write Kathleen M. Rellly. 1««3 ilcnterery. Detroit 6. Mich., Townserd 5-3338. FOB SALX DRILL presses complete with mot.jr pulley. Vi capacity precision chuck, mortis^ns at- tachment, niort-sins bits, sander att.tchmcnt. Sell In whole or parta. Write Tool * En- eineerins Co.. Bo.\ *65. St Catharines. Onl- FOX and dL>er hounds, bred from choice stock. E. E. Tripp. R R No. 3. Oshawa Ont. FOR S.\LE â€" Power ice cutter. Ico sluaher. leader and ice tools. A. Lecl.^rc. Box ''59. Chapleau. Ont F.\SH10N RITE Angoras. Excellent wooUers. developed from hiffhest prixe winning Can- adian strains. Selected Seniors and Juniors. »10.00 and »6.00 e.lch. A. Geberdt. Mnpis Drive Ansora Ranch. Route 1. Ayton, Ont, Ql'lLT PIECES â€" Hand tlie and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four (4) pounds for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded. Free â€" 15 auilt patterns and Instruc- tions. Free â€" Detailed carpet knitting Instruc- tons. Large quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remnants â€" full widths, op to S yds. long. For full Information writs -Asso- ciated Converters Inc., 4034 St. Lawrence. Montreal. WOLF. Pox. Mink Trappers use only ths best, complete system. Fishers trapping course and gland scents. Full particulars. A B. Fisher. Box 4:o. Calgary, Alberta. SPECTACLES, binoculars, repaired. Lenses duplicated. Trottler Optometrist and Op- tician. 165S Mount Royal St. East. Montreal 34. FOR SALE W.i«n«r Sausage Stutfer. Large insulated Fish Chest, No. 1 Zerioid Am- monia Compressor. Box 778. Oakvills, Ont. MUSICAL Instruments for sale: Violins, gui- tars, banjos, mandolins, claricsts. saxo- phones, cornets, trumpets, accordions, drums, ate. Writs for prices. Expert repairs dons also. Will buy. Trades acceptcit. Musical Supplies. Dauphin. Man. ATTENTION Storekeepers! Xmaa meichan- diss. Largs washabU Isatbsretts toys, well mads, assorted animals, bright colors. R»- tailing now at $1.69 sach; manufactursr'i clearance, $7.00 dox. prepaid Send monay ordST or cheque. Money back guarantes. Star XoTslty Mfg. O.. ITS Duluth East. Montreal li. Que. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert S KenneiSy A Bon, 41B Coll*c* St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron HorM «n«lnw. % H.P. lil.4B 1.S4 H.P. 170.00. Ixnmfdlata dallvary. Cur^ r«ar Bulmer. EKllnton A Batburst, Toronto. THOROUGHBRED Kentucky R«dbon« Huat- inff Hounda, pupa and rerlsterad Cocktr 9vanltla. all colo*-a and acM. Shelclara Fana. Naahrltte. Ont. rOK BALM TRjLPPINO iUPPLIES â€" Dallvyt anlm«l hfrti and trappias auppllaa. Sand for fra* Q«Ur ItiKOA, Batkla'a. Trapp«r Supply Houb*, Qm- ton. Ontario. BLaCK-AND-TAN and Walkar Houada, mala, ready to hunt this fall. B. D. Weaver. LakcAeld. Ont. DARK QCSffiBC MINK â€" SatlafacUon guAT- n&taeaL Lealla Pope. R.R. No. 1. Wayi MiUfl. Qua. HAimosEdsiica L£XRN Halrdr«aatn« the Robartaon mathod. tnformattoa oo r«atie«t recmrdtns rU a w Elcbertaon'a Halrdre««lns Academy. 1ST At» ana Road. Toronto MKDICAX DIXON'S REMEDY â€" For Neurltla and Rheu- matic Pains. Thousanda satlsfled. Munro'i Drue Store, S3S Elgin. Ottawa. PoatsMild 11.00. PIT.KS â€" Nothing else you can buy haa tht same internal action aa Pyltooo PUo Remedy. Th'.a liquid (taken by mouth) ta compounded from special Balaams. Gums, and Plant* Extracts. It sets results because tt gom directly to the Internal cause of Pllea. ThaCi the reason for Ua srucccesa on the mo»t atut>> bom casea. ThLi modem way ot treating that internal trouble seta results ttiat laaC One bottle of Pyltoae Is enoueb to prove Ita heajing power or price refunded at onca. That' 9 our gnaran tee no matter how long stajidins your casp may be. Tour Drugria* has ii; or can order It far you. READ THIS â€" Every sufferer of Rtxetxmatlc Pains or N'euritls should try Dixon* a Rem- edy, Monro's Drug Store. S35 Elcin. Ottan^. Postpaid 11-00. OPPOBTPMTIg g r»» WOMPTJi BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdr^aains Pleasant disnifled profession, good wa^rea thousands successful Marvel er-aduatea America's ereatest system. Illustrated cata- loffuo free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 SSng St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa LELAKN Pla3t:c8 by working with it. Intereat- ins and profitable. Make your own Chrtat- ^:»s gitxa. Bee'nnera kits. 11.50. CompleU btock of dyi?8. cement, rods, tubes, sheets. etc. Lowest prices. Write Ace Advertising Service. 227 King Ea^t. Toronto. PATKNTS FETHERSTONAUGH A Company Patent Solicitors. Katablished 1880. 14 Klam West, Toronto. Booklet of Information n reaueat PHOTOGRAPHY CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most distinctive Christmas Cards yon can get . . , cards friends will treasurs. Send us your favorite negative. We'll return 10 attractive greeting cards i% X 4*%" with your "snap" (from ona ne»ac tlve> pnmed on and matching en-r^lopes. On 2-coIor foM?r cards $1.50 dr On fold- er cards with photos colored $3.50 da. Any size roll 4 or S developed and printed 30c. Reprints from your neffattrea 4 cents. DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICB Box 129 Post office A, Toronto WANTED WA.NTBD â€" All kinds ot d.-eaa«I poultry. Tos prices for top btrJs. Jos«pb Coop«r Limited. Poultry Dept. 2054 Danfortll Ave., Tort>nto «. <^'e do custom cradlns.) TfRX YOUR B.\GS Into cash. Wa.^ted â€" Cot- ton and UMd baxe of eTery description, whole or torn. Hlshest cash price* paid. Lon- don Ba« Company, London. Ont, Honest, Anyway Judge: "Guilty or not guilty?'' Rastua: "Not guilty, suh." Judge: "Have you ever been in jail?" Rastus: "No suh, .Mi never stole r.othin' befo'." Immigration Elxpert Forms and all documents pn?pa:->^i tor admission to Canada of Overseas Din- placed persons or rvfuRees. No chars* on first enyuiry. Fees moderate. Will visit your aroa If sufficient en- quiries In your locality. JJ rears with Immleratlon Department. Write . MAJOR G. R N, COLLINS i:..'0 Rithurst St.. Toii>nl.; 14 RESERVED SEATS ROYAL WINTER FAIR NOV. 18â€"26 This year the Roy.?! Winter Fair is bigger and brigrhter than «Ver. Reserved seats must be ob- tained immediately by out-of- town visitors, as there is only a limited number of seats available and the demand is great. Afternoons and Evenings $1.50 â€" $1.75 â€" $2.00 Including General Admission Enclose a self-addresse ' envel- ope with your cheque or money order, to: Mr. C. K, Nash. c/o Rt/jral Winter Fair, Coliseum, Toronto. DO IT NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATK "Who*" Won't Work I th« gntuury and thouted "whos" Regina â€" Some farmers find the when be intended to stop, Th« (witcb from horses to tractors dif- tractor went through both sides fictilt. John Werbeski dro*c up to I of the granary. Man Leaps From Second Floor io Save Child From Train WINS DOW AWARD ALEX CANAVAN OF SYDNEY MINES, Ni^ k hen m quidc and doing resoM X.h» roar of ciie approaciiing express could be heard plainly when Mrs. Canavan first noticed 16- month-old laclcie Holec sit- ting bewilderea in the middle of the trade Yelling for tssistance, she ran from her home toward the frightened child. HEARS WIFE'S CRIES W Hen Alex Canaran heard his wife's cries, he nished out on the second floor balcony to see what was the matter. Realizing there was not a moment to lose, and that his wife could not possibly reach the child in cLme, be Tmulted OTcr the bdcooy and leaped two floors to the ground. IN THE NICK OF TUMI Attracted by the exdtemeat, the child's horror-stricken mother looked on as t nee de- Teloped between Canaran and the last-approaching train. The engine was only a few yards from the terrified child when Canavan leaped onto the tracks. Snatching the baby from almost under the wheels, Canaran burled himself and young Jackie clear. Together they rolled down the embankment â€" safe! Such cool courage and quick thinking in an emergency is worthy of the admiratioa of every Canadian. We are proud to pay tribute to these fine qmlities in Alex Canaran of Sydney ^QlIeSl N.S., through the presentatioa ot The Dow Award, THE DOW AWARD u » citation for outitdndmg liero> itm and indudet, as t tdngibit expression of apprmation, t Sioo Canada Savings Bond. Wmiwrj art selected bj ijit Doui Award Committee, a group of editors of Itadsnf CoTuiiim dailj newsptsptrt. It was an emergency that called for Lmmediace action. Alex Canaran leaped from his second floor balcony and raced to the child's rescue. There was not a moment to spare as he snatched the child from the diui^ dering wheels and plunged to safety. For constant Smoking Pleasure EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco ff ALSO AVAILABLI IN Vi POUND TINS MUTT AND JEFFâ€" That'* Tellin' 'Em, Jeff Old Boy, That'. TelKn' 'Em T By BUD FISHER SILLY.-' I \a;oULD GIVE ME A ; Si:- LICENSE TrtE ^^ WAV I_r>P""-'^

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